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SexLab Mortality - A Wear & Tear inspired mod

Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

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Foreplay doesn't involve penetration and shouldn't cause damage.


The trust system is intended to be simple for the sake of KISS. 

What do you mean, exactly?

Like having more damage for less trust and less damage for more trust?

I was thinking that if foreplay was involved it would reduce the damages afterward.


A middle ground between trust and not-trust with damages between the two.



Er...but someone might foreplay nicely just to get there way.


Kind of a trust thing. ;)

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Is this normal at this point for the mod? 


Cannot open store for class "_MortalityDispelEffect", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_RDMDepressionApplicifier", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_MortalityDepressionScript", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_RDMCloakOptimizer", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_MoralityImagespace", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Error: Unable to bind script _MoralityImagespace to _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:28PM] Error: Unable to bind script _RDMCloakOptimizer to alias PlyAlias on quest _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:29PM]


Error: Unable to bind script _MoralityImagespace to _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 05:46:03PM] Error: Unable to bind script _MoralityImagespace to _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 05:46:04PM] Error: Unable to bind script _RDMCloakOptimizer to alias PlyAlias on quest _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 05:46:25PM]


To clarify your mod worked with SexLab 1.44 alpha 4.  The dialog and effects did work as expected.  I'm taking a closer look at the papyrus log with all the new developments. 


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Really like the direction this Mod is heading. I've been playing various RPG's for a little over 30 years and have always liked game rules, or Mods in this case, that add range of motion with realistic effects. That is exactly what this Mod aims to do in particular realistically expands on the SL W&T in some very dark ways. Works for me, since bad things happen in a interactive world whether you're looking for them or not.

I don't now anything about making Mods or coding, but I do know RPG rule systems augmented by my military training, so I'm not even sure if any of the below suggestions are feasible or not.


After a traumatic event such as non-consensual sex, tied in with your current effects, would it be able to reduce a character's movement speed? Anyone in pain, especially experiencing sever trauma, is going to be moving much slower until the body has recovered. This can also tie into your Depression for experiencing said event in the form of emotional scaring and distraction that temporarily reduces skill progression, skill levels, while negating any skill bonuses from resting. You could even have Speechcraft effected adversely for a random period of time- makes sense to me.


This can be broken down further based on the characters sexual experiences.

Percentages for chance of damage can be modified depending on whether the character is a virgin that has been raped or a sexually experienced one that is a bit more 'durable, like a seasoned prostitute. Rough consensual sex can still be damaging but there again, at a much lower chance of damage given the circumstances. Race modifiers can also apply to the base chance of damage and follow on condition of  the effected sexual organ.

Can't say that I've seen any 'real world' damaging effects from consensual sex, nothing extreme at least, that would effect a character in particularity adverse ways. Minor stuff, really, and that's considering I'm an active participant in the BDSM lifestyle so I've seen and administered some pretty rough treatment over the years. The key here then, is consensual vs non-consensual.


One other suggestion is that the body is going to heal itself naturally over time, regardless of having a potion or not, just not as quickly, simply by resting. For me I was in a bad spot the first time I tired this Mod an unable to get to Muri while suffering some pretty serious negative effects.  It would at least give players another option if the cumulative effects would gradually decrease on their own over a few game days and bleeding would cease on it's own (much slower than with magical healing, of course) . Please correct me if I'm wrong, but in order to remove all the negative effects from a character, if is currently necessary to get a special potion relevant to the injury in order to remove them. 


Overall I really like this Mod compared to the other options out there and am looking forward to trying it with the new fix download. Keep up the good work and thanks for making the Mod.

Take care,


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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

Really like the direction this Mod is heading. I've been playing various RPG's for a little over 30 years and have always liked game rules, or Mods in this case, that add range of motion with realistic effects. That is exactly what this Mod aims to do in particular realistically expands on the SL W&T in some very dark ways. Works for me, since bad things happen in a interactive world whether you're looking for them or not.

I don't now anything about making Mods or coding, but I do know RPG rule systems augmented by my military training, so I'm not even sure if any of the below suggestions are feasible or not.


After a traumatic event such as non-consensual sex, tied in with your current effects, would it be able to reduce a character's movement speed? Anyone in pain, especially experiencing sever trauma, is going to be moving much slower until the body has recovered. This can also tie into your Depression for experiencing said event in the form of emotional scaring and distraction that temporarily reduces skill progression, skill levels, while negating any skill bonuses from resting. You could even have Speechcraft effected adversely for a random period of time- makes sense to me.


This can be broken down further based on the characters sexual experiences.

Percentages for chance of damage can be modified depending on whether the character is a virgin that has been raped or a sexually experienced one that is a bit more 'durable, like a seasoned prostitute. Rough consensual sex can still be damaging but there again, at a much lower chance of damage given the circumstances. Race modifiers can also apply to the base chance of damage and follow on condition of  the effected sexual organ.

Can't say that I've seen any 'real world' damaging effects from consensual sex, nothing extreme at least, that would effect a character in particularity adverse ways. Minor stuff, really, and that's considering I'm an active participant in the BDSM lifestyle so I've seen and administered some pretty rough treatment over the years. The key here then, is consensual vs non-consensual.


One other suggestion is that the body is going to heal itself naturally over time, regardless of having a potion or not, just not as quickly, simply by resting. For me I was in a bad spot the first time I tired this Mod an unable to get to Muri while suffering some pretty serious negative effects.  It would at least give players another option if the cumulative effects would gradually decrease on their own over a few game days and bleeding would cease on it's own (much slower than with magical healing, of course) . Please correct me if I'm wrong, but in order to remove all the negative effects from a character, if is currently necessary to get a special potion relevant to the injury in order to remove them. 


Overall I really like this Mod compared to the other options out there and am looking forward to trying it with the new fix download. Keep up the good work and thanks for making the Mod.

Take care,



Traumatic event - Yes, it would be quite easy to implement a temporary loss of speed that tapers off over time. I could use a more specific suggestion, though.


Sexual experience - I want to keep it simple and don't want to assume that the player is a virgin or inexperienced, because everyone has different ideas when they're roleplaying. I also don't want to use race modifiers because reasons.

You're completely right - consensual sex, however rough, tends not to have any damage whatsoever. The lack of significant consensual damage is why trusted people do no damage in the mod.


All effects pass after 1-3 days, except depression, which takes 14 days. It's a common mistake because, as of yet, there is no notification system to indicate that they are passing.

You can already configure how long each spell takes to pass by opening the magic effects of the mod in Creation Kit. I have a simple property, DaysToPass, which is exactly what it sounds like.


I will add a notification system in the next version.


Also, glad you guys like the mod. It encourages me to work on it more. I honestly thought nobody would be interested.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

One other SL animation that I just remembered that hasn't been touched on yet to my knowledge- fisting. Consensual or not, if it's not done slowly and correctly you're talking some serious damage. Just some food for thought for future work.


Good catch! I completely forgot about AP Fisting. I have it disabled on my save game because I think it looks terrible and robotic.

Yes, fisting like that is bound to cause some burning, maybe even some bruising. I'll definitely include it in the next version.

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This is probably a case of a mis-flagged animation, but wanted to let you know that AP Blowjob resulted in two stages of anal damage.


Also, and again, this is more of an informational thing than a complaint or bug report, but, if you happen to become enslaved via SD+ and you are running Defeat with player-victim active along with this mod, those two will start competing to play animations during punishment and whipping scenes in ways that I've never had them do before. I did not try trusting the owner via dialog yet because of time constraints, so that might make a difference, and my character was already suffering a few ill effects when first enslaved. Nothing -broke- per se either. Again, this is just sort of a heads-up for others who may be using those mods along with yours.


Looking forward to the next version, and thanks again for sharing.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

This is probably a case of a mis-flagged animation, but wanted to let you know that AP Blowjob resulted in two stages of anal damage.


Also, and again, this is more of an informational thing than a complaint or bug report, but, if you happen to become enslaved via SD+ and you are running Defeat with player-victim active along with this mod, those two will start competing to play animations during punishment and whipping scenes in ways that I've never had them do before. I did not try trusting the owner via dialog yet because of time constraints, so that might make a difference, and my character was already suffering a few ill effects when first enslaved. Nothing -broke- per se either. Again, this is just sort of a heads-up for others who may be using those mods along with yours.


Looking forward to the next version, and thanks again for sharing.


That's very strange. The mod does not change anything within the animations. It only collects information at stage end. Anyone know what might cause that and how I can fix it?


AP blowjob misflagged - noted, will fix it for the next version. Thanks!

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I will try to be a bit more specific, in case that helps, in terms of what was happening:


-on enslavement I didn't get the usual health regen from SD+ so my health remained very low (1st lvl altered to have 50 health to start) and, because of SD's health buffer it is possible that I was at less than 0 health at that point

-when whipping or punishment sequences would begin in SD my character would sometimes get a glow effect like from frost damage, though this in itself seemed to do nothing special (this could also have been happening because I was infected with the vampire infection, as much as I've played around with Skyrim I've never tried out being a vampire), but other times I would break out of the animation and go into bleed-out kneeling posture after which all of the npcs in the area would gather round and then a Defeat gang-rape would ensue with the punishment animation now and then trying to resume (SD has an 'end animation' control, which I used when this happened to try to keep my game from freaking out, and that seemed to work). The big downside was the extra damage from repeated gang-rapes

-and, just in case it makes a difference, the npcs were vampires


It is possible to disable player as victim in Defeat's MCM rather simply, so that may be a solution, I just haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Again, I don't mean to say that this is your responsibility. I was posting mostly for others who may be using those mods with yours as something to watch out for.

Hope that helps.

Thanks much.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

I will try to be a bit more specific, in case that helps, in terms of what was happening:


-on enslavement I didn't get the usual health regen from SD+ so my health remained very low (1st lvl altered to have 50 health to start) and, because of SD's health buffer it is possible that I was at less than 0 health at that point

-when whipping or punishment sequences would begin in SD my character would sometimes get a glow effect like from frost damage, though this in itself seemed to do nothing special (this could also have been happening because I was infected with the vampire infection, as much as I've played around with Skyrim I've never tried out being a vampire), but other times I would break out of the animation and go into bleed-out kneeling posture after which all of the npcs in the area would gather round and then a Defeat gang-rape would ensue with the punishment animation now and then trying to resume (SD has an 'end animation' control, which I used when this happened to try to keep my game from freaking out, and that seemed to work). The big downside was the extra damage from repeated gang-rapes

-and, just in case it makes a difference, the npcs were vampires


It is possible to disable player as victim in Defeat's MCM rather simply, so that may be a solution, I just haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Again, I don't mean to say that this is your responsibility. I was posting mostly for others who may be using those mods with yours as something to watch out for.

Hope that helps.

Thanks much.


None of the effects you mentioned are part of Mortality. Mortality uses two shaders - Healing and Paralysis FX for vaginal/other and anal respectively, neither of which appear like frost.


It's possible that we have StageEnd conflicts of some sort. Can you try putting Mortality above both Defeat and Submit on the load order to see if that solves the problem? There really shouldn't be any compatability issues considering Mortality is an entirely non-destructive mod.

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Good catch! I completely forgot about AP Fisting. I have it disabled on my save game because I think it looks terrible and robotic.

Yes, fisting like that is bound to cause some burning, maybe even some bruising. I'll definitely include it in the next version.


Same for me, never cared for it much because it does look robotic, but I thought I'd mention it none the less.  In a realistic sense, if you do so something with it, you're talking damage much worse than bruising, especially if it's from a untrusted NPC during a Non-Con situation. 


Thanks for the heads up about the effects fading in 1-3 days- I really haven't had a chance to break your Mod in to the extent I would like and was unaware of that.


​The only reason I brought up the issue of sexual experience is because I recently installed a Mod that tracks that- Apropos. It doesn't do anything other than track encounters and assigns a classification to either vagina, anus or mouth, while adding in some notifications.  Kind of amusing, but... Combining this concept with SL Mortality would be pretty cool, IMO. Just a thought on my part.


To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the Trusted/ Not Trusted option. If you forget to pick it, you're taking damage accidentally and are you really going to trust everyone in every sexual encounter? That's where the Consensual/ Non Consensual comes into play. Say in a prostitution Mod/ follower/ friend or spouse situation it would be Consensual. If you are running Defeat or SD then it wouldn't- the value would be assigned automatically at the time of the encounter, dictating the effects.  Not sure how complicated this would be for you- as I said, I have no experience with game coding.


As for details on the reduced movement and skills, I'll put some thought into it and get back with you in a day or so.


​Looking forward to seeing what you come up with on all this and adding in some notification. This is some good stuff you have here and has a lot of room to grow. Keep it up.

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in the "hardest" stage of damages (to female victim) maybe add a broken hip to the cerval bleeding.  of course at a very low percentage, but if i imagine an 2m orc humping a small elf its quite reasonable to me.


should impair your movement afterwards by alot

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Is this normal at this point for the mod? 


Cannot open store for class "_MortalityDispelEffect", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_RDMDepressionApplicifier", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_MortalityDepressionScript", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_RDMCloakOptimizer", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_MoralityImagespace", missing file?

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:21PM] Error: Unable to bind script _MoralityImagespace to _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:28PM] Error: Unable to bind script _RDMCloakOptimizer to alias PlyAlias on quest _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 03:55:29PM]


Error: Unable to bind script _MoralityImagespace to _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 05:46:03PM] Error: Unable to bind script _MoralityImagespace to _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 05:46:04PM] Error: Unable to bind script _RDMCloakOptimizer to alias PlyAlias on quest _MortalityQuest (23000D62) because their base types do not match

[03/30/2014 - 05:46:25PM]


"Cannot open store for class" error seems to happen when the mod is in .bsa/.bsl form, and I was able to kill the error simply by extracting the script files. If the game couldn't actually find the scripts, the mod would not work at all.


The bind script error is a funny story:

When I made the mod for myself, I had an image space modifier intended to simulate strangulation when being raped in the Rough Missionary animation, as a way to foreshadow the strangulation injury. 

I could never get it to work, and now I know why, because of the log you posted - It extends the wrong base type.


I removed the script - or, at least, I thought I did - for the full release because I felt it would annoy people if I ever got it to work. 

The only reason it is still there is because my creation kit crashed some time after I removed it originally, and I forgot to remove it again. 

I'll remove the remnant for the next version - that script shouldn't even be there. Otherwise, it's nothing to worry about.



This mod gives Skyrim sex new meaning.  When I walked up to the carriage driver, like every other hundreds of times, I was stuck with a new option! 

"I trust you," my thought "say what?" lol so kudos to you and your mod!


Quick thoughts: could alcohol be a quick fix before and after an encounter plus sorta non-injury effects depending on how much you drink?

Also "I need sex" means if you don't get it in a time frame (maybe based on how often you get it) you are hit with a non-injury debuff, if unchecked it could lead to a depression kinda thing, that could lead to injury.


I started a new game today with Sexlab 139b, and the strangulation injury was added during that act.  My "Papyrus Log" post was with the SexLab 1.44 alpha 4 verison, I didn't see it in game, can't say for sure it should have.



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New test with the suggested change in load order and a new character:


Based on what I've been able to do today it would seem that there was some glitch in my prior enslavement - specifically being stuck at 5HP - that lead to a lot of the rest of what I reported.


Whipping gives the 'frost' flash, but that seems to indicate that I am taking actual HP damage, which was noticeable this time (and may be a vampire thing.) Not your mod, but, since I noticed that I thought I'd mention it.


I did still get Defeat rape sequences, but they ran smoothly (if unexpectedly) right after punishments, no flashing back and forth between two animations that were trying to run at the same time.


So, that for thoroughness, but I think that the new testing means that none of it has anything to do with this mod. Sorry for the false alarm.



On another note: Zyn Rough Standing gave vaginal damage at the end of the upsidedown oral phase fyi. Flagging I guess.


Once more, thanks, and I'm looking forward to the next version too.

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Just a few ideas regarding the specifics you asked for the other day.


Trusted Source

First stage of 'pain' will be accompanied with a -10% running movement speed. 

Second stage, burning and bruising, should be the max damage for this type of sexual content.  -20% running movement speed. I really can't see sexual damage being more then that from a trusted source. Recovery for this shouldn't be more than a day or so at most under natural conditions.


Not trusted Source will remain the same as above with the additional effects progressing as per your current Mod up to a maximum of -40% running speed, cumulative with other movement hindering effects up to a maximum of  60% of total speed loss. ( Nothing comes to mind off hand, but I know they are out there.) These effects will diminish 10% per 24 hour game day, or completely by taking a potion from Muri. Also under these conditions the character suffers a temporary reduction in arousal level, is using SL- Arousal. Who the hell wants to have sex, when you have a battered piece of meat between your legs?


I think an additional tag should also be added to key in on any 'rape' animations that will effect the character even more profoundly. In addition to the above not trusted effects, the character will suffer a a temporary skill reduction of 20% with a -30% skill progression, cumulative with other effects. No bonus is received for sleeping, and the character suffers an additional -10% to speech related attempts. All this is meant to represent the emotional anguish and depression that the character is suffering from due to the traumatic event of being raped. To keep things simple, these effects will vanish completely after a random period of time, say 2-5 game days, but a new rape event during the debuff period will restart the clock and the remaining negative effects.


I know all this sounds pretty rough on the character, but unless your intent is to be raped repeatedly throughout the course of game play, with no consequences pending, it seems pretty realistic to me. This isn't supposed to be a good thing. 


Just some thoughts on my part. Hope that's what you're looking for.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

New test with the suggested change in load order and a new character:


Based on what I've been able to do today it would seem that there was some glitch in my prior enslavement - specifically being stuck at 5HP - that lead to a lot of the rest of what I reported.


Whipping gives the 'frost' flash, but that seems to indicate that I am taking actual HP damage, which was noticeable this time (and may be a vampire thing.) Not your mod, but, since I noticed that I thought I'd mention it.


I did still get Defeat rape sequences, but they ran smoothly (if unexpectedly) right after punishments, no flashing back and forth between two animations that were trying to run at the same time.


So, that for thoroughness, but I think that the new testing means that none of it has anything to do with this mod. Sorry for the false alarm.



On another note: Zyn Rough Standing gave vaginal damage at the end of the upsidedown oral phase fyi. Flagging I guess.


Once more, thanks, and I'm looking forward to the next version too.


Thanks for letting me know.


I have been without internet for a couple days. I'm still working on this mod guys, FYI.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

Anyone find the "I think I trust you" dialogue too intrusive to general game play?  Having seen this with every single npc in skyrim is quite distracting.  Any thought on using a different approach?




If you've got a good replacement idea, please post it. I've been wondering the same.


Still working on this, BTW, finals came up though.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

I'm having an issue where this mod works when first loaded, but stops working after loading a save game. :(


Sounds like a usual save game fuckup. 


Try: Disable mod, load save game in question, save game again, exit game, enable mod, load new save

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I'm having an issue where this mod works when first loaded, but stops working after loading a save game. :(


Sounds like a usual save game fuckup. 


Try: Disable mod, load save game in question, save game again, exit game, enable mod, load new save



Just tried it.  Disabled the mod, loaded the game, made a save.  Then reloaded the mod.


First load up of the mod worked, got vaginal pain, then saved and exited.    Loaded the save, and after a bunch of random sex in the taver, anal, victim, vaginal, nothing.  Not sure what's wrong.  :(


I am using SexLab Romance and Beeing Female if that helps?

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