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Horizon Forbidden West - request

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14 hours ago, hahaalollll said:

For some reason Dekka has a butt texture lol haven't checked many npcs so not sure if this is common or not (pics look a little weird cuz it's converted from hdr)







EDIT: a few other npc guards have this too but since dekka is older her textures are more "wrinkly" (hard to see on above pics).


Oh, I think I missed the Tenakth Dragoon Armor! Thanks, I've added it to my .ini file. Now it's version 1.2.


Also thanks @Shinova- 😉


On 3/29/2024 at 10:39 PM, ZeroDoragon said:

Here's how I've done it:


1. Download and install Reshade (version with full add-on support); select DX10/11/12 when prompted. You don't need to activate any effect. Just the DLL is fine.

2. Download ShaderToggler; drop ShaderToggler.addon64 in the same folder as where the game exe is located.

3. Download ShaderToggler.ini and drop it in the same folder: version 1.2 ShaderToggler.ini

4. Launch the game.

5. Equip the Tenakth Recon, Tenakth Reaver or Tenakth Dragoon armor.

6. Press the following keys to toggle the effects:

  • F1 = Removes the top armor parts and the cape.
  • F2 = Removes the bottom armor parts and the helmet.
  • F3 = Removes the weapons.

7. Enjoy Aloy's blue tits!



  • The removed parts might glitch out while moving on the exteriors. (Fixed)
  • It leaves a small gap on Aloy's wrists (Recon and Reaver).
  • Removing the bottom armor and helmet (F2) may affect some NPCs clothing parts as well.
  • It may cause long shader compilation loading times in some systems, but it will eventually go back to normal.
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Edited by ZeroDoragon
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as i understand, the tools you mentioned several times here that are needed to mod this game are some sort of programs like unzip or winrar to unpack the game's archives, am i right? so, these programs aren't ready untill now and someone must to complile them, right? and for horizon zero dawn some dudes compliled them, but only after 7 monts right? so probabably we'll have to wait so long as well... or not, or worst? asking because game is real  freacking huge and imo isn't at the level of the predecessor and i need space: hhd's or ssd's prices now are insanely high, so deletion is needed but i don't want to re-dowload all stuff another time at same time... 

Edited by Rotten EROHW
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3 hours ago, Rotten EROHW said:

as i understand, the tools you mentioned several times here that are needed to mod this game are some sort of programs like unzip or winrar to unpack the game's archives, am i right? so, these programs aren't ready untill now and someone must to complile them, right? and for horizon zero dawn some dudes compliled them, but only after 7 monts right? so probabably we'll have to wait so long as well... or not, or worst? asking because game is real  freacking huge and imo isn't at the level of the predecessor and i need space: hhd's or ssd's prices now are insanely high, so deletion is needed but i don't want to re-dowload all stuff another time at same time... 

The main problem is the game engine, Decima, is extremely unfriendly toward modders. Every attempt to repack stuff leads to crashing, because it was not designed from the start to allow tampering. Also, the game is 2 years old, so most modders probably played the PS5 version and moved on from the game. Dragon's Dogma 2, despite being poorly received, is in full modding spree because the engine is friendly.

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Just wanted to chime in here, ShadelessFox is the person who got the editing tools for the first game working and is working on this one. Once they have it cracked we should be able to work on this. But ya this game is two years old, was played more on PlayStation, and most people enjoyed the first game and seemed to skip this one. Sucks but that's life.


Their git is here: https://github.com/ShadelessFox/decima

And they have been posting progress on discord: discord.gg/Gt4gkMwadB



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awesome! we'll have soon our mods! simple as that!


imo this horizon forbidden west is a very good game but has several points that litterally destroy/totally annihilate it's beauty:

1) some jump sessions are a pain in the butt so fierce and unbereable that you will blasfemy incessantly for years even after finishing the game, even while sleeping.

2) i didn't finished game yet, but the story imo is a bit too sad, too dramatic, like the witcher 3 one when you fuck everything and grab the worst final.

3) some labirints are a pain in the butt like the jump sessions and you can't do nothing about that than blasfemy with all your hearth anf fairth. LOL

4) horizon zero dawn is far better and it costs less... ROFL!

Edited by Rotten EROHW
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On 4/12/2024 at 12:42 AM, ZeroDoragon said:


Oh, I think I missed the Tenakth Dragoon Armor! Thanks, I've added it to my .ini file. Now it's version 1.2.


Also thanks @Shinova- 😉



Hey, if it's not too much to ask, could you work on a version that just cuts the cape and top? I feel like a lot of detail from the rest of the outfit is lost when removing the top. It would be awesome if there's a way to keep the outfit the exact same but just removing the cape and top so we could have those blue tits. I got no idea how modding works tho, so I may be asking for the impossible but I hope there's something we could do. 

Here's a couple of pics for you to see what I'm talking about:


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55 minutes ago, MG-01 said:

Hey, if it's not too much to ask, could you work on a version that just cuts the cape and top? I feel like a lot of detail from the rest of the outfit is lost when removing the top. It would be awesome if there's a way to keep the outfit the exact same but just removing the cape and top so we could have those blue tits. I got no idea how modding works tho, so I may be asking for the impossible but I hope there's something we could do. 

Here's a couple of pics for you to see what I'm talking about:



Unfortunately, that's not possible with this Reshade method, since these parts share the same shader. So, removing the top also removes the cords around her body, and removing the cape also removes the adornments on her arms.


With 3dmigoto, that would be possible, since I could select which parts to remove even if they shared the same shader. However, unfortunately, it doesn't support DX12 games...

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On 4/13/2024 at 1:00 PM, ZeroDoragon said:


Unfortunately, that's not possible with this Reshade method, since these parts share the same shader. So, removing the top also removes the cords around her body, and removing the cape also removes the adornments on her arms.


With 3dmigoto, that would be possible, since I could select which parts to remove even if they shared the same shader. However, unfortunately, it doesn't support DX12 games...

ah ok, that sucks. Thank you for taking the time to reply anyways. Hopefully this game pops and we can have another method to work on these things, it'd be pretty sad to see if the game just gets stuck in this state and doesn't get any crazy good mods.

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On 3/22/2024 at 7:29 PM, BlackFalcon said:

If we can get a face and body mod that looks like this I'll be the happiest.

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Looks like a Wish / Temu sex toy.... but i guess that's the point lol 

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the method written in the 3d doesn't work for me as well... anyway IMO i think it's better to patienlty wait for a real good mod like the one in horizon zero dawn. up in the 3d it was said that the same dude who modded horizon xero dawn is already working on forbedden west as well, so i think we won't have much longer to wait.

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2 hours ago, Rotten EROHW said:

the method written in the 3d doesn't work for me as well... anyway IMO i think it's better to patienlty wait for a real good mod like the one in horizon zero dawn. up in the 3d it was said that the same dude who modded horizon xero dawn is already working on forbedden west as well, so i think we won't have much longer to wait.


I think the dude that makes the tools is estimating around December so its probably going to be a while

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mein gott! are you kidding, buddy?! we're all going to be old and senile by december! LOL... i was hoping for a week or two at max! at this point i'll finish it even without a mod and see how it ends. i already like it less than the predecessor and if it ends as bad as witcher 3 with the bad ending i'll uninstall it forever and never reistall it again, not even if there will be wonderful nude mods better than the one in zero dawn. cheers


I stand corrected: the game craps 100k years old dead dogs... i'm asking a favor from asome good soul out there that have alredy completed the game: can someone put under spoiler if it goes end bad or good forbidden west story? 1 word is enough: good or bad, if good I try to finish it if it sucks I don't even want to finish it and know it, I uninstall it right now and amen. night...

Edited by Rotten EROHW
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13 hours ago, Rotten EROHW said:

mein gott! are you kidding, buddy?! we're all going to be old and senile by december! LOL... i was hoping for a week or two at max! at this point i'll finish it even without a mod and see how it ends. i already like it less than the predecessor and if it ends as bad as witcher 3 with the bad ending i'll uninstall it forever and never reistall it again, not even if there will be wonderful nude mods better than the one in zero dawn. cheers


I stand corrected: the game craps 100k years old dead dogs... i'm asking a favor from asome good soul out there that have alredy completed the game: can someone put under spoiler if it goes end bad or good forbidden west story? 1 word is enough: good or bad, if good I try to finish it if it sucks I don't even want to finish it and know it, I uninstall it right now and amen. night...

I mean, speaking as someone who hasn't played the second game at all, given your attitude about it, I would just assume you're not going to like it.... if someone replies that it's good, that just means they like it. Doesn't mean you will.

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18 hours ago, General_Jeno said:

Oh damn, truly? Do you have a quote for that?

Not really. It was mentioned on the discord that someone else linked too. The person was talking about being a slow developer and then mentioned December. Wasn't directly referencing anything but it seemed like it was related to FW.



16 hours ago, Rotten EROHW said:

mein gott! are you kidding, buddy?! we're all going to be old and senile by december! LOL... i was hoping for a week or two at max! at this point i'll finish it even without a mod and see how it ends. i already like it less than the predecessor and if it ends as bad as witcher 3 with the bad ending i'll uninstall it forever and never reistall it again, not even if there will be wonderful nude mods better than the one in zero dawn. cheers


I stand corrected: the game craps 100k years old dead dogs... i'm asking a favor from asome good soul out there that have alredy completed the game: can someone put under spoiler if it goes end bad or good forbidden west story? 1 word is enough: good or bad, if good I try to finish it if it sucks I don't even want to finish it and know it, I uninstall it right now and amen. night...

So no one complains about spoilers even though I don't think this spoils anything.


I thought the ending was good but I was disappointed with some parts of the later game. One issue was that it seemed like there was a lot of locations that could have been really cool but there just wasn't anything to do there and they weren't used in any stories or quests. There was actually one town that I had completely missed until after completing the game and going back for 100% and even then I think there was only one quest that involved that town.

The game is mostly the same as the first one. Big battle at the end. Lots of story reveals in the very late game that setup the problem for the next game to deal with.

I will say that I 100% completed the first game on PS but didn't play the DLC, completed it again when the PC version came out and 100% the DLC but not the whole game, then completed it again when nude mods came out and never really felt board with it.

I completed FW to 100% on PS5 but didn't play the DLC, started to play again when it came out for PC with the plan to 100% the DLC but only made it past the tutorial until I got too board to keep playing it plus the whole thing about the DLC just being so they could make Aloy gay kind of ruined my interest in it as it doesn't sound like the type of story I'm interested in which seems weird considering my Pornhub viewing history contains a lot of lesbian story lines.


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thanks for the feedback dude! IMO i find hfw not an awfull game, but a ruined masterpiece and that's even worst: lot of insane jump sessions that are a truly and unbereable pain in the ass, the fact that if they kill your mount you are with your ass on the ground unlike zero dawn, the combat mechanics and a myriad of bullshit that irretrievably ruins the enjoyment of the work have prompted me to abandon it. despite ending well i have no more incentive to continue: game uninstalled. maybe, with a nice nude mod i will consider it again but i highly doubt it.  i truly hope the 3rd chapter will be as good as the first one. notte...

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9 hours ago, ace90099 said:

Not really. It was mentioned on the discord that someone else linked too. The person was talking about being a slow developer and then mentioned December. Wasn't directly referencing anything but it seemed like it was related to FW.



So no one complains about spoilers even though I don't think this spoils anything.

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I thought the ending was good but I was disappointed with some parts of the later game. One issue was that it seemed like there was a lot of locations that could have been really cool but there just wasn't anything to do there and they weren't used in any stories or quests. There was actually one town that I had completely missed until after completing the game and going back for 100% and even then I think there was only one quest that involved that town.

The game is mostly the same as the first one. Big battle at the end. Lots of story reveals in the very late game that setup the problem for the next game to deal with.

I will say that I 100% completed the first game on PS but didn't play the DLC, completed it again when the PC version came out and 100% the DLC but not the whole game, then completed it again when nude mods came out and never really felt board with it.

I completed FW to 100% on PS5 but didn't play the DLC, started to play again when it came out for PC with the plan to 100% the DLC but only made it past the tutorial until I got too board to keep playing it plus the whole thing about the DLC just being so they could make Aloy gay kind of ruined my interest in it as it doesn't sound like the type of story I'm interested in which seems weird considering my Pornhub viewing history contains a lot of lesbian story lines.



The problem with Forbidden West the game, is the slow wind up. I'm currently facing the same issue. I got into the Forbidden West (the area) on my PS5. (When the game actually opens up after that big get together) Where as I'm struggling to get through it on my PC. I really need a save that just drops you right into the Forbidden West on the other side of your base. Then I think I'd be golden. As I got about 1 or 2 hours into the Forbidden West (Actual area of the game. After the big ceremony/gathering where you now have your own base of operations) before I shelved the game due to my 3rd child being born and an increase in medical issues.


Now as I said, I'm struggling to make it to that point. Once you get there the game starts to get better. It's just getting past that damn ceremony/gathering.


EDIT: Ya, I stopped playing on my PS5 either midway through Death's Door or right before starting The Dying Land.

Edited by Hakufu1021
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I've been enjoying the game from the start. 96 hours in, finished the main quest yesterday, still lots of side content to do and the DLC.

Story wise it can't fully keep up with discovering what happened to the world and who is Aloy from part one, sure. But it is still one of my favorite games, looks totally gorgeous and runs butter smooth.

Sure, in a game this big there are things that could have done better. My pet peeve is the glidewing opening unreliably. Fine for jumping off cliffs, horrible when it is required to get somewhere. Took me forever to get that one tallneck...

You don't have to use the plethora of weapons and gear and melee combat combos if you don't want. They solved the two biggest issues from part one (storage and day-night cycles). I have no issue with sticking to an override and needing a new one when it breaks, and the three rides are very different unlike in one. But I do miss the whistle.

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