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Samurai Maiden - Potential Modding

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I am pretty sure this was the last nude mod posted here by whoever made it in this thread, i cant remember his name because it looks like he removed all his mods and also requested the deletion of his account. It is a shame that he left because he did indeed make some good mods. I am just sharing what i have anyway for whoever is asking/looking for mods to this game.






Edited by neegan
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8 hours ago, neegan said:

I am pretty sure this was the last nude mod posted here by whoever made it in this thread, i cant remember his name because it looks like he removed all his mods and also requested the deletion of his account. It is a shame that he left because he did indeed make some good mods. I am just sharing what i have anyway for whoever is asking/looking for mods to this game.

29530394_SAMURAIMAIDEN.rar 112.1 MB · 35 downloads


  Reveal hidden contents




Thanks for sharing the file. Is there a readme or anything that explains where to drop all these for them to work?

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59 minutes ago, ChippaiFan said:


Thanks for sharing the file. Is there a readme or anything that explains where to drop all these for them to work?

No problem, They go in the root of the game folder. and you can toggle them on and off with the 1 and 2 keys in-game.


38 minutes ago, Svarogor said:

How to download mods parapara and where? all links at the beginning do not work, please share the link.

He removed all his mods, and also his account, I guess the only way to get them is if someone else shares them on the other posts. You can download what i shared for this game a few posts above.

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4 hours ago, neegan said:

No problem, They go in the root of the game folder. and you can toggle them on and off with the 1 and 2 keys in-game.


He removed all his mods, and also his account, I guess the only way to get them is if someone else shares them on the other posts. You can download what i shared for this game a few posts above.

Anyone up for creating a thread asking for all his mods? (Senran Kagura series, this game, Bullet Girl Phantasia, etc. I'm sure there's more.) He's gone now, so highly doubt he'll report em. Seriously crazy how he's done all this due to a freaking misunderstanding. One that could have easily been attributed to the fact he uses machine translation.


EDIT: I should have backed them up locally and on my server. I meant to, saved them in tabs, but didn't revisit them. If I get his full collection, I'll do so and going forward anyone who needs them, I'll make them available.


PS: I HAVE backed these mods up now. So they will be available no matter what (except in cases of catastrophic data loss. Talking my local computer goes up in smoke and my server with Unraid has a complete meltdown destroying my entire array and all parity drives)

Edited by Hakufu1021
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On 4/13/2023 at 7:24 PM, syoukou said:

Skinned Mesh Renderer.cs


ダウンロードできない。チャンネルで質問してみたが、Skinned Mesh Renderer.csをそもそも知らない人が多い。



I can't download. I asked a question on the channel, but many people do not know "Skinned Mesh Renderer.cs".

Can someone please upload it?


Unless things have changed since I was told

there should be a message pinned above that channel with a download link to the file you're looking for.




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12 hours ago, Hakufu1021 said:

Seriously crazy how he's done all this due to a freaking misunderstanding. One that could have easily been attributed to the fact he uses machine translation.

I don't think it was just this thread, he tends to get overly annoyed and upset at people asking him questions (seems like he feels compelled to answer everyone instead of just ignoring) and was already complaining and threatening to quit because of that. If anything I'm kind of surprised that he went back here for this game.

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13 hours ago, aflamingo said:

I don't think it was just this thread, he tends to get overly annoyed and upset at people asking him questions (seems like he feels compelled to answer everyone instead of just ignoring) and was already complaining and threatening to quit because of that. If anything I'm kind of surprised that he went back here for this game.

Then he should have put disclaimers, or just linked to a blog. A forum is built around this type of communication. To outright ban questions and get pissed when people inevitably ask questions, is absolutely asinine. Sorry, not sorry. You release a mod, you open yourself up to the stupidest of questions. Especially from new users. They'll hound you into oblivion over simple stuff that was literally put into a readme file or tutorial. You can't handle that? DON'T RELEASE MODS.


Sorry, but if he left due to that, I have absolutely no sympathy and can only question his intelligence. As this is common sense. Creators get hounded. Ignore it, help out, or never become a creator in the first place. And I highly doubt this is an issue with only "English speaking forums." This is a universal issue. As people in his native country probably have the same mentality. I mean how many times have all of us seen a dude with 1 post saying "Please help with X" and those of us who've messed with the mods for the game, reply with "read the damn readme."


That's why I personally try my best to make any tutorial/guide I release absolutely idiot proof. I outline ANY issues I've found, do a step by step process to arrive to a working game/mod, and try to put myself in the shoes of someone who just googled the game, found the mod(s) I'm talking about, and didn't read anything in the thread. They just downloaded and tried to get it working.


As you'd think a modder who voluntarily opens himself up to the public, would have a thicker skin. Dude has real talent. But he needs to learn to let stuff roll off his shoulders if he's going to continue to release his stuff for ANY public audience. Whether for free or even if he decides to charge in order to justify the "bs". Or choose a release method that absolutely has no way of communication from his userbase. Which is VERY easy to do. There's plenty of one way only communication methods out there. He should have picked one. Heck a simple blog with comments turned off would have been the absolute easiest. Or, I'm sure if he contacted the administration they would have either set that up for him here, or gave him options to facilitate his request.


As after all, modders are king on this forum. I'm sure the admins would have gladly helped him. As they'd rather lose 1,000 members then 1 talented modder. Modders make or break this place. But it seems like the dude essentially wanted to use this place as a wiki. Provide a killer product and documentation on how he arrived at said product, but didn't want the associated hassle of helping users. Which, as he found out, this place wasn't going to work for that. At least with how he went about doing it.


PS: I never said the issue that put him over the top was this thread. Honestly? I can't remember which thread it was from. I just remember during the initial aftermath seeing his post leading up to his mass deletion and thinking to myself...REALLY?


PPS: BTW, just to be absolutely clear, I'm not having a go at you. Just giving my personal opinion on this whole situation. So please don't take anything I say in this post as me personally attacking you. Whole situation is frustrating and I was simply offering my opinion, and better ways he could have solved the issue instead of going full derp.

Edited by Hakufu1021
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44 minutes ago, Hakufu1021 said:


Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with you. Questions are just a normal part of this, and if he was unwilling to spend time answering questions then he could've just ignored them and other users would've likely answered anyway.


He also struggled way too much with the idea that misunderstanding is bound to happen with machine translation. One of my first interactions with him was back in late 2021 was when I sent him a personal message explaining to him a comment he misunderstood. Someone literally praised his mod and just asked if the game uses different models for when the character is wet, he complained about that being a request while saying that he would quit. It's really like he couldn't see a question mark without dying inside.


Honestly, I don't think he's doing well psychologically given how he seemed to be getting incredibly offended at pretty much anything.

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19 hours ago, aflamingo said:

Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with you. Questions are just a normal part of this, and if he was unwilling to spend time answering questions then he could've just ignored them and other users would've likely answered anyway.


He also struggled way too much with the idea that misunderstanding is bound to happen with machine translation. One of my first interactions with him was back in late 2021 was when I sent him a personal message explaining to him a comment he misunderstood. Someone literally praised his mod and just asked if the game uses different models for when the character is wet, he complained about that being a request while saying that he would quit. It's really like he couldn't see a question mark without dying inside.


Honestly, I don't think he's doing well psychologically given how he seemed to be getting incredibly offended at pretty much anything.

Could very well be. In which case he, much like the most of us, needs to do self reflection and learn when to take time off from the net. As it can add to the toxicity already present in our lives. This is something I'm slowly but surely learning even in my own life. It's WAY WAY easier said then done. Especially with how connected we are.


But ya, I had an "argument" with him also. That he was entirely misunderstanding someone's comment due to machine translation. He absolutely insisted he was right and the person had a go at him. When someone relies so completely on machine translation, they have to develop a thicker skin then even the rest of us, as you are literally at the mercy of a program that absolutely does not understand context. I mean for instance, you can use the word fuck in a sentence without conveying ANY malicious intent to the actual person you are responding to. But a machine won't understand that. In other words, the difference between cussing and cussing AT a person. I cuss ALOT. Probably more then I should. But I VERY rarely cuss AT a person. Just like I routinely call out stupid behavior. There's a difference between stupid behavior, and actually calling someone stupid. We ALL exhibit stupid behavior. But not everyone is actually stupid.

Edited by Hakufu1021
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Hey @woofhat, I'm not the one you replied to, but I'd like to talk about a few points here.



The main reason is that he doesn't get the respect he deserves here.

Anytime he shared anything about his mods, you'd see plenty of upvotes and everyone praising his mods. I pretty much exclusively come here for mods on Japanese games, and in every single one of those threads I've seen a lot of respect for both him and modderchan.


I feel like a lot here is lost due to language barrier machine translations. Like I said on my previous post, on this thread someone praised his mod, but he understood it as a request and got offended. How often did that happen? I imagine that a lot of praises can come across as something negative due to translation problems, or even be entirely missed due to relying more on context and deeper understanding of the English language to come across as a praise. So if you're relying on machine translation, you have to be mindful that this kind of thing is bound to happen, and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. 



He's had all sorts of requests for mod from people who have clearly misplaced their position and they see themselves as customers (and for free).
Maybe you think there's nothing to this. But some modders (including me) hate this practice.


Making a request or asking questions isn't lack of respect, that's display of interest, that's a sign that people are interested in your work. I think you're taking it as disrespecting your time, but I honestly feel like that's the wrong way to look at it, specially given how you're in a position to refuse or ignore.


Something else to keep in mind is that you have a pretty big age range on this kind of website. You very likely have kids ~ younger teens here who don't understand the absurdity of their requests but mean no harm. I'm 28 now, but I participate in internet forums since when I was 10~11 and I definitively remember making a lot of absurd requests back then. So when you're using a internet forum you have to be mindful that you're dealing with people of all ages, and not take too much offense at these kinds of situations.


Maybe you aren't comfortable with possible misunderstandings from machine translation, with people interacting with you, or with younger people making absurd requests, and that's fine, that just means that a English speaking internet forum isn't for you, which is fine, it's just that it's silly to expect sympathy for that.

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On 4/15/2023 at 1:07 AM, Hakufu1021 said:



PS: I never said the issue that put him over the top was this thread. Honestly? I can't remember which thread it was from. I just remember during the initial aftermath seeing his post leading up to his mass deletion and thinking to myself...REALLY?



I believe all started on this post


On 4/15/2023 at 2:28 AM, aflamingo said:

Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with you. Questions are just a normal part of this, and if he was unwilling to spend time answering questions then he could've just ignored them and other users would've likely answered anyway.


He also struggled way too much with the idea that misunderstanding is bound to happen with machine translation. One of my first interactions with him was back in late 2021 was when I sent him a personal message explaining to him a comment he misunderstood. Someone literally praised his mod and just asked if the game uses different models for when the character is wet, he complained about that being a request while saying that he would quit. It's really like he couldn't see a question mark without dying inside.


Honestly, I don't think he's doing well psychologically given how he seemed to be getting incredibly offended at pretty much anything.

Yes, I remember replied his post suggesting a psychological help because this isn't normal be so affected, but I think my reply was deleted lol



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On 4/15/2023 at 10:58 PM, woofhat said:

I can't agree with you at all.

Please don't judge us in the East by what you Westerners think.

Although it is sad and regrettable that parapara retired. It has cost me a friend I could communicate with, but I understand and support him and will not judge him wantonly.


Obviously he's not retiring just because of some silly issue.

The main reason is that he doesn't get the respect he deserves here.

He's had all sorts of requests for mod from people who have clearly misplaced their position and they see themselves as customers (and for free).
Maybe you think there's nothing to this. But some modders (including me) hate this practice.

Also, there are some people who will post his mods around to other places without permission, and even sell them. That's a big reason why he would retire.

It's not clear if there are other reasons, but in any case, if this forum makes her unhappy, then it's only natural that he would leave.

If you question his intelligence because of that, I'll question yours too.

Also, he deleted all his mods before he retired, obviously not wanting anyone else to re-release them.
Have you or anyone else who intends to re-release them done so with parapara's permission?




First read the posts linked by KryxRed to put my entire stance into perspective. This is what I base my argument on. The user even begged for forgiveness because his post was misinterpreted.


Your post - cultural issues and confusion between you and me.

And that's your opinion. BTW - I was not judging anyone by what westerners think. I was judging humanity as a whole. My statements judging anyone, in this context applies to humanity. Whether Eastern, Western, or wherever you hail from. We are all human, and humans have a collective set of "idiosyncrasies" we are all guilty of. To say only westerners or for that matter, only easterners exhibit these traits is rather egotistical. It's a humanity problem. Not a cultural problem.  You can feel insulted by that statement, or you can realize, I can learn any language on this planet, go to a forum dedicated to that language, and the userbase will do the EXACT same things that occured here. That was my point. I absolutely was not insulting eastern culture or using my own culture to paint a broad brush of your own. As again, this is a humanity problem.


You will find ungrateful and demanding people no matter the country of origin. Some people are just ungrateful and demand demand demand. I mean do you realize how many requests I get? And I don't even release mods anymore. I stopped after moderchan absolutely schooled my ass. (Love ya bud! Hope you come back and wish you well! Haven't talked to you on twitter for over a year! Seriously worried about that one. )


What can be an issue dedicated to countries outside of the US where English isn't the "primary language" is machine translation issues. You can't tell me some of his concerns didn't arise out of pure translation error. I know because I personally witnessed it. So have others.  Plus, machine translation is still very primitive and there's a huge difference between western and eastern culture. Need an example? Slurping soup in public is absolutely taboo in the west. But absolutely acceptable and actually encouraged in the East. Just like at least in Japan, their society is ALL about cleanliness. You won't find any trash on the ground in most places. Likewise, walking and eating is also forbidden in Japan. These are cultural issues. What I was talking about, absolutely wasn't.


Respect issue -

See, I fundamentally disagree on this. From what I saw MOST of the forum absolutely respected him. Yes, as always people will demand when they have no place to. But that probably occurred primarily through personal messages. In which case, NO ONE, not even the admins can protect a creator from that. Hence the need for a thicker skin. It comes with the territory. Ignore it.


Posting mods without permission and selling them too -

Again, nature of the beast. Sorry, but I'm not going to do anything other then literally say that's the price you pay for releasing something on the internet. It WILL be shared. Thiefs will steal it and sell it too. Ask any Patreon creator who posts here, GUARANTEE they have this issue. You know the newest mods for Resident Evil 4? From paid creators? Yup, most of them I can find for free on reddit. It's an issue that you sign up for if you release your mods on the internet. I've also PERSONALLY given creators heads up when their Patreon content has been stolen by some piss ant thief. I'd save them the trouble and report it myself, but I have no legal right to DMCA.


Lastly, about his permission on the mods and documentation he released here.

I don't appreciate ANYONE contributing something for a site without strings attached, and then removing said content due to X reasons,  attaching strings retroactively. For example that would be like releasing all your mods for free, then deciding you can make money, and so deleting them all to pay wall them. It's a dick move, and I won't honor it. Open source your stuff from the getgo, or close source it from the get go. In other words, put a license/disclaimer up front, or none at all. As retroactively changing the license on a mod, as has already been proven, does nothing other then hurt the community in which you used to distribute your mods. So in Para's case, no, I absolutely do not feel the need to respect his wishes. Why should I respect his wishes after maliciously attacking this forum, when he clearly doesn't respect this community?


You can disagree with me all you want on this point. But he was absolutely disrespectful, and in my opinion, downright malicious in the way he conducted himself and his retirement. This site spent money to host his content and he disrespected not only the administration, but EVERY user who comes across the topics he contributed to.



Finally, the dude was talented, absolutely talented. But he should not have left the way he did. There was a more respectful way to do it. That is and always will be my only criticism of him. His work speaks for itself. Dude was just as talented if NOT MORE SO then Moderchan. And I don't say that lightly as me and Moderchan developed a friendship behind the scenes. To put it into perspective, when he decided to disappear but silently continue to upload a few mods. He personally gave me his link. Moderchan was and always will be a true friend to me. We had mutual respect for each other. And it worries me that even asking for an update on how he's doing and wishing him well, he's been completely and utterly silent for over a year. He ghosted everyone. At least in the western world. No clue if he's contributing on Eastern only websites.


PS:  Edited a 100 plus times. I think I'm done with edits now. Tried to be as respectful as possible, while also standing by my stance.

PPS: Another 100 edits. Formatting issues, spelling, and making my stance even clearer.


Edited by Hakufu1021
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11 hours ago, Hakufu1021 said:




First read the posts linked by KryxRed to put my entire stance into perspective. This is what I base my argument on. The user even begged for forgiveness because his post was misinterpreted.


Your post - cultural issues and confusion between you and me.

And that's your opinion. BTW - I was not judging anyone by what westerners think. I was judging humanity as a whole. My statements judging anyone, in this context applies to humanity. Whether Eastern, Western, or wherever you hail from. We are all human, and humans have a collective set of "idiosyncrasies" we are all guilty of. To say only westerners or for that matter, only easterners exhibit these traits is rather egotistical. It's a humanity problem. Not a cultural problem.  You can feel insulted by that statement, or you can realize, I can learn any language on this planet, go to a forum dedicated to that language, and the userbase will do the EXACT same things that occured here. That was my point. I absolutely was not insulting eastern culture or using my own culture to paint a broad brush of your own. As again, this is a humanity problem.


You will find ungrateful and demanding people no matter the country of origin. Some people are just ungrateful and demand demand demand. I mean do you realize how many requests I get? And I don't even release mods anymore. I stopped after moderchan absolutely schooled my ass. (Love ya bud! Hope you come back and wish you well! Haven't talked to you on twitter for over a year! Seriously worried about that one. )


What can be an issue dedicated to countries outside of the US where English isn't the "primary language" is machine translation issues. You can't tell me some of his concerns didn't arise out of pure translation error. I know because I personally witnessed it. So have others.  Plus, machine translation is still very primitive and there's a huge difference between western and eastern culture. Need an example? Slurping soup in public is absolutely taboo in the west. But absolutely acceptable and actually encouraged in the East. Just like at least in Japan, their society is ALL about cleanliness. You won't find any trash on the ground in most places. Likewise, walking and eating is also forbidden in Japan. These are cultural issues. What I was talking about, absolutely wasn't.


Respect issue -

See, I fundamentally disagree on this. From what I saw MOST of the forum absolutely respected him. Yes, as always people will demand when they have no place to. But that probably occurred primarily through personal messages. In which case, NO ONE, not even the admins can protect a creator from that. Hence the need for a thicker skin. It comes with the territory. Ignore it.


Posting mods without permission and selling them too -

Again, nature of the beast. Sorry, but I'm not going to do anything other then literally say that's the price you pay for releasing something on the internet. It WILL be shared. Thiefs will steal it and sell it too. Ask any Patreon creator who posts here, GUARANTEE they have this issue. You know the newest mods for Resident Evil 4? From paid creators? Yup, most of them I can find for free on reddit. It's an issue that you sign up for if you release your mods on the internet. I've also PERSONALLY given creators heads up when their Patreon content has been stolen by some piss ant thief. I'd save them the trouble and report it myself, but I have no legal right to DMCA.


Lastly, about his permission on the mods and documentation he released here.

I don't appreciate ANYONE contributing something for a site without strings attached, and then removing said content due to X reasons,  attaching strings retroactively. For example that would be like releasing all your mods for free, then deciding you can make money, and so deleting them all to pay wall them. It's a dick move, and I won't honor it. Open source your stuff from the getgo, or close source it from the get go. In other words, put a license/disclaimer up front, or none at all. As retroactively changing the license on a mod, as has already been proven, does nothing other then hurt the community in which you used to distribute your mods. So in Para's case, no, I absolutely do not feel the need to respect his wishes. Why should I respect his wishes after maliciously attacking this forum, when he clearly doesn't respect this community?


You can disagree with me all you want on this point. But he was absolutely disrespectful, and in my opinion, downright malicious in the way he conducted himself and his retirement. This site spent money to host his content and he disrespected not only the administration, but EVERY user who comes across the topics he contributed to.



Finally, the dude was talented, absolutely talented. But he should not have left the way he did. There was a more respectful way to do it. That is and always will be my only criticism of him. His work speaks for itself. Dude was just as talented if NOT MORE SO then Moderchan. And I don't say that lightly as me and Moderchan developed a friendship behind the scenes. To put it into perspective, when he decided to disappear but silently continue to upload a few mods. He personally gave me his link. Moderchan was and always will be a true friend to me. We had mutual respect for each other. And it worries me that even asking for an update on how he's doing and wishing him well, he's been completely and utterly silent for over a year. He ghosted everyone. At least in the western world. No clue if he's contributing on Eastern only websites.


PS:  Edited a 100 plus times. I think I'm done with edits now. Tried to be as respectful as possible, while also standing by my stance.

PPS: Another 100 edits. Formatting issues, spelling, and making my stance even clearer.


It's really long.
After reading it I just want to say what a waste of my time.

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7 hours ago, woofhat said:

It's really long.
After reading it I just want to say what a waste of my time.

LMAO. The internet has ruined society. Attention spans are at an all time low...It's like a 5 minute read, if that. But I gather you aren't being respectful like you were to the last individual who commented on the situation because you didn't like my permission section. Oh well...

Edited by Hakufu1021
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7 hours ago, woofhat said:

It's really long.
After reading it I just want to say what a waste of my time.


You sure love talking about respect on forums, but later you reply to a respectful post this way: "what a waste of my time".


If someone had told that to parapara he would have cried like a baby and left the forum at least ten times.


If you ask for respect, behave yourself first.

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25 minutes ago, woofhat said:

I would never say such a word to parapara.
I would only say certain things to certain people.


If you ask for respect, behave yourself first.


So you're saying that Parapara deserves a respect that the rest of users on this forum don't. Such a hypocrite.

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1 hour ago, woofhat said:

I would never say such a word to parapara.
I would only say certain things to certain people.


If you ask for respect, behave yourself first.

I was respectful. I backed up my stance with facts. You don't agree with my views, so are being disrespectful.  And yet you demand people show respect to para when he did FAR worse then have an opposing viewpoint. So much so others are calling you out. Time for self reflection bud. You only respect those who praise Para without acknowledging his shortcomings. And that's not criticism nor respect, that's purely boot licking.



Anyways, this is pointless. You'll defend Para to your dying breath WITHOUT any facts or evidence. I can't mount a counter argument against this nor can anyone else. As it's all emotion no facts or evidence. You display nothing but hypocritical behavior. Respect is earned, not given.


PS: To everyone else - Right now I have Para's mods for Bullet Girl Phantasia, Burst Renewal, Peach Beach Splash, and Samurai Maiden. They are backed up in multiple locations.  They will not be lost to gate keeping due to this well...complex situation to put it respectfully. Do with that information what you will. But at least those games are safe. Any leads on the rest of the games, welp, you know how to contact me. (Remaining to acquire are Estival Versus/Shinovi Versus, Fatal Frame, atelier-sophie-2 and Onechanbara origins/Z2 Chaos IIRC.)


I apologize for derailing this thread. You won't have another response from me. Unless it pertains to the game and any help I may be able to provide in such case.

Edited by Hakufu1021
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He just seemed like a proud man.

He must have been angry because he felt his work had been criticized.

I am Japanese i think he would have a very hard time living in Japan.

Westerners and Orienters are no different.

Edited by mcsfuyuki
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3 hours ago, mcsfuyuki said:

He just seemed like a proud man.

He must have been angry because he felt his work had been criticized.

I am Japanese i think he would have a very hard time living in Japan.

Westerners and Orienters are no different.

the real issue is using a translator which led to this unfortunate situation, besides the fact that some people here have a habit to criticize anything like they own the thing.

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