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The Sisterhood of Dibella LE (February 2023)

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I did a little bit of testing around with the new version but I noticed something that makes me wonder if I did something  wrong or if I missed a prerequisite:


mild spoilers included ... so spoiler tags


Here is what I did:

Basically I took one older savegame where I had not yet stared the donation task  (the savegame had a previous mod version, don't know exactly , but below v1.28), and started it with the v1.29c version.

I coc'ed into the temple, talked to Senna, received my bag and my wreath and went  to collect some donations .. coc'ing to Whiterun, Riften, Riverwood, etc ..


Now, my strange observations:

Dialogues to give donations went wonderful, I was naked, had my wreath on, but nobody.. and I really mean NOBODY (appx. 50 NPCs asked) was in the mood to donate ... in previous (and real gaming) I have never noticed this before.




I did a quick cleansave before testing, but it didn't clean up something that I would assciate with this mod.

Now, I wonder what went wrong or is there another new chance-enhancing prerequisite that I did miss (or probably did right in my other games) ?confused.gif



Nothing terrible to worry about, since it's just about some curiuos play-testing in a junk game on my sidewink.png

... but I'm curious anyway shy.gif


EDIT: If I take another look into my old save to clean it up manually, is there a contolling script that I would have to watch out for? Maybe there were still some older remnants of the previous version that collided? I would simply delete them and try again

Edited by worik
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Is it safe to update the mod on an existing save ?

I have Version 1.2.7 - 2015-10-10 Installed.

i started the quest but didn't advance much, currently on the quest with the flute. (Completed bards college, and now need to bring back panteas flute).

If so, how should i install it? Just overwrite the old version ?

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I have tried with two separate new games, did everything as I read it in these posts, but I cannot get dialoge from svana after I confronted Healga. Is there a console command to get her to start chapter two? Please help!

After you confront Haelga with the marks of Dibella, you still have to go to Svana to complete the vanilla quest.

Then go back to Haelga to force her to talk about the temple.

And then, go back to Svana to finish chapter 1.

I did that, Haelga has no dialog.
Can you share a screenshot of dialogues for Haelga and for Svana?

And a copy of your load order just in case?

It wouldn't let me upload the screen shots.
Did you try moving the sisterhood esp file closer to the end of your list?


I can't see why the dialogues would be missing.


Can you try this in the console?


sqs _slsd_qst_initiation


What is the last stage set to 1?




I am having this same issue. I tried moving the mod to the bottom of load order and that didn't help. When I typed the string above into the console I got "not found" (clearly my ignorance is interfering, sorry) is there something else I need to type? (get and show didn't work).


I can't give screenshots either, but can add a detail regarding the conversation options (I've been through this part of the quest about half a dozen times now). When I go to "confront Haelga" with the marks, the dialog option "I know what you and your master are up to....." is available, after I talk to Svana and the vanilla quest ends, Haelga has no Sisterhood options, just vanilla and one from SLEN. Hope that helps, I've been looking forward to chapter 2 for a while.


Thanks much.

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I have tried with two separate new games, did everything as I read it in these posts, but I cannot get dialoge from svana after I confronted Healga. Is there a console command to get her to start chapter two? Please help!

After you confront Haelga with the marks of Dibella, you still have to go to Svana to complete the vanilla quest.

Then go back to Haelga to force her to talk about the temple.

And then, go back to Svana to finish chapter 1.

I did that, Haelga has no dialog.
Can you share a screenshot of dialogues for Haelga and for Svana?

And a copy of your load order just in case?

It wouldn't let me upload the screen shots.
Did you try moving the sisterhood esp file closer to the end of your list?


I can't see why the dialogues would be missing.


Can you try this in the console?


sqs _slsd_qst_initiation


What is the last stage set to 1?




I am having this same issue. I tried moving the mod to the bottom of load order and that didn't help. When I typed the string above into the console I got "not found" (clearly my ignorance is interfering, sorry) is there something else I need to type? (get and show didn't work).


I can't give screenshots either, but can add a detail regarding the conversation options (I've been through this part of the quest about half a dozen times now). When I go to "confront Haelga" with the marks, the dialog option "I know what you and your master are up to....." is available, after I talk to Svana and the vanilla quest ends, Haelga has no Sisterhood options, just vanilla and one from SLEN. Hope that helps, I've been looking forward to chapter 2 for a while.


Thanks much.



That's exactly the way mine is working too.


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sorry I use CBBE and I know nothing of UNP in any of it's forms if anyone would like to take my files and convert them please feel free


Here's a quick-and-dirty conversion to UUNP, for anyone who's interested. The CBBE sliders are really excellent, so this only took about twenty minutes. If anyone finds any sliders that result in clipping, let me know and I can tweak it.



Thanks for this!


I had an error in the Gatti jewel texture file path pointing to a non-existent folder, easily fixed, but otherwise all the outfits are flawless as far as I can tell. 

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I have a small issue.

Senna's dress seems to be missing its texture and there is no dialogue to finish the first quest "joining the sisterhood". I have already resqued the sibil and collected more than 10 donations. 


I'm also missing Senna's dress texture, although everything else seems to be ok so far.  I'm still doing the Joining the Sisterhood quest, but I think it was stated up-thread that the quest doesn't end because it's planned to be extended but isn't finished yet.


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If you have issues with Haelga at the end of chapter 1, try this in the console and tell me which stages are set to 0 at the end of the list.

Note there is a space between 'sqs' and '_slsd_qst_initiation' (and there are underscore characters too).

sqs  _slsd_qst_initiation

I added entries in my to do list for other issues recently reported.




I am in the middle of a home renovation project and I currently have no gaming machine. It will take a week or two for me to fix this, so be patient.

If you are missing textures for Senna's dress, I have a few questions for you.


1- Are you using the default CBBE sisters addon or one of the recently posted ones?


2- Can you post a screenshot?


As far as i can tell, the texture is already included in the bsa file.

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Thank you, I wasn't leaving the space. So:


starting at 56 all have 0s.... 56, 60, 70, 80, 100, 200


the one's before that all have 1s.


Thanks much.


Edit: this is regarding being stuck at the end of the Red Handed vanilla quest to get to "the big reveal" for clarity.

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Thank you, I wasn't leaving the space. So:


starting at 56 all have 0s.... 56, 60, 70, 80, 100, 200


the one's before that all have 1s.


Thanks much.


Edit: this is regarding being stuck at the end of the Red Handed vanilla quest to get to "the big reveal" for clarity.


At that stage, you need to make sure the vanilla quest with Svana is really done.


Is stage 200 set to 1 when you try this in the console?

sqs FreeFormRiften11

The conditions for the quest stage are:


- Initiation quest stage 50 set to 1 (which you have)

- Heart of Dibella quest complete (which you should have done a long time ago - that's quest T01 which should be completed)

- Vanilla quest FreeFormRiften11 completed with stage 200 set to 1

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If you are missing textures for Senna's dress, I have a few questions for you.


1- Are you using the default CBBE sisters addon or one of the recently posted ones?


2- Can you post a screenshot?


As far as i can tell, the texture is already included in the bsa file.


I have DibellaSisterhood129c, DibellaSisterhoodSisters129c, and DibellaSisterhoodSistersUNPv129c installed in that order in Mod Organizer, so the UNP sisters is overriding the default Sisters.  I downloaded the UNP version from one of the earlier posts in the thread.  I can try to get a screenshot if you need one, but it will be a few hours.


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If you are missing textures for Senna's dress, I have a few questions for you.


1- Are you using the default CBBE sisters addon or one of the recently posted ones?


2- Can you post a screenshot?


As far as i can tell, the texture is already included in the bsa file.


I have DibellaSisterhood129c, DibellaSisterhoodSisters129c, and DibellaSisterhoodSistersUNPv129c installed in that order in Mod Organizer, so the UNP sisters is overriding the default Sisters.  I downloaded the UNP version from one of the earlier posts in the thread.  I can try to get a screenshot if you need one, but it will be a few hours.




In your Skyrim data folder go to textures/ashara and rename the folder called Imperial Wedding Outfit to---> Imperial Outfit.

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Thank you, I wasn't leaving the space. So:


starting at 56 all have 0s.... 56, 60, 70, 80, 100, 200


the one's before that all have 1s.


Thanks much.


Edit: this is regarding being stuck at the end of the Red Handed vanilla quest to get to "the big reveal" for clarity.


At that stage, you need to make sure the vanilla quest with Svana is really done.


Is stage 200 set to 1 when you try this in the console?

sqs FreeFormRiften11

The conditions for the quest stage are:


- Initiation quest stage 50 set to 1 (which you have)

- Heart of Dibella quest complete (which you should have done a long time ago - that's quest T01 which should be completed)

- Vanilla quest FreeFormRiften11 completed with stage 200 set to 1


200 is set to 1 but 250 is set to 0


thanks again for taking the time to help with this.

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If you are missing textures for Senna's dress, I have a few questions for you.


1- Are you using the default CBBE sisters addon or one of the recently posted ones?


2- Can you post a screenshot?


As far as i can tell, the texture is already included in the bsa file.


I have DibellaSisterhood129c, DibellaSisterhoodSisters129c, and DibellaSisterhoodSistersUNPv129c installed in that order in Mod Organizer, so the UNP sisters is overriding the default Sisters.  I downloaded the UNP version from one of the earlier posts in the thread.  I can try to get a screenshot if you need one, but it will be a few hours.




In your Skyrim data folder go to textures/ashara and rename the folder called Imperial Wedding Outfit to---> Imperial Outfit.



Thanks, that fixed it.


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If you are missing textures for Senna's dress, I have a few questions for you.


1- Are you using the default CBBE sisters addon or one of the recently posted ones?


2- Can you post a screenshot?


As far as i can tell, the texture is already included in the bsa file.


The nifs for the UNP version of the dress point to the textures for Imperial Outfit instead of Imperial Wedding Outfit. Those who have the original standalone mod installed should see the textures normally.

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I'm aware that this has been asked at least a couple of times in the last few pages alone, but I don't see an answer anywhere. Is there a walkthrough somewhere? I don't wanna spoil myself but it seems that deciding between further corrupting the Temple or saving it is a major decision, and I don't wanna have to go back hours of playthrough in case I regret it. Just my opinion, but it would be really nice if each of the 'options' (Haelga and Svana) described what the consequences of your decision would be, at least a bit.

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Thank you, I wasn't leaving the space. So:


starting at 56 all have 0s.... 56, 60, 70, 80, 100, 200


the one's before that all have 1s.


Thanks much.


Edit: this is regarding being stuck at the end of the Red Handed vanilla quest to get to "the big reveal" for clarity.


At that stage, you need to make sure the vanilla quest with Svana is really done.


Is stage 200 set to 1 when you try this in the console?

sqs FreeFormRiften11

The conditions for the quest stage are:


- Initiation quest stage 50 set to 1 (which you have)

- Heart of Dibella quest complete (which you should have done a long time ago - that's quest T01 which should be completed)

- Vanilla quest FreeFormRiften11 completed with stage 200 set to 1


200 is set to 1 but 250 is set to 0


thanks again for taking the time to help with this.



same here and thank you also


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I'm having another 'minor' issue that has to do with a 'conflict'.


I have the "Creepy Zombies" mod from the Nexus installed and what it does is basically adding zombie-like undead creatures to a lot of places like caves, dungeons, florests and, unfortunately, the Vaults. What that means it that when I go downstairs, instead of the scene I'm assuming is supposed to happen which is Svana fucking a bunch of beggars, they're all fighting against these undead creatures, and since these are somewhat powerful, they end up dying unless I sprint to where they are and save them. It's not a major issue since I could just select them and just TGM them but it's still very immersion breaking.


My request is, is there a way to make Svana more powerful? Perhaps give her a few destruction spells of some sort? Or give her an enchanted weapon? Even without this mod, there are still the vanilla 'Vagrants'/'Bandits' that are hostile to me whenever they see me, so I'm gonna go off and assume they're also hostile to Svana and the beggars.

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I'm aware that this has been asked at least a couple of times in the last few pages alone, but I don't see an answer anywhere. Is there a walkthrough somewhere? I don't wanna spoil myself but it seems that deciding between further corrupting the Temple or saving it is a major decision, and I don't wanna have to go back hours of playthrough in case I regret it. Just my opinion, but it would be really nice if each of the 'options' (Haelga and Svana) described what the consequences of your decision would be, at least a bit.




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It was a good idea to make the travelling sisters travel in groups instead of alone. If I may offer a suggestion to reduce them from groups to pairs instead, as I've seen groups of up to four, and have them travel with a bodyguard - a strong female bodyguard as it is done in Immersive Wenches would probably make the most sense. As well, to adjust their AI to make them walk at a minimal distance from each other to prevent the weird human centipede effect caused by walking so close in single file as if they are copies spawned from a single actor.

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Hey guys, I think I figured out the no response for healga and svana. I have a few follower mods including AFT. I noticed after a while, I get no response from my follower and they stop following. So I uninstalled AFT and installed UFO, and now they are responding.


Thanks for the tip, but I don't have any follower mods of that sort so, I think it's likely something else in my case. Glad you got your problem fixed though.


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Hey guys, I think I figured out the no response for healga and svana. I have a few follower mods including AFT. I noticed after a while, I get no response from my follower and they stop following. So I uninstalled AFT and installed UFO, and now they are responding.


Thanks for the tip, but I don't have any follower mods of that sort so, I think it's likely something else in my case. Glad you got your problem fixed though.




Just to be sure - did you ever drink from the altar at the end of Heart of Dibella and receive the Agent of Dibella perk?


I am trying to understand which condition is failing on that dialogue.

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