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I got defeated while I was in Vampire Lord form (yes, this happens, too, if you have the right mods) and got sent to the auction via DCUR. Well, I still was in Vampire Lord form when I stood in the cage, where all spells and powers are deactivated and inaccessible. The problem: as Vampire Lord, same as Werewolf, you are not able to talk to people, so you can't continue the action.


If it's possible to transform the PC back into human form via script, it would be awesome if you could build it in before unequipping all the armors and stuff.

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I got defeated while I was in Vampire Lord form (yes, this happens, too, if you have the right mods) and got sent to the auction via DCUR. Well, I still was in Vampire Lord form when I stood in the cage, where all spells and powers are deactivated and inaccessible. The problem: as Vampire Lord, same as Werewolf, you are not able to talk to people, so you can't continue the action.


If it's possible to transform the PC back into human form via script, it would be awesome if you could build it in before unequipping all the armors and stuff.

ha! that never occurred to me. there must be a way to do that. I'll look into it, thanks
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Where did you guys get that quote? I don't see it. Did he delete it? Anyway, @skyrimlqq, the scenario you describe - released by anti slavers - happens when you don't have any mods picked in the mcm. Open it and choose one or more.

appears to be deleted so i've deleted my response to it as well

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Bug Report


I've just been trying this mod and came across a major bug with the Cursed Collar end in that the pc remains bound so cannot read the note. I tied using the safeword in DCL which removes the collar but the hand shackles remain and there doesn't seem to be a way to remove them (see screenie below)


One other minor thing though I don't think this is a bug, if the pc has already been through the Dainty Sload event (Devious Cidhna) then it won't fire a second time and the pc is released. That's probably doing what it should though



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Bug Report


I've just been trying this mod and came across a major bug with the Cursed Collar end in that the pc remains bound so cannot read the note. I tied using the safeword in DCL which removes the collar but the hand shackles remain and there doesn't seem to be a way to remove them (see screenie below)


One other minor thing though I don't think this is a bug, if the pc has already been through the Dainty Sload event (Devious Cidhna) then it won't fire a second time and the pc is released. That's probably doing what it should though



the cursed loot ending should show up in your papyrus log 


devious cidna "should" disable from simple slavery after first use, but I can't remember if it does that on its own. it might be something for jfraser to look into

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It disables if you were sent there by ss. If you went there via Cidhna's normal route, ss won't know and you'll have to disable it manually. I'll try to make that work automatically.


The cursed loot might be something kimy needs to fix because I believe dcl unequips the player before adding its own stuff.

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It disables if you were sent there by ss. If you went there via Cidhna's normal route, ss won't know and you'll have to disable it manually. I'll try to make that work automatically.


The cursed loot might be something kimy needs to fix because I believe dcl unequips the player before adding its own stuff.


The cursed collar quest doesn't attach any cuffs, they were left over from the auction house. I only noticed it when testing the cursed collar quest, Bondage quest unequipped properly at the end.


Do you want a log as I can easily rerun it again as it's only a test game

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It disables if you were sent there by ss. If you went there via Cidhna's normal route, ss won't know and you'll have to disable it manually. I'll try to make that work automatically.


The cursed loot might be something kimy needs to fix because I believe dcl unequips the player before adding its own stuff.

The cursed collar quest doesn't attach any cuffs, they were left over from the auction house. I only noticed it when testing the cursed collar quest, Bondage quest unequipped properly at the end.


Do you want a log as I can easily rerun it again as it's only a test game

something might be borked if there is an unequipall that's being ignored.
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It disables if you were sent there by ss. If you went there via Cidhna's normal route, ss won't know and you'll have to disable it manually. I'll try to make that work automatically.


The cursed loot might be something kimy needs to fix because I believe dcl unequips the player before adding its own stuff.

The cursed collar quest doesn't attach any cuffs, they were left over from the auction house. I only noticed it when testing the cursed collar quest, Bondage quest unequipped properly at the end.


Do you want a log as I can easily rerun it again as it's only a test game

something might be borked if there is an unequipall that's being ignored.



Yep, it's odd though it's just that one. I've only just installed this to try and it worked fine when I tested with Captured Dreams and the DCL Bondage Quest, it just doesn't seem to remove the cuffs for DCL Cursed Collar.


I'll try a reinstall and get you a log


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Right, here's a log, ignore the first 140 lines or so as it's the game loader in the LAL start cell. I've also attached a screenshot from the auction house as you can see it is the same cuffs that are not being removed.


It also dumps out the pc in Fellglow Keep for some reason so without a mod like Deviously Helpless the pc is unlikely to survive a second pounding unless DA/ (or Defeat) puts them somewhere safe.










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I added an unequipall, cause it can't hurt. DCL determines your location - I just send the modevent.


Thanks, I'll test it again when the next update is out. :)


Odd about Fellglow in DCL. The cursed collar is an event that can trigger from any container, though there is one actual collar in game but that's at Fort Greymoor

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Nevermind, I've removed my posts. I wasn't aware giving a detail assessment of a scenario I had hoping to help improve the perception of the mod would result in such a narrow event of nit picking over symantics.


I hope this mod sticks around. My simle recommendations is to improve the front page. It's semi misleading and hard to sort important details with nearly all the font being so big and overly colorful. Sexlabs aroused redux probably has one of the better layout's I've seen. It's simple, clean, and easy to break down and find key bits of info.


Please review your manners of how you address people Slorm. If you wanna help, help. Don't nit pick and cause problems.

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I have also removed my posts.


If I have offended you than I apologise, however I was just trying to explain that the OP describes what the mod does, nothing more than that (and a method for fixing an apparent animation problem you were having).


You may wish to consider the tone of your own replies in future when someone is trying to help, as your responses came across as rather abrasive.

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I would argue that colorful text actually improves reader comprehension.

It's visually interesting. People tend to read things that are visually interesting and skip things that aren't. At least, on the internet they seem to. By and large.


Consider this:
Pretty colors! Different sizes! Clearly delineated sections! Text that draws the eye!
The kind of thing that leads the reader to, you know, read it rather than skip it and post a bug report.
Now consider this:
BORING! Open invitation to a tl,dr. The lone little smiley face struggles mightily against the tide of grey, but cannot hope to defeat the demons of tedium, his ever-present grin twisted into a rictus of terror at the onrushing blandness.
And people still PM me about the mod even though it says please don't.
However, I must say that this is quite toned down from what I used to have it as. I got complaints that it was too colorful at one point.
YMMV. :)
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I've moved from colour colour colour! to using colour for the titles but for the paragraphs white text.

Thank you so much! That really improved finding key headers and topics to help resolve problems or find specific information I couldn't remember off the top of my head.

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I keep getting sent to Nightgate inn how do I fix this ?

Yeah, not sure how that happened. It will be fixed in the next release. For now tell one of the people there  that you need a strong hand to guide you.

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i have an idea for slavery gambling something like this:





but more like this:


1. gold unthil they ran out

2. they choose quit or try with armor/clothes and weapons

3. they choose quit or try with items (potions, soulgem, ect)

4. they choose quit or try last chance his/her freedom


then they go to npc or player home and player or npc have 3 try chance of escape fail become rest of life as slave


what do you think?


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i have an idea for slavery gambling something like this:





but more like this:


1. gold unthil they ran out

2. they choose quit or try with armor/clothes and weapons

3. they choose quit or try with items (potions, soulgem, ect)

4. they choose quit or try last chance his/her freedom


then they go to npc or player home and player or npc have 3 try chance of escape fail become rest of life as slave


what do you think?

I think it's what great idea. I look forward to seeing it when you finish it
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i have an idea for slavery gambling something like this:





but more like this:


1. gold unthil they ran out

2. they choose quit or try with armor/clothes and weapons

3. they choose quit or try with items (potions, soulgem, ect)

4. they choose quit or try last chance his/her freedom


then they go to npc or player home and player or npc have 3 try chance of escape fail become rest of life as slave


what do you think?

I think it's what great idea. I look forward to seeing it when you finish it



ohw huh hehe... i just give idea but i can't do it couse im not high IQ or knowledge to make mods :s srry for bit misunderstanding



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i have an idea for slavery gambling something like this:





but more like this:


1. gold unthil they ran out

2. they choose quit or try with armor/clothes and weapons

3. they choose quit or try with items (potions, soulgem, ect)

4. they choose quit or try last chance his/her freedom


then they go to npc or player home and player or npc have 3 try chance of escape fail become rest of life as slave


what do you think?

I think it's what great idea. I look forward to seeing it when you finish it

ohw huh hehe... i just give idea but i can't do it couse im not high IQ or knowledge to make mods :s srry for bit misunderstanding


oh, I see! Well, can't hurt to try.
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