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"What mod is this ?"

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I need to start a new game' date=' do you know how can I have the armors/weapons I had in my old savegames?



you can add armours to your inventory with the console ( ` - tilde key )


commands: Help "name of armour" and using the page up/page down keys will find you the form id


then player.additem (form id) (number of item) will give you the item. e.g. player.additem 0000000f 1 =+1 gold


if you want to recreate a character, you can use the incpcl (increase player character level) command to give +1 to a skill, for example "incpcl destruction" = +1 destruction. hit the up arrow to recall the command, so up, enter, up, enter, etc. will quickly level your character up.


If you're after enchantments, as far as I know, short of making a mod per item giving them the exact enchantments you gave them, you'll have to re-enchant them : /


If you want the enchantments, you can use "help" command to find items with the right enchantments to disenchant, so that'll save time.


If you're starting fresh but want the armour, you could just increase enchanting to 100 and give yourself the armour and leave everything else normal.


Thanks for reply, I know the manual way to add items by console, the thing is that I have a lot of armors and weapons to add manually, I wanted to know a form to import all this items from another savegame instantly.

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Thank you all very much! ralph002' date=' that link just made my week! :D Been trying to convert armor myself lately but it's a learning curve, lol...



You are welcome. I have been searching for it myself since days, black wisteria is the only one i still cant get my hands on.

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Thanks for reply' date=' I know the manual way to add items by console, the thing is that I have a lot of armors and weapons to add manually, I wanted to know a form to import all this items from another savegame instantly.



I'd like to know that too, don't know of any though as it is : /

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Thank you all very much! ralph002' date=' that link just made my week! :D Been trying to convert armor myself lately but it's a learning curve, lol...



You are welcome. I have been searching for it myself since days, black wisteria is the only one i still cant get my hands on.


you mean this 1 ?







Yes but the skyrim version :/




The maker of that screenie doesnt reply to pms, well, probably its his/her own making and doesnt want it to share.

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Thank you all very much! ralph002' date=' that link just made my week! :D Been trying to convert armor myself lately but it's a learning curve, lol...



You are welcome. I have been searching for it myself since days, black wisteria is the only one i still cant get my hands on.


you mean this 1 ?







Yes but the skyrim version :/




The maker of that screenie doesnt reply to pms, well, probably its his/her own making and doesnt want it to share.


that's an old one. you probably couldn't find it because it' called FTGS armor in skyrim.


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Thank you all very much! ralph002' date=' that link just made my week! :D Been trying to convert armor myself lately but it's a learning curve, lol...



You are welcome. I have been searching for it myself since days, black wisteria is the only one i still cant get my hands on.


you mean this 1 ?







Yes but the skyrim version :/




The maker of that screenie doesnt reply to pms, well, probably its his/her own making and doesnt want it to share.



that's an old one. you probably couldn't find it because it' called FTGS armor in skyrim.



Ah that would explain it lol. Big thanks for the link :P

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kudlacz Offline



Posts: 235

Joined: Mar 2012

RE: "What mod is this ?"


(08-29-2012 11:17 PM)nss550361 Wrote: [image: 2f7e4834be21t.jpg] [image: 94a327870429t.jpg] [image: b42f4c3a1437t.jpg]



What armor are these?Smile


Please forgive me for my english' date=' because my language is Polish!Big Grin http://dl.3dmgame.com/SoftView.asp?SoftID=24335




Sorry, my friend. We cant view the pictures as they don't seem to be complete URLs. Can you try again, please?


[Google translated: Polish]

Przepraszam, mój przyjacielu. nie możemy przeglądać zdjęcia, ponieważ nie wydaje się być pełne adresy URL. Możesz spróbować ponownie, proszę?

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could someone mediafire this please?








https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2YQ82z_r9GDTUVhM1VTOFBaWXM/edit# <- the mod itself directly from the thread' date=' its a mirror


https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2YQ82z_r9GDbWpyQ29NZUphUzQ/edit <- a fix of some sort, also with the thread.



thanks but am i mistaken if i think that there is an esp with this mod? do i get that character in the screenshot?

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kudlacz Offline



Posts: 235

Joined: Mar 2012

RE: "What mod is this ?"


(08-29-2012 11:17 PM)nss550361 Wrote: [image: 2f7e4834be21t.jpg] [image: 94a327870429t.jpg] [image: b42f4c3a1437t.jpg]


What armor are these?Smile


Please forgive me for my english' date=' because my language is Polish!Big Grin http://dl.3dmgame.com/SoftView.asp?SoftID=24335




Sorry, my friend. We cant view the pictures as they don't seem to be complete URLs. Can you try again, please?


[Google translated: Polish]

Przepraszam, mój przyjacielu. nie możemy przeglądać zdjęcia, ponieważ nie wydaje się być pełne adresy URL. Możesz spróbować ponownie, proszę?






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kudlacz Offline



Posts: 235

Joined: Mar 2012

RE: "What mod is this ?"


(08-29-2012 11:17 PM)nss550361 Wrote: [image: 2f7e4834be21t.jpg] [image: 94a327870429t.jpg] [image: b42f4c3a1437t.jpg]


What armor are these?Smile


Please forgive me for my english' date=' because my language is Polish!Big Grin http://dl.3dmgame.com/SoftView.asp?SoftID=24335




Sorry, my friend. We cant view the pictures as they don't seem to be complete URLs. Can you try again, please?


[Google translated: Polish]

Przepraszam, mój przyjacielu. nie możemy przeglądać zdjęcia, ponieważ nie wydaje się być pełne adresy URL. Możesz spróbować ponownie, proszę?






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I'm loking for this!!!



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Here Are Companions Ya Wanted

Asian Source TES5cuicong1-8


I Extracted Them So Ya Get One @ A Time

Probably Needs A Translation

Mediafire Folder








Looks interesting' date=' mediafire link please?




Thank You!

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