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The Sisterhood of Dibella LE (February 2023)

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The SybilCaptiveOutfit is missing from the sisters plugin.


Can you elaborate a little?


I didn't touch anything about the captive outfit for the sybil in recent versions.



Yes, this is why she has always spawned naked in all my playthroughs and I didn't realize until I peeked at her form today that she has a captive outfit lol.


The main file has her wearing a captive outfit but she is naked in the addon, so in game she is naked until the script activates her first outfit change at the temple. I may also have mod conflicts and this would otherwise not be an issue.


The outfit does not even exist in the addon so the main file must be added as a master for now.


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The reason I came here though is to report a bug I saw after installing the mod. It involved the door opposite of the baths, on the right down the stairs. It seems to be missing. Also though I noticed my version [128] is now out of date so I dont know if it was fixed already. Ive just downloaded the new files though so maybe that will fix it.

I still took a picture for you however. http://puu.sh/ml4n5/33293eab81.jpg


Updated the files, still nope. Got that weird glitch for some reason. I got brave and decided to walk into it, and its just [apparently] a back storage room with boxes and sacks etc.


Is this just me? Any idea what could be causing it?

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The reason I came here though is to report a bug I saw after installing the mod. It involved the door opposite of the baths, on the right down the stairs. It seems to be missing. Also though I noticed my version [128] is now out of date so I dont know if it was fixed already. Ive just downloaded the new files though so maybe that will fix it.

I still took a picture for you however. http://puu.sh/ml4n5/33293eab81.jpg

Updated the files, still nope. Got that weird glitch for some reason. I got brave and decided to walk into it, and its just [apparently] a back storage room with boxes and sacks etc.


Is this just me? Any idea what could be causing it?


storage room/kitchen is supposed to be there, no idea why it's clipping out for you

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The reason I came here though is to report a bug I saw after installing the mod. It involved the door opposite of the baths, on the right down the stairs. It seems to be missing. Also though I noticed my version [128] is now out of date so I dont know if it was fixed already. Ive just downloaded the new files though so maybe that will fix it.

I still took a picture for you however. http://puu.sh/ml4n5/33293eab81.jpg


Updated the files, still nope. Got that weird glitch for some reason. I got brave and decided to walk into it, and its just [apparently] a back storage room with boxes and sacks etc.


Is this just me? Any idea what could be causing it?



Do you have other mods that alter Markarth's architecture or the interior of the temple?


Have you tried placing SLSD near the bottom of your load order?

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The reason I came here though is to report a bug I saw after installing the mod. It involved the door opposite of the baths, on the right down the stairs. It seems to be missing. Also though I noticed my version [128] is now out of date so I dont know if it was fixed already. Ive just downloaded the new files though so maybe that will fix it.

I still took a picture for you however. http://puu.sh/ml4n5/33293eab81.jpg


Updated the files, still nope. Got that weird glitch for some reason. I got brave and decided to walk into it, and its just [apparently] a back storage room with boxes and sacks etc.


Is this just me? Any idea what could be causing it?



Do you have other mods that alter Markarth's architecture or the interior of the temple?


Have you tried placing SLSD near the bottom of your load order?


Yea its at the bottom of my order... and as far as I know I shouldnt have anything messing with the interiors of anything. Most of my mods are kinky ones, or some overhauls like frostfall and ineed. I dont have any new buildings or lands or player homes or anything like that. I figured it might have been some kind of glitch with the Skyrim Optimization mod since that adds invisible walls behind walls in interiors and stuff and maybe that was broken. So i uninstalled it and tried again... nope still there. I dunno, its a small thing I guess I can try to ignore it. No idea what could be causing it is all.


The only Markarth specific mod I can think of that I have is the Devious Cidhna mod... I figured it might be texture related so I uninstalled most of my texture mods but that didnt fix it either.

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I have the 6 daggeerfall clover, but i don´t know what is "bread a wreath", my english is not very good. help please.

a question, after obtain information of the 2 lost sister in chapter 1, and for 6 daggerfall, could not be used quest marker?,

because i always have to read the walkthrough to know where are something, and I think you will avoid people always ask the same thing.

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I have the 6 daggeerfall clover, but i don´t know what is "bread a wreath", my english is not very good. help please.

a question, after obtain information of the 2 lost sister in chapter 1, and for 6 daggerfall, could not be used quest marker?,

because i always have to read the walkthrough to know where are something, and I think you will avoid people always ask the same thing.

Once you have the clovers, check tanning racks for a recipe to craft a Daggerfall clover wreath.
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Any chance you could add some dominant PC options to the Sanguine worship once the temple is corrupted? Currently it feels a little onesided. Something along the lines of "you push them down to their knees" etc.


Once the temple is fully corrupted you should be able to ask any sister to celebrate Sanguine together.


I may add a more dominant option later but that will have to be something I can configure or disable for those who don't want it.



That's what I was referencing - it just seemed a bit odd that even a male PC only had the option to submit to the sisters (and get strapon animations).



The strapon issue is weird. I am just using plain sex animations for these options, so there is no reason for a strapon to appear.




The SybilCaptiveOutfit is missing from the sisters plugin.


Can you elaborate a little?


I didn't touch anything about the captive outfit for the sybil in recent versions.



Yes, this is why she has always spawned naked in all my playthroughs and I didn't realize until I peeked at her form today that she has a captive outfit lol.


The main file has her wearing a captive outfit but she is naked in the addon, so in game she is naked until the script activates her first outfit change at the temple. I may also have mod conflicts and this would otherwise not be an issue.


The outfit does not even exist in the addon so the main file must be added as a master for now.



That's normal.

I left her naked in the 'sisters' addon because her captive outfit is forced on her by the main DibellaCult esp file.


The sisters addon is there as an optional module to customize the way the sisters look.


Fjotra's captive outfit happens regardless if you have the addon or not.

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The strapon issue is weird. I am just using plain sex animations for these options, so there is no reason for a strapon to appear.



Well, it is a normal sex animation (with the priestess/neophyte as top and the player as bottom) - the strapon is the default one added by Sexlab for that type of scenario if you have "females use strapons" selected. I don't think there's any real issue to worry about, it just looks like the dialogue and triggers assume the player will always be in the receiving role.

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The strapon issue is weird. I am just using plain sex animations for these options, so there is no reason for a strapon to appear.



Well, it is a normal sex animation (with the priestess/neophyte as top and the player as bottom) - the strapon is the default one added by Sexlab for that type of scenario if you have "females use strapons" selected. I don't think there's any real issue to worry about, it just looks like the dialogue and triggers assume the player will always be in the receiving role.



I understand now.. thanks for pointing that out.

I will try to add more diversity in the roles.

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Hm, I'm very stuck on this mod.  I started a brand new game to see the new content.


I gathered a bunch of donations, I've rescued Fiotra and found the bodies of the dead sisters.  Senna made me a sister.  Now, nothing is progressing.


I have none of the dialog choices for the Initiation quest, and it doesn't show in my journal, but the console shows it is on stage 5.  I can't ask anyone about how the Sybil is doing, or about Mother Hamal, or the statue, or anything else.  I can give Fiotra marks and have sex with her, but this doesn't go anywhere.  The Sybil is at Level 5 and the Corruption is at 4.


Any ideas on how I can get the quest back on track?  Did I miss something?

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Will the Unp version work with 7b?


It should, sort of. UNP and 7b can use the same textures. However, equipping an UNP body piece will change the wearer's body from 7B to UNP for as long as its worn. This will also then affect how the rest of your gear looks - if you're now having a UNP body because of what you're wearing, then your normal 7b boots and gloves wont fit properly, but now UNP boots and gloves will.


So its sort of compatible. Just make sure you or the NPCs are wearing all unp gear (not a mix of unp and 7B), then you're good, as long as you dont mind the UNP body type.


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Hm, I'm very stuck on this mod.  I started a brand new game to see the new content.


I gathered a bunch of donations, I've rescued Fiotra and found the bodies of the dead sisters.  Senna made me a sister.  Now, nothing is progressing.


I have none of the dialog choices for the Initiation quest, and it doesn't show in my journal, but the console shows it is on stage 5.  I can't ask anyone about how the Sybil is doing, or about Mother Hamal, or the statue, or anything else.  I can give Fiotra marks and have sex with her, but this doesn't go anywhere.  The Sybil is at Level 5 and the Corruption is at 4.


Any ideas on how I can get the quest back on track?  Did I miss something?

When you finished the last stage of the quest that you had, did you afterward talk to and "help" the Sybil? I think that the next step starts that, several in chapter 1 at least, and after helping there's a light-effect and a pop-up from the Sybil?


I've been away from the mod for a few months and am just getting started with it again myself, but that's how I started the branches to lead to the bard's college and to the temple of Mara parts.


Hope that helps.


PS: @Skyrimll - really like the new outfits, looking forward to chapter 2. Thank you!


PSredux: Also, thanks to the person who made and shared the UNP conversion/patch.

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2 questions:


1) since it seems the quest is broken for me... (after finding the 2 dead sisters, Fjotra tells to speak to the sister in the main hall but she has no dialogue...) any way to restart the quest? like for example uninstall cleaning and reinstall? or how do i get after that point?


2) Fjotra has grey face every time she levels up :( i use RS children... i think i could be load order related but loot make it worse (with loot order even all sisters have grey faces, rather than being overwritten by NPC of dibella i use).


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vanilla quest of the bards is bugged. they put the "guy" on fire and then nothing happens. I know you dont have to do anything about that, but maybe you have the command to setstage it?


Have a look at http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Tending_the_Flames

You have the stages and quite a list of bugs with some workarounds.


If I remember it right, there are also some more conditions to meet, possibly a required actor is not present for the scene to progress?


Good luck smile.png

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I find that after they light Olaf and the quest completes, everyone will stay in "party" mode. If you want to be able to follow up with Pantea, you have to leave Solitude and wait until the next day, then return. Pretty sure this is just the way that works, rather than a bug. If the "Burning of King Olaf" quest doesn't complete though, then you do have a bug (and might need to console to fix it.)

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ok I think I have the Bodyslide files all done for all the outfits included in both the main file and the sisters addon


The Sisterhood of Dibella + Sisters BodySlide Files.zip


There are some minor clipping issues but I've done the aboslute best I can with my limited knowledge if someone with more knowledge of BS would care to run over these and fix them please do


all files should include HDT I've checked them and all seam to work but let me know if there are issues


SkyrimLL feel free to add this to the downloads section if you want

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ok I think I have the Bodyslide files all done for all the outfits included in both the main file and the sisters addon


attachicon.gifThe Sisterhood of Dibella + Sisters BodySlide Files.zip


There are some minor clipping issues but I've done the aboslute best I can with my limited knowledge if someone with more knowledge of BS would care to run over these and fix them please do


all files should include HDT I've checked them and all seam to work but let me know if there are issues


SkyrimLL feel free to add this to the downloads section if you want


Awesome Kerna!


And after checking them yeah they need a bit of fix here and there but I dont have much knowledge on Outfit Studio. Hope someone can help more :)

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I'm stuck and hoping for help.


I just finished the Red Handed quest in Riften. When that quest is over - when I have returned to Svanna after confronting Haelga with the marks - there are no longer dialog options from this mod for either Haelga or Svanna. Neither the quest continuation, nor the collecting gifts for the temple dialog. I tried going back to an earlier save and redoing the last quest, but the results were the same.


I am hoping that it's something simple to fix, like a quest stage, but have not been able to find such info in the forum (poor search-term skills maybe?).

Thanks in advance!

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New post for a different thing.



Just curiosity here, regarding the Hammerfell Clovers:


- they are equipable and marked in inventory with the "enchanted" symbol, is there any effect from wearing them, unbraided-into-a-wreath?

- they show up at the enchanting table as enchantable, are they? will enchanting them break anything?


These are a neat little thing, imo, and with just a few words ("considered lucky by some Bretons" paraphrased) they blend right into the world. Kudos.



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