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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Is anyone else experiencing problems with their endorsement reminder?  The other day I tried to download an armor, but because I was connected with a crappy server, I had to stop, wait and try again (total of 6 times).  Now I get that endorsement reminder with the same armor listed 6x. 


What do you think would happen if I endorse the same mod all 6x?  Not going to risk getting into trouble for their buggy system so I only endorsed the armor once.

I think after the fifth endorsement the mod-author is obligated to send you a nude pic, or atleast that's what i do for all of my mod-users. Surprisingly I've only got two restraining orders filed against me.

Actually, only one of the endorsements will go through but not taking a chance was probably a good call on your part.



You'll use any excuse to show off your "toolbox".  :D


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The Nexus is free and makes modding extremely easy for new players, meaning the potential pool of users and modders increases substantially, which can only be good for all modding communities, including LL.


Give them some goddamn respect, or invite everyone to host their stuff on LL and watch this site's servers die.

The vast majority of nexus users are underaged, this site is meant for adults only. Inviting them to host their mods here would violate the rules we all agreed to before we were allowed to have our memberships here. Perhaps you need to go back and read the TOS you agreed to before you joined up here? 



I cannot tell if this is willful ignorance.


The point is that the Nexus has an ungodly server load to deal with, and a massive userbase that probably use an adblocker and thus contribute nothing to the revenue steam-- problems that would cripple LL if it were to suddenly gain similar popularity.


I see you frequent the anti-Nexus circlejerks though, so can we at least agree that Nexus is better than the only standards of ModDB and Planet Elder Scrolls?

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I cannot tell if this is willful ignorance.


The point is that the Nexus has an ungodly server load to deal with, and a massive userbase that probably use an adblocker and thus contribute nothing to the revenue steam-- problems that would cripple LL if it were to suddenly gain similar popularity.


I see you frequent the anti-Nexus circlejerks though, so can we at least agree that Nexus is better than the only standards of ModDB and Planet Elder Scrolls?



The nexus wouldn't need a 'cash revenue' and could make do with just donations from members of which plenty do donate if they did the smart thing and instead of trying to host the files themselves, they could just host links and description pages/images/comments for files that mod authors then upload onto their own file service of choice, hell could even make it a p2p download thing. Since everyone seems to be in the file hosting business these days, and everyone else has a better track record with maintaining download servers than nexus.


The only con I see is the loss of the nxm magnet links to have a download manager automatically download mods.

But most (good) mods cannot be installed via just plug and play, so not too big a loss.

Also with stuff like JDownloader and such, if you just wrapped the links in a container file then this whole thing would be a moot point anyway.


Not gonna lie, I'm probably simplifying the steps of it a bit, but honestly I don't see anything wrong with that sort of system and would much prefer it to the shitty 'can never download/upload file' nexus we have now.


Or nexus hires a sys admin that actually knows how to work with file servers.



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Haven't had any problems with the endorsement spam pop up but then I treated the pop up like I do any other pop up *I addblocked the fricken thing I no longer see it anymore. A game site that I am on introduce the same stupid shit now you get cut off while chatting and what not making you click close to close it so that you can continue typing. I addblocked that fricken one too. If I'm going to endorse something then I will I don't need a pop up saying endorse endorse all pop ups like that do is make me close them that much faster without even looking at them. 

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Guest Xxxxxxxx4688

Been trying to download the patch pack for Expanded Towns and Cities for hours..

Weirdly I can easily download anything else.

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This is something that I have been thinking about for a while now, and want to share with LL.


I am thinking of starting my own mod-hosting-site. Atm, I am looking for moderators. But before you jump on, let me explain some rules and or goals.


1 - My word is the law. Period.

2 - We have zero tolerance policy against any form of constructive criticism.

3 - All moderators are free to act like a complete asshole against modders and regular members alike.

4 - We ban for trivial stuff.

5 - We give users the ability to become "premium" members, but that is just an illusion. It does nothing really. All servers will be crap anyway.

6 - We will fill the site with adds, that also generate our income. Nothing will be given to modders at all. And then we will go cowabunga when we hear ppl using adblock.

7 - Really good mods (the ones that actually improve the experience for players) will be buried in tons of companion mods. Clutter is the shit!

8 - From time to time, we will post some trivial news about something something something bullshit.

9 - We will use our own mod manager, it's total worthless comparing to other out there.

10 - When we ban ppl left to right, they will be placed in a "hall of shame" so we can have a good laugh and feel good about ourselves..


Not really a rule, but most of the time, the servers will be down and we will perform maintenance, but tbh, nothing will really improve.


So, does this sounds like it something you want to be part of? Don't hesitate, apply now to: WeHostAlotOfShit@AndSomeMoreShit.com

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I haven't been able to download anything for half a day already.  I don't remember it being so crappy any other time.  Nice that they upgraded their fileservers some time ago, you can really tell that server errors are readily getting displayed as opposed to a 404 error.  Good job, guys, really glad I can browse the site without being able to download anything, cause looking at thumbnails is teh shit nowadays.


EDIT:  A number of modders are posting notices with mirrors.  Good call there, there are actually smart people around the nexus, imagine that.

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Any new or updated mods can't be downloaded immediately unless one has a premium account; everyone else will have to wait for a day or two. Yeah, this what happens when he tinkers too much with an otherwise working system.




i think nexus mods are on vacation watching the world cup or fucking the members Mothers, because this one is fucked up


Oh, that makes sense.

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Oh.. wait.. is he seriously going CrunchyRoll on the Nexus or is this just another fuck-up? :|


I noticed this as I was trying to download mods I had to update, and this is even a day or two after the Steam bargain.


Too easy to speculate that free downloading was intentionally crippled and he wants more people to sign up for premium service so that they can get first dibs.


Any more and someone I know of has been ticked off and will want to host his files elsewhere.

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Guest Omega1084

Every time I think he can't get lower I get surprised again.

At least with CR it's justifiable since they need the money and it's cool to get dibs on a new episode of a show but Skyrim/Fallout/etc mods which are distributed freely and meant to be free at the risk of legal action by Beth... if he's really starting to "sell" mod updates it could very well mean the destruction of the Nexus as a whole.


But let's be honest, he can't manage that kind of coding, he's just fucked something else up and this is all a silly coincidence~ :v

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Looks like their server are at max capacity. And are constantly spitting an error named:    An error occurred

But this seem just a disguise for the 404 error we used to get allot when the server went down. So nothing really changed actually there is it seem even worse then before.


Also it seem that spamming their download section will speed up the downloading process and put you in a download cue much quicker.

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Guest Omega1084

Nevermind anything we said in the last few posts.

Nothing can be downloaded in general :|


Edit: After 20 tries I got a download started e-e

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