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Something broke with the new overlay system. Whenever the mod updates it changes the slots to use the "blank" texture overlay which turns everything blue.

Tried reinstalling and creating a new save but same issue persists


Only fix i found for the PC was to go into racemenu and change the transparancy to 0, but even if i do that with the followers it will only last until the next update.





Might be whats wrong with your game too? @Barell cat

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11 hours ago, NotDylan7055 said:

Hello friends. Whenever I talk to Paul, he hits me with the "I'm busy with a large order." I've tried waiting, leaving the area and coming back, etc. Is there some sort of criteria I'm missing? I'm on the second goal of the Cow's Tears quest. Thank you friends

During Cow's Tears Paul will stay busy. That is intended.


9 hours ago, NotDylan7055 said:

Also, another issue--Transformations aren't "progressing," for lack of a better word. I get the small ears, but even after the prompt comes up, they never get bigger. Same with horns and foot-hooves (I get up on my tip-toes, but it never upgrades to full hooves). I'm sure someone else has had this issue, but I wouldn't even know what terms to search it with. Any info helps!

Do you have Q2C's inventory functions installed? Because if not, the search for any items that need to be removed for the new items to get equipped will just take too long and sometimes gets preempted by the script engine.


1 hour ago, Dr.Lefse said:

Something broke with the new overlay system. Whenever the mod updates it changes the slots to use the "blank" texture overlay which turns everything blue.

Tried reinstalling and creating a new save but same issue persists

That looks like the actual file (data\textures\bac\blank.dds) is missing.


7 hours ago, chunyuhwa said:

Hugh don't move and not ask follower.

He does not have any dialogue? The follower dialogue comes with the faction (5c84d), so if he somehow got dropped out of that, you might try to put him in again (tag him in the console and then type addfac 5c84d 1).

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Seriously botticelli, you rock !


I'm not posting often but visiting LL here and there and I'm amazed how you manage to progress, take time to solve users's conflict whether it is something they are responsible for not looking at requirements or other trivial things, or something deep, looking at each logs and finding solutions... even when sometimes it doesn't have anything to do with this mod.


Just wanted to write that, keep up dude, you're awesome !

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Do I have to do anything special when upgrading to this version from previous one? Or is there something recommended like cleaning the save? Not running older versions that have the warning in the description. On current save no one has been transformed yet as far as I know.

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2 hours ago, Karkhel said:

Do I have to do anything special when upgrading to this version from previous one? Or is there something recommended like cleaning the save? Not running older versions that have the warning in the description. On current save no one has been transformed yet as far as I know.

You're probably fine. In my experience with the last several updates, it's best if you do the update before Paul moves from Riverwood to Whiterun Stables. @botticelli has been doing a lot of work on Paul's backend, including his quests and scripts.

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32 minutes ago, MysticDaedra said:

You're probably fine. In my experience with the last several updates, it's best if you do the update before Paul moves from Riverwood to Whiterun Stables. @botticelli has been doing a lot of work on Paul's backend, including his quests and scripts.

Ok that's good to know, thanks, on this save I barely did anything yet anyway but I did a lot of fine tuning of mods not all of which have built in settings saving. I can just load the save just after leaving live another life camp near helgen.

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So recently I started the whole "Forsworn conspiracy" quest so I could move onto "No one escapes Cidhna mine" seeing its a pre-requisite to doing the later quests of BAC. Only issue is for some unrelated reason to BAC my game crashes when the guards in the shrine of Talos want to imprison me. This makes me wonder If I just refuse to go to prison and kill them does this also count as "No one escapes Cidhna mine" being complete thus circumnavigating having to do it? 

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9 hours ago, w234aew said:

What's new in 1.9I? Is it just bug-fixes, or new features too?

It's written on the bottom of the file page, as always.

2 hours ago, RoxDox said:

So recently I started the whole "Forsworn conspiracy" quest so I could move onto "No one escapes Cidhna mine" seeing its a pre-requisite to doing the later quests of BAC. Only issue is for some unrelated reason to BAC my game crashes when the guards in the shrine of Talos want to imprison me. This makes me wonder If I just refuse to go to prison and kill them does this also count as "No one escapes Cidhna mine" being complete thus circumnavigating having to do it? 

I had that issue, too. I think there was a workaround in the Bugs section on this page.

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Or you could convert it yourself, takes like 1 minute, no skill needed!


5 hours ago, botticelli said:
  • several small fixes

Is the fix to Bad Quest #2 Freak Show included? The bug where the quest keeps printing the "I must back to my Master" notification over and over even after the quest is completed.

Edited by HerChianti
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Oh, one other thing botticelli:


Tried recompiling a couple of scripts and they all give this same error:


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "bac_beingacow"...
V:\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Scripts\Source\bac_actor.psc(919,7): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)
No output generated for bac_beingacow.psc, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on bac_beingacow.psc


It seems to be pointing to this line for some reason:



This only started happening now with 1.9I scripts. I used bac_actor.psc from 1.9H instead and it let me recompile so it's no biggie, since I didn't need to recompile bac_actor anyway, I only needed it to not throw an error while recompiling other scripts, but I thought I'd just let you know anyway.

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1 hour ago, SilentOption said:

Is the update for the SlaveTat for LE 1.9i the  slavetat_althunter file?

No, it's still 1.9F tats. The althunter contains only alternate hunter tats.


1 hour ago, HerChianti said:

Is the fix to Bad Quest #2 Freak Show included? The bug where the quest keeps printing the "I must back to my Master" notification over and over even after the quest is completed.



41 minutes ago, HerChianti said:

This only started happening now with 1.9I scripts. I used bac_actor.psc from 1.9H instead and it let me recompile so it's no biggie, since I didn't need to recompile bac_actor anyway, I only needed it to not throw an error while recompiling other scripts, but I thought I'd just let you know anyway.

Oh, that's my doing ? I changed the gushing percentage in my MME to float (from int)

change that method to

Function CutGushing(Actor acActor)
	MilkQUEST MilkQ = Quest.GetQuest("MME_MilkQUEST") As MilkQUEST
	If (MilkQ.GushPct as float) > 0.0
		MilkQ.GushPct = 0

and it should work in both worlds.

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Captured Cow2 quest is in progress.
After talk to marc, and the character is caught, only the milking continues and cowmaster does not talk.
I want to know if the conditions are necessary for cowmaster to make a conversations.
Edited by chunyuhwa
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17 minutes ago, chunyuhwa said:
Captured Cow2 quest is in progress.
After talk to marc, and the character is caught, only the milking continues and cowmaster does not talk.
I want to know if the conditions are necessary for cowmaster to make a conversations.

with 1.9I or older version?

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This is just a warning before people ask.

The new BAC 1.9I has a modified game script named "PlayerWerewolfChangeScripts", and will trigger override warning to any version of the RaceCompability mod.   It is safe to let BAC overwrite the RaceCompatibilty "PlayerWerewolfChangeScripts" script.  @botticelli's  BAC has added an event call from the Werewolf feed.  There is also an indirect conflict with versions of "Unofficial Skyrim ????? Patch", and if not sure, deploy the loose version of BAC to prioritize the modified BAC's script.


Added code


 --line 311

   int m = ModEvent.Create("BAC_ME_PlayerWerewolfFeed")
    ModEvent.PushForm(m, Game.GetPlayer())
    ModEvent.PushForm(m, victim)



Edited by safado
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