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Vigilant and daedras can now send the player to simple slavery market.



I have an idea for a simple slavery outcome : player will be sold to a group of wizard who want to make an expedition on the ghost sea... player, with other slaves, will be used as a sailor, wear the masters staff... and will need to save her skin (the expedition will finish badly, of course).

A remake of the Hallucinated moutains...

sounds interesting, let us know when it's ready for testing

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My character dies and is teleported for auction but I cant move from the ragdoll position. I just get stuck there.

make sure you have the latest version of Death Alternative.



I already have it.

someone else had this problem recently. Clifton, do you remember what the problem ended up being?
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Vigilant and daedras can now send the player to simple slavery market.



I have an idea for a simple slavery outcome : player will be sold to a group of wizard who want to make an expedition on the ghost sea... player, with other slaves, will be used as a sailor, wear the masters staff... and will need to save her skin (the expedition will finish badly, of course).

A remake of the Hallucinated moutains...


i knew your new mod was going to be great and fun ! :D


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My character dies and is teleported for auction but I cant move from the ragdoll position. I just get stuck there.

make sure you have the latest version of Death Alternative.



I already have it.

someone else had this problem recently. Clifton, do you remember what the problem ended up being?


last I remember this was from death alternative and cursed loot combats both activated

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Vigilant and daedras can now send the player to simple slavery market.



I have an idea for a simple slavery outcome : player will be sold to a group of wizard who want to make an expedition on the ghost sea... player, with other slaves, will be used as a sailor, wear the masters staff... and will need to save her skin (the expedition will finish badly, of course).

A remake of the Hallucinated moutains...


You mean "the mountains of Madness", right? Yeah Delz.

Go there where Guillermo del Toro failed! (he was very close to produce a movie about that).


Just as source of ispiration... A new huge quest mod soon coming is Expedition to Atmora, located in part of Mundus northern pole. There are a lot of people working on it. But I'm sure you can come with something pretty unusual and original. 

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I found and odd bug.


For some reason I will not get teleport to the action for Immerslave start or From the Deep resistant path after my character is being tormented quest. Bit I have no problems form DCL and DA.


Is this being cause form a change in script names or is something else the cause of this?

hmm...that is odd. make sure you have the latest version of SS.


My character dies and is teleported for auction but I cant move from the ragdoll position. I just get stuck there.

make sure you have the latest version of Death Alternative.


I'm using version 4.331 of simple slavery.

I check for update date and what the new mods are on the nexus and lover's lab almost everyday.

I also check for conflicts in my load other though Tes5edit and using MO's data tab to see if there any script conflict to a limited point.


I didn't have the problem with Immueslave on the SS 4.121 but after updating to 4.331 it stop moving my character to the auction and they stay in the starting cell.

I have not tested it with SS 4.32.


That why I want to know if anyone else is having that bug happening to them. 

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I found and odd bug.


For some reason I will not get teleport to the action for Immerslave start or From the Deep resistant path after my character is being tormented quest. Bit I have no problems form DCL and DA.


Is this being cause form a change in script names or is something else the cause of this?

hmm...that is odd. make sure you have the latest version of SS.


My character dies and is teleported for auction but I cant move from the ragdoll position. I just get stuck there.

make sure you have the latest version of Death Alternative.

I'm using version 4.331 of simple slavery.

I check for update date and what the new mods are on the nexus and lover's lab almost everyday.

I also check for conflicts in my load other though Tes5edit and using MO's data tab to see if there any script conflict to a limited point.


I didn't have the problem with Immueslave on the SS 4.121 but after updating to 4.331 it stop moving my character to the auction and they stay in the starting cell.

I have not tested it with SS 4.32.


That why I want to know if anyone else is having that bug happening to them.

are you using Deviously Cursed Loot? If so, make sure its combat defeat function is turned off.
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I found and odd bug.


For some reason I will not get teleport to the action for Immerslave start or From the Deep resistant path after my character is being tormented quest. Bit I have no problems form DCL and DA.


Is this being cause form a change in script names or is something else the cause of this?

hmm...that is odd. make sure you have the latest version of SS.

make sure you have the latest version of Death Alternative.

I'm using version 4.331 of simple slavery.

I check for update date and what the new mods are on the nexus and lover's lab almost everyday.

I also check for conflicts in my load other though Tes5edit and using MO's data tab to see if there any script conflict to a limited point.


I didn't have the problem with Immueslave on the SS 4.121 but after updating to 4.331 it stop moving my character to the auction and they stay in the starting cell.

I have not tested it with SS 4.32.


That why I want to know if anyone else is having that bug happening to them.

are you using Deviously Cursed Loot? If so, make sure its combat defeat function is turned off.


cursed loot shouldn't be causing issues with alt start tho (clearing up the replies soaryne shown above not the same bug as kingslayer)

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Vigilant and daedras can now send the player to simple slavery market.



I have an idea for a simple slavery outcome : player will be sold to a group of wizard who want to make an expedition on the ghost sea... player, with other slaves, will be used as a sailor, wear the masters staff... and will need to save her skin (the expedition will finish badly, of course).

A remake of the Hallucinated moutains...


You mean "the mountains of Madness", right? Yeah Delz.

Go there where Guillermo del Toro failed! (he was very close to produce a movie about that).


Just as source of ispiration... A new huge quest mod soon coming is Expedition to Atmora, located in part of Mundus northern pole. There are a lot of people working on it. But I'm sure you can come with something pretty unusual and original. 



Making mods pretty and unusual seems to be my signature now...


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I dont have Cursed loot enabled when this happened. I have no mod conflicts either. The body stays in ragdoll and I cant move it.


You have to make sure DA is set to bleed out only. If you using defeat you have to make sure all then stun option are turn off in it where it only uses DA. If you have check for all that then I can't tell you why you having that problem.

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I dont have Cursed loot enabled when this happened. I have no mod conflicts either. The body stays in ragdoll and I cant move it.


You have to make sure DA is set to bleed out only. If you using defeat you have to make sure all then stun option are turn off in it where it only uses DA. If you have check for all that then I can't tell you why you having that problem.


sounds like you're telling him to turn off ragdoll effects from death alternative

I was working under  the assumption if he's made it this far ragdoll shouldn't need to be changed,  but if changing that fixes it he need "realistic ragdolls and force" from nexus


I don't use defeat tho so if he's using it then still try those defeat options

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I dont have Cursed loot enabled when this happened. I have no mod conflicts either. The body stays in ragdoll and I cant move it.


You have to make sure DA is set to bleed out only. If you using defeat you have to make sure all then stun option are turn off in it where it only uses DA. If you have check for all that then I can't tell you why you having that problem.


sounds like you're telling him to turn off ragdoll effects from death alternative

I was working under  the assumption if he's made it this far ragdoll shouldn't need to be changed,  but if changing that fixes it he need "realistic ragdolls and force" from nexus


I don't use defeat tho so if he's using it then still try those defeat options


Im using defeat, Ill try using those settings.

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I dont have Cursed loot enabled when this happened. I have no mod conflicts either. The body stays in ragdoll and I cant move it.

You have to make sure DA is set to bleed out only. If you using defeat you have to make sure all then stun option are turn off in it where it only uses DA. If you have check for all that then I can't tell you why you having that problem.

sounds like you're telling him to turn off ragdoll effects from death alternative

I was working under the assumption if he's made it this far ragdoll shouldn't need to be changed, but if changing that fixes it he need "realistic ragdolls and force" from nexus


I don't use defeat tho so if he's using it then still try those defeat options

It didn't occur to me that someone would fail to have realistic ragdolls and force. by all means, if you do not have that, get it. I consider it a must-have core mod.
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I have realistic ragdolls and force but I find if you use the game doesn't like it where you are teleport why you going ragdoll. Even defeat tell you to set DA to bleed out only.

It used to be that way. The more recent versions of DA have been much better and that has not been as necessary, which is why I asked if the DA version was up to date. 


The other thing about Realistic Ragdolls is to make sure it is installed before the XPMSE skeleton, and let the skeleton overwrite whatever it wants to.

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I just can not figure out how to get this to work. I've tried it on 3 separate occasions and every time, regardless of other mods, it's the same problem: Wake up in cell. Get brought to auction block. The end. I just stand there waiting for something, anything to happen.



^ same problem here.


Still, any news on raven bleack not connecting issue?

both of you post a log  and tell us your listed mcm option choices

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I'm having an issue where men are wearing thigh high lace up boots that are missing textures. These look like women's boots and I first saw them at the auction. Anyone know what I have to install so that they have textures? Not sure the issue is from this mod but I first saw the NPC's at the auction.  

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I'm having an issue where men are wearing thigh high lace up boots that are missing textures. These look like women's boots and I first saw them at the auction. Anyone know what I have to install so that they have textures? Not sure the issue is from this mod but I first saw the NPC's at the auction.  

that's certainly a new one. do you have the Zaz textures installed from the Zaz animation pack? The textures come in a separate file.

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