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well, the game doesn't see the auction people as bad guys, or they would attack. After that dialogue, you should be able to speak with him normally and continue with the auction.



Yes you alright, my PC go to the podium to be selling. But with no collar or cuff. So I continu my investigation. Maybe it's maria eden.



I think it could be a comment from Cursed Loot, if you have it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I installed the mod and Raven Break Prison but on the list it is greyed out and unchecked. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both mods but still the same thing. Not sure what I did wrong.




This may have been answered but a search didnt turn it up.  I had Mias Dungeon and Ravenbreak Prison loaded but SS isnt recognizing them.  I am using Captured Dreams right now as the only slavery mod connected to SS. Couldnt get Slaverun to work and Sanguine's is just a beast.


Any suggestions on how to get SS to see these mods?



Yes. Install Devious Cursed Loot. Apparently I have the script looking for a quest from that for Raven's Beak, at least. I finally got my computer rebuilt, so hopefully I can fix things soon.


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Do you now if it's possible to build a simple slavery outcome ?


I hope to do that for the Madness Moutain beginning (yes, I begin to build the mod)

Hi, Del. Do you mean have MM send the player to SS, or have SS send the player to MM?
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Cool. If you have a modevent that will start it, let me know what it is. Otherwise, I just need a quest name (actually, I need a quest name in any case) and the stage that will start the quest.

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Cool. If you have a modevent that will start it, let me know what it is. Otherwise, I just need a quest name (actually, I need a quest name in any case) and the stage that will start the quest.


Cool ! I will post you when the quest will be ready. For now I'm still designing the island...

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This is a cool Mod!

I'm having one problem after the slave auction event.

So it says I was purchased by someone who hates slavery, and they freed me, and returned my gear. BUT they don't have the tools to remove my restraints. And so now I can not equip anything or open my inventory or powers menu.


What am I doing wrong??


I have most of the LLab and SLab mods and all the requirements.

I have devious devices and integration installed.

When I use the console command - Player.showInventory - it says I'm wearing the ZBF collar and cuffs. So I can remove them that way. Or equip a new set to get them to show up.

BUT - when I talk to guards or black smith Adrian at Whiterun, there is no option to ask for help removing my bonds.


What am I missing??  :)





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This is a cool Mod!

I'm having one problem after the slave auction event.

So it says I was purchased by someone who hates slavery, and they freed me, and returned my gear. BUT they don't have the tools to remove my restraints. And so now I can not equip anything or open my inventory or powers menu.


What am I doing wrong??


I have most of the LLab and SLab mods and all the requirements.

I have devious devices and integration installed.

When I use the console command - Player.showInventory - it says I'm wearing the ZBF collar and cuffs. So I can remove them that way. Or equip a new set to get them to show up.

BUT - when I talk to guards or black smith Adrian at Whiterun, there is no option to ask for help removing my bonds.


What am I missing??   :)





 This sounds like you might have the hardcore setting checked in the Devious Devices MCM...normally, it makes it so that even if you escape, you have to get help to remove restraints.


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Hi jfraser, would it be possible to link to the actual mods if you recommend them? To make things easier:



Zaz Animations



Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice



Death Alternative


Loansharks of Skyrim


Devious Cidhna


Deviously Cursed Loot



Heroine in Distress



The Isle of Mara



Maria Eden



Play Submissive. Consensual D/S mod for PetCollar fans

The SL Index leads to Submissive Lola. Consensual D/S mod 1.5. Maybe the mod got merged or the name changed?



Quick As You Like!



Sanguine's Debauchery enhanced



The Skyrim Licenced Universal Transport Service



Slaverun Reloaded



Slaves of Tamriel Continuation



Submissive Lola

see orange text above






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For now, download Deviously Cursed Loot. You can turn off all its functions if you don't want them, and it will fix the link. I need to get to that one off these days. Stupid rl grumble grumble

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For now, download Deviously Cursed Loot. You can turn off all its functions if you don't want them, and it will fix the link. I need to get to that one off these days. Stupid rl grumble grumble


from sslv_configscr source:



DCUR_Installed = true

;Raven Beak Prison


Raven_Installed = true


;Mia's Lair


Mia_Installed = true



you forgot an endif statement for decur

attaching the appropriate endif applied


another modder recently clued me into source codes in to the scripted text i'm used to with other mods...



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This is a cool Mod!

I'm having one problem after the slave auction event.

So it says I was purchased by someone who hates slavery, and they freed me, and returned my gear. BUT they don't have the tools to remove my restraints. And so now I can not equip anything or open my inventory or powers menu.


What am I doing wrong??


I have most of the LLab and SLab mods and all the requirements.

I have devious devices and integration installed.

When I use the console command - Player.showInventory - it says I'm wearing the ZBF collar and cuffs. So I can remove them that way. Or equip a new set to get them to show up.

BUT - when I talk to guards or black smith Adrian at Whiterun, there is no option to ask for help removing my bonds.


What am I missing??   :)





 This sounds like you might have the hardcore setting checked in the Devious Devices MCM...normally, it makes it so that even if you escape, you have to get help to remove restraints.



Thank you for responding. I looked in D Devices in MCM and I did not see a "Hardcore" setting. But I remember one time I did need to find a blacksmith to remove some devices. Is that from the DD mod? Or another one? I talked Warmaiden's Adrian and Ulfer Warbear and neither had an option to help me remove the binds.  



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Does anyone know if the locations on the Banners actually exist?? I can not find them.

The banner lists:

1. Riften Back Door Organics

2. Wyndhelm - Grey Market Slavers

3. Markarth Silver Blood Traders

4. Winterhold Frozen Pete's Slave Auction.




No, those are just names that Content Consumer made up.

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For now, download Deviously Cursed Loot. You can turn off all its functions if you don't want them, and it will fix the link. I need to get to that one off these days. Stupid rl grumble grumble


from sslv_configscr source:



DCUR_Installed = true

;Raven Beak Prison


Raven_Installed = true


;Mia's Lair


Mia_Installed = true



you forgot an endif statement for decur

attaching the appropriate endif applied


another modder recently clued me into source codes in to the scripted text i'm used to with other mods...



Thanks for finding this, btw. :)

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For now, download Deviously Cursed Loot. You can turn off all its functions if you don't want them, and it will fix the link. I need to get to that one off these days. Stupid rl grumble grumble


from sslv_configscr source:



DCUR_Installed = true

;Raven Beak Prison


Raven_Installed = true


;Mia's Lair


Mia_Installed = true



you forgot an endif statement for decur

attaching the appropriate endif applied


another modder recently clued me into source codes in to the scripted text i'm used to with other mods...



Thanks for finding this, btw. :)




;) welcome

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This is a cool Mod!

I'm having one problem after the slave auction event.

So it says I was purchased by someone who hates slavery, and they freed me, and returned my gear. BUT they don't have the tools to remove my restraints. And so now I can not equip anything or open my inventory or powers menu.


What am I doing wrong??


I have most of the LLab and SLab mods and all the requirements.

I have devious devices and integration installed.

When I use the console command - Player.showInventory - it says I'm wearing the ZBF collar and cuffs. So I can remove them that way. Or equip a new set to get them to show up.

BUT - when I talk to guards or black smith Adrian at Whiterun, there is no option to ask for help removing my bonds.


What am I missing??   :)





 This sounds like you might have the hardcore setting checked in the Devious Devices MCM...normally, it makes it so that even if you escape, you have to get help to remove restraints.



Thank you for responding. I looked in D Devices in MCM and I did not see a "Hardcore" setting. But I remember one time I did need to find a blacksmith to remove some devices. Is that from the DD mod? Or another one? I talked Warmaiden's Adrian and Ulfer Warbear and neither had an option to help me remove the binds.  





 Sorry, my mistake. The hardcore setting I was thinking of was in Sanguine's Debauchery...you wouldn't happen to be using that mod, would you?


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