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Monochrome Mobius NSFW Modpack - download available

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[Reserved for updates] 

Update 1: Monochrome Mobius modpack page is ready with links.

Update 2: Unity model editing tutorial is up on the "tutorial" section with example mod of Bottomless Shunya on the more "mods section"

Update 3: Undertow mirror link added and more images for the mirror links.

Update 4: Added a disclaimer about a known bug with the models on some language versions, if you encounter a problem with them, just play to the next scene or battle, that always fixes it. Thanks for the info about them!

Update 5: Added the "Nexusmods" page mirror link.

Update 6: Added the "Gamebanana" page mirror link.


Edited by Meekurukuru
edit: Update 6
Link to comment

[Reserved for tutorials]



Tutorial for editing ANY Unity model (with images)

This is an advance tutorial, on how to mod models in ANY Unity game!

Beware that the location of the files might differ from game to game, but the process is practically the same for all the Unity games, so adjust accordingly.


If you want something of an easier tutorial, you could mod any of the Unity game textures such as images, menus, huds or textures with this short 6 minute video that explains it step by step.


I will divide the tutorial in different sections so it is easier to follow and add screenshots so you can follow along to get your mod ready.

As always if you get stuck, read the steps carefully, they it might get a bit overwhelming, it is not an easy thing to mod but it is totally doable.

No video for this tutorial since it would be 1 hour long at the least!  Also written guides are neat





Lets begin with the programs used for this and in the order of when they are used too:

We will need the following programs

  1. Assetstudio https://github.com/Perfare/AssetStudio/releases 
  2. Blender https://www.blender.org/download/ 
  3. (Only if you plan to edit textures as well) Any image editing software of your choice like Photoshop or Gimp https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ 
  4. (Only if you plan to edit textures as well) Paint.net https://www.getpaint.net/download.html 
  5. Unity version of your game (It is pretty easy to find and it will be explained in the tutorial) but I will be using Unity 2020.3.36f1 (64-bit) since it is the one that is compatible with the plugins required for some meshes, use this one preferably  https://unity.com/releases/editor/whats-new/2020.3.36
  6.  UABEA https://github.com/nesrak1/UABEA/releases/tag/v6 

You will also need these 2 files for your Unity so we can generate meshes and export them mesh without having too much of a headache.

Just extract them somewhere where you can remember to use them later.

 0. Unity addons.rar





Before we actually start with the steps, find out if your game is made in Unity, some games pay to have the watermark at the start from Unity removed, others don't so it can be a bit hard to find.


Easiest way to find out is to search "Name of your game engine" or "Name of your game unity", if you find results with that, we can continue this tutorial, if not, your game is made in another engine.


You could also check the game folder and if it has a "nameofyourgame_data" folder, it is pretty likely that it is an Unity game. Also some games have "Unity" files all over the place, so might be helpful.

Here are some examples of some unity games:

Monochrome Mobius:


Persona 5 Tactica:



Little Witch Academia (notice how the directory doesn't have any Unity file, but it does have a "yournamegame_data" folder)



Neptunia Sisters VS Sisters


Now that you found that it is made in Unity, lets check which version of Unity just in case.

First enter inside of your "data" folder of your unity game and you should find this file called "resource.assets", (don't worry all unity have this file included)



After you find it, simple open "Notepad" or "Notepad++" (if you are using another operating system) and drag the file into the notepad window



Once you do that, the file will be filled with garbage data but the Unity version of the game will be displayed!



This is going to be useful if you want to use the same Unity version of the game!

Although I always recommend on using Unity 2020.3.36f1 just for experience, but it wouldn't be a complete tutorial if I didn't mention how to do this.



Also worth noting, some Unity games are made with "Mono" and others are made with "IL2CPP".

This is going to be useful if in the future if you plan on using BepInEx to mod data or textures on Unity games but that goes beyond the scope of this tutorial, so I am just going to mention it.

Little Witch Academia uses Mono 



While Persona 5 Tactica, Nep SvS and Monochrome Mobius use IL2CPP








Now that we know that the game is made in Unity, we will need to find the model that we want to edit.


Most of the time the models are place in the following location

"Yourgamesname > yourgamesname_data > StreamingAssets > aa >StandaloneWindows64 "



Other Unity games might also organize them in folders too.



Notice how this game has a different file structure but it is practically the same.

"Yourgamesname > yourgamesname_data > StreamingAssets > Windows "


The files could be either named with a pretty self explanatory name like "Chara" or "model", with the name of the characters or in the worst case, they can just be a mess of a name.

I have a solution for those kind of cases below in the guide, don't worry it is just some extra clicks to find the models on even the worst cases


So models can be place in all sorts of containers for Unity games but the 3 most popular ones are:

".bundle" files 



".manifest and/or accompaning blank file" (always open them in pairs when it comes to .manifest files, so for example, if you want to open "amanda_uniform_model" you should also open "amanda_uniform_model.manifest" with it) (if the file is by itself without a manifest file, then ignore the pairs stuff)



"Assets" files (these are normally found all in this location "Yourgamesname > yourgamesname_data") (These is a pretty normal location for textures and images if you can't find them)



I will explain how to search models on the worst case scenarios like in Persona 5 Tactica where the file names are garbage later on the extracting the models part!


Now that you know where the models can be located, lets move to the next step "How to view and extract the models"!






Now that we know what kind of file an unity game uses for models and where to find it, lets view them in 3D and export them so we can edit them!


1. Open Assetstudio



2. Copy these exacts settings to ensure proper size and scale of the images and models that we are going to edit, also lets open the export settings, copy them exactly as they are shown! 



The "export settings" are a really big issue when learning how to mod so please make sure you have the same settings, even the unmarked ones, copy it exactly as shown.


3. With the settings copied, lets open the model file (".bundle" or "blank file" or "asset", it depends on your game, in this case I will open a "blank" file without a ".manifest" file)

To open it click on "File" > "Load file"



4. Then select the file you want to open, remember that not all unity games use ".bundle" files, check accordingly before opening them.



5. With the file open, wait a bit for the program to find all the assets, then when it is finished you can see the progress full progress bar in green.



6. Now click on "Asset List" to view the assets of that file.

You can also expand the tabs to view the names or locations if your screen has the space.



7. Once inside that tab, click on "Filter Type" and only check "Mesh". (If you are finding textures, similar to the other tutorial, just click "Texture2D", but here since this is a mesh tutorial, click "Mesh")



8. With the file mesh filtered, you can see if the mesh is from the character or thing that you want to edit by simply clicking on it or using the arrow keys



9. Since I know this is the character I want to edit (due to previous research) I will export it for further editing in Blender.

Click on the "Export" tab and then "Export all objects (split)" to make sure we get the correct files!



10. Select where you want to export the files, try to be organized and move each mod to their own folder.



When making a mod, use this pattern of folders, copy them exactly as they are since they will be useful in the long run an it will give you the muscle memory required to be organized!

Do this for each mod you make and modding is going to be a breeze, probably.



11. Wait a bit for the file to extract, it might take some time, after that, lets check the new folder. (Some models are quite heavy, for the Monochrome mod I heard some horror stories about long waits  just to get it done due to the amount of vertexes and data, but it usually takes like a minute or so)



12. When you finish exporting the files, lets make a backup of the original file that you opened in Assetstudio (the ".bundle", asset or blank/manifest file) to the "0 Base" folder so we have a backup just in case.


If you don't know which file you have opened, simple click on any file inside Assetstudio in the "Asset List" tab and then "Right click" onto it and go to "Show original file"


13. Once that is done, you will have your folder with textures and an "fbx" file, all ready to be used in Blender!



Well done, lets move to Blender now to edit this model.


But if your game has a weird file structure or you can't find the models/textures, follow this extra steps:


Beware that this could easily take 40GBs of temporal space in your main hdd.

This is due to the program extraction of ALL the game files in that location but don't worry, after you close Assetstudio all that space will be back.

So only do this method if you cannot find the models/textures or your game has a mess of garbage names.


Extra step 1:

Once you got "Assetstudio" ready with the correct copied settings from above, instead of opening a single file, open the entire folder of files by going to "File" and the "Load folder"



Extra step 2

Select the location of where all the files with garbage names are located, usually "Yourgamesname > yourgamesname_data > StreamingAssets > aa >StandaloneWindows64 "



Extra step 3

After you wait for the really long extraction of ALL the files in that folder, you can search all the models in the game.



Now go to "Asset List" and use "Filter Type" tab and check "Mesh" (or "Texture2D" if you are searching that) to reduce the amount of files that we don't need to edit right now.



Extra step 4

Use the "Name" and "Container" tabs to filter the files so you can find the thing that you want to edit, since it will be filled with lots of random meshes, use that accordingly.


Extra step 5

Once done you find the mesh that you want to edit, "Right click" onto it and go to "Show original file"


Remember that file name, because we are going to use it in "Assetstudio"  later on.

On the next step we are going to open that file that you found with the mesh that you want.

It will probably have a random name, so be sure to get the right one.


Extra step 6

Re-open that file that you found by "showing the original file" so we can have just that one open and then go to

"Export" tab and then "Export all objects (split)" to make sure we get the correct files!



Select the folder where you want the exported files and that should be it, let it export and copy the base file into the "0 base" folder.

Now you just found the meshes/textures or your model from the sea of garbage names!



Some files might export multiple folders instead of just a single one, that is normal because the game might have multiple meshes or characters for that same file!


We just need to edit it one by one, or edit the one that you like.

In this example I will only edit the main clothes of a character and not her "Default pose outfit", but you can edit as much or as little as you want, it is all up to you!


Normally games just have a single folder for each file like in Neptunia Sisters VS Sisters.


Each game has their own quirk even if they share the same steps.







With the FBX file ready, it is time to open it in Blender.

This tutorial will go through the basics on how to make a basic model mod.

Importing meshes from other models requires adjusting the data and weights of it and it can cause errors while generating meshes, so this will just go over editing the models without new external meshes.


1. Open Blender and click on "General" so we can create a 3D Model edit.



If your blender just opens by itself, click on "File" > "New" > "General"



2. Hold "CTRL" and "Left click" the 3 files on the right, then click "X" to delete them (if asked, click "Yes" to delete them)



3. Now lets open the "FBX" file that we got from "Assetstudio".

Go to File > "Import" > "FBX".



4. Check these exact settings when importing it!

It is imperative that you check them like these or it will have problems with the scaling or positions!

Don't worry, all Unity games use the same settings for their models.



After you got all the same import settings, left click on "Import FBX"


5. Get used to the controls

Basic controls: 

  • You can rotate the 3D View by holding the "Middle mouse button" in your mouse (If you are using a touchpad, you can remap it to another button but it is really tedious to do, so use a mouse if possible, a cheap one will do too)
  • To move around hold "Shift" and hold the "Middle mouse button" to move around. 
  • You can zoom in and out of the 3D View by using the "Scroll wheel"
  • You can scale things by holding "S" to be bigger or smaller  (you can also press X, Y or Z to change the size to those axis)
  • You can move things by holding "G" (you can also press X, Y or Z to move them in those directions)

With those basic controls you should be able to move around in Blender.

Now lets give some color to the model since it might be grey when you import it and full of random bones and armature. 

Also don't worry if it is T-Posing, that is how the models are done in Blender.


In object mode (the thing on the left of the screen), click on the eye button (View Object Type) and hide the eyes by simply "left clicking" on the 3 eyes marked (Armature, Lattice, Empty)



Doing so will hide the unnecesary and advanced stuff for this tutorial.


To get some color, simply click on the "Viewport shading" and then click on the "Solid sphere".

After that go to the dropdown tab of "Viewport shading" and click on "Texture" as the color!



Now we have the model ready, if your model still lacks color, we can still make edits without them but after you finish reading this, below there are going to be some extra steps to troubleshot the lack of color.

It is normally related to lack of textures.


6. Lets start editing the model, so I will do an skirtless mod.

Still in "Object mode", left click the mesh that you want to edit, it will be marked out with an outline.

After that, switch to "Edit mode" from "Object mode" in the left corner.



7. Once in "Edit mode", we are going to have to learn some new basic controls in addition to the other we just used.

Basic controls part 2: 

  • Press 1 or 3 to switch between "Vertex select" or "Mesh select", always choose "3" when doing edits.
  • Press "L" while hovering over a part of a model and it will select most of the part that joins it, for example here I just pressed L and it got the entire left sleeve instead of manually selecting it, use this to your advantage!


  • Press "A" to select everything.
  • Press "X" and then "F" to delete faces, this is the most usual thing when editing.
  • To de-select anything, hold "Shift" and then click on the thing that you want to de-select. It also works with "L", so you can use "Shift + L" to deselect multiple sections.


Now with those new basic controls, I will be deleting part of the onepiece to make it shorter.


Remember to use the view compass to face the model to any direction that you find useful to edit.

The marked option is called "Toggle X-Ray" so that is useful to view behind the model, this is due to the fact that when selecting stuff on edit mode, the behind and inner parts are not selected, so use that to select everything!



Blender has a lot of tools, but I prefer using these selections tool to get the dress shorter, this section is pretty general on the explanations, so if you are interested, do research on some Blender tutorials.

I am sure you will love it.


I will be using the square select box to get the dress height shorter.



Once selected, press "X" and delete it with "F" (there are other options, so test them out, I use "F" because it is muscle memory)



Now the onepiece is shorter, but the skirt is on the way.



So we need to change from "Edit mode" to "Object mode" and "Left click" the skirt that I want to edit.



After it is selected, "Left click" on "Edit mode" and do the same process of deleting the meshes from above!



The usual stuff, delete it and the with the left behind skirt, we should make it smaller so the game doesn't crash due to deleting it.

Always leave at least a single pixel or small part of the model that you want to delete, even if it is small, the game will find it and it will avoid you a lot of headaches! 



I will use the "S" key to make it really small and "G" to move it inside the model.



Once that done, you will have your model ready and skirtless or with any edit you made.



8. If you want to change the textures or colors, "Left click" onto the part you want to change in "Object mode" then go into "Edit mode" and select the area you want to change.



Then click on "UV Editing" and move the selection area in the texture file.

Here is where you can use custom textures by using the other texture tutorial, you can combine the texture modding tutorial with this to get some custom textures in here.


Since I will be doing a simple edit, I will make her legs to a different color.

If you can't find the selection in "UV Editing", you can always press "A" to select everything.



You can use the previous step to view the current changes to the texture. 

Here I move the selection to another area of the textures (by pressing "G") to make her socks longer.



Here is the entire selection, remember to use "L" for each zone to select it, or "Shift + L" to deselect any section.



And here is the final result, change to the "Layout" tab.



You can also use the UV Editing part to make her nude there, if you change the selection to get skin instead of the sock material. 


And you can make it look even better by using custom textures or even custom models but that would be even more advance for this tutorial, so I will leave her as is.


9. Now we need to write down the names of the things we have edited so we can port them to Unity.

In "Object Mode", "Left click" on an object you made an edit, in this case the "onepiece"  that she wears.



Now go to the "scene collection" tab (you can resize it if it is too small by holding the edges) and search for the highlighted object, in this case, the "onepiece".



Write down the name of that file and do the same for the other parts, remember that the small part that we made can be found in here, so just use the arrows to move between the objects and when you get the highlighted items ready, just write the names!



Files that you only have done "UV Editing" and without meshes also count, so mark them down.



10. Now this is important, if your game models has a name with an ":" inside of it, we need to rename them on the files that we plan to import into unity! (it is not necessary on files that are not edited)

If they do not have a ":" inside, then you can skip this step.


For example these edited model meshes have these files with ":"

  1. env_bone:mesh_shunya:flil_low
  2. env_bone:mesh_shunya:onepiece
  3. env_bone:mesh_shunya:legs  

so we would need to rename them to something else, I simple make them like this.


To rename them, just double "Left click" on them and you can rename it to any name as long as it doesn't have a ":" on it.

Try to make them similar to the original name for easier use.


11. Finally after you got the names of the meshes that you have edited from the steps above either with the original ones or the new ones if they have a ":" included, then we are ready to export the file!


In "Object mode", "Left click" outside the model so nothing is selected.

Then go to "File" > "Export" > "FBX".



12. Inside the FBX Export window, copy these exact settings or Unity might have an issue generating the meshes!



More settings you need to copy!



Also copy these too.



You can put the file with any name as long as it has .fbx but make it short for easier use if possible.

Then click on "Export FBX" and save it onto the extracted folder of the Assetstudio file we got.


13. Once that is done, you will have both the original FBX file and the newly edited with your stuff in Blender in the same folder.




If your model doesn't have textures when you import it to blender even though you clicked on the options above to see them, follow these extra steps.


Extra step 1:

After you got the model in Blender, click somewhere empty in Blender in the 3D View in "Object Mode".

Then press "A" to select everything and go to these red icon. (Material tab)

From there "left click" on the same icon but in white and give the object a texture by selecting it.


The texture is usually the file with the name on the folder of the extracted FBX file from Assetstudio.

It should be done seamlessly by itself but it could fail, so that is the manual way of doing it.



Also make sure to copy the exact same "Import" and "Export" settings or the next step in Unity is pretty much guaranteed to fail, for sure.







Since we got the 2 FBX files (The original one and the edited one), it is time to open unity. 


1. Open Unity and create an account if you need it, after that Unity will open the "Unity Hub"

2. From there create a new "new project".

Remember the save file location, it will go into "your documents" if left by default.


3. Then above, in the program border, you can choose the Unity version that you want to use, you can use the one we found from the games files or go with the trusty "Unity 2020.3.36f1 (64-bit)" version.


4. Select "3D" core, rename the project to a name you like and change the project location if you don't like it by default, then "Create the project".



5. Wait a bit for the files to be generated and here is the Unity window.

Get accostumed to it since we are going to use it for a bit.



6. Now lets start by creating some folders for the tools to create meshes! 

"Right click" on the empty space on "Assets" > "Create" > "Folder"



We need to make 3 folders in here and with these exacts names and punctuations! 

  • Editor
  • Export
  • Prefab



8. Now enter inside the "Editor" folder and it is time to use the files included on the tutorial.

After extracting the .rar included in the tutorial, drag and drop the file that has the skinned mesh addon for Unity onto the Editor folder (don't mind the other file in the image, it is for a test) 



9. After that is done you will notice that you have a new options tab above the Unity bar in the "Tools" section, we are going to use it later on.



10. Once that is done, lets install the other addon onto Unity so we can build the actual data files so it is easier than compiling the entire thing!

Open the "Window" tab and go into "Package Manager".



11. From there "left click" onto the "+" icon and "Add package from disk".

Search the extracted folder of "AssetBundle Browser" included in the .rar and open the "package.json" file so Unity can add it.




12. Once that is done, it is time to import the FBX Files into Unity. 

We can simply drag and drop both FBX files inside the Unity "Asset" window


But make sure to drag and drop the original fbx file first and then the edited fbx file so we can have an easier time when generating the meshes.



13. After both files are inside the Unity "Assets" window, we need to move them into the "Scene" panel on the left so we can actually see them rendered. 

Drag and drop the original .fbx file of your model onto the left panel and then do the same with the edited .fbx file.


Make sure to drag and drop the original fbx file first and then the edited fbx file so we can have an easier time when generating the meshes.


14. Now that both files are inside the scene we can view them but don't worry if they look off there.

In-game they should look fine if you didn't do some drastic changes on Blender or use the wrong import/export setting during that section.


15. Now that the files are on the Unity "Scene", we need to open the "Prefab" folder that we have created on the "Assets" window below.

Once inside the "Prefab" folder, drag the original .fbx file from the "Scene" into the "Prefab" folder.

Use the image example if you got lost.

22dragthefilesfromthescenetotheprefabpagedothesamewiththeeditedfbx.PNG.ea7d7c5a3b0aa4c06bb279412c3b9b29.PNGClick on "Original Prefab" when prompted.


Now do the same, with the edited .fbx file, drag it from the "Scene" window into the "Prefab" folder and click on "Original prefab" when prompted.


Always follow the order of original .fbx file first then the edited one!


16. This is how your "Prefab" folder should look like if you have moved the files from the "scene" into the "prefab" folder and if you click on one of them, you can see a "Open prefab" window too.



17. Select the edited .fbx mesh that we made in Blender inside the "Prefab" folder and click on "Open prefab"



18. Your window should be changed like this, now with this view, go into "Tools" > "Mesh" > "Generate Skinned Mesh Component" (beware that this option is not going to appear if you failed to import the "skinned mesh renderer" addon into the "Editor" folder in Unity from some steps ago)24generatemesh.png.592d20a8975ca75be645506995b4f709.png


19. With a new window open, it is time to remember the names (original or changed if it had a ":") from the meshes that we have edited in Blender (good thing we marked them down somewhere).


Click on the marked circle and select the "Base mesh" from the original .fbx model.

In this case I will select the onepiece so I need to click on "env_bone:mesh_shunya:onepiece"



Then click on the "0" and change it to a "1" so we can add a mesh to be generated (you see where this is going?)

Click on the "circle option" (marked in red) and here select the mesh that you have edited in Blender from the edited .fbx file.

Don't worry if this is only one mesh, we can do this step multiple times.



Once selected, this is how your screen should look like. 

We have the original mesh .fbx file part that we use as a base and we have the new one that is edited in Blender below.

Only thing left to do is click "Generate".

I wish you the best of luck!! 



This part has 2 endings:

Ending 1 - The good ending:

You either followed the guide step by step without skipping anything (seriously even the easy stuff is required for increasing the chances of the mesh being generated) and you get this prompt (not with the same number but something similar)



Then I am glad to announce you just finished the most difficult part of the guide!

This is the single most critical point of failure of people when doing unity mods, so now that you followed the steps and copied all the settings, the rest of this is going to be a piece of cake, congrats!


Ending 2 - The bad ending:

You received an error in red like "Unknown handle" or "Unknown key.exception", then I am afraid you didn't follow the guide and that is the most generic error when generating meshes.

You can either redo the entire process or give up, I don't judge you, it is difficult to fail here but there's nothing we can do to fix it since the error is so generic that it could possible be anything, so please follow the steps and copy the exact same settings even the ones that are "unmarked".


I make a huge point about this because I am sure that most people are going to have trouble with that part if they don't follow the guide exactly as it is written.


All the Unity models mod follow this exact same steps to make a mod, but there is another way to make custom models mods for Unity but that one is really bad and it have issues with scaling on the models.

I will not explain that method since this guide is pretty long as is and I don't want it to be that confusing.


20. Now with the mesh generated, we need to do the previous step for each new mesh that we made in Blender, so I will do this for the Onepiece, the legs and the skirt.



If you use the original name on both the fbx files (the original and the edited one), always pick the top choice in the "base mesh" and the "bottom choice" for the option below where you put a "1".


That is why I made you drag and drop the original .fbx file first and then the edited one, for that exact step.

So don't forget to read the guide without skipping it.



21. After all the meshes are generated, go to the "Export" tab in your "Assets" window

In here you will find the newly generated meshes that you got from the horrible process before by generating them one by one.



22. Now lets click on one of the meshes, and look at the inspector window below where it says "AssetBundle".



23. In that section, click on the dropdown tab where it says "none" and then click on "new".

Here we need to write an easy name for the bundle.

Try to copy the original one from the mesh, so I will put "fill" in here.


Rename it and press "Enter" to confirm the name.



24. Now that we have the exported mesh with a proper name, do the same from step 21 with the other exported models.

In my case I will have to add a name to the "legs" and "onepiece"




25. Once everything is renamed, open the "Window" tab > then go to "AssetBundle Browser".



26. A new window should appear, here is the "AssetBundle Browser", click on the "Configure" tab to make sure all the exported mesh files have their names added.

You can click the "Reload" icon near "Configure" if they don't appear too.



27. Once they are there, go to the "Build" Tab and copy these settings.

After they are copied, go to the "browse" button and select the inside section of the  "3 Unity" folder we made before.




28. After that, just build the bundle file.



After some minutes from the build, you will find some files with the names that you gave them during the export section.

So here I have 3 export files and the basic Unity stuff.


Do you remember the blank and manifest files?

They are back, so we need to open them in pairs but we will do that on the last section luckily.

Don't worry the worst just passed, over here it is smooth sailing.


With that concludes the Unity section of the guide.

It is the most difficult part of the guide without counting the stuff we do on Blender, so I don't blame you if you fail on your first attempt but read the guide properly and you will have your models mods ready in no time!

Or you know, just do textures mods, that is pretty easy and less of a headache.




> Is it possible to find a fix for the "Unknown catch/exception" error when generating meshes in unity?

Not really, it is a generic error, you would have to retrace your steps and do it all over again.

It could be as simple as exporting a model in the wrong way or changing some weights and bones without noticing to almost anything.

That is why, you must follow the guide step by step and with the same settings.


Although there is another method to import models into Unity but it is even worse than this, so I will refrain from explaining it. 


Hopefully in the future someone finds an easier way of porting models to Unity, but this is a guaranteed way of doing mods with no issues on the armature, weights or bones! 

And that is the way I have being doing Unity mods for all this months, including the Nep SvS modpack with all the 50+ new models


Although getting this far into the guide only to fail at generating the mesh just because of a human oversight of skipping to read something from this guide is truly a shame.


You can also use 3DMigoto and avoid all these stuff, but 3DMigoto is also really hard to use with all the name variables and command lines to get the right buffer on the frame of the model, it is better just to stick to textures sometimes.



Good luck and lets move to the final section!





Last section!

1. Go to the "3 Unity folder" we made and open "UABEA".



2. You can turn the "Dark mode" here to save your eyes, if you want.


3. Remember the directory of the "3 Unity" folder, then go to "File" > " Open".



4. Open the directory of the "3 Unity" folder and now open the first pair of exported files from unity.

In my case I will open the "legs" and "legs.manifest" file. 


Remember to only open files of the same name and in pairs if they have ".manifest" file or just by themselves if they use a ".bundle" extension.


You can hold "CTRL" to select both files.



5. Once you "Open" the files, you will see a pop up window asking for a place to store the temporal files.

Always select "Memory" since it will clean itself after you close the program!



6. Once that done, you will have your files loaded, so just go into "info" for now.



7. Here we have multiple options, but we just want the mesh file "raw data", so we need to:

"Left click" onto the mesh file, then go into "Export Raw Data" and select the "4 UABEA" folder we made some sections ago.



So extract the "Raw data file" from the mesh inside the "4 UABEA" folder.


Do not change the name or the .dat file extension!!


8. Then simply go to the "File" tab > "Close"



9. Do it again "File" > "Close" 



We need to do that so we don't corrupt the data by simple closing it, similarly to how you "safe eject" a USB drive.


After that is done, we need to do the same process with the rest of the exported files that we got from Unity, so I will start from step 3 of these section again and do the rest of the files.

In my case I should only have left the "legs" and "onepiece" left after that one.


10. After doing that process for the rest of the export files, we should have some ".dat" files inside the "4 UABEA" folder, these are our meshes.



11. Now, copy the base file from the model that we got from Assetsudio from the "0 Base" folder into the "4 UABEA" folder so we can edit it.

Just copy it, do not cut it, so we can have a backup.



12. Open "UABEA" again, and go to "File" > "Open" and select the file you got from the "0 BASE" folder, in my case it was "chara_001" but in yours it could be something else, even with a ".bundle" file, it just depends of the Unity game.



13. Once you "Open" the files, you will see a pop up window asking for a place to store the temporal files.

Always select "Memory" since it will clean itself after you close the program!



14. Left click on "Info".



15. To find the stuff that we need to change, press "CTRL E" and you will get a "Type filter" tab similar to Assetstudio.

So here "deselect all" and only mark the thing that we want to change, in this case "Meshes".



16. With only the "Meshes" selected, click on the "X" and sort by "name" if you want.

We need to find the original meshes that we edited in Blender, in my case I need to find these ones:

  1. env_bone:mesh_shunya:flil_low
  2. env_bone:mesh_shunya:onepiece
  3. env_bone:mesh_shunya:legs  


17. Once you find them, simple "left click" on one to select it, then "left click" onto "Import Raw Data"



18. Inside this window, select the corresponding extracted data from Unity.

For example: in this case I want the "Raw Data" from the extracted "legs" model, so I will select the "legs.dat" file and open it.

One easy way to tell which file you are currently importing data is to read the "name" on the side.


So open the corresponding file with the corresponding export raw .dat files that we got from the previous steps. 


Do not mix the data files or they will appear invisible during the game.

For example: Only use the "onepiece" .dat file for the "onepiece" file in UABEA.


19. Once the importing is done, if you expand the window of UABEA, you will notice that the modified tab has the file we just edited with a "*".



Now repeat the process again with the rest of the export files that you got from Unity and then you got the .dat from UABEA.

I will start from step 17 of this section again and do the rest of the files.

In my case I should only have left the "legs" and "onepiece" to "Import Raw Data".


20. After that is done, go to make sure all the files that you have edited have a "*" on the modified tab.


21. Here you can also change textures for the model with custom ones but you should follow the 6 minute video tutorial on how to do that, just to be sure.


22. When you have everything edited, and imported, go to "File" > "Save" > "OK"



Then go to "File" >  "Close"



23. Notice how the file has a "*" 


So once more, go to "File" > "Save"



Finally go to "File" > "Close".



Congratulations on your Unity model mod!

You can move the finish file into the "5 done" folder because the thing is truly done.



- You can save and close the blender project on the "2 Blender" folder if you want to be organized.


- And the Unity addon files can be reused later on too, so no need to create a new project.

it is a bit advance but it is convenient after a while.

Just open the same project again that you used in this tutorial with all the folders and files installed and delete the files from the scene, assets, prefab, export folders and select another folder to build the assetbundle file if you want.   


I seriously poured my heart into this tutorial, I hope you can use it.

Enjoy your mod and good luck! 








Edited by Meekurukuru
edit: Added tutorial for 3d models on any unity game.
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[Reserved for extra mods that work with the modpack] - All the mods in here require any version of the modpack to be installed first.


Bottomless Shunya mod - Monochrome Mobius 




Monochrome Mobius Shunya bottomless mod.rar




This mod changes the Shunya model during gameplay to be bottomless (naked below the waist)
Doesn't change her during cutscenes or some sections of the game due to engine limitations.


Screenshots and Install location:







Install guide

Requires any version of the modpack to be installed first!
After you installed the modpack, just replace the file from the game with the new one of the mod you want to install, in this case the Shunya bottomless mod.

Just drag and drop it and replace the files.


Install location:

\MonochromeMobius Rights and Wrongs Forgotten_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows\character


If you are interested, here is the other modpack that I made:

Edited by Meekurukuru
edit: Bottomless Shunya mod added.
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5 hours ago, 孫悟空 said:


That sure is a weird bug, did you made sure it is installed correctly?

Make sure your game is on the latest version and with a clean install, then just drag an drop the folder accordingly and replace files when asked.

I hope that helps.


Google translate>




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Thank you for the release. 


To confirm, are you fully supporting all language versions? 

You can see the language depots here https://steamdb.info/app/1962430/depots/

1962431 is common files for all languages, then 1962432, 3 and 4 are the unique files for each version.

Click the number to see the filelists. Log in with Steam and you can see the file hashes. 


Specifically, out of the files in the mod, resources.assets has different variants for English, Japanese and Chinese. 

Does the one in the mod work with all three languages?


For reference:




Sorry, seems like main menu is broken with Japanese version.

And invisible body in the opening scene.

resources.resource (7GB file) is also different between language versions. 

Could some 3DMigoto targets be different?


Sorry, to be the bearer of bad news.




Edited by Tomopo923
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米库库鲁 3小时前说道:










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41 minutes ago, Tomopo923 said:

Thank you for the release. 


To confirm, are you fully supporting all language versions? 

You can see the language depots here https://steamdb.info/app/1962430/depots/

1962431 is common files for all languages, then 1962432, 3 and 4 are the unique files for each version.

Click the number to see the filelists. Log in with Steam and you can see the file hashes. 


Specifically, out of the files in the mod, resources.assets has different variants for English, Japanese and Chinese. 

Does the one in the mod work with all three languages?


For reference:




Sorry, seems like main menu is broken with Japanese version.

And invisible body in the opening scene.

resources.resource (7GB file) is also different between language versions. 

Could some 3DMigoto targets be different?


Sorry, to be the bearer of bad news.




It's the same as my game, but my game is in traditional Chinese

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17 hours ago, OOooOOOoooOOo said:

You(Meekurukuru) and Jmedia7 are Gods, thanks for all u do and for free at that. cant wait to try this out


It took quite a bit of time to finish but I am glad people can enjoy.


16 hours ago, Tomopo923 said:

Thank you for the release. 


To confirm, are you fully supporting all language versions? 

You can see the language depots here https://steamdb.info/app/1962430/depots/

1962431 is common files for all languages, then 1962432, 3 and 4 are the unique files for each version.

Click the number to see the filelists. Log in with Steam and you can see the file hashes. 


Specifically, out of the files in the mod, resources.assets has different variants for English, Japanese and Chinese. 

Does the one in the mod work with all three languages?


For reference:




Sorry, seems like main menu is broken with Japanese version.

And invisible body in the opening scene.

resources.resource (7GB file) is also different between language versions. 

Could some 3DMigoto targets be different?


Sorry, to be the bearer of bad news.




Thanks, it took a lot of time to be released and I do this completely for free so hearing so much stuff about this unknown spin off of a great franchise  is always nice to see.


> Shunya

I see, sometimes (but not always) the default costume might be loaded since the game uses pre-rendered cutscenes, there is nothing I can do with that.

In those instances, I can't do anything, so some cutscenes might be like that where Shunya is clothed.



> Black screen:

The black screen at the main menu is intended for the first time you boot the game since it is related to the story that I don't want to spoil. 



After that you play through the prologue and meet Shunya, you can start seeing other loading screens.

Here is a video of a complete playthough of the game and in the first 15 seconds, the black screen is there.


> Logo: 

The logo is 100% bugged, my apologies, I will edit the post with a notice saying that the logo is bugged!

It should look like this but it seems the "mask" text of the original is overlapping the logo and removing parts of it.

Still, it looks legible enough so no need to change it.



I had that same issue on another modpack I am working.

It is a really early WIP, so don't mind the lack of nipples, I need to fix it.



> Some invisible models:

Sometimes the targets with 3DMigoto gets broken due to different versions and variables, that is why it is possible that during some rare cutscenes or moments, the models might appear with some clothing invisible or most likely with their default clothing.

If you encounter a bug with the 3D models, you can just keep playing a bit and it will fix itself in the next scene or battle.


It is mostly due to these folders but editing them for each target of each scene of each part of the game would quite literally take months to do, so a general approach was to target a known model and delete clothing from there.



That is why I don't like working with 3DMigoto and prefer using other modding methods like direct file edits or BepInEx.

Luckily, the Nep SvS modpack doesn't use 3DMigoto nor any of my future modpacks plan on using it since it is a great/powerful tool but it has a lot of issues that I am not that well versed to fix, maybe @jmedia7 can fix them, but he is currently working on the Persona 3 Reload mods, which look pretty good.


I will put a disclaimer on the post saying that" some bugs with the 3d models are possible to occur, like default clothing or some invisible clothing parts.

To fix it, just play to the next scene or enter a battle and it always fixes itself."


Thanks for the report


> Depots.

Similarly to Nep SvS, I changed this files for the language of each version, so they should work correctly, since it should be the same as Nep SvS.

The game has different depots on steam but they are mostly for voice lines due to their weight since they speak quite a lot in this long JRPG.


Here are the edited language files  ("lang" = "Language")



> Resource.assets

Those files only have a HUD image that is being edited and that is probably not being used.

I only edit them just to make sure, since I know there is a duplicate of it somewhere but I can't remember where.

Part from the "Extensive list of changes"

On 2/10/2024 at 7:10 PM, Meekurukuru said:

resources.assets = HUD textures of the characters

resources.assets.resS = HUD textures of the characters, requires the file with the same name to work.



I will add some disclaimers on the post mentioning known issues, thanks a lot for the reports, this one is a bit rougher than the other releases, for sure.


16 hours ago, 孫悟空 said:

It's the same as my game, but my game is in traditional Chinese

I see, so that is issue is also similar to the JP version, I will add it in the known issues in that case.

A detailed explanation can be seen above but it is mostly related to how sometimes models appear with their default costumes or with some body parts being invisible, luckily you can fix it by going to the next scene or getting into a battle.


16 hours ago, Tomopo923 said:

Yeah, seems like more would need to be done to support other languages.

Indeed, some work should be done since I try to keep feature parity between languages, luckily the bug is pretty easy to fix in-game. (just play to the next scene or battle)




Thanks a lot for the reports, I will add them to them as "known issues" on the post but luckily they modpack, even with some imperfections can be still enjoyed.


Keep in mind, I mainly work on the English version first and then port them to other versions to make sure all the languages are equally as good but this release was a bit rough, then again, I am doing this all completely for free since I try to do it as a "Thank you" to the modding community, so please accommodate your expectations.

On 2/10/2024 at 7:10 PM, Meekurukuru said:


  Hide contents

Same as always made this modpack as a "thank you" for the modding community who release amazing mods for free for everyone, so I hope everyone can enjoy this modpack!

This is my second modpack release ever, so keep your expectations accordingly.


All the listed bugs do not hinder the experience too much, so feel free to keep playing since they fix themselves after that scene or fight.


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4 hours ago, CrowArmbrust555 said:

Out of curiosity, what other mods are there for MM? I haven't seen anything outside a trainer and the usual reshade stuff, aside from the other one listed here.

I am glad you asked, you can find more mods compatible with the modpack in the "More mods" section of this post!

All for free, of course.

On 2/10/2024 at 7:11 PM, Meekurukuru said:

[Reserved for extra mods that work with the modpack] - All the mods in here require any version of the modpack to be installed first.


Bottomless Shunya mod - Monochrome Mobius 




Monochrome Mobius Shunya bottomless mod.rar 20.93 MB · 37 downloads



  Reveal hidden contents

This mod changes the Shunya model during gameplay to be bottomless (naked below the waist)
Doesn't change her during cutscenes or some sections of the game due to engine limitations.


Screenshots and Install location:

  Reveal hidden contents






Install guide

Requires any version of the modpack to be installed first!
After you installed the modpack, just replace the file from the game with the new one of the mod you want to install, in this case the Shunya bottomless mod.

Just drag and drop it and replace the files.


Install location:

\MonochromeMobius Rights and Wrongs Forgotten_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows\character


If you are interested, here is the other modpack that I made:



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2 hours ago, Meekurukuru said:



Thank you for the clarifications. Of course, I understand that you focus mainly on English. 

In the opening scene, turning 3DMigoto mods off with F2 does fix the missing Shunya body, so toggling mods approriately is also one possible option. 

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> 顺亚





> 黑屏:





这是游戏完整玩法的视频,在前 15 秒内,出现黑屏。


> 标志: 







这是一个非常早期的 WIP,所以不要介意缺少乳头,我需要修复它。



> 一些隐形模型:

有时,3DMigoto 的目标会因不同的版本和标记而被破坏,这就是为什么在一些罕见的过场动画或时刻,模型可能会出现一些隐形的衣服,或者很可能穿着默认的衣服。







幸运的是,Nep SvS modpack不使用3DMigoto,我未来的任何modpack都没有使用它,因为它是一个很棒/强大的工具,但它有很多我不太擅长解决的问题,也许@jmedia7 修复可以,但他目前正在开发《女神异闻录3 Reload》模组,看起来相当不错。







> 仓库。

与 Nep SvS 类似,我针对每个版本的语言更改了此文件,它们应该可以正常工作,因为它应该与 Nep SvS 相同。






> 资源.资产

这些文件只有一个正在编辑并且可以补充使用 HUD 图像。












-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --


非常感谢您的报告,我将在帖子中将它们添加为“已知问题”,但幸运的是,它们是 modpack,即使存在一些缺陷,仍然可以享受。







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1 hour ago, 55168 said:

This is truly a masterpiece and amazing to see how much effort you made for the mod(and tutorials!), thank you so much for contributing the modding community! 

Thanks a lot, it takes a lot of time to make them and I do this all for free so it is always nice hearing people liking it.


21 hours ago, hope for a book said:

Traditional Chinese is not supported

I will add a disclaimer about it, but make sure your game is the original one with updates and Windows 10 seems to be the best for compatiblity (that is the version that I use for this modpack)


Not related to your case but I have seen reports of Chinese versions of the pirated game getting crashes.

At least 2 confirmed people (not going to name them for obvious reasons) playing on a Chinese pirated copy reported a crash so far.





Example of an not updated copy 



Updated one


99% of cases, if the game is updated while using an original copy then everything should be fixed since the update files change a lot of things an my modpack replaces files related to that.

It will NOT work on any pirated version unless it is updated.

Neither will I support any pirated version.



The steam updated game should work on all languages since that is the one I have tested it.

Pirated copies of any language, especially Chinese for some reason, it will crash or have a lot of black screens.


On 2/10/2024 at 7:10 PM, Meekurukuru said:

> Will this work with other version of the game that is not from steam?

I don’t think so, buy the game if you like it and support the developers.


Similarly to the Nep SvS modpack, anything related to piracy will be avoid it.

The modpack works fine on the latest version original steam version according to testing and other comments, do reinstall the game, and good luck.


Then again, it might be the operating system, similarly to how you got an error on the Nep svs modpack, maybe try changing to windows 10 instead of 11?

It is very likely that it will get fixed with that.


On 11/28/2023 at 12:53 PM, hope for a book said:
On 11/28/2023 at 8:08 AM, Meekurukuru said:




Win10 runs perfectly, win11 cannot be displayed, sorry.






21 hours ago, Tomopo923 said:


Thank you for the clarifications. Of course, I understand that you focus mainly on English. 

In the opening scene, turning 3DMigoto mods off with F2 does fix the missing Shunya body, so toggling mods approriately is also one possible option. 

Indeed, I suspected  it was a 3DMigoto bug but this game was the first time we implemented 3DMigoto onto an Unity game for a modpack.


I always try to bring new and great tools into my modpacks to push the modpacks to be the best they can!

In fact, I always go out of my comfort zone of known stuff, like writing tutorials, video editing or even using new tools for modding.

So that is why it is possible that it can have some imperfections/bugs, but who can argue with literally free stuff?


The previous modpack (the Nep SvS one) uses BepInEx which is a tool with lots of functions that I never used before the modpack.

This one (Monochrome Mobius), uses 3DMigoto which is well known for a certain MiHoYo game with anime characters that is made in Unity that starts "Gen" and ends with "shin"

So the next modpack is a completely new thing since I will be modding a game on Unreal engine instead of Unity, so it is going to be quite the task. 


I truly enjoy making this sort of stuff, even if it has some small issues or crashes on pirated copies.


I will add your solution onto the post since it is pretty good and properly credit you, thanks!

(If you don't want to be credited, just tell me and I can delete you)


50 minutes ago, 孫悟空 said:


Wait some minutes, the modpack changes more than 250 images related to dialogues, 20 new event images and some 3D models!

Especially if you have a slow HDD and not an SSD or NVME drive. 


In this example, after the first dialogue, he has a black screen that took him minutes to load but it was speed up for the video, you should do the same and wait.



If waiting for 5 minutes doesn't work (seriously, wait 5 minutes), it could be possible that you are playing on non updated version or a pirated copy.

Neither of those will work correctly since the modpack changes files related to the update.


Recently someone commented that by pressing "F2", you can fix the invisible Shunya model, you can then press it again to toggle the mod back.


As for the black screen, the game takes quite a bit to load when you finish the prologue (I will not go into details do to spoilers) 


Using windows 10 always helps with compatibility and if all else fails, other languages might help but it should work on Chinese since I have tested it.

Make sure to use a steam updated version and good luck!


Bing/Google translate:

稍等几分钟,modpack 更改了超过 250 个与对话相关的图像、20 个新事件图像和一些 3D 模型!

特别是如果您的 HDD 速度较慢,而不是 SSD 或 NVME 驱动器。





如果等待 5 分钟不起作用(说真的,请等待 5 分钟),您可能正在玩未更新的版本或盗版版本。

由于 modpack 更改了与更新相关的文件,因此这些都无法正常工作。


最近有人评论说按“F2”可以修复看不见的 Shunya 模型,然后再按一次即可将模型切换回来。




使用 Windows 10 总是有助于提高兼容性,如果其他方法都失败,其他语言可能会有所帮助,但它应该适用于中文,因为我已经测试过它。

请务必使用 Steam 更新版本,祝你好运!

Edited by Meekurukuru
edit: Bing translation to Chinese
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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, I'm back in because I seem to be having an odd issue. The textures seem to not be working properly, and it was evident from the title screen, although the in-game edits definitely don't look right. The only thing that I can think of is the fact that I had ReShade on the game just to see if it worked, but I uninstalled it on that game and that didn't fix the issue. I do have the official copy of the game, so I don't need to worry about that. I even went as far as to uninstall and reinstall the game, but the results remained the same. Have you any ideas?


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On 3/7/2024 at 8:59 PM, CrowArmbrust555 said:

Alright, I'm back in because I seem to be having an odd issue. The textures seem to not be working properly, and it was evident from the title screen, although the in-game edits definitely don't look right. The only thing that I can think of is the fact that I had ReShade on the game just to see if it worked, but I uninstalled it on that game and that didn't fix the issue. I do have the official copy of the game, so I don't need to worry about that. I even went as far as to uninstall and reinstall the game, but the results remained the same. Have you any ideas?


Indeed, the logo is just a bit cutout due to the limitations of it.

It has an alpha mask that I couldn't change so I did the best edit I could to add the "NSFW Edition" onto it. 

Luckily I do mention that on the features.

On 2/10/2024 at 7:10 PM, Meekurukuru said:

- The logo has been changed.  (A bit cutout in-game)



Reshade can and most of the time will cause issues with 3DMigoto, so using a clean install is always the best bet.

This is due to how Reshade works with the game and how 3DMigoto searches meshes or textures to replace.


So far the logo is a bit cutout and if a models presents issues due to the 3DMigoto implementation, you can always press "F2" to disable the mods and then press it again after the scene to re-enable them.

It is the first time I have included 3DMigoto onto a modpack so it is bound to have some rough edges, still the modpack can still be enjoyed.

I hope that helps, thanks.



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