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14 hours ago, deathmorph said:

I'm just starting a new run and this time I want to play without a weapon bank, so only with weapons I find. When I looked through the perks, I thought that Edge Master (not used yet) would go well with Psychosexual.

How high is the bonus when aroused? If the bonus is removed and Nora is not aroused, do the weapons have the "normal" damage value or is it lower? The latter would be fatal if the opponent is heavily armored combat stalkers and Nora is wearing a miniskirt ;)


PS: The question has been resolved, I just tested it. I see plus and minus initial damage, it's still OK for me. 


What does the malus actually depend on? Nora wasn't aroused at first and didn't have a malus. - Just for understanding.


Yeah sorry this is the first time I've been able to sit at my PC since I woke up.  To answer anyone else who might have the same question, here's the damage adjustment breakdown of Edge Master:


0-29 arousal: -10% outgoing damage
30-59 arousal: +5% outgoing damage
60-74 arousal: +10% outgoing damage
75-89 arousal: +15% outgoing damage
90-99 arousal: +20% outgoing damage
100 arousal: +25% outgoing damage


I'm not sure what malus is though.  Maybe a translation error?

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