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"What mod is this?" VI

The Matrix Prime

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Anyone know what the leg strap with the blue and red potion is from?, Thanks!


What armor is that? and is it UNPB?


The armor is the new Sexy Transparent Zipsuit and the coat is from the Northgirl Armor. The zipsuit does have a UNPB version in the options.


PS- I just got back from a long hiatus...Anything super awesome that I missed? I'm going through the old threads, but it's been about 8 months.

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Where is that top come from?




And thanks for your time


Looks like Armored Bikini with a custom texture, shouldnt be hard to recreate, especially since all the different styles of Armored Bikini using the same mesh, but with different textures and alpha channels.

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i have wet skin on my character but i do have an issue that bugs the hell out of me, does anyone know how to increase the resolution of the sweat skin?

i am using immersiveFP so i see things quite up close, things like that kinda ruins the realism. :dodgy:


It'll be a texture of some sort, and the only way to get a higher resolution image is to find (or make) a higher resolution image.


Sporty Sexy Sweat uses a 2048-pixel image for the body and Equipable Wet Female Body uses a 4096-pixel one- one of these might be better than what you are using. Or you could use a smoother one like Desufire's Tan and Shine where resolution (and closeups) won't matter as much as it's a different look without drops and such.


These are just the three I know of, there are likely lots of others out there. All said, though, pixel count or file size isn't /always/ an indicator of how well a texture's look holds up under close scrutiny, but it can help you compare what you might expect. Hope this helps!



Great ! Ripped 4k texture from Equipabble wet female body. Thank you for link :P





Share?   :)



please share that



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i have wet skin on my character but i do have an issue that bugs the hell out of me, does anyone know how to increase the resolution of the sweat skin?

i am using immersiveFP so i see things quite up close, things like that kinda ruins the realism. :dodgy:


It'll be a texture of some sort, and the only way to get a higher resolution image is to find (or make) a higher resolution image.


Sporty Sexy Sweat uses a 2048-pixel image for the body and Equipable Wet Female Body uses a 4096-pixel one- one of these might be better than what you are using. Or you could use a smoother one like Desufire's Tan and Shine where resolution (and closeups) won't matter as much as it's a different look without drops and such.


These are just the three I know of, there are likely lots of others out there. All said, though, pixel count or file size isn't /always/ an indicator of how well a texture's look holds up under close scrutiny, but it can help you compare what you might expect. Hope this helps!



Great ! Ripped 4k texture from Equipabble wet female body. Thank you for link :P





Share?   :)



please share that





1) download equipable wet female body

2.)open the mod file

3.)open the texture map and continue opening maps until you find the 2 dds files

4.)open the map in your skyrim map, usually in SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\<racename>\female

5.)extract both files in your <racename> map and remove the "_wet" part from the filename

6.)pick both up and place them in the map "female" (you need to allow to replace)


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Oh come on dont start :D its still wip, dont know if the collar alone is available anywhere, never seen it before.


Not starting anything this time. Y'know i found my brain where i left it the last time.


Looks rather finished for a WIP, methinks. :blink:



If you check Shocky's thread then there's more images, with more parts, so i dont think it's finished even though it looks great already ;)



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