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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Are you sure i just downloaded the new update from immersive patrols. and it downloaded fine on my end. i have no premium.


Just keep pressing download even if the error occur. sooner or later you will be added to a cue. then download should start.

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Guest Omega1084

It started downloading after trying a few tries.

Not trusting it to last this way so I'm going to update everything as soon as I can.

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Guest Omega1084


It started downloading after trying a few tries.

Not trusting it to last this way so I'm going to update everything as soon as I can.


You got unbanned?

Na, no such luck.

Using the spare I made a while back in case I ever got banned.

Still waiting on some kind of response that will likely never come =w=

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Guest Omega1084

Meh. I never uploaded a thing and I never did much worthwhile anyway. Like most other people.



What's a Nexus account but an inconsequential username from which to download mods!?

*flings a cup of wine to the side* But enough talk, have at you! >:v


Devastating would be to be banned from here, where there's a real community and friends to be had.

But that's not gonna happen 'cos Ashal isn't a stupid cunt. c:

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Guest Mogie56

I wonder if banning so many there beginning to loose revenue from no one wanting premium membership.

a substantial decrease in DL servers making it almost impossible to download without multiple errors, partial downloads that don't re-start where it left off.

you'd think they were on dialup. Potatoes? naw, that would most likely be a step up.

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Guest Omega1084

People just make new accounts and keep downloading(or trying to) without making the fatal mistake of posting anything.

Not enough of a loss to consider not being a cunt to everyone.

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Guest Omega1084

They're considering moving everything to a CDN.  We'll see how that turns out.  Of course costs will go up so that might mean trying to make a paid membership more appealing and a free membership not so much.

*ahem* What is a CDN? C:

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Content Delivery Network.


Like Steam, if I'm not mistaken.

It would be a better system, however, it comes at a substantial operation cost. About the only way nexus could pull that off would be with requiring paid membership, at which point their userbase would plummet since the vast majority of their revenue comes from ads screened to free users so would their income. 

And i'm not entirely sure it's legal for nexus to require money to host content that is by default open source software under the ownership of Bethesda, it's what we all agreed to when we DL both the game and the creation kit. 

And if they did go to a paid only user-base then the most likely outcome would be rampant piracy of mods. Something they could do nothing about since legally they can't charge for the content in the first place. 



Well, the site-that-must-not-be-named will be around to get those nice nexus members.  Although it'd be better if the site incorporated some form of required generous hosting mirrors like mega or mediafire (also hosts without spyware/adware crap would be nice) instead of hosting everything on here, that'll help avoid going the nexus' way of the dodo.

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Blah. Download manually sucks, just keep spamming that button. Same deal actually with the download manager @_@ Always get an error then you gotta pause the download and resume it and try again. 


Its just getting worse and worse. Bad moderators, bad members(well half, not everyone of course, but a good chunk), bad paid memberships, stupidly bad performance(including not even being able to download)


How the heck are they still going x.x I just don't get it, like a year ago we were like "Oh if D0 keeps going like this, he's gonna bring destroy nexus" and they are still going x.x is crazy. 

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Guest Mogie56

AFAIK there is no list of servers to DL from any more. what ever DL server you pick initially your stuck with from then on. "less clicking, less stress of trying to figure out which server you want to DL from, your arm, mouse click finder, wrist and pea brain will thank the mighty Dark0ne for making your life easier". Riiiiight


Of course downloading is a different story :P

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Guest Mogie56

LMAO They condemn modders for soliciting endorsements on there mod pages then put it on the DL page 5 at a time. I guess that's evenly dispensing Hypocrisy.

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