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"What mod is this ?"

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The dying flame of excitement is burning again!! \o/


I sucessfully converted the Diano Armor to CBBEX!! And was so easy!!


Thanks to this amazing tool: female automorph tool 3d max by theru!!


Oh, man... THE POSSIBILITIES!!!! :blush:




A sneak peak:




Now I'm gonna try to convert vanilla armors. I hope it works as well. :angel:




Didn't worked very well. I guess I'll have to wait for the CBBE versions. :-/

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[spoiler=quoted discussion]


Would like to know here as well cant seem to find them anywhere or in the forging list :-/




First of all thanks to bong for taking the time to upload it on MF!


I made a quick English .esp: I gave items their form names. Since I try to keep things organized I prepended "[lingling]" for a quicker search' date=' meaning that typing "help lingling" should show you all the goodies XD



Thank you very much! :)

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I'm having some load game CTD problems and I've managed to isolate it to 1 esp. problem is I can't identify what it is. It seem kind of common can anyone tell me what it is.


the esp name is : 3DMSSSS001.esp


Thats a lingerie' date=' cant recall the name its black cutie or something like that. The mod itself called "随便做的.rar" (if that helps) at least thats the one i have. You can find its meshes in a folder called "ssss" in the meshes folder. I doubt that esp got any dependencies but that should the first you check.




It wasn't it after all just the game being weird randomly working then randomly not working -.- I disabled everything as it turns out it was just a bad save.

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[spoiler=lost guy]

Hello' date=' I found this mod - ghost of spriggan ( http://eelog.jp/thread/skyrim-ero/10 ), it is installed, but I can not find how to use it. In the blacksmith shop, and magic is not. Can someone help me?












Thanks for sharing!


TESVSnip is your friend dude! Type "help ghostofspriggan" in the console and there should be three entries which can only be spawned in this way: there is no recipe for blacksmithing or tempering, nor a container placed somewhere. With 5 minutes of CK you can easily add them, though.

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Hello' date=' I found this mod - ghost of spriggan ( http://eelog.jp/thread/skyrim-ero/10 ), it is installed, but I can not find how to use it. In the blacksmith shop, and magic is not. Can someone help me?










is it the same like this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12101? Than you can forge it at the tanning rack, if you have the ingredients.

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Search for this body:


and this armor:



the second one is called dragon sorceress outfit in chsbhc body' date=' found here

i think the body is also NBP, i think the author used the sorceress's outfit and removed the armor parts and made it into a body






Power barbarian can be found in Endiness's, thread but for some reason, i can't access it, so i am still gonna leave his thread link here.


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