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Genshin Nude Mod?

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On 6/8/2024 at 5:05 PM, EeveeGavin said:

Does anyone have these mods? I finally found a good Lyney TS, but all of its links are expired... 😭




If anyone alternatively has this Icon mod I would appreciate that too, 





With how old a mod it is, Im not betting on much luck. But I figure I might aswell ask again if anyone happens to have any of these 3 Lyney ts mods.

Edited by EeveeGavin
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1 minute ago, Norbi676 said:

Goddamn, I wasn't playing modded genshin since like navia release, and I see 150+ more pages of mods. Impressive!! Is the telegram invite still available, does it still exist till this day? I'd like to be invited

basiclly if u seen that someone posted  looking for passwords from arca, most of them are unvaliable becasue sharefile expired.(but most in June 2024 are ok)  However attachments are mostly downloadable . If you seen some nice ones you may ask to see if anyone can attach

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On 6/23/2024 at 3:13 PM, Kouno689 said:

Thanks a lot. Tho when I applied the mod the shirt part was transparent (like a chameleon if you will) and I was wondering how to fix it. Would you happen to know ?

uhmmm maybe it has something to do with texfx if u have it or not, or maybe u didnt run the fixes, try running the fixes first and then see if it still doesnt work

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