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Oooohhhh. That makes sense. This is the bare bones release. CGi does all the fancy things, like the FOMOD, and he includes higher resolutions of CC's auction banners. He's on a business trip right now, so his fancier version is not yet done.

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Hey, I'm just trying to get back into Skyrim, have updated to the newest version of Simple Slavery, but after dying in Death Alternative, I wake up in the cell but my character won't get up, though the messages all seem to play as I remember them. My character just kind of flops forward on the ground, and it says I can't wait in the air, and it has nothing to do with player controls as I've added them and taken them away and nothing really seems to work. Any ideas?

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Hey, I'm just trying to get back into Skyrim, have updated to the newest version of Simple Slavery, but after dying in Death Alternative, I wake up in the cell but my character won't get up, though the messages all seem to play as I remember them. My character just kind of flops forward on the ground, and it says I can't wait in the air, and it has nothing to do with player controls as I've added them and taken them away and nothing really seems to work. Any ideas?


What are your Defeat settings? Specifically, are you set to Ragdoll?

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Hey, I'm just trying to get back into Skyrim, have updated to the newest version of Simple Slavery, but after dying in Death Alternative, I wake up in the cell but my character won't get up, though the messages all seem to play as I remember them. My character just kind of flops forward on the ground, and it says I can't wait in the air, and it has nothing to do with player controls as I've added them and taken them away and nothing really seems to work. Any ideas?


What are your Defeat settings? Specifically, are you set to Ragdoll?



Yeah, that was what I was thinking...make sure you set it to just Bleedout in DA...and if any other mods use ragdoll, (I believe there's a setting in Sexlab itself for ragdoll after sex.) try and change them. Ragdoll does funky things. My current theory (not really based on anything! lol) is there's some kind of weird issue between ragdoll and HDT physics.


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I think he means your DA settings, although the ragdoll setting shouldn't matter anymore. Do you have the latest DA? And has this happened more than once? It might just be a one-time glitch, which can happen if someone his you too hard as you're being defeated.


In your DA settings, make sure the "Perc. Health Large Hit" is set to at least 600% and the "Perc. Health Threshold" is set to 15% .

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I think he means your DA settings, although the ragdoll setting shouldn't matter anymore. Do you have the latest DA? And has this happened more than once? It might just be a one-time glitch, which can happen if someone his you too hard as you're being defeated.


In your DA settings, make sure the "Perc. Health Large Hit" is set to at least 600% and the "Perc. Health Threshold" is set to 15% .


Oops, yeah. DA, not Defeat.

In my defense, they both start with the letter "D."  :D



And I can confirm, the ragdoll shouldn't matter with the latest updates... I've several times forgotten to set that from default, and it still seems to work just fine.

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Thanks for the help guys, and the speed of your responses! It works with either of those fixes it seems. I did have it set to both Bleedout & Ragdoll, though before it hadn't been an issue. I think I must have had different settings before as I've started a new game now. Ragdoll never seemed to not work before, as I would be on the floor in the cell and would just get up after a couple messages from the game; as either fix seemed to work, I'm going to keep my setting on Bleedout & Ragdoll for now, just because it seems a tad more immersive to wake up on the floor rather than standing up when it's telling me I'm regaining consciousness. If it breaks again I'll turn it off.


Furthermore, thanks for this mod, idk if I said that before. Since it came out this has been my preferred method to interact with all my favourite slavery mods, QAYL, SLUTS, etc., it's great.

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I don't know why but when my hands are supposed to be behind my back they don't stay there and go back to normal. Wrist cuffs and collar are invisible too and I am able to drop them even if they are 'locked' on me. It happens with prison overhaul and slaves of tamriel.

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Thanks for the help guys, and the speed of your responses! It works with either of those fixes it seems. I did have it set to both Bleedout & Ragdoll, though before it hadn't been an issue. I think I must have had different settings before as I've started a new game now. Ragdoll never seemed to not work before, as I would be on the floor in the cell and would just get up after a couple messages from the game; as either fix seemed to work, I'm going to keep my setting on Bleedout & Ragdoll for now, just because it seems a tad more immersive to wake up on the floor rather than standing up when it's telling me I'm regaining consciousness. If it breaks again I'll turn it off.


Furthermore, thanks for this mod, idk if I said that before. Since it came out this has been my preferred method to interact with all my favourite slavery mods, QAYL, SLUTS, etc., it's great.

if you've had it work fine before as it works fine in mine as well, i'd recommend "realistic ragdolls and effects"

when installing that mod don't let it overwrite your skeleton files, instead double check them afterwords with xpmse files


I don't know why but when my hands are supposed to be behind my back they don't stay there and go back to normal. Wrist cuffs and collar are invisible too and I am able to drop them even if they are 'locked' on me. It happens with prison overhaul and slaves of tamriel.

invisible icuffs and collar means you're missing the texture files from zaz

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Thanks for the help guys, and the speed of your responses! It works with either of those fixes it seems. I did have it set to both Bleedout & Ragdoll, though before it hadn't been an issue. I think I must have had different settings before as I've started a new game now. Ragdoll never seemed to not work before, as I would be on the floor in the cell and would just get up after a couple messages from the game; as either fix seemed to work, I'm going to keep my setting on Bleedout & Ragdoll for now, just because it seems a tad more immersive to wake up on the floor rather than standing up when it's telling me I'm regaining consciousness. If it breaks again I'll turn it off.


Furthermore, thanks for this mod, idk if I said that before. Since it came out this has been my preferred method to interact with all my favourite slavery mods, QAYL, SLUTS, etc., it's great.

if you've had it work fine before as it works fine in mine as well, i'd recommend "realistic ragdolls and effects"

when installing that mod don't let it overwrite your skeleton files, instead double check them afterwords with xpmse files


I don't know why but when my hands are supposed to be behind my back they don't stay there and go back to normal. Wrist cuffs and collar are invisible too and I am able to drop them even if they are 'locked' on me. It happens with prison overhaul and slaves of tamriel.

invisible icuffs and collar means you're missing the texture files from zaz



Ye turns out I only had the  zaz patch installed.


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The latest zaz doesn't have a separate texture file. Mske sure you're using the newest. I've never been able to get the cuffs to stay behind the back. Sometimes they do, sometimes not. I also can't get it to stop the player from accessing the inventory. Just play along with the intent.

Thanks for the help guys, and the speed of your responses! It works with either of those fixes it seems. I did have it set to both Bleedout & Ragdoll, though before it hadn't been an issue. I think I must have had different settings before as I've started a new game now. Ragdoll never seemed to not work before, as I would be on the floor in the cell and would just get up after a couple messages from the game; as either fix seemed to work, I'm going to keep my setting on Bleedout & Ragdoll for now, just because it seems a tad more immersive to wake up on the floor rather than standing up when it's telling me I'm regaining consciousness. If it breaks again I'll turn it off.


Furthermore, thanks for this mod, idk if I said that before. Since it came out this has been my preferred method to interact with all my favourite slavery mods, QAYL, SLUTS, etc., it's great.

thank you for the kind words. Glad it's working. :)
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looking at my log here, i'm not seeing anything new when i arrive at the auction, but 1 of the cursed loot quests aren't moving me out:

the quest about free if you can escape your bindings and being rolled away in a cart

i'd only guess its bondage adventure, but not certain on that

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Hmm...The only cart reference I remember making is when you are being sent to the auction, not after it. Sounds like I messed something up, though. I'll check. Thanks. :)


turns out you have that cart referenced in multiple cursed loot scenarios

the next bug i found wasn't nearly  as bad, the quests seem to trigger properly, but the desciption was something about servicing a certain number of people to get freed of the collar, sounds like the slut collar, but there's no slut collar in the mcm choices for simple slavery and when the description goes away the inventory shows the cursed collar:

here's the note and quest journal to give you ideas on how to change that descriptionpost-436139-0-26529100-1461009113_thumb.jpgpost-436139-0-00686400-1461009126_thumb.jpgpost-436139-0-55087400-1461009141_thumb.jpgpost-436139-0-53616000-1461009153_thumb.jpgpost-436139-0-34951800-1461009164_thumb.jpg


....oh, seems the spawn point for that quest put me in felglow keep and i don't mean the happy slaver camp either so it was the middle of some not so happy mages to trigger sd+


thanks again for giving us the cursed collar even if it does spawn in the middle of bandit mages

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Ah! None of that is from SS. Cursed Loot provides the collars and the notes. And the quest and the quest description. And possibly the placement of the player. I'll check, but I'm pretty sure I didn't place the player in a place where they would be immediately attacked.

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Ah! None of that is from SS. Cursed Loot provides the collars and the notes. And the quest and the quest description. And possibly the placement of the player. I'll check, but I'm pretty sure I didn't place the player in a place where they would be immediately attacked.


oh, that collar is normally a randomly looted item so didn't know who chose the quest location placement....but you did say she had to make certain special quests for it for you, not like just finding the item so it does still make sense for the locations to be at her end :dodgy:


for me wasn't too big of a deal having the mage owner for the day with the almost latest version of sd only obsoleted today, i was allowed a full set of armor and weapon as i walked thru camp enslaving all her friends :lol:


anyhow my apologies if the locations aren't done from your end

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This is a cool Mod!

I'm having one problem after the slave auction event.

So it says I was purchased by someone who hates slavery, and they freed me, and returned my gear. BUT they don't have the tools to remove my restraints. And so now I can not equip anything or open my inventory or powers menu.


What am I doing wrong??


I have most of the LLab and SLab mods and all the requirements.

I have devious devices and integration installed.

When I use the console command - Player.showInventory - it says I'm wearing the ZBF collar and cuffs. So I can remove them that way. Or equip a new set to get them to show up.

BUT - when I talk to guards or black smith Adrian at Whiterun, there is no option to ask for help removing my bonds.


What am I missing??   :)





 This sounds like you might have the hardcore setting checked in the Devious Devices MCM...normally, it makes it so that even if you escape, you have to get help to remove restraints.



Thank you for responding. I looked in D Devices in MCM and I did not see a "Hardcore" setting. But I remember one time I did need to find a blacksmith to remove some devices. Is that from the DD mod? Or another one? I talked Warmaiden's Adrian and Ulfer Warbear and neither had an option to help me remove the binds.  





 Sorry, my mistake. The hardcore setting I was thinking of was in Sanguine's Debauchery...you wouldn't happen to be using that mod, would you?



im having issues with this also...

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This is a cool Mod!

I'm having one problem after the slave auction event.

So it says I was purchased by someone who hates slavery, and they freed me, and returned my gear. BUT they don't have the tools to remove my restraints. And so now I can not equip anything or open my inventory or powers menu.


What am I doing wrong??


I have most of the LLab and SLab mods and all the requirements.

I have devious devices and integration installed.

When I use the console command - Player.showInventory - it says I'm wearing the ZBF collar and cuffs. So I can remove them that way. Or equip a new set to get them to show up.

BUT - when I talk to guards or black smith Adrian at Whiterun, there is no option to ask for help removing my bonds.


What am I missing??   :)





 This sounds like you might have the hardcore setting checked in the Devious Devices MCM...normally, it makes it so that even if you escape, you have to get help to remove restraints.



Thank you for responding. I looked in D Devices in MCM and I did not see a "Hardcore" setting. But I remember one time I did need to find a blacksmith to remove some devices. Is that from the DD mod? Or another one? I talked Warmaiden's Adrian and Ulfer Warbear and neither had an option to help me remove the binds.  





 Sorry, my mistake. The hardcore setting I was thinking of was in Sanguine's Debauchery...you wouldn't happen to be using that mod, would you?





im having issues with this also...



if i'm reading that right, its just zaz cuffs:

those don't lock on the player like dd cuffs do while they can block your inventory access so you can't remove them, you can put them in a barrel somewhere and walk away freed


what i've found is that the simple slavery cuffs seem to work in most cases for the first time they're equipped that game and never again until a new save is made


when the cuffs work those effects you're seeing can occur (that's the rule of the zaz cuffs equipped, only change with simple slavery is that they don't always work)

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