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[Mod]{XCL] [0.20] BR Male Mod

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{XCL] [0.20] BR Male Mod

This mod is composed of two downloads - you need to use both - one is media and one is code.


It provides for a pregnancy scare, it provides for you to interact as a male with a secretary (at work and maybe after), it changes the interactions you can have with bargirls - you can apologise to them, you can call them, you can disappoint them. Masculinity has and can have more of an effect on your interactions with female npcs and male orgasms.


I have removed variable stamina and the big dick elements - as they are now in the base game.


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I've debugged my problem a bit further. The corruption in the bar happens because $npcs_present looks like this: sfcop,janice,0


This points to this sequence in BR.malemod.v6b.twee:


:: BIB [bar_intro]

(if:$select is "bree")[(set:$select to "bree")]
(else-if:($npcs_present does not contain $select))[(set: $npcs_present's last to $select)]

This code sequence looks nonsensical. The first line is no no-op and the second one overwrites the last element with $select, which is probably causing the error dump for me.

You probably wanted to force bree onto the list if she isn't on it but that code is not doing that.


EDIT: Yeah dude that whole clause is broken. I added code to bail if $select is 0 but then this happened to $npcs_present: sfcop,alex,topic sexualization

I'm removing the whole clause from my game now.

Edited by Hakuna_Matata
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