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Some time ago I made a post similar to this one, asking what was the best body for you back then, I'll ask the same question again for this year, taking into account that some mods have been updated.


so I will ask again to see which body they recommend the most and maybe in the process help the new ones to choose one.


what is the best body for fallout 4?

Let's take into account physical, clothing and armor, how he looks and in extreme morphs, or very skinny or very fat, skins, animations, etc.




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42 minutes ago, zarza said:

Some time ago I made a post similar to this one, asking what was the best body for you back then, I'll ask the same question again for this year, taking into account that some mods have been updated.


so I will ask again to see which body they recommend the most and maybe in the process help the new ones to choose one.


what is the best body for fallout 4?

Let's take into account physical, clothing and armor, how he looks and in extreme morphs, or very skinny or very fat, skins, animations, etc.




I'm glad you asked this question.
Alot of people just default to CBBE. Which is cool and all.
I remember when I first loaded Fallout 4 on my shitty PC, I played with the Bodyslide settings with CBBE 
and I was highly disappointed with the lack of freedom, in essence; you move a slide too dramatically, and shit starts clipping (like making big and/or puffy nipples for example)

Recently, I was having trouble with neck rear color. (fixed now) But during my endeavor I tried out True Wasteland Body
TWB is CBBE, but with more sliders, more freedom, and clothes rarely break with extreme unrealistic body settings. (like the capabilities that Skyrim bodies have)
You can use TWB body and CBBE outfits if the outfit equips in 'slot -33 BODY'
And vice versa, you can use CBBE and have certain outfits for the 33 slot that have TWB. (Which is how I play personally)

It's also extremely easy to convert any outfit from CBBE to TWB, due to them being practically the same and thanks to the amazingness of Outfit Studio.

Edited by xXDeliteXx
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23 minutes ago, TheBottomhoodofSteel said:

oh god not this shit again. Please take an L for restarting this nonsense. 





hahaha come on it's for a good cause

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Thanks for posting this topic.  While it's an often asked question on various discords and random support posts, I think it's good to periodically gather some info in a central location that can be linked back to when someone inevitably asks the question in the future. 


I recently switched over from using FusionGirl (FG) back to CBBE.  There were a few reasons that I made this change and some are personal choices that I won't get into.  But the main driving force was that I missed having the outfit selection available.  And while there has been tremendous progress with the number of compatible conversions with the newer FG versions post 1.75, (The FG Conversion Thread is here) I found that sometimes the physics wouldn't work on 1 item, or something wouldn't quite look right and would clip, little things.  Some of the clipping was probably my own doing, as I use Rad Morphing Redux and Sex Attributes Belly morphing so my body shape was occasionally bigger than was accounted for in the conversion.  But I just don't have the patience right now to learn Outfit studio and I missed having the freedom that CBBE provides with regards to the vast selection of outfits.


The basic advice seems to be very much the same as it has been in the past:


Option A: If you want more realistic sexual situations, you may lean towards FusionGirl at the cost of having less outfits available to wear (Unless you are willing to learn / know how to do your own conversions).


Option B:  If you want the freedom to use basically whatever outfit you want, at the cost of perhaps slightly less graphic sexual situations, then CBBE / TWB is for you.  I won't dive into the "knee" issue as I'm not as well versed on it as others, but the information is in the Adult Guide.


I also appreciated reading @xXDeliteXx's response, I'll have to take a closer look at True Wasteland Body at some point so thanks for that info!

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6 hours ago, mircislav said:

Is there a specification of "best body"?

it is more on a personal level, technically it is for you which is the best and you can say why

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On 3/29/2022 at 3:45 PM, zarza said:

hahaha come on it's for a good cause

You want the honest opinion here. It's really not. it's the same discussion brought on by the same stupid people who either want to see a flame war in the comments or want to see massive arguing over stupid shit that makes 0 difference tbh.

Here's the honest tea about every tiddy mod people will throw up and debate about so we can end it. I personally think none of this matters. most people in this community try too hard to be each other and only know the same 2-3 shapes as it is anyway, so body mod be damned... 

CBBE - Pretty much uncared for by the people who develop it because they hate FO4. You have to download a bunch of addons to get any features for it, which pose incompatibility with clothing and requires clothing be redone... It has the most clothing because it's the oldest of all of them. The base shape makes it fail at doing larger busts without some weirdness, it's not really able to do muscle and chubby/curvy  isn't really as good. You're best doin slim athletic shapes on it. 
My only issue tends to be the community around it. the entitled attitude has made me not want anything to do with them. 

Fusion Girl - Great for Sex Mods, supports 3BBB by default, so no need for extras as it's out the box with all the fun. We have tried our hardest to make it a good all around, but it has its shortcomings and I won't be the last to admit to the shortcomings. I would like to improve the muscularity, it can handle chubbier shapes well and I don't think I can make it do larger bust sizes any better than CBBE. Generally, it's got a wider range than CBBE, going slim to chubby, and athletic. 

Atomic Beauty - Amazonian Fantasy. Handles large breasts/butt really well, and depending on whose conversions you grab, you can go really extreme with the breasts without issues. It's also the second body that handles muscle really well. It can't do slimmer shapes or smaller busts as well, and it's got a couple seam issues and weighting issues. I do hope they update it to bring it on the level they have TBD (SSE) on because it would be a great option if they did that. I would arguably say I love the waistline on this mod, it's a nice hourglass shape. 

Janebod - This one is ultimately customizable, but that's the downfall. a lot of the slider names require you to know some deep anatomy in order to decode what they do or understand the effect it has. This body is the best for Musclular women. It's a performance problem though because it's extremely high poly for all the detail it has, so weaker PCs won't be able to enjoy it. Its petite base shape makes it work best for slimmer or more athletic presets. It tends to weird out to me on larger presets or thicker bodies, but that's a fault of the base shape being too tiny IMO, even if you shove a lot of polygons at it it's just how it is. 


WonderBody - I'd say a hardcore favorite. It's vanilla shape, has no customization, but it looks well done and honestly the way the author worked with every outfit to make it look more realistic is dedication I wish I had the time for. I never minded the vanilla female shape, so ... whatever. Plus full working dismemberment and extremely optimized to run on any PC makes it a viable option if you're on weaker specs. 


True Wasteland Body - It's a compilation of a bunch of CBBE based slider mods, including some more fetish type ones.. Honestly I'd say it's a true waste of time because it fails to stand out in a community that pretty much tries too hard to copy each other and only does the same 2-3 shapes as is. It doesn't improve on CBBE in any way, so it inherits all its issues and failings and has too many sliders that seemingly go unused or unnoticed in the final preset results I have seen. I do give Pippin his roses as some of the slider work I did work with and repurpose in FG, but otherwise... It's there I guess... But it really honestly gives nothing. 


EVB - Vanilla, It's ok. Works and functions nicely. 




Edited by TheBottomhoodofSteel
Reworded and cleaned up everything to look nice.
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5 hours ago, Saya Scarlett said:

(original post deleted cause there was flame wars)


The ONE thing I might agree is that, being the one who developed one of those bodies, they'd probably be the least person I want chiming in on which one is better.


while it is a conflict of interest (Technically) for me to chime in.. 

Before BT and FG... I've actually tried and used pretty much every single body mod available, both male and female... Skyrim and Fallout 4. I literally studied pretty much all of them in order to get an idea of what I wanted for BT goals wise and when Fusion Girl came around I went through them to improve some of the shape ranges for FG and BT by studying where each mod had their failings. There isn't much I could do on the limited base shape option, but I still gave it a college try. 


So I do know what I'm talking about when I give my general opinions because I've done my work. I do try to be as objective as possible when I discuss this and I pretty much stated where I felt each mod failed and does well. It's not a complete thing cause I was on lunch break when I wrote it, but it's mostly there. 

I have always recommended trying every mod and finding the one that feels best for yourself rather than just trying to copy everyone else and be like everyone else. You can learn to convert clothing. There's guides, tutorials and all that available. it's not hard. It may not look perfect, but as long as you have the basics down, clothing isn't a limit. Hell, I used to live stream tutorials on conversions back when I had extra time.  

Edited by TheBottomhoodofSteel
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47 minutes ago, TheBottomhoodofSteel said:

while it is a conflict of interest (Technically) for me to chime in.. 

Before BT and FG... I've actually tried and used pretty much every single body mod available, both male and female... Skyrim and Fallout 4. I literally studied pretty much all of them in order to get an idea of what I wanted for BT goals wise and when Fusion Girl came around I went through them to improve some of the shape ranges for FG and BT by studying where each mod had their failings. There isn't much I could do on the limited base shape option, but I still gave it a college try. 


So I do know what I'm talking about when I give my general opinions because I've done my work. I do try to be as objective as possible when I discuss this and I pretty much stated where I felt each mod failed and does well. It's not a complete thing cause I was on lunch break when I wrote it, but it's mostly there. 

I have always recommended trying every mod and finding the one that feels best for yourself rather than just trying to copy everyone else and be like everyone else. You can learn to convert clothing. There's guides, tutorials and all that available. it's not hard. It may not look perfect, but as long as you have the basics down, clothing isn't a limit. Hell, I used to live stream tutorials on conversions back when I had extra time.  


I get that but there's also a topic that revolves around actual conflict of interests between you and others (A file I uploaded got temporarily taken down because of it a little while back) that I don't want to get into.


I'm not saying you aren't objective or anything. Just that it'd be the same for me to get on about how great my Classical Radio replacer is.

In general, the last person most people might wanna hear talking about something, is the very one that designed it/worked on it. Regardless of being objective about it or not, you're still biased.


Not a personal attack or anything, mostly an observation and my two cents on the matter.


To which: Best body 2022? The one YOU (whoever is reading this) like. Period.



You can learn to convert clothing. There's guides, tutorials and all that available. it's not hard. It may not look perfect, but as long as you have the basics down, clothing isn't a limit. Hell, I used to live stream tutorials on conversions back when I had extra time.


On this topic though, you're really underestimating people's laziness and/or technical capabilities to achieve something like that.

Dealing with hundreds and thousands of users in the AAF Discord, there's one thing I learned pretty fucking quick:


1º People, 9 times out of 10, either straight up WILL NOT read instructions carefully and break shit or..

2º They will straight up make posts like these out of laziness or..

3º Won't even bother and will even ask people to do shit for them, hence why posts like these exist in the first place. To "find out the best option to use" and not bother even researching, something that 9 out of 10 people are absolutely INCAPABLE of doing. Almost every single person that comes for help to the AAF Discord doesn't even THINK of using google for some things.


A really sad state but it is what it is. This "Body War" will continue to exist because the modding community as a whole is anything but cooperative. Not gonna point any fingers though, just a fact. There's like 5 versions of so many mods that it's insane. And I don't even wanna start talking about Skyrim...



But to stay on topic and summarize, once more and like I already said above:


Best body 2022?

The one YOU (whoever is reading this) like. Period.

Edited by Saya Scarlett
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9 hours ago, Saya Scarlett said:


I get that but there's also a topic that revolves around actual conflict of interests between you and others (A file I uploaded got temporarily taken down because of it a little while back) that I don't want to get into.





9 hours ago, Saya Scarlett said:


On this topic though, you're really underestimating people's laziness and/or technical capabilities to achieve something like that.

Dealing with hundreds and thousands of users in the AAF Discord, there's one thing I learned pretty fucking quick:


Technical capabilities are based on willingness to learn, it's not an excuse.
and Laziness aint' my issue. If you're too lazy to do anything in modding for yourself then you're never gonna have the content you want or the games others have. 
No one but the person themself is at fault for unwillingness to learn. Most mod authors had to do this. At best a mod user can learn to do some basics to help themselves. 

Edited by TheBottomhoodofSteel
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