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22 hours ago, MysticDaedra said:

If you're on SE and using 3BA as your body type, you might want to grab at least the meshes/bodyslides for the dwarven cuirass, if being late for Paul's jobs is your thing:


For role-play or if installed this will somehow be used?

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Alright, first of all GREAT MOD- really a lot of funs. I do have a few questions/ observations though:


they are great and weird and somewhat unpredictable (see above) if you play the first time at least. Is there a way to disable specific mootations after they have already been aplied to your body? Or do I have to go to a previous safe and disable them before they get applied?

Paul's services:
So it looks like he no longer offer his services after you become a slave cow. Basically as soon as the slavers capture you the first time the options for cow shoes/ ring can no longer be triggered. Once the auction is over you can talk to him again about it but once he says "take a seat" there appears no seat in the barn on where this can be done. Is this working as intended, when should you get Paul's services to not break it?

Boob/ Butt size/ growth:
Between BAC, MME and SILF I am completely confused what wheel I must turn to get desired outputs. I do not want the enormous ass you see on the screenshot. Now this may be part mootation part BAC/ MME and SILF settings- please someone explain ?
What I would like to achieve is a more top heavy build where the breasts inflate based on how much milk is in them as opposed to milk maid lvl. So this might be best done in MME but I do not understand how BAC/ MME and SILF interact with one another to do these scaling effects.

Again this is a fantastic mod, I have been using "untamed" and Sanguines Debauchery in tandem with this mod and thought they play quite nice together. If anyone has any other mod combination suggestions- I would be very much interested to hear about it.


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@botticelliOne more thought on game play- so as I mentioned I am using "untamed" with it in combination with "hardcore mode" in the mod (no weapons). So I am running around with my mad petting zoo questing through skyrim ?. Now I am using my animal companions or shouts as my only means of fighting. I was thinking what would be great would be cow specific shouts that your usual shouts get replaced with once your head is fully transformed. Is this something you have thought about?

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4 hours ago, pnutz78 said:

Is there a way to disable specific mootations after they have already been aplied to your body? Or do I have to go to a previous safe and disable them before they get applied?

No, there is no way to disable it once you got it.


4 hours ago, pnutz78 said:

Paul's services:

Paul's services are intentionally blocked during the capture quests. Once the Being A Cow quest runs, they are available again. Furniture not appearing is a ZaZ issue. You need exactly ZaZ version 8.0+, no other will work.


4 hours ago, pnutz78 said:

Boob/ Butt size/ growth

That's complicated. For that ass not turning as big, set butt size to zero in BAC MCM. For the breasts, you'd need to talk to the MME author since breast size is not handled by BAC except for the uneven odd breast. I failed at convincing Ed86 and built the logarithmic breast growth into my version of MME locally myself but I cannot distribute that.




4 hours ago, pnutz78 said:

I was thinking what would be great would be cow specific shouts that your usual shouts get replaced with once your head is fully transformed. Is this something you have thought about?

Replacing the standard shouts would mean replacing the voice type of the player which in turn would mean building a whole new set of voice types since each race has its own and we'll run into the issue with the custom races again.

Edited by botticelli
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6 hours ago, pnutz78 said:

Boob/ Butt size/ growth:
Between BAC, MME and SILF I am completely confused what wheel I must turn to get desired outputs. I do not want the enormous ass you see on the screenshot. Now this may be part mootation part BAC/ MME and SILF settings- please someone explain ?
What I would like to achieve is a more top heavy build where the breasts inflate based on how much milk is in them as opposed to milk maid lvl. So this might be best done in MME but I do not understand how BAC/ MME and SILF interact with one another to do these scaling effects.



Someone made an addon for Milk Mod economy called "MME config menu 3.0"


It adds a new MCM where you can input bodyslide slider names (including custom sliders) and these sliders will activate according to how much milk is stored. 


The addon can also use the reverse values of sliders, so you can do something like "waist shrinks, but breasts get bigger as milk is stored." Or you could even make it so that the thighs get bigger as milk accumulates, as if your cow stores milk in her legs instead of her chest.

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30 minutes ago, venomr said:



Someone made an addon for Milk Mod economy called "MME config menu 3.0"


It adds a new MCM where you can input bodyslide slider names (including custom sliders) and these sliders will activate according to how much milk is stored. 


The addon can also use the reverse values of sliders, so you can do something like "waist shrinks, but breasts get bigger as milk is stored." Or you could even make it so that the thighs get bigger as milk accumulates, as if your cow stores milk in her legs instead of her chest.

Do you have a link to that by any chance? Was just looking around a bit but could not find it- sounds amazing though.

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16 hours ago, RoxDox said:

Im curious if SE conversion is as easy as running through CAO. If so I may do it myself and upload it here as I haven't seen anyone share the latest for SE yet.

Yes it is. I've been running my own conversion of BAC that I make through CAO every time botticelli updates it and I never had any blue texture problems or whatever else people keep having here.


6 hours ago, botticelli said:

That's complicated. For that ass not turning as big, set butt size to zero in BAC MCM. For the breasts, you'd need to talk to the MME author since breast size is not handled by BAC except for the uneven odd breast. I failed at convincing Ed86 and built the logarithmic breast growth into my version of MME locally myself but I cannot distribute that.

You can though. Not in any official capacity as in you can't bundle it as part of your mod but you can post what pieces of code you modified here in the thread for people to recompile themselves. You can also just post the modified script file as well, there's no rule against that.


2 hours ago, pnutz78 said:

Do you have a link to that by any chance? Was just looking around a bit but could not find it- sounds amazing though.

It's in the MME thread. You'll find it if you browse the latest 10 or so pages.

Edited by HerChianti
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11 hours ago, HerChianti said:

You can though. Not in any official capacity as in you can't bundle it as part of your mod but you can post what pieces of code you modified here in the thread for people to recompile themselves. You can also just post the modified script file as well, there's no rule against that.

Well then, in MilkQUEST.psc, Function CurrentSize() there's code like this

		if CurrentSize > BoobMAX && BoobMAX != 0
			CurrentSize = BoobMAX
		If(CurrentSize <= 1.0)
			CurveFix = 1.0
			CurveFix = 1.0 - (CurrentSize * BreastCurve)
			If CurveFix < BoobMAX / 10
				CurveFix = BoobMAX / 10

I changed that to this

		Float curBoobMAX = BoobMAX
		if MilkCnt >= 10.0
			curBoobMAX = curBoobMAX * Math.Log(MilkCnt) / Math.Log(10)
		if CurrentSize > curBoobMAX && curBoobMAX != 0
			CurrentSize = curBoobMAX
		If(CurrentSize <= 1.0)
			CurveFix = 1.0
			CurveFix = 1.0 - (CurrentSize * BreastCurve)
			If CurveFix < curBoobMAX / 10
				CurveFix = curBoobMAX / 10

This changes the meaning of the Maximum Boob size from MCM. Without the change, that settings is a hard limit. With the change, that setting is a threshold for upscaling. Set it e. g. to 3.00 (which is the default value) and you get...

  • max 3 up to 10 milk units
  • dynamic scaling afterwards to 6 at 100 milk units and 9 at 1000

So you should put this value to something lower like 1 or so. I put it to 0.5 and still get the desired result as you can see in the picture in my previous post. But, of course, my cow gets fed on Lactacid at every opportunity and produces like 10000.00 milk units an hour with just 2 game weeks in play.


If anyone wonders about the statement: There's absolutely no documentation on the Math.log() function and since I didn't want to run trials as to which base it refers to and wanted to get a log10(), I divided by Math.log(10) just to be sure.

Edited by botticelli
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I'm having issues with ctd usually happens when bac tries to trigger a transformation or use a milk pump or cuirass.

on my character right now tail is stiff , pivots weirdly to the  body, and the arms all you can see is the fur over lay and the hand hooves .

my load order is show in the attached image. any help would be appreciated.


Screenshot 2022-08-11 224415.png

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6 hours ago, sgasheppard11 said:

I'm having issues with ctd usually happens when bac tries to trigger a transformation or use a milk pump or cuirass.

on my character right now tail is stiff , pivots weirdly to the  body, and the arms all you can see is the fur over lay and the hand hooves .

my load order is show in the attached image. any help would be appreciated.

Are you sure, you installed ZaZ 8.0+ and not just only 8.0 (without the plus)? Especially the pump issues relate to that. The tail needs HDT physics engine. It will not run with SMP. If you're on SE, there's some tail mod to replace it with.

Edited by botticelli
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So, out of curiosity I tried to see what is going on with the tails' texture, because I didn't buy the whole "tails don't work because SE" since SE >>> LE; there's no way just because it was in SE that the mesh or the texture was getting all screwy.


Turns out the reason why the texture is all screwy is because whoever made the HDT tail conversion changed the mesh in a way that the texture stops working properly.


Normal tail:




See how it's divided in two parts, each with its own set of textures. One for the fluff, which is "black" because it's programmed to read the character's hair color to display an actual color; and one for the tail's body, which is displaying correctly.


But then... the HDT tail:




Now it's no longer 2 parts. The fluff got merged with the body, so now it can't have its own texture, and also the texture in general got absolutely screwed up due to this. I didn't check the UV map but I wouldn't be surprised if it got royally screwy as well due to this which is why the tail's body also looks horrible.


See again without the wireframes:




Anybody you can get in touch with to fix this botticelli?


Edited by HerChianti
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2 hours ago, HerChianti said:

So, out of curiosity I tried to see what is going on with the tails' texture, because I didn't buy the whole "tails don't work because SE" since SE >>> LE; there's no way just because it was in SE that the mesh or the texture was getting all screwy.


Turns out the reason why the texture is all screwy is because whoever made the HDT tail conversion changed the mesh in a way that the texture stops working properly.


Normal tail:

  Reveal hidden contents



See how it's divided in two parts, each with its own set of textures. One for the fluff, which is "black" because it's programmed to read the character's hair color to display an actual color; and one for the tail's body, which is displaying correctly.


But then... the HDT tail:

  Reveal hidden contents



Now it's no longer 2 parts. The fluff got merged with the body, so now it can't have its own texture, and also the texture in general got absolutely screwed up due to this. I didn't check the UV map but I wouldn't be surprised if it got royally screwy as well due to this which is why the tail's body also looks horrible.


See again without the wireframes:




Anybody you can get in touch with to fix this botticelli?


Someone with NifScope / OutfitStudio experience can do this easily:

  1. Open the LE tail nif in either NifScope or OutfitStudio and export the two parts separately into .OBJs
  2. Open the converted (i. e. wrong) SE nif in OutfitStudio, select the false tail, then set it as reference
  3. Import both .OBJs from (1) and make sure they align properly, then copy the bone weights from the reference
  4. Set the correct slot # for both parts
  5. Save as new project without saving the reference
  6. Open the saved nif again and set the texture paths like they were in (1)


When I look at any data\mesches\bac\<color>\cowtail02.nif from evilbom's loose files version, it seems to be correct, though and that still won't fix the physics issue (HDT vs. SMP).

Edited by botticelli
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Nono, LE/SE has nothing to do with this. Both versions of the tail are the exact same. The reason why it's like that is because whoever made the tail version with physics fused the fluff and the body into 1 part which ruined the UV map on the body and stopped the fluff from receiving the character's hair color.


TL;DR: The problem is not on the main mod's tail files, those are fine on both versions, the problem's in the HDT-SMP tail replacer files.

Edited by HerChianti
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Ok so it turns out that for only God knows why reason the ordinator mod doesnt work with the newest version of the bac mod. I have no idea why, basically recently after I updated this mod and downloaded few others I started experiencing weird thing, where whenever i started a new game, saved and left, I couldn't get back, the game crashed every time I tried to load a save. After a lot of digging I turned off ordinator and it worked fine. Now I started a new playthrought, this time without bac and mme, but I turned back on ordinator and it also works fine. I honestly have no idea why it might be happening, but for some reason it does, at least for me.

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4 hours ago, DerpLykiaos said:

Does this work with male milkmaids right off the bat? I was thinking of refitting alot of the stuff in the mod to work with males incase anyone was interested but I just wanted to make sure it even ran properly on them before I started.

You mean, other than ignoring them? No. It just ignores males. Also, all the items have no or only rudimentary male nifs.


1 hour ago, DivineDefiance said:

what's the plan for this text, because all he says is for us to wait till the next update, and its been like that probably as long as I can remember.

The plan is to add a helmet-ish item when someone builds one. I'm no good at making new meshes and @Addywil needs to do some other things now. That dialogue was built by skyrimfet and I left it in. It is still true.


15 minutes ago, masterofgamespl said:

Ok so it turns out that for only God knows why reason the ordinator mod doesnt work with the newest version of the bac mod. I have no idea why, basically recently after I updated this mod and downloaded few others I started experiencing weird thing, where whenever i started a new game, saved and left, I couldn't get back, the game crashed every time I tried to load a save. After a lot of digging I turned off ordinator and it worked fine. Now I started a new playthrought, this time without bac and mme, but I turned back on ordinator and it also works fine. I honestly have no idea why it might be happening, but for some reason it does, at least for me.

As I get it, Ordinator changes the game's perks. I recently did change the Feeding perk of Namira's Ring (DA11Cannibalism = 0x000ee5c3). Maybe that's causing the problem?

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10 minutes ago, botticelli said:

The plan is to add a helmet-ish item when someone builds one. I'm no good at making new meshes and @Addywil needs to do some other things now. That dialogue was built by skyrimfet and I left it in. It is still true.

all I really imagined it to be was a iron helmet with holes in it for the horns, I couldn't image what else it was gonna be when skyrimfet first implemented it, alas I also have another question, now I cant remember if it was asked before because I usually just lurk on this mod's discussions,


so my question will there be plans that further involve Hugh the minotaur in future quests or did he just appear only in Coldharbours Stables and end up as a companion?


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