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red foreheads on some female npc


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noticed that some female npc's have a reddish streak across their forehead, anyone know how i might go about fixing this.


for reference i'm using cbbe with CBBE Caliente Vanilla Body Texture 4096.  i think i first noticed the issue when i installed the body texture mod, but i can't be sure.

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look in Skyrim/Data/textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/("name of NPC in question".esp. If you find a tintfile with her name and its red on the top third of the file then that's the culprit. You need to be able to open DDS files to view and remove the red part. I use the CS2 photoshop freeby from Adobe with the NVIDIA DDS plugin from NVIDIA. I get this problem when I use CTRL and F4 in the Creation Kit on an NPC's name to rtemove the dark face bug . good luck.

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look in Skyrim/Data/textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/("name of NPC in question".esp. If you find a tintfile with her name and its red on the top third of the file then that's the culprit. You need to be able to open DDS files to view and remove the red part. I use the CS2 photoshop freeby from Adobe with the NVIDIA DDS plugin from NVIDIA. I get this problem when I use CTRL and F4 in the Creation Kit on an NPC's name to rtemove the dark face bug . good luck.


so i'll have to do that for every npc i run across with the problem?  that sounds fun.

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pictures are for texture problems always helpful!


sorry, didnt have one on hand last night.




it looks like this, and seems to appear on several different npcs.



do you use a face tattoo mod? if this problem-not all NPCs occurs, a facial texture could causing the error.

but it can also be a face meshes that is not compatible with your texture.

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you could also give this one a try:


Please delete(or rename) the following file.

(YOUR_SKYRIM_INSTALL_PATH)\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleuppereyesocket.dds


It's actually a fix suggested by Cotyounoyume on Nexus for his Edialog mod, but since that is the same effect (or a pretty similar one at least), it might be worth a try and less of a hassle.

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you could also give this one a try:


Please delete(or rename) the following file.


(YOUR_SKYRIM_INSTALL_PATH)\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleuppereyesocket.dds


It's actually a fix suggested by Cotyounoyume on Nexus for his Edialog mod, but since that is the same effect (or a pretty similar one at least), it might be worth a try and less of a hassle.


worked perfectly, thanks.

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