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The Sisterhood of Dibella LE (February 2023)

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Helga, Moira, Ophelia, and Marianne are now all in Sanguine's service, I went to Hamal and she told me that the shrines still need corrupted. I returned to the Old Hroldan shrine and activated it but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary... No indication that I had corrupted the shrine.


I had a similar issue: Completed all of the obvious quests, went to Hamal and she still said I had things to do.  After examining the creation kit, there appeared to be an additional check in one of the the _SLSD_QST_CorruptionHamal01 topics to ensure that the Conversation would not occur in the Temple of Dibella.  However, I was speaking to her in the temple. 


Editing that single condition in TES5Edit allowed the conversation to continue and the temple corruption to complete.


I am not sure if this is the correct fix, but it worked for me.


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Helga, Moira, Ophelia, and Marianne are now all in Sanguine's service, I went to Hamal and she told me that the shrines still need corrupted. I returned to the Old Hroldan shrine and activated it but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary... No indication that I had corrupted the shrine.


I had a similar issue: Completed all of the obvious quests, went to Hamal and she still said I had things to do.  After examining the creation kit, there appeared to be an additional check in one of the the _SLSD_QST_CorruptionHamal01 topics to ensure that the Conversation would not occur in the Temple of Dibella.  However, I was speaking to her in the temple. 


Editing that single condition in TES5Edit allowed the conversation to continue and the temple corruption to complete.


I am not sure if this is the correct fix, but it worked for me.



Thanks. That fixed it.


I didn't do the TES5Edit fix though. I just moved Hamal to a location outside of the temple and spoke with her. The quest advanced fine.

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Helga, Moira, Ophelia, and Marianne are now all in Sanguine's service, I went to Hamal and she told me that the shrines still need corrupted. I returned to the Old Hroldan shrine and activated it but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary... No indication that I had corrupted the shrine.


I had a similar issue: Completed all of the obvious quests, went to Hamal and she still said I had things to do.  After examining the creation kit, there appeared to be an additional check in one of the the _SLSD_QST_CorruptionHamal01 topics to ensure that the Conversation would not occur in the Temple of Dibella.  However, I was speaking to her in the temple. 


Editing that single condition in TES5Edit allowed the conversation to continue and the temple corruption to complete.


I am not sure if this is the correct fix, but it worked for me.




Thanks for checking.


I forgot about that condition.


I need to make sure the right dialogues trigger only when you are in the main temple.


I will check what is going on there.

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Helga, Moira, Ophelia, and Marianne are now all in Sanguine's service, I went to Hamal and she told me that the shrines still need corrupted. I returned to the Old Hroldan shrine and activated it but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary... No indication that I had corrupted the shrine.


I had a similar issue: Completed all of the obvious quests, went to Hamal and she still said I had things to do.  After examining the creation kit, there appeared to be an additional check in one of the the _SLSD_QST_CorruptionHamal01 topics to ensure that the Conversation would not occur in the Temple of Dibella.  However, I was speaking to her in the temple. 


Editing that single condition in TES5Edit allowed the conversation to continue and the temple corruption to complete.


I am not sure if this is the correct fix, but it worked for me.




Thanks for checking.


I forgot about that condition.


I need to make sure the right dialogues trigger only when you are in the main temple.


I will check what is going on there.



Now that i think about it when hamal continued the quest for me she was in the inner sanctum part of the temple


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Do we have to use the DibellaSisterhoodSisters part in the latest version? The description presses that you need both parts in version 1.0, but that's not even available for download anymore. Update your description! Anyway, the description also states that DibellaSisterhoodSisters is just for those who want to replace outfits. I shouldn't need it if that's all it does, right?

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Do we have to use the DibellaSisterhoodSisters part in the latest version? The description presses that you need both parts in version 1.0, but that's not even available for download anymore. Update your description! Anyway, the description also states that DibellaSisterhoodSisters is just for those who want to replace outfits. I shouldn't need it if that's all it does, right?


That's why I made that add-on... to have it available for people who want to see the Sisters change outfits when they become corrupted or pure, and to have it optional for people who don't care how the sisters look.


Edit: I updated the description since it was ambiguous.

I also checked the code and it should be safe to run the mod without the addon. You will just have the same outfit for the sisters regardless how corrupted the temple is.

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I have a problem with this mod. After doing the quest Dibellan Teachings, I can't talk to Senna about it, although the objective says "Return to Senna". There is a dialogue option that says "Teach me about the mysteries of Dibella" and that only makes her say "Maybe some other time".


I continued playing anyway and rescued Fjotra. Then I got a quest to find some missing sisters but there are no map markers or any leads about where they are. I found some dead sisters in dungeons I visited before and went back to check their corpses(one was Sister Elsa) but they didn't have anything that gave me a quest update. Is this a bug or are did you throw in random dead sisters not part of the quest?


I will have to uninstall the mod if I don't get help, because continuing like this will only ruin my game.

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I have a problem with this mod. After doing the quest Dibellan Teachings, I can't talk to Senna about it, although the objective says "Return to Senna". There is a dialogue option that says "Teach me about the mysteries of Dibella" and that only makes her say "Maybe some other time".


I continued playing anyway and rescued Fjotra. Then I got a quest to find some missing sisters but there are no map markers or any leads about where they are. I found some dead sisters in dungeons I visited before and went back to check their corpses(one was Sister Elsa) but they didn't have anything that gave me a quest update. Is this a bug or are did you throw in random dead sisters not part of the quest?


I will have to uninstall the mod if I don't get help, because continuing like this will only ruin my game.


Read the letters that you get off bothe sisters corpses.

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Do we have to use the DibellaSisterhoodSisters part in the latest version? The description presses that you need both parts in version 1.0, but that's not even available for download anymore. Update your description! Anyway, the description also states that DibellaSisterhoodSisters is just for those who want to replace outfits. I shouldn't need it if that's all it does, right?


That's why I made that add-on... to have it available for people who want to see the Sisters change outfits when they become corrupted or pure, and to have it optional for people who don't care how the sisters look.


Edit: I updated the description since it was ambiguous.

I also checked the code and it should be safe to run the mod without the addon. You will just have the same outfit for the sisters regardless how corrupted the temple is.


Ok. Thank you for the clarification.

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sorry to bother you, but I really have a question to ask. after I rescue the girl, the quest ask me to find two traveling sisters, and I have already found a letter from a dead sister around the girl. the letter said I should find vigilants in dawnstar and riften. but I cannot find these vigilants, only a destroyed house. can you tell me how to continue the quest? many thanks!

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Already update the mod and finish Chapter 1, and here I come with some observations:

1. CheekySparrow in his commentary refers to that all the people in markarth have the dialogue:

                               What do you think of mother hamal?

                                what happenes to the previous sybil?

   and some people have:

                               are you see a travel sistes? (I not remember this phrase very well)

  these sentences continue even after finishing the chapter 1, I agree that you should remove them, they already served its purpose, an

  you should condition them to show only in some people, not all people (included children have the dialogue).

2. After Chapter 1, should also disappear the dialogues that the sister have:

                               About the Sybil..

                               What do you think of mother hamal?

                               waht happenes to the previous sybil?

    the answers already known

3. The sister in the temple (Senna) have 2 dialogues that does the same thing

                              sister, tell me more about beaty

                              can you make me beatiful?

4. the objectives of the mission they never marked as completed

5, the mission "joinning the sisterhood of dibella" never completed, no matter how many donations bring to the temple.

6. the key  for hamal box is very hidden, is very difficult to find, a little clue it would be great, like a riddle "search into a hole that brings

    happiness" for example

7. whenever you have sex inside the temple, always is behind columns, and they are floating in the air

8. I want to change the costumes to 7Base, in the description say - Customization of SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters.esp

    This is a customization package for the Sisterhood of Dibella. -------------------------      Where is it?

     you say, I created a separate add-on to manage outfits for the sisters. but it should be simple enough to extract the files and replace

    the content of the Meshes folders with items from other outfits. You just have to keep the same names as expected by the addon  

     -----  how do I do that?

9. I went on the bright side at the end of the mission, I can continue the chapter 2?


I went to talk again with svana and she have the option of changing decision, to continue with corruption, that means there is no way to continue with the purification?

and it is normal when advance missions are the objectives that change and not the description of the mission?


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sorry to bother you, but I really have a question to ask. after I rescue the girl, the quest ask me to find two traveling sisters, and I have already found a letter from a dead sister around the girl. the letter said I should find vigilants in dawnstar and riften. but I cannot find these vigilants, only a destroyed house. can you tell me how to continue the quest? many thanks!

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sorry to bother you, but I really have a question to ask. after I rescue the girl, the quest ask me to find two traveling sisters, and I have already found a letter from a dead sister around the girl. the letter said I should find vigilants in dawnstar and riften. but I cannot find these vigilants, only a destroyed house. can you tell me how to continue the quest? many thanks!

You should look for the other sister, she is in a cave in the same road you took to get to Broken Tower Redoubt.



She is inside Blind Cliff Cave, you should battle your way all the way to the end, her body will be there.



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Hi skyrimll,

I just took a look into your new version 1.2.8 and out of habit made a check with TES5edit. It found no UDRs but 32 ITM. I have no idea if they are intentional or an accident?confused.gif

I just wanted to let you know. As ITMs have the reputation of being bad, you probably have a look at them to make sure.


And now I will have patiently wait for the other branch of chapter 2 shy.gif

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Hi skyrimll,

I just took a look into your new version 1.2.8 and out of habit made a check with TES5edit. It found no UDRs but 32 ITM. I have no idea if they are intentional or an accident?confused.gif

I just wanted to let you know. As ITMs have the reputation of being bad, you probably have a look at them to make sure.


And now I will have patiently wait for the other branch of chapter 2 shy.gif

Are ITMs 'Identical to master'?


If so, they are probably not intentional.

I will check that out when I get back home tonight.

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Hi skyrimll,

I just took a look into your new version 1.2.8 and out of habit made a check with TES5edit. It found no UDRs but 32 ITM. I have no idea if they are intentional or an accident?confused.gif

I just wanted to let you know. As ITMs have the reputation of being bad, you probably have a look at them to make sure.


And now I will have patiently wait for the other branch of chapter 2 shy.gif

Are ITMs 'Identical to master'?


If so, they are probably not intentional.

I will check that out when I get back home tonight.



Yes, "identical to master"

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Guest Jenova23

I feel like this mod is missing alot of potential sex scenes, dialogue and male support in one specific section. I'm sure I missed a few others... Are there any plans to add such content?




  • Pantea should masterbate with her flute or something along that line before she gives it to you.
  • There should be dialogue and a sex scene between Haelga and Savana after she offers to teach her the dibellan arts. Maybe make it so Haelga propositions the player to purposely get caughting get sex with her after hours. After Savana gets caught, you some how need to convince her to join in. They should also move into the temple and recieve lessons from the other sisters if this dosen't cause any problems.
  • Drunk sex with sister Moira after some dialogue.
  • Sister Ophelia should teach Frier, Rorlund and Silana Petreia about the dibellans arts, (Sex) after some dialogue maybe possibly add a orgy between the three.
  • A kissing animation when offered a kiss by the traveling sisters.
  • Hamal and Fjotra having sex with the dremora after finishing the corruption quest. Possibly being locked and used in a pillory.
  • The... "Let's celebrate Sanguine and Dibella together" topic needs a option for male characters to initiate sex.




I love this mod and I would love to help make this completely voiced, but it still needs alot of work.


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I'm getting a weird problem where my character gets covered in cum permanently whenever I enter the temple of dibella and talk to an npc. No matter how long I wait it doesn't come off.


It should go away after a while. I don't know why is doesn't get removed for some people.


Ad of the last version, you can disable that effect by activating the flower next to the shrine of Dibella on the altar in the main temple chamber (the one with the bed in the middle) and selecting the right option. 

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