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Count to 1,000,000

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15 minutes ago, ZenBuddhist said:


wow! looks delicious. i just ordered some vegetarian Japanese; these guys cook good, too.
their take-out menu, of you feel like ordering:


It would be cold by the time it got here.

I have to take twice as long whenever my choice ends in 0 to make  certain I didn't foul up the count again.

After all that, another quick one:


Image result for 9890

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6 minutes ago, Psalam said:

Why are there so many pictures of Czech military hardware on the internet? Do they need to check their security?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i had the same thought the other day.

time for some Czech folk music, i guess?




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7 minutes ago, ZenBuddhist said:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i had the same thought the other day.

time for some Czech folk music, i guess?


Here's another one where I have no idea what I am posting:


Image result for 9894

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2 minutes ago, worik said:

? They fell off #9895


We are all going to DIIIIIIIIIIIE!



Well, if we don't die we can look at this. It looks like something @T.ara would do:


Image result for 9896



STYLE 9896

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2 hours ago, Psalam said:

Don't make me post something else of which I have no clue as to its use


agreed, mate. this next train seems to have been in one of those Flash Gordon's movies.

[ edit: the earlier ones ]

[ edit II: the very first, probably ]



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