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Oniki Kay’s Kinky World build 429 - LoversLab Edition (Updated 24-june-2024)

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On 6/15/2024 at 2:37 AM, Jvsmith said:

Added additional strings for translation into various languages that Denton has not yet added. Russian translation is almost fully implemented. To implement correct translation into other languages, including English, native speakers of the corresponding languages are required.

Find attached an updated file for the German localization for the current 428 build.



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Hi, maybe is due to some other mods and perhaps it already happened in a previous versions. I hire clean services, the maid comes but it doesn't clean, just stand or take things from the refrigerator, wash her teeth but no cleaning at all.
I got messages for the count for being inappropriate.
I even disabled the KW Maid, but the maid still not cleaning.

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3 hours ago, CMaxi said:

Hi, maybe is due to some other mods and perhaps it already happened in a previous versions. I hire clean services, the maid comes but it doesn't clean, just stand or take things from the refrigerator, wash her teeth but no cleaning at all.
I got messages for the count for being inappropriate.
I even disabled the KW Maid, but the maid still not cleaning.

Yes, I noticed that too, I plan to check what's going on with KWMaid, I'm not sure I'll figure it out, might have to wait for Denton to return.

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I do not know if it is only my game setup, but it seems there are something wrong with managing a brothel. I can hire employees but they do not show up in the employees list  anymore for setup the workplace and the schedule. Therefore the brothel is not working. On a older save and with an existing brothel, the brothel still works but can not hire additional stuff. @Jvsmith I would appreciate if you have a look into that. Many thanks in advance. 

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6 hours ago, Clydie said:

I do not know if it is only my game setup, but it seems there are something wrong with managing a brothel. I can hire employees but they do not show up in the employees list  anymore for setup the workplace and the schedule. Therefore the brothel is not working. On a older save and with an existing brothel, the brothel still works but can not hire additional stuff. @Jvsmith I would appreciate if you have a look into that. Many thanks in advance. 

Is it just my version or Denton's too? I've never played with brothels so I haven't touched that part of the code at all. I'll take a look and it'll take some time.

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Hi, sorry to bring something else...I got the women ready for getting pregnant, and when they have sex without condom, the message say "Don't worry... I won't get pregnant" and actually she does get pregnant so there is not big issue. I think the messages got mixed.
Again, thanks for taking over, I know is very complex mod and most loved by the community here.

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There seems to be something missing in the language localization file. It doesn't match 426.

428 does not have this.


[512] 0xEC316F3BEF7F3E16: Oops, I better get dressed properly

[512] 0x35E485A1B400E668: Put a bathtowel after a shower.

Edited by jung0321
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48 minutes ago, jung0321 said:

There seems to be something missing in the language localization file. It doesn't match 426.

428 does not have this.

[512] 0x35E485A1B400E668: Put a bathtowel after a shower.


Are you sure? Why do you think so? In what language? How did you discover that this line is missing?

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4 hours ago, Jvsmith said:


Are you sure? Why do you think so? In what language? How did you discover that this line is missing?

There seems to be something missing in the language localization file. It doesn't match 426.

428 does not have this.


[512] 0xEC316F3BEF7F3E16: Oops, I better get dressed properly

[512] 0x35E485A1B400E668: Put a bathtowel after a shower.

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im trying to run a brothel and running into a weird issue. I can hire both janitors and bouncers but for wh*res they will not show up after being hired. Ive checked both employee menus, made sure the brothel had funds of 10k, the wh*res were atleast woohoo level 1+, that they have woohoo'd before, and thats always accept is on and turned off autonomy. The odd thing is they are accepting the jobs (per screenshot ref.) but they wont show up as employees and when I click them again it lists the options to recruit them as if they havent already been recruited. No idea why its doing this any guesses?



I'm playing on build 428. And looking at the forum for 426 recently it may be an issue for that build too.  Literally both janitor and bouncer show up as intended. Only the wh*res don't. 


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, AnnaMarie101 said:

im trying to run a brothel and running into a weird issue. I can hire both janitors and bouncers but for wh*res they will not show up after being hired. Ive checked both employee menus, made sure the brothel had funds of 10k, the wh*res were atleast woohoo level 1+, that they have woohoo'd before, and thats always accept is on and turned off autonomy. The odd thing is they are accepting the jobs (per screenshot ref.) but they wont show up as employees and when I click them again it lists the options to recruit them as if they havent already been recruited. No idea why its doing this any guesses? I'm playing on build 428. And looking at the forum for 426 recently it may be an issue for that build too.  Literally both janitor and bouncer show up as intended. Only the wh*res don't. 

Yes, I've already looked through the brothel code up and down, found a few small problems, but it's not yet obvious to me that these are the problems that cause this behavior of the mod. It needs to be tested, so bear with me a little.

Edited by Jvsmith
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17 hours ago, Jvsmith said:

Is it just my version or Denton's too? I've never played with brothels so I haven't touched that part of the code at all.

Sorry to say, but it only does not work in build 428.

Have tested 425, 426 and both variants of 426 you loaded up. All this versions work.

However, I attach a error message here what you get from ver 428. May it helps a little.

Many thanks to look after this.



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3 hours ago, WitheredSamurai said:

I'm not sure why, but KW is crashing my game when I try and go into map view. I have attached the crash file for review. I'm using Lady Dutchess's Alder Lake patch if that helps.


Crash of the game and this attached file are not related in any way. Deal with the crash by removing unnecessary mods, some of them are interfering, no one will tell you which one exactly.

The error that generates this attached file is related to one of the animation files. Remove OKW_something.package files one at a time.
This way you will know which file is causing the error.

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Updates in version 429:

1. Sperm is washed off your hands in the sink.
2. Sims have some chance to change into daily clothes after losing a towel.
3. Woohoo remove top/bottom options also remove underwear.
4. "Browse Web For Porn" on the computer is separated from regular web browsing and moved to the "Kinky..." submenu and now ends with male masturbation.
5. The work of the Maid has been corrected. Testers needed.
6. The problem with hiring brothel staff has been fixed. Testers needed.
7. Localization resources for the recruitment module have been fixed; it was a complete mess.
8. Additional resources have been fixed. If you use them, re-download them.
9. Many small fixes.


I'm waiting for your feedback. While busy fighting with a futanari in bed :)

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For version 428, I noticed bottomless barkeepers repeatedly, and then how it happens:

1 Bartender gets groped

2 Bartender goes do something else but forgets to dress

3 Bartender starts working barebottomed.

Just thought I'd mention it, I think my playable sims do get dressed autonomously after being groped to the point of refusing fingering.

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12 hours ago, Jvsmith said:

The error that generates this attached file is related to one of the animation files. Remove OKW_something.package files one at a time.
This way you will know which file is causing the error.

Ok, now I know where to start looking. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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Hi, the maid is cleaning again. Thanks. She didn't clean all the things, it was a short shift but I think that's more real that stay a lot of hours.
I'll give you my feedback for the rest of while I play. As I don't got a brothel, I cannot test that part.
Thank you very much for the update.

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23 hours ago, Jvsmith said:

6. The problem with hiring brothel staff has been fixed. Testers needed.

In my game it remains the same and still export the same error messages as provided earlier.

Funny side aspect : On an older save with a running brothel, the earlier hired stuff still there and work. (but no additional whore can be employed)

But if the whore have free time, they must stay at home. Mean, if you sent one to somewhere else in the city, this action cancel and the sim return home immediately 🙂   

Janitors and Doorkeepers work as far as I could see.

Thanks for all efforts you put into this.

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Just now, Clydie said:

In my game it remains the same and still export the same error messages as provided earlier.

Funny side aspect : On an older save with a running brothel, the earlier hired stuff still there and work. (but no additional whore can be employed)

But if the whore have free time, they must stay at home. Mean, if you sent one to somewhere else in the city, this action cancel and the sim return home immediately 🙂   

Janitors and Doorkeepers work as far as I could see.

Thanks for all efforts you put into this.


What the heck? Damn C# with its variable type conversion!
Can you attach a ScriptError.xml?

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Clydie said:

Here you go :

Think the error message remain the same.

The hired whore become correctly assigned in there personal job tab but they not appear in the brothel menu...

Hope it helps a little. (Tested again, this effect really only appear in build 428 and 429)



Can you test this?


Edited by Jvsmith
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When my photographer character takes pictures, it allows me to frame the shot and I get a message that the picture was taken, but there is no photo in the camera’s inventory. I went back to 426 and the problem went away.

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