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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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I'm loathing the new system to download files; pick a prefered location (US or UK) and you will automatically connect with the least busy servers.  I tried downloading 2 files, 111mb and 66mb respectively.  The 111mb file took about 40 minutes, jumping between 100+kb/s and 20+kb/s.  The 66mb file I gave up; the dl speed hovered around 10-20kb/s. 


I prefered the old way.  Some of the better servers were not the least busy.

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Guest Omega1084

Can anyone else download anything right now? As soon as I start a download..


Oops! Google Chrome could not connect



Happened to me a bunch earlier.

Might be a new issue with the Nexus now.

There's a new problem ever week/day/hour.

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I don't think that's the problem. Some adblocker disables ALL SCRIPTS. Problem is, some of those scripts are needed to direct towards the download server. You'd be better suited for those that blocks advertisements only by way of proxy or from known ad sites. Ghostery is one good example and also the one I use.

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Guest endgameaddiction

I'm still trying to understand why they took this route. I rarely ever had a problem picking a server (closest to me) to manually download a mod. It went from consistency to impossible.

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That fucking limey and his Grand Canyon escapade. I actually liked the old server setup better.


Have to say I agree. Mainly because the old system WORKED. This one? I've been trying to download the v1.2.6 hotfix for Mod Organizer off and on all day, and every time, I get nothing but a message claiming there are no servers available. I had the same problem trying to download an update for Relighting Skyrim the day before... and I think there was another mod day before that. It seems like nothing works unless its been on the site for at least a day or two... (actually makes the conspiracy theorist in me wonder if its deliberate; maybe only premium users are allowed to download mods that haven't been hosted for more than 24 hours? I'm not a premium user, so I can't test that; its just wild speculation on my part. Still, though...)


Granted, supposedly there's been a major increase in traffic to the site the past couple days, possibly due to the Steam Summer Sale... I would've thought a site that big would be designed to handle a decent bit of traffic, though. Also, I haven't been seeing lag just loading pages, or trying to download old files, both things I would expect if the site were overloaded... no, its just new files that have "no servers available."



Oh, and for the sake of being thorough, I tried switching off AdBlock; it still claimed to have no servers available for any of the MO v1.2.6 files, and one of them caused NoScript to throw a warning (probably just something trivial and benign, admittedly, but still).

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I talked to a friend and he made an observation.  The shittier the Nexus servers are the more people are refreshing pages and looking at other things in open tabs.  That means more pop-up views on Dark0ne's financial gerbil wheel.  Looking at it that way (combined with even shittier service if you block his adds and scripts) it is actually a stroke of petty money-hungry genius.  But he IS a douche and a pimp so of course he's going to skim and scam when and where he can.

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I don't know about run on a potato, but there's an awful lot of mouldy old spuds making up it's "community". Have you seen all the drama surrounding Edhildils'  7B Azura statue edit? Sure, I tend to agree that Azura as Jugzilla isn't the most worthy of projects, but holy smoke, if some of those poor little lambs came here they'd literally shit their britches. 





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I don't know about run on a potato, but there's an awful lot of mouldy old spuds making up it's "community". Have you seen all the drama surrounding Edhildils'  7B Azura statue edit? Sure, I tend to agree that Azura as Jugzilla isn't the most worthy of projects, but holy smoke, if some of those poor little lambs came here they'd literally shit their britches. 


The snarky comments on all of the recent statue renovations have given me the urge to rant a bit.


But I already expended my rant energy for the day elsewhere.

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The Nexus is free and makes modding extremely easy for new players, meaning the potential pool of users and modders increases substantially, which can only be good for all modding communities, including LL.


Give them some goddamn respect, or invite everyone to host their stuff on LL and watch this site's servers die.

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The Nexus is free and makes modding extremely easy for new players, meaning the potential pool of users and modders increases substantially, which can only be good for all modding communities, including LL.


Give them some goddamn respect, or invite everyone to host their stuff on LL and watch this site's servers die.


I fail to see why the fact that the Nexus is free gives their admins a free pass to treat their users like shit. Personally I hope the end result of them being greedy cunts is that talented modders take their work elsewhere.

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The Nexus is free and makes modding extremely easy for new players, meaning the potential pool of users and modders increases substantially, which can only be good for all modding communities, including LL.


Give them some goddamn respect, or invite everyone to host their stuff on LL and watch this site's servers die.


Once I had respect for Nexus. until how I saw how they treated modders and their community in general. Robin and most of his lackeys are power-hungry corrupted cunts that deserves all the shit that gets thrown at them.


Most modders from Nexus find their way to LL after getting banned for trivial stupid shit anyway. The ones who dares to speak up against the Nexus fascist regime are the ones that deserves the respect. Not the ones who act like cunts and cares only about money.

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Is anyone else experiencing problems with their endorsement reminder?  The other day I tried to download an armor, but because I was connected with a crappy server, I had to stop, wait and try again (total of 6 times).  Now I get that endorsement reminder with the same armor listed 6x. 


What do you think would happen if I endorse the same mod all 6x?  Not going to risk getting into trouble for their buggy system so I only endorsed the armor once.

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