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The Sisterhood of Dibella LE (February 2023)

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I updated the files to version 1.2.9b with another attempt at fixing Hamal's quest stage in the final part of the corruption quest and I also added the missing flags to the custom outfits to prevent neck gap.


Let me know how it goes on both accounts. I haven't had a chance to test either fix.

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Thanks for that trick with TES5edit.. I will make sure the esp file is enabled by default.

I discovered this a few weeks ago and got caught up in repairing dozens of armor mods this way that I forgot to report it here. Sorry  :blush:



Many thanks for this!


I just tested it and the bloody neck gap is gone for Senna.

That issue has been driving me crazy for more than a year :)

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Thanks for that trick with TES5edit.. I will make sure the esp file is enabled by default.

I discovered this a few weeks ago and got caught up in repairing dozens of armor mods this way that I forgot to report it here. Sorry  :blush:



Many thanks for this!


I just tested it and the bloody neck gap is gone for Senna.

That issue has been driving me crazy for more than a year :)



You're welcome. It seems to be a CK bug that happens when the Armor Addon is created, and it happens to me regularly as I add new outfits to my own mod. Another way to fix it is to open the Armor Addon form in the CK and reset the file path. Sometimes the Ck just needs to be told twice lol.

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Thank you for continue to deepen in history, good to know you are looking to perfect your work Step by Step.
And I repeat, I love the statues that you use, I would love to have a house with all the statues in all corners of the house or one jacuzzy surrounded by them.

I come back again to ask for help, and I try to be very detailed
1- I use perkus maximus, with which we must make use of the patch, so that sexlab_dibellacult.es and
sexlab_dibella_sister.esp never be able to be at the very bottom, only penultimate, why mentioned this?
is because Fjotra always have grey face, there any way to fix this?
2- I use 7base body, and the clothes look odd in the sister, could you give instructions for a person who can not use CK
(not very good at computers) how to change the clothes.

and small observations
1- mother hamal have the option dialogue "what do you think of mother hamal?" in cahpter one, it is rare to ask someone about himself in the third person
2- Can change the description of the mission "a sybil´s journey", instead of saying (end chapter one) saying that you need speak with svana or haelga to continue the corrution or redemption, (I did not know that should talk to them to continue the mision) the objectives are not very specific
3-when you receive a mission, there are 3 descriptions, First the name of the mission, second the description of the mission
y third the objectives of the mission, but I've noticed you use just 2, name mission and objetives of the mission, and after completing an objective instead of placing the new objetive, replace the old, but I think it's better keep track of what you've done in the objetives fulfilled and place some short descriptions of mission, I have just given the mission "find 10 daggerfall clover and bread a wreath fos sister senna" but honestly I do not understand who should I ask for it or where, I do not remember what helga said, and a description would help me.
4- when you are after svana (I like her new colour), one person can give the four research talks and I think the idea is to ask several people,

5- It takes a long time to make svana begins her party with the slave, can reduce the time?, no matter what check in sexlab, always one male slave have women animation and always remain floating in the air if you have check "npc use bed" in sexlab option
6- inside the temple, could you restrict the dialogue "can you make me beatifull? only for one person, four out of five person in the temple have the option handling your appearance, i think only senna or mother hamal should have that power
7- the sex animation keep happening behind the columns, and they are floating in the air, I insist that it would be better if the sex
will happen in the altar.

and this would be a question, there is a mod preventing slaves talk?, is rare slave greet and converse normally

I do not want to be a nuisance, or think I'm ungrateful, just the opposite, I like your mod and I want to collaborate detecting small things

I imagine it is hard work and it takes a long time, but appreciated that it allows us to enjoy your work

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I updated the files to version 1.2.9b with another attempt at fixing Hamal's quest stage in the final part of the corruption quest and I also added the missing flags to the custom outfits to prevent neck gap.


Let me know how it goes on both accounts. I haven't had a chance to test either fix.


1.2.9b Fixed the issue with Hamal for me, thanks!

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Just downloaded 1.2.9b and unpacked the sisters bsa to start making a unp version, I noticed in your description you changed the outfit for the player, but the meshes in the bsa are still the 1.2.8 version . last modify date is listed at 12/13/2015 for the bsa , also noted you added flags to the esp , but esp is showing last modify  1/1/2008 , is it possible you packed the old files by mistake?

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Just downloaded 1.2.9b and unpacked the sisters bsa to start making a unp version, I noticed in your description you changed the outfit for the player, but the meshes in the bsa are still the 1.2.8 version . last modify date is listed at 12/13/2015 for the bsa , also noted you added flags to the esp , but esp is showing last modify  1/1/2008 , is it possible you packed the old files by mistake?


On the same note the sisters esp doesn't carry forward Anwen's ai packages from the main esp, and Fjotra doesn't have the main's outfit and ai packages.

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Just downloaded 1.2.9b and unpacked the sisters bsa to start making a unp version, I noticed in your description you changed the outfit for the player, but the meshes in the bsa are still the 1.2.8 version . last modify date is listed at 12/13/2015 for the bsa , also noted you added flags to the esp , but esp is showing last modify  1/1/2008 , is it possible you packed the old files by mistake?


On the same note the sisters esp doesn't carry forward Anwen's ai packages from the main esp, and Fjotra doesn't have the main's outfit and ai packages.



Thanks for the feedback.


I will move the AI packages to quest aliases so they don't get removed by other mods.


Which outfit is missing from Fjotra? 

How do I upgrade the version? Do I just unselect the previous version on MO and select the new one?


I can't help you... I don't use MO.

Maybe someone else can comment?

Just downloaded 1.2.9b and unpacked the sisters bsa to start making a unp version, I noticed in your description you changed the outfit for the player, but the meshes in the bsa are still the 1.2.8 version . last modify date is listed at 12/13/2015 for the bsa , also noted you added flags to the esp , but esp is showing last modify  1/1/2008 , is it possible you packed the old files by mistake?


The 1/1/2008 date is from my load order tool. You can ignore it.


The bsa should have been updated though... I am working on a small update for both modules of this mod. I will make sure both bsa files are updated when I release the update tomorrow.

Thank you for continue to deepen in history, good to know you are looking to perfect your work Step by Step.

And I repeat, I love the statues that you use, I would love to have a house with all the statues in all corners of the house or one jacuzzy surrounded by them.

I come back again to ask for help, and I try to be very detailed

1- I use perkus maximus, with which we must make use of the patch, so that sexlab_dibellacult.es and

sexlab_dibella_sister.esp never be able to be at the very bottom, only penultimate, why mentioned this?

is because Fjotra always have grey face, there any way to fix this?

2- I use 7base body, and the clothes look odd in the sister, could you give instructions for a person who can not use CK

(not very good at computers) how to change the clothes.

and small observations

1- mother hamal have the option dialogue "what do you think of mother hamal?" in cahpter one, it is rare to ask someone about himself in the third person

2- Can change the description of the mission "a sybil´s journey", instead of saying (end chapter one) saying that you need speak with svana or haelga to continue the corrution or redemption, (I did not know that should talk to them to continue the mision) the objectives are not very specific

3-when you receive a mission, there are 3 descriptions, First the name of the mission, second the description of the mission

y third the objectives of the mission, but I've noticed you use just 2, name mission and objetives of the mission, and after completing an objective instead of placing the new objetive, replace the old, but I think it's better keep track of what you've done in the objetives fulfilled and place some short descriptions of mission, I have just given the mission "find 10 daggerfall clover and bread a wreath fos sister senna" but honestly I do not understand who should I ask for it or where, I do not remember what helga said, and a description would help me.

4- when you are after svana (I like her new colour), one person can give the four research talks and I think the idea is to ask several people,

5- It takes a long time to make svana begins her party with the slave, can reduce the time?, no matter what check in sexlab, always one male slave have women animation and always remain floating in the air if you have check "npc use bed" in sexlab option

6- inside the temple, could you restrict the dialogue "can you make me beatifull? only for one person, four out of five person in the temple have the option handling your appearance, i think only senna or mother hamal should have that power

7- the sex animation keep happening behind the columns, and they are floating in the air, I insist that it would be better if the sex

will happen in the altar.


and this would be a question, there is a mod preventing slaves talk?, is rare slave greet and converse normally


I do not want to be a nuisance, or think I'm ungrateful, just the opposite, I like your mod and I want to collaborate detecting small things

I imagine it is hard work and it takes a long time, but appreciated that it allows us to enjoy your work



Thanks for the feedback!


I fixed a few things already (like the topic with mother hamal or the mentions of chapter 1).

Some of the other suggestions will take more time.


I am also hoping to complete adding journal entries for both sides of the quest by tomorrow.

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How do I upgrade the version? Do I just unselect the previous version on MO and select the new one?


I use MO and did the following:


  1. In the LEFT pane, I had an entry for TSD v1.2.8
  2. In the right pane, I noted my esp position in the load order
  3. I decided to keep the old version do NOT overwriite it with the new one ( you may decide of course differently)
  4. I installed v1.2.9 as a new entry named "TSD v1.2.9" .. just because I like it that way
  5. I ordered the new entry from the LEFT pane directly behind the v1.2.8 entry
  6. I ticked the new entry in the LEFT pane as active and waited a few seconds for MO to update itself
  7. I unticked the old v1.2.8 entry in the LEFT pane is inactive and waited again
  8. I double checked in the RIGHT pane if the load order is still correct (it was)
  9. finished

.. and it all worked fine :)

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where abouts are the daggerfall cloves can't find them anywhere.


I added them to loot lists for uncommon and rare items for apothecaries.

They should also appear in some lists of rare ingredients across the game.


If you don't see them, make sure you update your bashed patch to avoid collisions with changes to these lists from other mods, or make sure the Sisterhood comes last in your load order to override these lists.


I hand placed the clovers under certain beds as a backup for these issues with loot lists.


They are under beds of bretons in the game.


I will try to put together a list in a spoiler later.

For now, here are two official lists of bretons (just look at the named ones, not the generic templates of NPCs).

I tried to add them to NPCs that make sense for general access, so you can ignore anyone from the Dark Brotherood or in Solstheim for example :)







I created an FAQ page on the wiki in Github with some suggestions to go look for Daggerfall Clovers.



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Just downloaded 1.2.9b and unpacked the sisters bsa to start making a unp version, I noticed in your description you changed the outfit for the player, but the meshes in the bsa are still the 1.2.8 version . last modify date is listed at 12/13/2015 for the bsa , also noted you added flags to the esp , but esp is showing last modify  1/1/2008 , is it possible you packed the old files by mistake?


On the same note the sisters esp doesn't carry forward Anwen's ai packages from the main esp, and Fjotra doesn't have the main's outfit and ai packages.



Thanks for the feedback.


I will move the AI packages to quest aliases so they don't get removed by other mods.


Which outfit is missing from Fjotra? 



The outfit in Fjotra's form (as viewed in tes5edit, anyway) has no entry at all. It's blank.

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2- I use 7base body, and the clothes look odd in the sister, could you give instructions for a person who can not use CK

(not very good at computers) how to change the clothes.


I tried to make a 7BO version a while ago but the lack of availability of conversions at the time forced me to mix in some Bombshell and Cleavage versions of some of the outfits, and at least one of them was not available at all so it was left as is. Everything is being converted to MCBM now so I stopped caring. Take a look:


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Hi! Played the mod through to the end for the first time - really good work. One oddity, though:



When the Tormentor appeared I was able to talk to it, but got no sex scene as I didn't have Creatures framework installed. I installed it, but once I did I no longer got a "Talk" prompt for the Tormentor. I've got CF and MNC installed. Is this intentional?



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Version 1.2.9c is out with additional tweaks, including missing journal entries for chapter 2 quests and hopefully fixed AI packages for Anwen and Hamal.


The Sisters addon is also updated, with renamed files in the folders for custom outfits to make it easier to customize.

This update may break changes to the sisters if you already edited the esp file before. 

I also changed the models for the pure and corrupted outfits for Fjotra to something more to my liking.


As a result, the file is now 25M instead of 85M. I am hopeful I didn't remove anything important.

Let me know if you run into any purple or missing textures.

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The only texture issue I noticed was that when the temple became corrupted Senna's body disappeared. When I exited and re-entered she was properly clad in the corrupted sister outfit.


Any chance of a patch for Sexlab Eager NPCs to switch the outfits in Dibella's Refuge to match if Dibella gets corrupted?

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The only texture issue I noticed was that when the temple became corrupted Senna's body disappeared. When I exited and re-entered she was properly clad in the corrupted sister outfit.


Any chance of a patch for Sexlab Eager NPCs to switch the outfits in Dibella's Refuge to match if Dibella gets corrupted?


There is a chance to do it if anyone is interested, but I won't have time to work on it (and I am not using SexLab Eager NPCs right now).


Changing outfits with the Sisters addon works with mod events, so it is fairly straightforward to trigger an outfit change.


All you would have to do is check for the corruption level using storageUtil variables and set the right NPCs outfits using the mod event.

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Version 1.2.9c is out with additional tweaks, including missing journal entries for chapter 2 quests and hopefully fixed AI packages for Anwen and Hamal.


The Sisters addon is also updated, with renamed files in the folders for custom outfits to make it easier to customize.

This update may break changes to the sisters if you already edited the esp file before. 

I also changed the models for the pure and corrupted outfits for Fjotra to something more to my liking.


As a result, the file is now 25M instead of 85M. I am hopeful I didn't remove anything important.

Let me know if you run into any purple or missing textures.


thank you for the update, I download now and continue with the story.

those 10 objects for senna are a little difficult to find.

I hope that none of the statues has disappeared

and apology or the ignorance, but where is The Sisters addon?

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2- I use 7base body, and the clothes look odd in the sister, could you give instructions for a person who can not use CK

(not very good at computers) how to change the clothes.


I tried to make a 7BO version a while ago but the lack of availability of conversions at the time forced me to mix in some Bombshell and Cleavage versions of some of the outfits, and at least one of them was not available at all so it was left as is. Everything is being converted to MCBM now so I stopped caring. Take a look:



Thank you for this!

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2- I use 7base body, and the clothes look odd in the sister, could you give instructions for a person who can not use CK

(not very good at computers) how to change the clothes.


I tried to make a 7BO version a while ago but the lack of availability of conversions at the time forced me to mix in some Bombshell and Cleavage versions of some of the outfits, and at least one of them was not available at all so it was left as is. Everything is being converted to MCBM now so I stopped caring. Take a look:



Thank you for this!



No problem, although you may find it obsolete with the latest sisters update.

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