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Oniki Kay’s Kinky World build 426 - LoversLab Edition (Updated 2024-05-14)

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3 hours ago, Clydie said:

I guess, the mod save it to the clipboard. Tried it, but I were not able to import it into an editor.

If you push "Export", then you get an XML like "KWActorOffsets_Export_31DB5C69.xml" with all offset lines of all OKW XML files were you have set the offsets as said before.

Think only @Denton47 can tell us on how to use this offset save......

Too bad. I was hoping that the function would generate the line that I then have to transfer to the XML. So name of the running animation and coordinates of the actors.
However, this would not have helped me at the moment because the animation that I wanted to correct in this way does not have any XML in its .package that I could extract, edit and re-implement.
I have exported the log file, but it currently only contains the Clydie and SM animations.
By the way, it would be great if the build could access such an XML during the game to position the sims. Then you wouldn't have to edit each animation package individually. At the moment, I don't know what the exported log is supposed to do for me. Okay, I get a list of all the changed animations, but to what extent does that help me at the moment?
This is all really frustrating.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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8 hours ago, Sonicha said:

I cant seem to figure out adding new animations can someone help

1. Add animations into the mods\packages folder

2. start the game

3. start KW

4. click your sim, Kinky Settings

5. each animation set has a name you need to add to the animation list in the woohoo settings, they usually give the name on the download page





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10 hours ago, Yotix said:

1. Add animations into the mods\packages folder

2. start the game

3. start KW

4. click your sim, Kinky Settings

5. each animation set has a name you need to add to the animation list in the woohoo settings, they usually give the name on the download page





I cant find the woohoo settings, i swear im blind


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A couple of days ago I had the same issue trying to woohoo and they got undressed and got dressed again and the other person boos as Caged_Fenrir, wubby901, and ngochoang914 stated before posting about the problem. Haven't been playing for a while because of it. I looked in the thread for a solution in case I missed anything. But as stated by eltonolocco it could be just old KW packages that weren't replaced or removed that caused this to happen. In my workaround, I only have 18 out of the 22 at the end of this. It may be different for everyone if this works for you awesome if not I'm sorry revert to 399 honestly or at least TRY on a test game to see what's up that's what I did. I followed the steps thoroughly but I might have missed an old package who knows? I did the 50/50 method removing my folders and re-launching to see if it still occurred but I just assumed it was only just KW so I kept all that was related to KW and looked for issues in my folder to scope it out. I did remove my Woohoo_org_replace_cly.package and I had accidentally installed an AW package. I also installed the HL Towel wraps and amNudeJsmith don't know If I was supposed to I took any post I could to help lol. I'm not logged in during the entire process by the way. I did end up rechecking the animations in my folder with another post just to make sure we had the same things and... They seem okay and match up, I'll link to that one if you're wondering. I'm using Gyazo to send video clips, sorry if you feel cautious about the links I'm trying my best to provide visuals the way I can.  

Upon starting the test game I can SEE that it is working!! However, this message still pops up below. Same one as Cage's. I don't have errors ( well I do get an error log after not always ) though so we may have different mod issues. Letting you know I had 399 build installed ( didn't uninstall in the menu in-game ) before removing it and downloading 409 and replacing it with Dentons KW426, I also downloaded the Mod source and tuning. 

At first, I wanted to post this error log, but I felt I could do it on my own for some reason. I don't want to make this a long, but quick demo. Here's my save I currently play on at university, both are Young Adults and the first time replacing 409. Notice the bubble is not fading away this is the second time I asked and the bubble just stuck. ( I fixed this later by resting the sim in debug I believe ) You can see that they already had sex, but this was before switching over to Dentons ( I had 399 installed ) build just to clarify. As you can see in the top left third gyazo video below the issue occurs. They get dressed up, the person who was asked boos you, etc. Lol. https://gyazo.com/50b354bfd5adaefe07a1c04cdcf5e0b3 2nd https://gyazo.com/8a1de409ac4e27e92c43eab3bfc1bde0 third, https://gyazo.com/d646cb6ec54d5bcb36b0ee384cc39811 

Now. After noticing this I created a test game after reading the thread for help ( or anything similar ) did the 50/50 below in my folder to see what was happening, but apparently, it was working in the test game when booted up. Though had the invalid woohoo message again! Excitingly the menu worked FINE; it shocked me. https://gyazo.com/17c21d6b560817b899573c09e7053bd5

I have a ton of Nraas, especially game scripts so I'm not showing that it is too long, anything else unrelated to KW isn't affecting it but I kept it in. ( Defaults, game script, etc. ) Everything from Enhanced body (Geom), my Cmar folder to see if it conflicted to anything in the menu. Let me know if I need to remove any animations installed in my folder because I believe I have 22 on my university save for 399 Build. Starting from Geom ( Top left side ), Cmar, to KW Animations ( bottom right side. ) 

Back to the topic. Maybe saying "Great job you fixed your issue!" well, once I import my settings from the university save... It goes back to that issue. No worries I figured it out. Without ever touching anything on the menu, I just reverted the settings to how it was at the startup. First, I screenshotted n copied default settings of 409 ( or 426 since I replaced it ) from the test save. Secondly, on my 399build university, I imported the default settings from 426 to that save, and when imported to university, it began working which you will see below. It might be because there are settings options from 399 but can't function on 409(426) idk. Pulling straws so I'm assuming? I noticed that if you don't get those new option name changes in the social menu "Have solo" or "woohoo with" or this pop-up whatever it isn't going to work and they will get dressed. None of the stages are blocked they're all false, and interaction tuning on the menu isn't affecting anything unless you just wanna scroll and enable everything like I did after this post. 

I can't say it is solved, I'm not 100% but I'm 90% sure this might be it. To do all of this you can export the default startup settings in the menu and import or screenshot all the tuning ( sex, global, miscellaneous, all of them just to be safe. ) It worked for me at least. No setting changes at startup in the test save! I'll GIF that too for visual. Although I'm annoyed by this invalid stages thing because it doesn't pop up and then it does inconsistently but I'm happy so idc.

This is after I imported the test default settings of KW409(426): https://gyazo.com/9529b4b49fea33f21fb6dc7dccec0423 https://gyazo.com/123706be4d3bd1b2b22269383ed6c5d0
No settings changed all default.. https://gyazo.com/e12145f733c49541c4e631ed05137ad3 https://gyazo.com/8c9cfa5d4d6cd4ef689b2d4affc2362f https://gyazo.com/cf342ab11fa1b2be55ec5ddc6611ac81

But I wanted to see if I could get all 22 to work. And... Only 2 got added. I assume it may be because some animations were built in for replacement of the old ones if so my bad I didn't know. If anyone has any more animations that work in the build and could lend the ones I don't have that would be great, I have the 426 build. Since my old list isn't registering even though I have it downloaded in my folder and registered before.
I put my mods back in everything's normal. When importing before pressing play, the invalid stages message isn't present so yay. I kept the test game settings moving forward and just tuned them from there and have been playing since yesterday. I'll leave the Nraas list n error logs I saved before deleting them. Making this clear this is NOT A 100% FIX just a workaround. P.S. I realized this could all be avoided if I uninstalled the menu in-game and then deleted the file like I did before didn't think about that until later. Sorry, you have to read all of this but hey it is better to have a way to fix it than not. Nrass: https://gyazo.com/f6f18b8c5a512f2feba154658804985c Error logs:






ScriptError__06-10-2024__19-01-51__A8771860.xml KWErrorLog_Export_BEF570E3.xml KWErrorLog_Export_DB054813.xml

Edited by ididn'twanto
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On 25/7/2023 at 12:39, Denton47 said:

Oniki Kay’s Kinky World build 426 - LoversLab Edition (Updated 2024-05-14)

Get the latest version here,



I made some changes to get rid of the lag the mod seems to be generating on modern CPUs, I have eliminated most of the lag generated by KW but there is still a slight stutter now and then that I don't think I can remove entirely.


I also made some other changes, most of them can be toggled on/off if you don't like them.


There is a new Loverslab menu in Kinky World -> Settings,



KW Maid

This will enable/disable the KW Maid as a service, the KW Maid will do the regular Maid service and take care of any horny Sims on the lot.


KW Mail Carrier
When disabled the normal Mail Carrier situation will run, if this setting is changed after KW is started you will need to save/load.


KW Mail Carrier gender
The gender of the Mail Carrier when KW Mail Carrier is enabled, the NPC is created/assigned at the beginning of a new game and once assigned the gender cannot be changed unless the Sim is culled.


KW Pizza Delivery gender
The gender of the Pizza Delivery Sim, once assigned the gender cannot be changed unless the Sim is culled.


KW Repairman gender
The gender of the Repairman, once assigned the gender cannot be changed unless the Sim is culled.


KW Virgin
I think this is stupid but that is probably just me, anyway, change the setting to your preference. This setting doesn't update any Sim data, it just enables/disables the mechanic, if you enable this mid game you resume where you left off.


Tarif multiplier
A tariff multiplier for all your kinky earnings, 2.0 is double, 0.5 is half etc.


Outfit Texture Size
This is the target texture size used when rendering the naked upper and lower body, if you are using 2K body textures like the ones from Kurasoberina I recommend setting this to 2048 for a better result, the KW default size is 1024, I am not sure what values are actually supported.


When setting this to 2048 the game will consume more resources, make sure your MemCacheBudgetValue is not set too high or you will get Error 12 when saving or the game will just crash when running out of memory.


Autonomy sleep tics
This will slow down the processing of the Autonomy queue, the faster the queue runs the more lag you can get, the value 20 may be a little high so feel free to experiment, if you are not using the TS3 Smooth Patch the value should be much lower (around 5 I think), the KW default is 0.


The value can be changed while the game is running and takes effect immediately.


KW Autonomy Threshold
If autonomy processing time for a single Sim reaches this value it will be split into multiple tasks for more smooth gameplay, the effect is most noticeable when you have a large number of Sims on the current lot. Setting the value to 0 will disable this feature.


The setting can be changed while the game is running and takes effect immediately.


KW Autonomy Cooldown
This is the cooldown for autonomous Kinky interactions, increasing this can help a little with performance and prevent Sims from spamming the same interaction over and over again, the KW default value is 1.

Autonomous Window Peeping

Autonomous Window Peeping can generate a considerable amount of lag and this setting should remain disabled, the setting does not affect Tom Peeping.


The setting can be changed while the game is running and takes effect immediately.


KW RunAutonomy
When disabled, KW will use an alternate RunAutonomy that will eliminate most of the lag KW is generating when Sims get really excited, when enabled KW will use the original code.


The setting can be changed while the game is running and takes effect immediately.


WooHoo motive intensity
This value is set too high in my opinion, lowering the value should allow Sims to function more normal when aroused/horny, the KW default value is 1250.


If you change this value you will need to restart the game before it takes effect.

Reduced KW Autonomy
Setting this to enabled will activate a number of tunables found in the tuning package, this is only a minor performance improvement mainly related to a high Exhibition skill, it is disabled by default.


The setting can be changed while the game is running but the tuning values are loaded when the game starts.

KW Autonomy in water

Setting this to disabled will prevent Sims swimming around doing anything kinky and block Sims on land trying to get kinky with Sims in water, these interactions can sometimes generate lag (due to routing I think).


The setting can be changed while the game is running and takes effect immediately.

Morphing nipples
Morphing nipples look awful in my opinion and now you can turn it off. When disabled the cmar sliders are not required anymore.


Actor move value
I have added a new set of move commands to the Sims Kinky menu for easier access, this is the move distance value.


WooHoo Outcome
When disabled you will always get a good outcome no matter what.


WooHoo Outcome Animation
This will enable/disable the Boo and Cheer animations.


WooHoo Freeze Motive Decay
When enabled, KW will freeze Bladder/Hunger/Hygiene during WooHoo, if a value is below -61 (stressed) it will be set to -61 to avoid premature WooHoo loop exits. Energy will only be frozen if below -61 (Sleepy).


WooHoo GoTo
When set to Instant, Sims will "teleport" to their destination and start the WooHoo immediately, this is still experimental and Sims sometimes end up into strange locations, instant goto doesn't work with rugs.


The default value is Route, it can be changed while the game is running and takes effect when the next WooHoo starts.


WooHoo Route PassThrough
This will allow Sims to pass through certain objects on the way to their WooHoo destination to shorten the distance, this is a base game feature, I don't know the exact rules.


WooHoo Route DisableAvoidance
This will disable Avoidance when Sims are routing to their WooHoo destination, Sims can still bump into each other and block each others path but they should resolve it instantly.


WooHoo Object Weight System
This will enable a weighted object type WooHoo stage choosing system, the weights for the various object types can be configured in the sub-menu, setting a weight to zero means the object type will not be chosen, it is not possible to set Floor lower than one as this is the fallback if nothing else can be found.


"Multiplier for objects in same room as WooHooer" is a weight multiplier to increase the chance of choosing something in the same room as the WooHooer, setting it to one makes this neutral.


Please note that weighted WooHoo stage choosing is still random, also the chance of choosing your favourite object type is dependent on how many animations of that type you have installed.


Changing these settings take effect immediately.

WooHoo Score calculation
Disabling this can improve performance but it will also make Sims WooHoo more.


The setting can be changed while the game is running and takes effect immediately.

Autonomous Solo Teasing
This will enable/disable autonomous Solo Teasing (the annoying dance), it is enabled by default.

The setting can be changed while the game is running and takes effect immediately.

Actor Position Reset
When enabled (default), actor positions will reset / use stored offsets between WooHoo stages.

KW Teleport Me Here
This is the same as the regular Teleport except it doesn't play the VFX.

Chance to order Alcohol autonomously
The chance Sims have to order Alcohol at Bar Venues, setting this to zero will disable it.


Max autonomous Alcohol level
Max level Sims make / order Alcohol autonomously.


Alcohol for teens
This will enable/disable Alcohol for teens.

Kinky Dreaming
This will enable / disable Kinky Dreaming.


LTR gain from WooHoo
This will enable/disable LTR gain from WooHoo.

Body Selectors
This is used to add more Body Selectors, it works the same way as adding more animations.


I have also added some new interactions to the WooHoo context (Kinky Menu),


Remove Top/Bottom
This just undresses the Sim.


Next Stage
This will request the next WooHoo stage independent of the timer, the running animations will still play out before moving on (like Change Position).


Cancel Join
If a joining Sim doesn't show up for some reason you can use this interaction to cancel the join so you don't get stuck in the WooHoo loop.


Next Stage & Cancel Join are only available on the master (the Sim that started the WooHoo).

Debug/Testing interactions
When clicking on a lot there are now debug interactions to control the kinky state of all Sims currently on the lot.


CityHall now has debug interactions to set WooHoo and Exhibition skills of all Sims.



Keyboard shortcuts

Q=Next Stage

E=Change Position

F5=Save Game



I have also fixed the message notification issue.




+[Fixed]: Import settings not working for Autonomy settings.
+[Fixed]: Range for Tarif multiplier setting (requires you start a new game).
+[Modified]: KW SendWooHootyText autonomy rules to be the same as KW SendPhotograph.
+[Modified]: Lot Object Autonomy to enable/disable the peeping interaction on lot windows which is causing most of the lag.
+[Added]: Setting to enable/disable KW Teleport Me Here.

+[Fixed]: Play Computer Games.
+[Fixed]: MorningWood timeout stopping erection during WooHoo.
+[Modified]: Default Texture Size set to 1024.
+[Modified]: KW Teleport Me Here to be standalone not overriding the default cheat interaction.
+[Modified]: KW Swim Around to also block autonomous WooHoo with Sims in water.
+[Added]: Separate tuning package.
+[Added]: Option to reduce KW Autonomy to improve performance, can be customized in tuning.
+[Added]: Option to disable autonomous Solo Teasing.



+[Added]: Alternate KWRunAutonomy to improve performance.
+[Added]: Option to set WooHoo motive intensity.

+[Fixed]: Disable KW Teleport Me Here.
+[Fixed]: PostLoadFixup resetting Opportunities.
+[Modified]: WooHoo instant goto to avoid Sims stacking on top of each other.
+[Added]: Autonomy resource monitoring to reduce lag when you have a large number of Sims on a Lot.
+[Added]: Option to set kinky interaction cooldown.
+[Added]: Keyboard shortcuts: Q=Next Stage, E=Change Position, F5=Save Game.
+[Added]: Debug interactions to AdminstrationCenter.
+[Added]: Global and Lot interactions to set Sims arousal state to Normal.
+[Added]: More tunables.

+[Fixed]: WooHoo Join to only allow joining master to prevent Sims getting stuck in the middle of the WooHoo.
+[Fixed]: KinkyDance, KinkyDanceOnCounterOrTable and DancePole.Dance causing WatchExhibition to crash the game.
+[Modified]: WooHoo instant goto to teleport Sims closer together.
+[Modified]: WooHoo random next stage to choose from a wider selection of animations (enabled by object type weight system).
+[Modified]: Motive decay freeze values to remove negative buffs.
+[Added]: Object type weight system to choose WooHoo location.
+[Added]: Option to disable WooHoo Score calculation.
+[Added]: More tuning.

+[Fixed]: Various KW interactions being available to the SimBot, a.k.a. Frankenstein.
+[Fixed]: Various KW interactions being available to EP11 Future Bots without the trait chip.
+[Fixed]: FollowSim not actually following.
+[Added]: More Brothel tuning.

+[Fixed]: StartWhoring interaction showing on Sims that can't WooHoo.
+[Fixed]: WooHooJoinGeneric should now work again with Couch_SleepOnCouch, HoleInWall etc.
+[Fixed]: KWStoveClean not being available to male Sims.
+[Modified]: UseToilet to use base game interaction for Sims not viable for kinky interactions.

+[Corregido]: Anal CreampiedEffects*
+[Corregido]: OutfitManager cambia a Carrera en lugar de Uniforme actual.
+[Corregido]: Interacciones sociales Sim/Mascota arrojando una excepción.
+[Corregido]: PostLoadFixup destruye KWPhotographs que no están en la Cámara del Teléfono o en el Inventario del Sim.
+[Corregido]: Poblar Lote/Mundo no aleatoriza los Rasgos.
+[Corregido]: Error en el ajuste de la mercancía del grupo.
+[Corregido]: RequestToWooHoo requiere más de dos Sims WooHooables en el lote.
+[Corregido]: Salida prematura del bucle WooHoo debido a que KW no permite que se juegue la misma etapa más de una vez.
+[Modificado]: CreateUniform para incluir atuendos ocultos.
+[Añadido]: Manos y pechos creampiedLocations*
+[Añadido]: Rasgo sumiso*
+[Añadido]: Más localización de texto*
+[Añadido]: Nuevo sistema de compensación de actor para guardar y exportar posiciones de actor para etapas de WooHoo.
+[Añadido]: <AdultOffset> y <TeenOffset> al recurso XML de OKW.
+[Añadido]: Los Sims ahora tienen un 25 % de posibilidades de perder su traje de baño al saltar a una piscina.
+[Eliminado]: Anulación de Terrain.GoHere, el accidente con el traje de baño se implementa en otro lugar.
+[Eliminado]: Anulación de GoHome, parece estar obsoleta, la anulación de GoToVirtualHome aún permanece.

* = Por Jvsmith.

+[Solucionado]: Textos de interacción transexual y globos de pensamiento (seguirá diciendo de él, no de ella).
+[Solucionado]: Recuento de Sims en la interacción con el Ayuntamiento.
+[Solucionado]: Barra Autónoma Avanzada+OrderDrink (MakeDrink) debería funcionar ahora.
+[Solucionado]: Las interacciones de socialización de KW están disponibles mientras se bucea.
+[Solucionado]: Problema de localización de BrothelManager.
+[Modificado]: Comportamiento y gestión del Kraken.
+[Modificado]: Se redujo la probabilidad de perder el traje de baño al saltar a la piscina al 15 % (ajustable).
+[Modificado]: HoleInWall: Mayor probabilidad de que los Sims más pequeños se queden atascados (Ajustable).
+[Agregado]: localización alemana por Clydie.

+[Solucionado]: Problemas de restablecimiento de objetos Kraken.
+[Agregado]: Falta localización de textos y se tradujeron los textos en francés al inglés.
+[Agregado]: Restablecer Sim al menú radial Kinky World (anteriormente estaba UnlockSim en el menú Depurar).

+[Fijo]: localización de CASPProperties.
+[Solucionado]: localización GetRelationshipSimName.
+[Solucionado]: el rasgo de recompensa DaughterLover está disponible en CAS (en blanco).
+[Solucionado]: uso de arnés de KWBedSleep.
+[Solucionado]: KWBedSleep reflejaba problemas de animación.
+[Modificado]: Localización en inglés sugerida por Yotix.
+[Modificado]: Comportamiento de selección de categorías de KWBedSleep WooHoo.
+[Agregado]: Falta el rasgo Sumiso en CAS.
+[Agregado]: Nueva configuración para controlar el uso autónomo de Alcohol.
+[Agregado]: KW OrderDrink donde los Sims tienen la oportunidad de pedir alcohol, la posibilidad es una nueva configuración.
+[Agregado]: Traducciones al ruso por anton557.
+[Agregado]: Nueva configuración para desactivar los sueños pervertidos.

+[Solucionado]: excepción de Sim único de KWBedSleep.
+[Solucionado]: Selección de categoría KWBedSleep Shemale-Shemale.
+[Solucionado]: el ataque de Kraken se compensó y cambió FeedbackTalking a un anuncio global.
+[Solucionado]: KWCastSpell autónomo.
+[Agregado]: KWMaid como servicio.
+[Agregado]: Desbloqueo de Sim PostLoadFixup OutfitManager (si está ocupado).
+[Agregado]: Selector de malla de cuerpo desnudo para Sims individuales.
+[Agregado]: Soporte para MedBod 1.9 por JoshQ.
+[Agregado]: Traducciones al ruso por anton557.
+[Agregado]: Traducciones al alemán de Clydie.

+[Modificado]: Sistema de registro para reducir la cantidad de registros generados.
+[Agregado]: Más información sobre cómo ejecutar la información sobre herramientas de WooHoo.
+[Agregado]: Configuración para habilitar/deshabilitar la ganancia LTR de WooHoo.
+[Agregado]: Configuración para habilitar/deshabilitar el alcohol para adolescentes.
+[Agregado]: Descripciones de texto en inglés mejoradas o faltantes por Mary Jane.
+[Agregado]: Mejoras en Kinky Trait por parte de Mary Jane.

Descargue e instale OWK 409 primero y luego reemplace ONIKI_KinkyMod.package con el que está dentro de ONIKI_KinkyMod426.zip, la instalación del paquete de ajuste es completamente opcional.

Kinky World 409


Parche suave TS3 2.1






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