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"What mod is this ?"

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Here Hoping Someone Does

Make A English Patch





Can someone reupload the TES5.superlinlinMOD.rar file? All the versions I have downloaded from this thread are corrupt.


Thanks in advance!!!


EDIT: It might be named TES5.spuerlinlinMOD.rar




Source-- http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/17391.html


Download-- http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/ILXBJQQHXXGJ?p=03066


600+ meg Lingling pack


someone feel like converting this monster to english ?




anyone can reupload screenshot for the lingling pack? 600mb, i wonder whats inside

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I DID IT!!! \o/


Oh' date=' man... The first armor conversion we never forget. *teardrop*


I converted the torso of the CBBE Diano Armor to CBBEX!! :D




PS: Yes, the "X" from CBBEX is for Xanshio. :)



why no download link to share with the rest of us hmmm? :P

This is only the "alpha stage". I'll definitely share it when it's done.


I'll keep you guys updated with screenshots showing the progress.

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I know what the mod is. but I just cant figure out how to make my character to look like this one.

I have yaksha mod and apachii hair but i dont have stuff like envision face or those beeautiful character mod.

so here is my question.

can anyone tell me the facial stats for this character? or if this is some kind preset from a mod can anyone help me with it?

my yaksha mod only has one preset and it does not look like this one.

I got that picture from skyrim nexus yaksha section. but cannot ask the modder bc the mod is currently hidden. I looked everywhere I could..but could not find a way to make my char to look like this one.




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