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Favorite PC game from your childhood


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My response here will mimic that of another post like this. If the Commadore 64 were to be classified as a PC, Then the original Sid Myers Pirates is a hand down winner for me.


If I had to choose one from my first actual PC in a modern sense, then it would be the MechWarrior 3 series and the original X-Com.

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I can't really answer the OP's question, there weren't any PC games or even PC's for that matter during my childhood, hell there weren't even any consoles during my childhood LOL the first Commodore 64 was introduced in 1982, I was already out of the Army had been married (lasted a year and a half) and was about to turn 28 years old at the time. MS-DOS 1.00 had only been released the year before and came with the C-64. But I would have to say my first PC game for the C64 MS-DOS was Star Warrior, a precursor to the StarQuest Series. so yeah I'm Ancient LOL 


Quite wrong on a few counts :-P


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Guest mayaktheunholy

Might and magic V : Darkside of Xeen. That was around high school time though, my family didn't have a computer when I was younger, couldn't afford it with my mother raising us single-handed. Got a NES when I was younger, but this thread is about PC games. If we were talking consoles too, then I would have to say Dungeon Magic (NES), played the hell out of that, it had a magic system I really liked, haven't really seen anything like it since either.

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The other thread is your most memorable, I wanna know what is your FAVORITE.


SO, what is your favorite pc game from your childhood?


Mine was Warzone 2100, I played the demo for it and couldn't get enough of it, then one day my dad walked up to me and handed me the retail copy. I shit my pants. Best strategy game I have ever played, it's still better than most IMO. Hard as hell sometimes to, don't know how I beat it as a kid but I did. You can download it as shareware now and it runs great. I definitely recommend every RTS lover to try this game. It's better than Starcraft IMO.

Warzone 2100 was amazing. I have the Playstation one copy and the PC copy. Still pop it in and play it from time to time. :)

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The other thread is your most memorable, I wanna know what is your FAVORITE.


SO, what is your favorite pc game from your childhood?


Mine was Warzone 2100, I played the demo for it and couldn't get enough of it, then one day my dad walked up to me and handed me the retail copy. I shit my pants. Best strategy game I have ever played, it's still better than most IMO. Hard as hell sometimes to, don't know how I beat it as a kid but I did. You can download it as shareware now and it runs great. I definitely recommend every RTS lover to try this game. It's better than Starcraft IMO.

Warzone 2100 was amazing. I have the Playstation one copy and the PC copy. Still pop it in and play it from time to time. :)



There is a shareware version out now that is constantly being updated. It's been upgraded to allow any resolution and it looks very nice. There's also still an active modding scene for the game (though I haven't modded the game because it's so awesome already). I believe there is also working online play but I am not sure about that. Go here for more information and download the game as well. Anyone that hasn't played this game do yourself a favor and get it. Though I warn you this game is hard as shit! 



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Mine would be Serious Sam: TSE.

I don't know how many times I played it, and I even finished it on Serious difficulty, nowadays I can only feel challenge if I play on the exact same difficulty, it's just too easy otherwise. I dislike that SS3 was making fun of CoD and the use of hitscan was really a bad move, in my opinion, makes the game frustrating when you get a little off of the area of attack. It just hurts the narrative to make fun of another game you may not like, and in SS3? This is true.


Still; Unrelated note? I've been playing golden-era PC games, and man, I'm blown away. Deus Ex, Fallout 1/2, System Shock 1/2, Thief 1/2 (Disliked 3), Blood: Cradle to the Grave... list goes on. Amazing games filled with life, tons of content, story-driven and good gameplay. I was just blown away.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doom was my favorite, especially using the then presidential candidate as enemies (Bush Sr/Clinton).  Another more recently when I was in high school was Halo PC because of all the custom maps made, some with even AI and so large, they could be considered their own campaign levels, Halo PC was what got me modding games for PC and also learned to build my own gaming rigs.

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