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Hit a wall with Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Giving Hunter a dick

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I've seen mods on nexus nuding female characters and no males when I want both. Idecided that instead of asking for someone to do it for me, I would try to learn how to do it myself despite having no knowledge when it comes to modeling. I started off making a music mod just to learn the basics of how to mod spyro and succeeded. I then moved on to attempting to put a dick on hunter and ended up with hunter t-posed with the only textures being his main body textures on the testicle hair. I can only assume that the model was unlinked from its materials and animations since I couldn't figure out how or where to import either of those. If anyone has any pointers (or just want to do it yourself) I will take it.


Now to go on a bit of a rant. I swear that mod the dragon wiki was made by people who actively mod unreal engine games on a regular basis and did not consider running it by people who know less before publishing. It is riddled with holes that if you try to follow their instructions exactly, you are left with a massive disconnect trying to figure out how they went from point a to point b. They also decided to have fun using links to send you back and forth repeatedly instead of just letting you read down the page, have several pages dedicated to the same exact info, and will tell you that you need to pause your progress to go back to a previous page several times on the same page. Meanwhile they barely mention that some characters need more than their model updated when you mess with them but make no mention on which characters or how to even mess with those parts. After successfully making a music mod, I even know half the instructions are not even required. The youtube video I found for modding music gave me more info on how to replace models than the modding wiki's pages dedicated to replacing models. I'll even drop my music mod here so you know for sure I know what I'm talking about.



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