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SexLab Mortality - A Wear & Tear inspired mod

Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

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I like the concept of this mod and it partially works for me. However the problem for me is the various dialogue options do not show, in turn Muri doesn't have the dialogue to sell the points. I tried reinstalling on a save without this mod and no luck. I use revamped prisons which also uses Fuz for dialogue and that works. I'll keep my ear open.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

I like the concept of this mod and it partially works for me. However the problem for me is the various dialogue options do not show, in turn Muri doesn't have the dialogue to sell the points. I tried reinstalling on a save without this mod and no luck. I use revamped prisons which also uses Fuz for dialogue and that works. I'll keep my ear open.


That's odd. The next version I'm working on does things differently anyway.



Guys, an update:

Playing with this mod, I decided I don't like the dialogue. Problem is, I bought new headphones, and now Skyrim sounds so good that it's very obvious to me when someone's speaking without actually speaking. Also, I realized that the trust dialogue doesn't make any sense at all and clutters up regular dialogue. I've gotten the MCM working but it's still buggy.

Trying to do this and finals at the same time, which is what is taking me so long.


I want to replace the Fuz Ro D'Oh dialogue, including that for Muiri, with something better. However, "Something better" is not solid yet, and I need your ideas. Right now, this is my idea:


Trust dialogue replacement idea: Replace trust dialogue with lore-friendly options that are useful in other ways. If you don't like these, then let me know and give me your own idea.

- A silent apprentice-level illusion spell, "Modify Perception", which if casted from behind on a target out of combat, will set their relationship rank to 0 if it is negative, and add them to the trusted faction, but if casted in their line of site, will anger them and reduce their relationship.

- Forcing an NPC to be untrustworthy can be done with a console-only spell, "Make Untrustworthy", because it is so esoteric that I think a console spell beats cluttering the dialogue.


Muiri dialogue replacement idea: Not only do I not like the Fuz Ro D'Oh dialogue, I think the dialogue makes bruising and bleeding as trivial as inflammation. Rather, I want to, as planned, make Anti-Inflammatory and Lubricant regular potion shop items, and make Blood Coolant and Restorative Potions items that can be crafted.


Recipe for crafting should be something like:

Blood Coolant - 1 Minor Healing Potion (or SkyRe equivalent), Frost Salts, Salt Pile

Restorative Potion - 1 Minor Healing Potion, Vampire Dust, Salt Pile

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You could also just have regular Restore Health potion ingredients for the craftables, different ones for each if you prefer - I am inclined toward specific ingredients though, butterfly wing and blue flower for one, imp stool and wheat for the other for example.


For trust, not that I object to a spell like you describe, I just personally prefer to have a "social interaction" option for changing relationship status type stuff. Would this be compatible with mods that adjust relationship status? Or is trust a totally separate thing?


Good ideas though. Good luck with your finals.

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I've had the idea of defining the possible damage from sex without lube with arousal. imagining a semi-flaccid penis being ridden roughly or a dry vagina being penetrated this would lead to the already existing bruises and bleeding effects. however, if your arousal is higher than x value the damage decreases through natural lubrication (i think SoS defines schlong state with arousal too, so this should work together).


the other idea i had was to differ if the couple had a foreplay animation or started with penetration right away, with the foreplay massively raising both character's arousal and thus lowering the risk of damages.

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I'm having an issue where this mod works when first loaded, but stops working after loading a save game. :(


AlerichtheNord, though I am not using this mod presently but watching it with great interest, I have seen this before with other SexLab mods like RandomSex.  In which case, moving the mod to load as one of the first esp's (following Unofficial Skyrim Patch) got it working.  The same may be necessary for this mod as well.  If loading from an existing save, you will have to do the clean uninstall/reinstall method after readjusting the mod in your load order.  Hope this helps.  Cheers! 

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A quick update, I was messing around installing some other mods. Mostly armor (so not sure how related). I know have the dialogue options as intended but now the actual effects haven't been happening. You said something earlier in this topic about loose files? What might those consist of?

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

A quick update, I was messing around installing some other mods. Mostly armor (so not sure how related). I know have the dialogue options as intended but now the actual effects haven't been happening. You said something earlier in this topic about loose files? What might those consist of?


Try using BSAopt to extract the script files to your data/scripts folder. Are you sure you're using 0.1fix instead of 0.1?

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I'm having an issue where this mod works when first loaded, but stops working after loading a save game. :(


AlerichtheNord, though I am not using this mod presently but watching it with great interest, I have seen this before with other SexLab mods like RandomSex.  In which case, moving the mod to load as one of the first esp's (following Unofficial Skyrim Patch) got it working.  The same may be necessary for this mod as well.  If loading from an existing save, you will have to do the clean uninstall/reinstall method after readjusting the mod in your load order.  Hope this helps.  Cheers! 



Will give that a shot.  Thanks. ^_^

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There's a mod called Give Gifts to anyone in Skyrim. That could be a way to show someone is trustworthy, eg given a jewel/ring (trust) or a (RP: foul) tomato if untrustworthy.

For not cluttering the dialogue menu, would it be possible to show that dialogue only while wearing an item (ring, necklace - like vanilla does with Amulet of Mara)?




Btw, non-offensive, I've just read GuyWhoregisteredtodownload. Something's wrong with my typo thinking :(



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Oh, my, such a mod...  I've been playing with this and some other mods and I have to say this one gives everything else such a nice finish.. Having such bad things happen, and have consequences that aren't easily cured by a simple spell... The strangulation one in particular was unexpected, almost made me want for more bad things to be possible. Waiting for somebody to come up with the "eyefuck" animation. :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, i have really liked your mod so far! I played many hours already with this and many other and had no problem, but now i come across a problem i hope u can help!

My character has "Cervical Bleeding", but potion for vaginal and anal bleeding do not cure? I bought potion from her before and it cured without problem, i dont't remember what injury it was sadly :c but it did work with no problem. Now with bleeding, is it a bug or only in my game, and maybe can u help with console comand?

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

Hello, i have really liked your mod so far! I played many hours already with this and many other and had no problem, but now i come across a problem i hope u can help!

My character has "Cervical Bleeding", but potion for vaginal and anal bleeding do not cure? I bought potion from her before and it cured without problem, i dont't remember what injury it was sadly :c but it did work with no problem. Now with bleeding, is it a bug or only in my game, and maybe can u help with console comand?


Cervical bleeding, oral bleeding can only be cured in time. I believe the setting I had it at was 2 in-game days, possibly 3.

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  • 1 month later...



i've seem to come across an annoying bug! everytime i try to mount my horse, a dialogue pops up and gives me the trust options for my horse. i doubt this is supposed to happen?


edit: even worse. Now i can't even mount my horse anymore...


too bad, i really think this mod would be the best wear& tear mod so far.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared



i've seem to come across an annoying bug! everytime i try to mount my horse, a dialogue pops up and gives me the trust options for my horse. i doubt this is supposed to happen?


edit: even worse. Now i can't even mount my horse anymore...


too bad, i really think this mod would be the best wear& tear mod so far.


I'll be releasing a new version in the next few days that abolishes the "trust" dialogue altogether, among several other improvements.


The main reason I haven't released it yet is I still can't get the goddamn MCM to work.


I haven't posted on this thread in a while because I've been very busy other the last month with life, and haven't gotten myself to go back through Mortality and finish the MCM so I can release the new version. 


Some changes off the top of my head:

- MCM, though it isn't working yet

- Replaced Oral Bleeding with blisters.

- Made some of the advanced effects a bit less severe. 

- Removed all topicinfo dialogue, including Muiri's, and Fuz Ro D'Oh dependency. 

- Basic lubricant and anti-inflammatory are now a regular potion at potion stores.

- More advanced potions can be cooked at any spit.

- Trust is now done with an Illusion spell, which you can turn off on the MCM when you don't want it cluttering your spell list. 

- Updated to Sexlab 1.57+, now supports new Zyn animations and the Holt mashup here on the forum. 


I'll upload it when I have the time to get the MCM working properly. Running into one of those stupid elusive bugs that you spend three days fixing and almost always ends up being something profoundly trivial.


But all that doesn't help you with your problem now. Do you have CK?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I tried downloading this mod and it said that Sexlab_Mortality_01fix.rar might have been moved or deleted. Is this accidental or has he taken his mod down form the site?

Downloads fine for me, the problem may be with your browser or may have just been a momentary glitch.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

I still hope we get the update with MCM to get dialog away and potions we can buy everywhere.

Probably releasing it today or tomorrow, depending on what I have to do.

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I think i have a bit of a problem, at first (a couple of months ago or so (1-2)) i installed this mod because it looked cool and thought i should try it out, so i run skyrim and i get like every "disease"/issue/ problem the mod includes, so then (i didnt read the whole desc. of the mod) thought the effects were permanent. lol...

so i uninstall while the scripts are still active and what-not, so here i am today, annoyed becuase my stamina wont regen, so i decide to take a stab at it and try to fix my issue, i reinstall it, (using a mod manager) and the problems/diseases do not show up on my active effects like they did on my previous saves, and what is worse is that i buy the potions from muiri (having FULLY read the description) and use them and what happens is that my stamina still doesnt regenerate at all, can anyone help me, i am terrible when it comes to diagnosing issues on script related mods! D:

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

I think i have a bit of a problem, at first (a couple of months ago or so (1-2)) i installed this mod because it looked cool and thought i should try it out, so i run skyrim and i get like every "disease"/issue/ problem the mod includes, so then (i didnt read the whole desc. of the mod) thought the effects were permanent. lol...

so i uninstall while the scripts are still active and what-not, so here i am today, annoyed becuase my stamina wont regen, so i decide to take a stab at it and try to fix my issue, i reinstall it, (using a mod manager) and the problems/diseases do not show up on my active effects like they did on my previous saves, and what is worse is that i buy the potions from muiri (having FULLY read the description) and use them and what happens is that my stamina still doesnt regenerate at all, can anyone help me, i am terrible when it comes to diagnosing issues on script related mods! D:


Yeah, that's why I changed the format in the new version. All of the timing scripts are on a magiceffect basis, so even if you delete the mod, the spells should still tank after their timer has ended. 


First thing that comes to mind - Try this in console:

setav staminaratemult 100


Do the same thing for any other actor values affected by the mod. 

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