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I would like it if we, that is LL, could start seriously competing with Nexus

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3 hours ago, geekyraptorstudios said:

then the decision is clear, LL shouldn't cater to that audience, nor should it have to. we come here for adult mods, let's not try to be a site that is as sterile and generic as Nexus.

I think if we organized our content in easy to find tabs by categories like Nexus it would help folks find the content.

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38 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

Wow.  I feel sorry for you.


it is obvious this thread did not contribute to the growth of the forum.

I will not make another.

Ideologues your mission is accomplished for the day.


You feel sorry for me cause i called you out on being a smiley cringelord who's too cowardly to state their real intentions? Oh wow i'm devastated! What will i ever do now?


Fuck outta here lmao.

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:


You feel sorry for me cause i called you out on being a smiley cringelord who's too cowardly to state their real intentions? Oh wow i'm devastated! What will i ever do now?


Fuck outta here lmao.

I feel sorry for you, because language used, is among other things, a mirror into the soul.

The phrases you use so blithely, are not a compliment to you as a person.

Edited by katrina.balanchuk
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7 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

I feel sorry for you, because language used, is among other things, a mirror into the soul.

Your writing style is not a compliment to you.


Oh boohoo, Nexus won't let you create a bigoted echo-chamber full of rightoids and other dipshits. Yeah you're so oppressed and language is such weapons against your delicate soul lmao.


Anything else princess?

Edited by Mr. Otaku
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Vor 14 Minuten sagte Herr Otaku:


Du hast Mitleid mit mir, weil ich dich angeschrien habe, ein Smiley-Cringelord zu sein, der zu feige ist, um seine wahren Absichten zu sagen? Oh wow ich bin am Boden zerstört! Was werde ich jetzt jemals tun?


Verpiss dich hier, lmao.

The typical and well-known pattern
- Let the test balloon rise
- if no one responds to the provocation or if you even know it back
- is "rowed" back
- and the sacrificial lame swept forth
- of course you don't know how you insulted anyone at all

it's so unbearably BORING

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2 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

The typical and well-known pattern
- Let the test balloon rise
- if no one responds to the provocation or if you even know it back
- is "rowed" back
- and the sacrificial lame swept forth
- of course you don't know how you insulted anyone at all

it's so unbearably BORING


These people are so easy to read, once you figure out their patterns you realize how full of shit they are and how easily you can throw their shit back to their faces. They can't escape my eyes XD

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Vor 5 Minuten sagte Gukahn:

Sicher? Ich bin ziemlich amüsiert.



I've been dealing with them here in D-Land for a good 5 years now in public forums (e.g. those of TV stations).
You've gone through everything in 2-3 years - that's why -> "boring"
because it's almost a 1:1 imitation

The only thing I haven't asked myself yet...
..is there a kind of ranking list for "those" where you have to collect "asterisks" in order to rise in the "hierarchy"?

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5 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

n D-Land for a good 5 years now in public forums

I try to stay away from crazy people and fanatics, like a good number of the more "enthusiastic" Members of either side of the Isle are. So quite frankly, I still see entertainment in such arguments ?


5 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

..is there a kind of ranking list for "those" where you have to collect "asterisks" in order to rise in the "hierarchy"?

Interesting thought. But i would rather tip on internet browney points.


Edited by Gukahn
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12 hours ago, Pamatronic said:


You are an absolute clown.

If you sincerely believe there is some amount of value in the post you made here in this thread, why did you lower urself and your post by making this personal statement of somebody else?


I can't believe the persons here even upvoting your post. Clearly people of LL is not a fucking bit better than the Nexus.


Sorry if you feel stepped on... but seriously... learn to communicate. I hate this exact shit going on right here.

Edited by Thor2000
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5 hours ago, belegost said:

I snorted.


It's a fucking mod hosting site, just like LL. I use mods from both, plus a number of others, each for different reason, and I do not plan on stopping. My reply to statements like these is a pitying smile.

nobody was telling you to stop.

I don't understand why you feel the need to defend yourself, I was only trying to agree with you. There's no need for hate or even resentment here, we're all adults.

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3 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:


Oh boohoo, Nexus won't let you create a bigoted echo-chamber full of rightoids and other dipshits.

I was not even there for whatever happend there which predated my joining, but I saw that bizarre note on their homepage, which told me all I needed to know.

Your reaction illustrates this point even further and I believe the language you use, judges itself.


Anyone reading this thread can readily see that.


This also brings to mind Voltaire, when wrote " Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"

The hatred dripping from your every sentence seems telling and makes me worry about our future as a species.


However I feel no ill will towards you.

Simply pity.


My parents were leftist extremists, one of them even somewhat well known .

But I freed my mind of that poison as teenager.

However I understand some folks don't have the ability to resist conditioning and instead wallow in it, as way to get a sense of purpose or belonging.


So I sincerely wish you the very best and am hopeful that someday you will look at your language on here with embarrassment.

Edited by katrina.balanchuk
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16 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

Anyone reading this thread can readily see that.


Yeah they can see that you're a moron.


16 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

This brings to mind Voltaire, when wrote " Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities?"

The hatred dripping from your every sentence I think illustrates that point.


What absurdity? What atrocity? Not allowing a bait mod that's designed to make bigots flock to the forums? The only hatred i have is for people like you who would support bigotry by equating it to the reaction it gets from anyone who isn't a bigot.


16 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

However I feel no ill will towards you.

Simply pity


No one gives a fuck what you feel and that's the point, why else would you start a thread crying about Nexus? You're a walking parody.


16 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

My parents were leftist extremists, one of them even somewhat well known.

But I freed my mind of that poison as teenager.

However I understand some folks don't have the ability to resist conditioning and instead wallow in it, as way to get a sense of purpose or belonging.


Ahhh there it is, the libertarian rightoid shtick. Assuming this isn't a made up bullshit to deflect the fact that you're in open support of platforming bigotry now, if you're the best your "leftist extremist" parents could manage to raise then they clearly failed miserably lmao. You're too stupid to see the absurdity of what you're even saying and i pity that.


16 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

So I sincerely wish you the very best and am hopeful that someday you will look at your language on here with embarrassment.


The only embarrassment i feel is for your parents, imagine having a creature like you as a child. Big Yikes lmao. It's doubly funny how you cry about my language after that whole spiel about free speech and censorship. You talk bullshit you get called out, if you can't handle sharp language then don't make dumbass posts publicly lmao.

Edited by Mr. Otaku
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1 minute ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

I think you are making my argument for me.


But this thread was supposed to be about ways to make LL compete better in non adult Mods and ideas how to do that.

Are we done thread hijacking yet?


You don't even have the balls to tag me anymore, were you hoping i won't see it? lol


You started this thread with the undertone of being in open support bigotry (which you confirmed just now with your last reply) that's not only vile but also against their TOS, yet you whine when people call you out for it?

Are you done whining yet? Or do you only like free speech when you can promote bullshit unchallenged?

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8 minutes ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

But I freed my mind of that poison as teenager.

However I understand some folks don't have the ability to resist conditioning and instead wallow in it, as way to get a sense of purpose or belonging.

Is it now being conditioned to a left mindset for not sharing an opinion, just like a number of left minded people call other minded Ones by Names they don't understand?


I agree the wording could be better, the name calling doesn't have to be posted sure.

Thing is, the reason why the Mod you're using as an example got put down is clear and understandable from a business standpoint. LL would've done the same, I am pretty sure of that because even if the Site doesn't compete with Nexus, it still has Lines they Follow to a fault. There are cases Mods get  put down here as well for similar, sometimes the same Reason Nexus does it.

The funny thing to me is, you didn't canceled your premium after they down right fucked the rights of Mod Authors in the Arse but you do it for a Flag nobody gives two shits about?



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6 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

1) Is it now being conditioned to a left mindset for not sharing an opinion, just like a number of left minded people call other minded Ones by Names they don't understand?

I agree the wording could be better, the name calling doesn't have to be posted sure.


2) Thing is, the reason why the Mod you're using as an example got put down is clear and understandable from a business standpoint. LL would've done the same, I am pretty sure of that because even if the Site doesn't compete with Nexus, it still has Lines they Follow to a fault. There are cases Mods get  put down here as well for similar, sometimes the same Reason Nexus does it.

The funny thing to me is, you didn't canceled your premium after they down right fucked the rights of Mod Authors in the Arse but you do it for a Flag nobody gives two shits about?



1) I was referring to the viciousness of the attacks, not the content. Obviously we are all free to disagree and I have been wrong in the past.

2) I am not aware of many specific examples on there. I understand there were issues with authors rights but that was before my time on there.

I only joined this late summer when I started playing fallout 4 and then I saw their announcement.

I know no specifics on anything else, as I have not been active on their forums (assuming they have them)


I was pulled to FO4 by online vids about erotic mods from LL.

But now I find myself playing the Vanilla plot as much, or more, than the erotic variants.

I believe there is  a market for this forum to exploit in the non erotic part since I gather many folks are dissatisfied over there.

Edited by katrina.balanchuk
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14 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

You started this thread with the undertone of being in open support bigotry (which you confirmed just now with your last reply) that's not only vile but also against their TOS, yet you whine when people call you out for it?

Are you done whining yet? Or do you only like free speech when you can promote bullshit unchallenged?


Anyone who doesn't jump on censorship bandwagon to you is a "bigot".

That is an example of bigotry.

Edited by katrina.balanchuk
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1 minute ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

2) I am not aware of many specific examples on there. I understand there were issues with authors rights but that was before my time on there.

I only joined this late summer when I started playing fallout 4 and then I saw their announcement.

I know no specifics on anything else, as I have not been active on their forums (assuming they have them)


Well the short Story is, once they announced their collections, they announced to take the right away for pulling mods from their servers. You can still hide them,but once they are in a Collection they are accessible if you want it or not. I can't say how far this goes since i stopped reading about it. It got discussed to death when it happened and many People deleted their Mods before the rule got implemented to protect their rights.

For me it's still the same as it was before, theft to benefit from other peoples works no matter what. I assume they wanted to make sure their new Idea (which was already done by the likes of Wabbajack and is basically the same. "Theft" in a way. Since the actual attention got taken away from the ones who do the hard work. Basically, they took an idea of someone else to take away the work of many other people to make a profit.

I don't say nexus is a bad or evil place, saying that would be silly and hyprocritical of me since I use it every day, but it's a move that hit the rights of individuals harder then just taking a Mod down that was, like already said, only there to start bullshit.

Before that, there actually was some kind of competition of 2 Authors, one making homosexuality more prominent and another doing the opposite by erasing the few homosexual hints from the game. Mods of both authors seem not to exist anymore (Or i just can't find them anymore. too tired to search more then two times.). Felt like two people just wanting to start some bullshit too.

I assume that's one of the Reasons your example hits a sensible spot right now.

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