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11 minutes ago, ZenBuddhist said:

my apologies, all!

there have been several loops; this one's on me, though.
probably wasn't wearing my spectacles when i read the previous post's number, and an 8 looks too damn much like a 3 without them.


back to 9800s: 


I feel like if @worik hadn't been distracted she would have fixed it a long time ago... So technically could just blame her. ?


PS Amazon suggestions inc...


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9 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

I feel like if @worik hadn't been distracted she would have fixed it a long time ago... So technically could just blame her. ?


PS Amazon suggestions inc...



Yeah, my fault I think @Corsayr, my little train picture was so small the number is illegible.




Image result for 9866

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21 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

I feel like if @worik hadn't been distracted she would have fixed it a long time ago... So technically could just blame her. ? 

I blame the rush hour and the lack of coffee :classic_blush:


Such a hurry.

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39 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

So technically could just blame her. ?



23 minutes ago, worik said:

Such a hurry

so am i. if you ever need coffee, all you have to do is ask — i'll have it sent to you via a bird like this:


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17 minutes ago, ZenBuddhist said:

so am i. if you ever need coffee, all you have to do is ask — i'll have it sent to you via a bird like this:

I fetch it at the airport with


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7 minutes ago, Psalam said:

the length indicates the "seniority."


about Robin Hood-ette: i'll have to study this picture many times before i reach any reasonable conclusion.
nonetheless, on the Lab Coat length subject: do you think the same principle can be applied here?


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8 minutes ago, ZenBuddhist said:


about Robin Hood-ette: i'll have to study this picture many times before i reach any reasonable conclusion.
nonetheless, on the Lab Coat length subject: do you think the same principle can be applied here?


I'm not sure. She doesn't look too "senior," but I can give her the benefit of the doubt.


On the other hand I'm sure the principle applies here:

Image result for 9878  9878 Blush by Alexia


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5 hours ago, worik said:

The greenwashing and bluesky-ing of the background reminds me of the important (the real) things: the manual


no one has ever questioned the utter importance of manual and guides, Worik, but friends are significant, too. unfortunately, they don't come with manuals.




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21 minutes ago, ZenBuddhist said:


no one has ever questioned the utter importance of manual and guides, Worik, but friends are significant, too. unfortunately, they don't come with manuals.


Could they all fit in here?


Image result for 9882

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