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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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I know this may be affected too.  It has been for me, but it generally works better.  Don't use the "Download with manager" function.  Download manually, and then open the file with the manager.  Generally the manager file download is pretty faulty, but the manual is better.  Its just one step more really.


But I have been having the same problem even with manual lately.  Though manual works a bit more often for me at least.

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Hmm Nexus was working fine for me like 20 min ago but now "Service UnavailableThe service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. " -_-

Just when I was about to download Alternative start >.>

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Guest Omega1084

I was about to go back and give a bug report to a friend of mine, really excited about how far we've come, and the service is unavailable.

Wouldn't surprise me if this was the last we saw of Nexus o-o

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"Downtime today I'm afraid folks, but for once, it's not us (phew)! The entire datacentre we host our main sites in has gone down and it's completely out of our control. Literally hundreds of thousands of sites being affected by this in the UK. Reports are that this might not be the only data centre being affected by the issues. Updates might be available via our data centre's twitter account:https://twitter.com/_TheBunker"

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And Dark0ne is sweating the meter like a New York cab driver.  Every tick-tock on the clock is money out of his pocket.

(points and laughs at him)


OHMYGAWD!!!  What's the Nexus staff gonna do without a chat room or a ban hammer?  "Where's my Nexus super-powers?!", says the staff.


and WOW.  Take a look at the Lover's Lab main page!  1255 users are online (in the past 10 minutes).  There is a SHIT LOAD of people on here right now.

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Guest endgameaddiction

LL constantly keeps growing. There's no doubt that LL is one of the best communities out there. Expect the numbers to continue to grow and people have second thoughts about the things they may have said about LL.

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Guest endgameaddiction

True true. stone bewbs don't count either. Not wobbly and jiggly. Nah I can't hate on those boner stoners. some are decent.

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True true. stone bewbs don't count either. Not wobbly and jiggly. Nah I can't hate on those boner stoners. some are decent.

I'm using the Dibella one.  I made mini statues and dropped them into the house in Markarth as decor. :P


Fuck-em if they did have the stupidity to bad mouth us here. Unlike the nexus turds we're grownup enough to handle a little crap tosses at us from time to time. Of course if any of the nexus-types come here looking for a community to join they will see their first exposed boob, cry, then run back to nexus where they can be coddled by their fearless leader:lol:

And don't forget the schlongs!  Nexies (a contraction of 'Nexus Kiddies') will flee in terror at the sight of a penis.  But that is to be expected since Nexies are the guys that wore their underwear in the shower in gym class.  NOBODY wants to be that guy:lol:


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In the idiom of the typical Nexus SJW hypocrite;

"We done wanna see that, D00D.(sic)  Tits the size of prize watermelons?  That's okay.  Ridiculous fat-ass female body mods that are more like gross malformations of a human body?  Those are okay too.  But no one had better upload a DICK because we don't like DICKS. IF someone does upload a DICK we're gonna go ape shit crazy and flame and troll and do whatever it is we think we need to do to deny that DICKS exist.  The penis is evil and we'll stir up so much drama the staff will be forced to pull the mod and park it in eternal 'under moderator review'.  And that's what we want because we're insecure punks and DICKS will make us more latent than we already are."

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In the idiom of the typical Nexus SJW hypocrite;

"We done wanna see that, D00D.(sic)  Tits the size of prize watermelons?  That's okay.  Ridiculous fat-ass female body mods that are more like gross malformations of a human body?  Those are okay too.  But no one had better upload a DICK because we don't like DICKS. IF someone does upload a DICK we're gonna go ape shit crazy and flame and troll and do whatever it is we think we need to do to deny that DICKS exist.  The penis is evil and we'll stir up so much drama the staff will be forced to pull the mod and park it in eternal 'under moderator review'.  And that's what we want because we're insecure punks and DICKS will make us more latent than we already are."


So that's why we will never see a 7B Statue of Talos. :idea:



On a more serious note: Heck, i wouldn't be surprised if that would actually happen, with all those  other statues over there.

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So basically, they harassed him until he lost patience and took the mod to another site. I'm puzzled as to why the nexus staff which are so well known for their excessively violent defence of modders and contributors to their site, allowed this to happen. I'd understand if it was some quack modder making waifus or uploading savefile "mods" and they didn't care to help him, but this guy is obviously a skilled modder and a solid contributor.

Seems if enough people make noise, the rules go out the window with this bunch.

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So basically, they harassed him until he lost patience and took the mod to another site. I'm puzzled as to why the nexus staff which are so well known for their excessively violent defence of modders and contributors to their site, allowed this to happen. I'd understand if it was some quack modder making waifus or uploading savefile "mods" and they didn't care to help him, but this guy is obviously a skilled modder and a solid contributor.

Seems if enough people make noise, the rules go out the window with this bunch.


Depends. I don't really know what happened there, but some modders are somewhat, uh, delicate. Doesn't matter if negative comments get deleted or the harassers banned, it will happen over and over again. Happens to all mods that are not considered 'appropriate' by the majority. Doesn't matter if it's sex mods, tit mods or dick mods. Some authors aren't bothered with the shitheads that pollute the comment section every now and then, some are. VectorPlexus seemingly belongs to the second group. And then you have to deal with the retards that are too stupid to install anything and asking the same questions over and over again. Ahem. Anyway. The point is, some people can't deal with negative comments, at all. So they go to a smaller site where they have their own comfort zone and where they can make the rules. It's not a big deal, happens all the time and it's not necessarily a mistake from the nexus. Asking them to ban even faster and more users is quite funny because that's why the nexus is hated by many, especially here in the general discussion of LL.






Ever been to the comment section of other mods? As long as it's not lore friendly and/or considered 'appropriate' it will get the same treatment. If it involves nudity or sexual themes, the author and the people that use the mod are considered low-life scum and should get laid. Or a job. A life in general. You know how it goes. The estrus mod got shit for being what it was, as well as CBBE or UNP. Or the HGEC body if you want to go even further back. There are A LOT of modders who don't want to get involved with the community there because of this very reason.


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Depends. I don't really know what happened there, but some modders are somewhat, uh, delicate. Doesn't matter if negative comments get deleted or the harassers banned, it will happen over and over again. Happens to all mods that are not considered 'appropriate' by the majority. Doesn't matter if it's sex mods, tit mods or dick mods. Some authors aren't bothered with the shitheads that pollute the comment section every now and then, some are. VectorPlexus seemingly belongs to the second group. And then you have to deal with the retards that are too stupid to install anything and asking the same questions over and over again. Ahem. Anyway. The point is, some people can't deal with negative comments, at all. So they go to a smaller site where they have their own comfort zone and where they can make the rules. It's not a big deal, happens all the time and it's not necessarily a mistake from the nexus. Asking them to ban even faster and more users is quite funny because that's why the nexus is hated by many, especially here in the general discussion of LL.


But that's bullshit. The nexus has adult mods and an adult section which means the adult modders are legitimate modders, who have the same rights as all the others. To allow mistreatment of these modders is two-faced bullshit and if I remember it right, "but others are doing it too" is a listed as a bannable excuse on the TOS, so the opinions of the majority, no matter how large, should mean exectly jack shit in this case.

So yeah, it is a "mistake from the nexus" to ignore breaking of rules they wrote themselves.


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But that's bullshit. The nexus has adult mods and an adult section which means the adult modders are legitimate modders, who have the same rights as all the others. To allow mistreatment of these modders is two-faced bullshit and if I remember it right, "but others are doing it too" is a listed as a bannable excuse on the TOS, so the opinions of the majority, no matter how large, should mean exectly jack shit in this case.

So yeah, it is a "mistake from the nexus" to ignore breaking of rules they wrote themselves.




Dude, the comments get deleted and the users that posted them get banned. It doesn't matter though because either the shitheads make a new account or other users post the same shit. The problem with the majority is that you can ban all you want (and that's something the nexus staff does), the same shit gets posted over and over again. And the people that posted that Old McSameshit get banned. Again. Repeat ad infinitum. Some modders don't want to deal with that, so they leave.

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Ever been to the comment section of other mods? As long as it's not lore friendly and/or considered 'appropriate' it will get the same treatment. If it involves nudity or sexual themes, the author and the people that use the mod are considered low-life scum and should get laid. Or a job. A life in general. You know how it goes. The estrus mod got shit for being what it was, as well as CBBE or UNP. Or the HGEC body if you want to go even further back. There are A LOT of modders who don't want to get involved with the community there because of this very reason.



Yeah, it's frustrating to have to go through shitpost tier posts just to find legitimate info on possible bugs and incompatibilities.



The biggest kick in the dick is that there are people with that attitude that post here, too.

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