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I'm having an issue where men are wearing thigh high lace up boots that are missing textures. These look like women's boots and I first saw them at the auction. Anyone know what I have to install so that they have textures? Not sure the issue is from this mod but I first saw the NPC's at the auction.  

that's certainly a new one. do you have the Zaz textures installed from the Zaz animation pack? The textures come in a separate file.


the issue is how did men get thigh high's

there are no male textures in dd

if the player put those on men, the player will need to get male textures from another mod "dd for men"

-find out if dd for men has been upgraded to current dd before installing it

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hey there im liking the sound of this mod working with cursed loot and I saw that its compatible and I was wondering does cursed loots combat loss and surrender function work for getting sent to the auction or would I still need death alternative? I did search the forum uising cursed loot as the tag and came across a cpl posts that make me think it does but none that flat out says it works in place of death alternative.i only ask because I tried a lot a year ago or so to get death alternative to work and had a lot of issues and I have had cursed loot in my game for a long time with no issues from its combat loss and surrender feature so I hope its a replacement. ty for any help.

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hey there im liking the sound of this mod working with cursed loot and I saw that its compatible and I was wondering does cursed loots combat loss and surrender function work for getting sent to the auction or would I still need death alternative? I did search the forum uising cursed loot as the tag and came across a cpl posts that make me think it does but none that flat out says it works in place of death alternative.i only ask because I tried a lot a year ago or so to get death alternative to work and had a lot of issues and I have had cursed loot in my game for a long time with no issues from its combat loss and surrender feature so I hope its a replacement. ty for any help.

your best bet there would be to ask at cursed loot

can tell ya what happens once you make it to the auction, but getting there is still other means

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I'm having an issue where men are wearing thigh high lace up boots that are missing textures. These look like women's boots and I first saw them at the auction. Anyone know what I have to install so that they have textures? Not sure the issue is from this mod but I first saw the NPC's at the auction.  

that's certainly a new one. do you have the Zaz textures installed from the Zaz animation pack? The textures come in a separate file.


the issue is how did men get thigh high's

there are no male textures in dd

if the player put those on men, the player will need to get male textures from another mod "dd for men"

-find out if dd for men has been upgraded to current dd before installing it


Turns out the boots are from a mod called Leather and lace and the mesh was pointing to the wrong texture files so it was easy to fix once I found it. As to why two guys where wearing women's boots I have no idea.

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hey there im liking the sound of this mod working with cursed loot and I saw that its compatible and I was wondering does cursed loots combat loss and surrender function work for getting sent to the auction or would I still need death alternative? I did search the forum uising cursed loot as the tag and came across a cpl posts that make me think it does but none that flat out says it works in place of death alternative.i only ask because I tried a lot a year ago or so to get death alternative to work and had a lot of issues and I have had cursed loot in my game for a long time with no issues from its combat loss and surrender feature so I hope its a replacement. ty for any help.

your best bet there would be to ask at cursed loot

can tell ya what happens once you make it to the auction, but getting there is still other me



I've been using Simple Slavery without Death Alternative, and I can tell you that Cursed Loot's "Combat Surrender" works very well as a means to get you on the auction block (configure the probability in the MCM).




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So this morning my character had a spot of bad luck at a bandit camp, and ended up on the auction block. The thing is, she still had all her gear, including weapons and armor. This made things hazardous for her new owner . . . 


Now ideally the mod that sends the player to Simple Slavery probably ought to remove the gear, but as a practical matter this doesn't happen. My suggestion here is for Simple Slavery to remove some or all of the player's gear  (but not quest items, of course). I know players often object to permanently losing their stuff, so perhaps the confiscated gear could be placed in a container found in some fairly dangerous place where they might recover it later, like in one of the larger bandit camps. It might also be a feature that could be turned on or off in the MCM.


Too late for the unfortunate fellow that purchased my character this morning, but future slave owners would thank you for it.

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So this morning my character had a spot of bad luck at a bandit camp, and ended up on the auction block. The thing is, she still had all her gear, including weapons and armor. This made things hazardous for her new owner . . . 


Now ideally the mod that sends the player to Simple Slavery probably ought to remove the gear, but as a practical matter this doesn't happen. My suggestion here is for Simple Slavery to remove some or all of the player's gear  (but not quest items, of course). I know players often object to permanently losing their stuff, so perhaps the confiscated gear could be placed in a container found in some fairly dangerous place where they might recover it later, like in one of the larger bandit camps. It might also be a feature that could be turned on or off in the MCM.


Too late for the unfortunate fellow that purchased my character this morning, but future slave owners would thank you for it.

no, actually that's already left upto the mod handling your owner, simple slavery hands the player to another mod to be enslaved, it wouldn't make much sense for simple slavery to have your items if you're owned by another mod

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So this morning my character had a spot of bad luck at a bandit camp, and ended up on the auction block. The thing is, she still had all her gear, including weapons and armor. This made things hazardous for her new owner . . .


Now ideally the mod that sends the player to Simple Slavery probably ought to remove the gear, but as a practical matter this doesn't happen. My suggestion here is for Simple Slavery to remove some or all of the player's gear (but not quest items, of course). I know players often object to permanently losing their stuff, so perhaps the confiscated gear could be placed in a container found in some fairly dangerous place where they might recover it later, like in one of the larger bandit camps. It might also be a feature that could be turned on or off in the MCM.


Too late for the unfortunate fellow that purchased my character this morning, but future slave owners would thank you for it.

still working on turning off the ability to access your inventory. you'll just have to pretend you can't. but, as clif said, any mod you get sent to should take away all your stuff.
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hey there im liking the sound of this mod working with cursed loot and I saw that its compatible and I was wondering does cursed loots combat loss and surrender function work for getting sent to the auction or would I still need death alternative? I did search the forum uising cursed loot as the tag and came across a cpl posts that make me think it does but none that flat out says it works in place of death alternative.i only ask because I tried a lot a year ago or so to get death alternative to work and had a lot of issues and I have had cursed loot in my game for a long time with no issues from its combat loss and surrender feature so I hope its a replacement. ty for any help.

your best bet there would be to ask at cursed loot

can tell ya what happens once you make it to the auction, but getting there is still other me



I've been using Simple Slavery without Death Alternative, and I can tell you that Cursed Loot's "Combat Surrender" works very well as a means to get you on the auction block (configure the probability in the MCM).





awesome ty very much.


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This time, I wish to discuss with you Simple slavery outcomes.


It's for the events of Devious stories (player is selled to a bandit wizard who want revenge, to a necromancer who want to "play a game", or to a group of vampires).


It is possible ?



Note : bugs :


Maria eden and Raven beak prison are not recognized by simple slavery.

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This time, I wish to discuss with you Simple slavery outcomes.


It's for the events of Devious stories (player is selled to a bandit wizard who want revenge, to a necromancer who want to "play a game", or to a group of vampires).


It is possible ?



Note : bugs :


Maria eden and Raven beak prison are not recognized by simple slavery.

Are you making these stories? If so, just pm me how to connect (modevent or quest name and stage). Or is this from some other mod I don't know about?


Maria Eden 2.0 does not connect - the older versions do. Raven Beak is a known issue. It shows up for some, not for others. i haven't been able to pinpoint a cause yet.

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2 questions 1: is there supposed to be dialogue for any of these simple slavery events? cause it gets real confusing trying to figure out what im suposed to be doing haha. 2nd: everytime i get to the auction house thingy i talk to the guard and just stand there.....forever lol. honestly thought my character was pretty good looking so dont understand why no one wanted me :P but really any help would be appreciated 

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2 questions 1: is there supposed to be dialogue for any of these simple slavery events? cause it gets real confusing trying to figure out what im suposed to be doing haha. 2nd: everytime i get to the auction house thingy i talk to the guard and just stand there.....forever lol. honestly thought my character was pretty good looking so dont understand why no one wanted me :P but really any help would be appreciated 

read the requirements section again you're missing "fuz'ro' doh" silent voices, I think its from nexus

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Does anyone have a recommendation on which slavery mod to use in conjunction with this one for a relatively stable experience? I know mileage will vary on these mods but I noticed several of the slave mods mentioned save corruption which I'd like to avoid/minimize the chance of, and some don't seem to do much more than slap a collar on you and call you a slave. I haven't really delved into the realm of slave mods since a failed attempt at SD+ last year that always seemed to result in getting stuck a lot, so I was wanting to give the experience another try on my next playthrough.

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Does anyone have a recommendation on which slavery mod to use in conjunction with this one for a relatively stable experience? I know mileage will vary on these mods but I noticed several of the slave mods mentioned save corruption which I'd like to avoid/minimize the chance of, and some don't seem to do much more than slap a collar on you and call you a slave. I haven't really delved into the realm of slave mods since a failed attempt at SD+ last year that always seemed to result in getting stuck a lot, so I was wanting to give the experience another try on my next playthrough.

but you're posting this at simple slavery where other mods are hooked in and the mcm is left unchecked by default so players can set their own preference, even if it detects sd it won't be enabled for simple slavery until the player chooses it....

that said if you're having trouble with sd you need to be asking at the sd thread, I don't remember what version was current last year, but seems he may have just wrinkled out the bugs of this year's current version

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I have been using this mod together with DCL and Prison overhaul for a while now and wanted to thank you for a mod well done! It's stable and I like the funny dialogues between auctioneer and bidders.

I just have one complaint: can you pleeeeease get rid of the annoying background audio that sounds like an american auctioneer, you know this singsong kind of fastspeak they do there? It just destroys the whole athmosphere for me. Pretty please? :angel:

Ano one question now that I think about it: Outside Riften (and maybe elsewhere) there is an outdoor aution place. Is this just for the looks or do you plan to use that as well?

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I have been using this mod together with DCL and Prison overhaul for a while now and wanted to thank you for a mod well done! It's stable and I like the funny dialogues between auctioneer and bidders.

I just have one complaint: can you pleeeeease get rid of the annoying background audio that sounds like an american auctioneer, you know this singsong kind of fastspeak they do there? It just destroys the whole athmosphere for me. Pretty please? :angel:

Ano one question now that I think about it: Outside Riften (and maybe elsewhere) there is an outdoor aution place. Is this just for the looks or do you plan to use that as well?

the auctioneer she added recently as a feature for immersion

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I have been using this mod together with DCL and Prison overhaul for a while now and wanted to thank you for a mod well done! It's stable and I like the funny dialogues between auctioneer and bidders.

I just have one complaint: can you pleeeeease get rid of the annoying background audio that sounds like an american auctioneer, you know this singsong kind of fastspeak they do there? It just destroys the whole athmosphere for me. Pretty please? :angel:

Ano one question now that I think about it: Outside Riften (and maybe elsewhere) there is an outdoor aution place. Is this just for the looks or do you plan to use that as well?

the auctioneer she added recently as a feature for immersion


Well, for me it really, really breaks immersion. But you can't argue about taste, right? If it stays in, it stays in... ;-)


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I have been using this mod together with DCL and Prison overhaul for a while now and wanted to thank you for a mod well done! It's stable and I like the funny dialogues between auctioneer and bidders.

I just have one complaint: can you pleeeeease get rid of the annoying background audio that sounds like an american auctioneer, you know this singsong kind of fastspeak they do there? It just destroys the whole athmosphere for me. Pretty please? :angel:

Ano one question now that I think about it: Outside Riften (and maybe elsewhere) there is an outdoor aution place. Is this just for the looks or do you plan to use that as well?

the auctioneer she added recently as a feature for immersion


Well, for me it really, really breaks immersion. But you can't argue about taste, right? If it stays in, it stays in... ;-)



I *think* you can just delete the data/sound/fx/Simple Slavery/auction effectLP.wav file and that should work. I've never tried it, I don't know if it'll cause any sort of problem with the game trying to load a sound file that isn't there, but my guess is it should probably work.

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Good idea, will try! Thanks!

let us know if that works. i may just remove it and use general crowd noise instead since it doesnt link up to the player auction and wont without a lot of needless work.
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