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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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I wonder what would happen if a bunch of people got the a auto clicker then set it to click 1000 a sec and then sit there on the download page and hold down the mouse button and see how long it takes to get through.


Some people just wanna watch the nexus burn.

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I wonder what would happen if a bunch of people got the a auto clicker then set it to click 1000 a sec and then sit there on the download page and hold down the mouse button and see how long it takes to get through.


Some people just wanna watch the nexus burn.



I wouldn't mind seeing it burn actually xP The fireworks would be grand.

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Nexus is already burning (the staff, the 'service'/lack-there-of, the owner).  We can't see the conflagration but that doesn't mean it's not there.  Think of Nexus like it's a West Virginia coal mine fire.  On the surface everything looks fine.  Thirty feet down there is a raging inferno ready to engulf all you can see.  It's only a matter of time.



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Guest endgameaddiction

I don't wish nexus to disappear. It would be a shame from the good mods out there. It needs new leadership and definitely new techs. Year after year it's been a sorry excuse. The truth is D0 isn't trying to get this resolved, he's sitting in Cancun sippin on a margarita while logging on his admin acc from his tablet and donig his public text speeches like if he really cared...

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I noticed something today.  I was browsing Nexus (as a free user sinced I'm banned) and I had AddBlock and NoScript running like I always do when I'm on-line.  There was a serious lag, not only on Nexus pages but also the pages I had open in other windows.  I closed Nexus and refreshed one of the other pages and NO LAG.


Nexus has got to battling end user browser addons.  That is the only thing I can think of that would cause a lag and then have the lag go away after I exited Nexus territory.


Has anyone else encountered this?

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I noticed something today.  I was browsing Nexus (as a free user sinced I'm banned) and I had AddBlock and NoScript running like I always do when I'm on-line.  There was a serious lag, not only on Nexus pages but also the pages I had open in other windows.  I closed Nexus and refreshed one of the other pages and NO LAG.


Nexus has got to battling end user browser addons.  That is the only thing I can think of that would cause a lag and then have the lag go away after I exited Nexus territory.


Has anyone else encountered this?


Nope. Probably NoScript's fault. That thing really has a bad relationship with most of the sites I browse, sometimes outright stopping the scripts needed to download something or causing severe lag through the active sites running constant checks for the scripts running. Nexus got hit pretty bad when I had it running; I still have it but disabled in favour of Ghostery. Unless I'm hitting the hot zones, NoScript is sealed in an ice cube at North Pole.


Now, I just have to rage about for the fact that I have to wait days before the files are properly distributed to the free servers for download. It used to be just mere hours! Fuck that!

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Guest Omega1084

I only use AdBlock so I don't get that lag.

I used to use NoScript and it caused lag in a lot of websites I frequented.

Used to think it was my PC/Internet but then I removed NoScript while looking for the problem and everything went back to normal o3o

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Hmmm.  I never noticed a significant lag on other sites before with NoScript.  I'll check out Ghostery though..not that it matters as far as Nexus goes.  No one is making anything new that interests me there and I already have the base and core mods I use from before I was banned.


Anyway, FUCK NEXUS.   :sleepy:

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Guest Omega1084

That's the same story for me.

There's literally only a single mod that interests me from there right now.

If that gets a definite final release I'll never have to go back there.

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Well those of you banned on nexus don't miss much anyway. There is some kind of download problem. Every file that gets uploaded needs a couple days before it becomes downloadable. I really hate it because just yesterday Boris Vorontsov released CTD and Memory patch ENBoost for Oblivion. I can't download that mod and my 16 GB RAM are sitting idly.

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Guest Ragna_Rok

jeeeeeez.... u guys still nag about nexus?


doesnt it get boring?


i know its shit, you know its shit, basically especially folks over here know nexus is shit.


so, surprise, nexus is shit.


and will continue to be shit.


huge shit.


a crapload of fucking shit shit.


servers down? what a surprise. asshole moderators? what a surprise. dork1 being a motherfucker? what a surprise. i can understand if new blood here goes on with it, but for fucks sake, kendo, you have 1000 posts sayin nexus sucks. youre right, you know that, i know that, the whole cozy little family here knows that... i just wonder, dontcha get bored even giving a so small fuck about it that dork1 and his minions of sadism even deserve another couple of letters typed?


so, heres a teddybear... where did he touch you? just point at it.


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jeeeeeez.... u guys still nag about nexus?


doesnt it get boring?


i know its shit, you know its shit, basically especially folks over here know nexus is shit.


so, surprise, nexus is shit.


and will continue to be shit.


huge shit.


a crapload of fucking shit shit.


servers down? what a surprise. asshole moderators? what a surprise. dork1 being a motherfucker? what a surprise. i can understand if new blood here goes on with it, but for fucks sake, kendo, you have 1000 posts sayin nexus sucks. youre right, you know that, i know that, the whole cozy little family here knows that... i just wonder, dontcha get bored even giving a so small fuck about it that dork1 and his minions of sadism even deserve another couple of letters typed?


so, heres a teddybear... where did he touch you? just point at it.


I'm going to utterly annihilate this thread with one off-topic sentence!



Welcome back Ragna, you old fart. :P

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Guest Ragna_Rok


I'm going to utterly annihilate this thread with one off-topic sentence!



Welcome back Ragna, you old fart. :P



fuck you too, you cheeky dickwaffle :D


*missed you*


ps: that one request... iron-lich-armor... its a side project. its not forgotten, itll come, i keep my word. im gonna make a motherfucking evil kinda-semie-bonelord enemy from that one, its just that finishing studies gets closer and closer, so... i didnt play skyrim in about 2 months, i need more new-lands, more new quests, so that i get kinda into it again. once the iron-lich as an undead enemy is designed, im gonna make his armor an equipable goody, just for you :heart: ... cheers, dude :angel:


edit: actually, itll be ebony lich. last time i experimented with iron and steel armor, the result was so fucked up that i deleted the files immediately. i guess ebony should work.... concerning the pauldrons n stuff i mean :)

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I'm going to utterly annihilate this thread with one off-topic sentence!



Welcome back Ragna, you old fart. :P



fuck you too, you cheeky dickwaffle :D


*missed you*


ps: that one request... iron-lich-armor... its a side project. its not forgotten, itll come, i keep my word. im gonna make a motherfucking evil kinda-semie-bonelord enemy from that one, its just that finishing studies gets closer and closer, so... i didnt play skyrim in about 2 months, i need more new-lands, more new quests, so that i get kinda into it again. once the iron-lich as an undead enemy is designed, im gonna make his armor an equipable goody, just for you :heart: ... cheers, dude :angel:


edit: actually, itll be ebony lich. last time i experimented with iron and steel armor, the result was so fucked up that i deleted the files immediately. i guess ebony should work.... concerning the pauldrons n stuff i mean :)



Awesome. :heart:


You'd still be the first to finish my mesh with that by the way. :P


Hope you stay active for a while again. ;)

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Guest Ragna_Rok

have to disappoint you... just finishing some last thingys ...


but no worries, as i said, i take my word very seriosly, and as thus, im gonna finish your request, even though it has been months :)


just be patient, some last steel-, ebony- and glass-tier weapon variations are first on my list, to get into modding again :blush:

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