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"What mod is this?" VI

The Matrix Prime

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anyone have a download link for:




chest wrapped dress by dadag

I've uploaded it below:


attachicon.gif黑店出品 FDB裹胸连衣裙套装.7z


The names are all in Chinese, so you'll have to edit them in TES5Edit or a similar program if you want easy access to them in game.


Now that being said, I don't know if the creators of this mod approve of it being shared freely. If it turns out they don't, I'll remove it as soon as anyone lets me know.


In case anyone's interested, I've edited this mod's ESP such that all the item names are now in English. With names like "Top1" and "ShoeJ", they're not particularly descriptive -- this is because I made the name changes before actually looking at the content of the mod in-game. But until I or someone else goes through the process of naming them more accurately, this at least enables you to easily find all the items in game via the console.




Everything has been prefixed with "FDB", so simply typing help fdb into the console should bring up all items.



i tried to put everything in a chest but i suck at editing anything related with creation kit or tes5edit, maybe you could take a shot?



I have this mod installed, but when I type "help fdb" I can't view the full list of armor pieces. How do i spawn the whole set? Or could someone link to instructions on how to modify the esp so that all the armor is in a chest somewhere? help would be appreciated!



just use pageup or pagedown buttons to scroll on the console. also note that there's a limit to how much you can scroll up

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Where can I get this outfit from and maybe even this character mod?

Thanks for reading


nokou  :) 

what you are looking for has the name "Alice's Apron Dress". here is a picture.



I have not found it, sorry. :s



at least now I know whats its called, Thanks


also thanks to Ruskii420Sama for the help too



you know that, always enjoy if I can help then I do it. :)

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So, I can't really describe the mod itself, but I have one better than a screen shot...a video! Yay, right?


Anyways, If someone could help me with finding the mods the video poster has for his PC, mainly the hair, face and idle animation (all three are seen perfectly at 1:45) I would be very grateful.





That's the prison overhaul.



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So, I can't really describe the mod itself, but I have one better than a screen shot...a video! Yay, right?


Anyways, If someone could help me with finding the mods the video poster has for his PC, mainly the hair, face and idle animation (all three are seen perfectly at 1:45) I would be very grateful.





That's the prison overhaul.





No no, I have that mod. But I mean the hair, the idle animation and the face mods.


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So, I can't really describe the mod itself, but I have one better than a screen shot...a video! Yay, right?


Anyways, If someone could help me with finding the mods the video poster has for his PC, mainly the hair, face and idle animation (all three are seen perfectly at 1:45) I would be very grateful.





That's the prison overhaul.





No no, I have that mod. But I mean the hair, the idle animation and the face mods.




Oh crap sorry, my bad, i should'Ve read the whole post.


4 am here, brain isn't working that good anymore. >.<

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So, I can't really describe the mod itself, but I have one better than a screen shot...a video! Yay, right?


Anyways, If someone could help me with finding the mods the video poster has for his PC, mainly the hair, face and idle animation (all three are seen perfectly at 1:45) I would be very grateful.





Does that perky music play when you're in the vanilla jail? I've yet to ever get arrested.   >___>    I keep meaning to try that some time...


If it's got cute tunes like that, I'm totally going right now!

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Does anybody know what the body texture/tatoo is used in this picture?




I believe it could be this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425/? 




Cool thanks, but what about the tatoos the character has?



Pretty sure they are custom tattoo textures made by Seren (it's his character) and no they are not available as far as I know.



Really? Great, why is the best stuff always never shared.

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I'm not sure if it is, but it looks like the Osare Underwear:






Thanks to both of you, even if the answer was disappointing (was hoping it was from a replacer).


Now I'm on the lookout for this outfit. Anyone seen it before?










EotW Dovahkiins Journeyman Armor by EcthelionOtW and the Team



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