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Hogwarts Legacy. Why is it taboo to mod this game? Immersion mods?

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19 hours ago, EndlessIX said:

With luck the discords that share such mods are taken down.


I don't even like the game, but just because you came here, to OUR forum where we make lewd shit to run your mouth. I'm making a loli mod for this game that will remove diverse characters. Free, and will be posting it to a file hoster in a based country.  I hope you feel better contributing to the waifuification of Hogwarts legacy. You did your part. 

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20 hours ago, Tetsuru said:


I don't even like the game, but just because you came here, to OUR forum where we make lewd shit to run your mouth. I'm making a loli mod for this game that will remove diverse characters. Free, and will be posting it to a file hoster in a based country.  I hope you feel better contributing to the waifuification of Hogwarts legacy. You did your part. 

All these things are already done, and aviable in another forums tho

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22 hours ago, Tetsuru said:

And now there is one more,  Uploaded today. Won't post here cause of LL rules. 

Lust and Revenge as usual move mountains, a smaller case like this is: horniness and pettiness move people to make mods, more for the pile, more for me, thanks dude.

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On 5/16/2023 at 10:10 PM, Tetsuru said:

And now there is one more,  Uploaded today. Won't post here cause of LL rules. 

So, I checked the discord, and I don't see any new NSFW mods. I'm guessing you didn't post it there.... which is weird, considering that you're apparently doing this to spite a troll who has an axe to grind with the discord.

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4 hours ago, jpackinwood said:

So, I checked the discord, and I don't see any new NSFW mods. I'm guessing you didn't post it there.... which is weird, considering that you're apparently doing this to spite a troll who has an axe to grind with the discord.

C'mon guy, you're totally ruining his cool and edgy moment.

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On 5/18/2023 at 11:11 AM, Algene said:

Almost sure he published it on the "other" forum, straight up age challenged individuals aren't allowed in the discord either, won't check tho, can't remember my mail.


I mostly make Koikatsu / Illusion Studios stuff.  You can figure it out from there. I don't know the policy here on linking to that content.  Discord is woke, don't use it.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like people who feel so unimmersed by a few people of colour and like one lesbian couple in thier game about wizards aren't really considering the setting themselves?
This isn't the standard 1800's UK that we know. It's one which is separated from the muggle world, and has it's own laws, policies, and values.

Why would that world be exactly the same as the muggle world in terms of diversity and acceptance? They have their own issues revolving around mixed and pure blood wizards, but why for example would homosexuality be considered criminal, when the only real basis for such a policy is religion, religions which often also persecutes those who practice magic. Same with the one character that seems to be trans that people get so upset about. Why would that actually be an issue for wizards?

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I understand that mod sites don't want liability for what others make because of WB legal, but I was super hyped for the spicy garlik mod but it's vanished online. That was the only adult mod I was excited for when I saw it announced on reddit but alas all the mod sites are too scared to host it, the rest of the mods I want are on the nexus.

Edited by Spart0n
clarify words
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7 hours ago, Spart0n said:

I understand that mod sites don't want liability for what others make because of WB legal, but I was super hyped for the spicy garlik mod but it's vanished online. That was the only adult mod I was excited for when I saw it announced on reddit but alas all the mod sites are too scared to host it, the rest of the mods I want are on the nexus.


Thats not true there are still sites that host them you just might need to do some work to find them. And be ok with downloading so sketchy russian downloads. Oh and maybe be ok with being put on a watch list or two.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/15/2023 at 6:33 PM, Tetsuru said:


I don't even like the game, but just because you came here, to OUR forum where we make lewd shit to run your mouth. I'm making a loli mod for this game that will remove diverse characters. Free, and will be posting it to a file hoster in a based country.  I hope you feel better contributing to the waifuification of Hogwarts legacy. You did your part. 

Ouur forums like hes paying anything to keep it up and  running.

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On 5/17/2023 at 11:46 PM, jpackinwood said:

So, I checked the discord, and I don't see any new NSFW mods. I'm guessing you didn't post it there.... which is weird, considering that you're apparently doing this to spite a troll who has an axe to grind with the discord.

No axxe to gring nor am i a troll,the discord is racist just like im seeing this site is when it comes to hogwarts.

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On 6/2/2023 at 6:16 AM, masteroftw said:


Thats not true there are still sites that host them you just might need to do some work to find them. And be ok with downloading so sketchy russian downloads. Oh and maybe be ok with being put on a watch list or two.

It's called discord. There is a Hogwarts legacy discord with some pretty nice NSFW mods. Here is the link. https://discord.gg/cRYkjZMf


To moderators/staff - I apologize if this link is not allowed to be shared.


@EndlessIX - You know, I've never had any issues with the discord. But it's probably because I don't seek out drama. I grab what I'm looking for, and that's it. Or if I want to engage/help a community, I do so. But most of your posts here are trolling or drama related. Probably why you don't like the discord for this game. Too busy starting shit instead of doing something productive. BTW how on earth is this site or even that discord racist? You know, if people use a term too much, it loses it's meaning. And that is one of the go to terms now a days for anyone to try and instantly win an argument. You label someone that as a means to instantly discredit them. Most of the people using said term now a days, have no clue what the term even means.

Edited by Hakufu1021
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question why do you all write like that? in Poland, the lgbt+ movement sells condoms to children in kindergarten and shows them how to have sex, and still supports them: Electronics Arts, maxis, worner brows, marvel, netflix, european union... And now you write that it's not legal? what is this contradiction?

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On 6/29/2023 at 8:10 AM, Hakufu1021 said:

It's called discord. There is a Hogwarts legacy discord with some pretty nice NSFW mods. Here is the link. https://discord.gg/cRYkjZMf


To moderators/staff - I apologize if this link is not allowed to be shared.


@EndlessIX - You know, I've never had any issues with the discord. But it's probably because I don't seek out drama. I grab what I'm looking for, and that's it. Or if I want to engage/help a community, I do so. But most of your posts here are trolling or drama related. Probably why you don't like the discord for this game. Too busy starting shit instead of doing something productive. BTW how on earth is this site or even that discord racist? You know, if people use a term too much, it loses it's meaning. And that is one of the go to terms now a days for anyone to try and instantly win an argument. You label someone that as a means to instantly discredit them. Most of the people using said term now a days, have no clue what the term even means.

Hi, the link expired, can I haz new one?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
On 3/4/2023 at 8:53 AM, Guest said:

Child nudity and sex are not allowed. All other stuff is Allowed.

Really ? cause lots of nude, and body mods for Hogwarts lagacy in other sites, also HERE at LL have lots of nude, body ,and sex mods for the sims, and it all works with teen sims too, shouldn't this be prohibited too ? 

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Just based on the posts from this last page, I don't really want to wade through several pages of arguments and shit-flinging, so I'll ask out of genuine curiosity: why is this game taboo to lewd mod, but the Persona games aren't if they both take place in high school?

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12 hours ago, kraoro said:

Just based on the posts from this last page, I don't really want to wade through several pages of arguments and shit-flinging, so I'll ask out of genuine curiosity: why is this game taboo to lewd mod, but the Persona games aren't if they both take place in high school?

some people marked the game as anti-gay/trans/whatever, anyway, 'merican politics as usual, something I don't care about nor I want to take part

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19 hours ago, kraoro said:

Just based on the posts from this last page, I don't really want to wade through several pages of arguments and shit-flinging, so I'll ask out of genuine curiosity: why is this game taboo to lewd mod, but the Persona games aren't if they both take place in high school?

You want an honest answer? It's probably mostly about how high profile the game was and how aggressive and litigious WB is. Now can we let this dead horse stay dead, please?

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