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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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A lot of you keep losing your shit over the servers on Nexus, but a little bit of patience has helped me get anything I needed off of Nexus.  And frankly, while everyone says LL is sooo much better than the community, well, LL's servers don't seem to be doing much better the past couple of days.

It's not only "losing shit", to quote you. I'm 100 % positively sure that if the staff over at the Nexus would treat people at least with a minimum of common decency, the users would be much more forgiving than they are now.


And when I read things like R. Scott happily taking a years membership money and shortly afterwards banning the user like it happened to Kendo2, I can't help but considering that massively offensive. If something like that happens R. Scott should at least refund him for the months he could not use the site any longer. Not to speak of all the other cases of indiscriminate banhammer swinging that makes an average guy just roll his / her eyes.


On the other hand I understand that you and others are annoyed by the Nexus bashing here, and so am I sometimes. But when I think for a while, bottom line is that they deserve it. Why the heck is it always up to the ones that had been wronged to keep silent? Not to speak of degrading semantics like "losing shit", "whining" and all that language that has no other function but to cause shame and disavow the motives of the ones that speak out their mind.


Nevertheless we here should not chain us to the Nexus by hating the staff. They won't change unless a critical mass of people turning their backs on them is reached.


And they know that what they are doing pisses people off. But as this is the internet, they don't have to fear repercussions. As questionable as they act on the net, I'm so very sure that they are almost invisible in real life. Blending in perfectly with the crowd.

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Guest Ragna_Rok


I'm fairly certain the site makes more than enough money to be self-sustained from just normal browsing.

D0rky is just too selfish or too stupid to put it to good use and maintain his site better.



youve got one of the most awesome avatars ive seen in a while :blush:


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Guest Ragna_Rok

I kind of got a jolt of realization after reading through the posts here. Are there any other sites that host original mods like Nexus do aside from the Workshop and LoversLab? It's gonna be a bad day if somehow Nexus went under and there's no alternative for new mods. Well, the mod authors personal blogs are something else but I don't think I know all of those out there. Most of the sites I have been to are just extension of both Nexus and Workshop (Dragonporn for example).


--> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/26107-sites-to-get-skyrim-mods-other-than-nexus-otnx/


... tons of free stuff. i also tried to contribute there, so, its a pretty awesome list.... :)

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Guest Omega1084



I'm fairly certain the site makes more than enough money to be self-sustained from just normal browsing.

D0rky is just too selfish or too stupid to put it to good use and maintain his site better.



youve got one of the most awesome avatars ive seen in a while :blush:



Why thank you, kind sir.




A lot of you keep losing your shit over the servers on Nexus, but a little bit of patience has helped me get anything I needed off of Nexus.  And frankly, while everyone says LL is sooo much better than the community, well, LL's servers don't seem to be doing much better the past couple of days.

It's not only "losing shit", to quote you. I'm 100 % positively sure that if the staff over at the Nexus would treat people at least with a minimum of common decency, the users would be much more forgiving than they are now.


And when I read things like R. Scott happily taking a years membership money and shortly afterwards banning the user like it happened to Kendo2, I can't help but considering that massively offensive. If something like that happens R. Scott should at least refund him for the months he could not use the site any longer. Not to speak of all the other cases of indiscriminate banhammer swinging that makes an average guy just roll his / her eyes.


On the other hand I understand that you and others are annoyed by the Nexus bashing here, and so am I sometimes. But when I think for a while, bottom line is that they deserve it. Why the heck is it always up to the ones that had been wronged to keep silent? Not to speak of degrading semantics like "losing shit", "whining" and all that language that has no other function but to cause shame and disavow the motives of the ones that speak out their mind.


Nevertheless we here should not chain us to the Nexus by hating the staff. They won't change unless a critical mass of people turning their backs on them is reached.


And they know that what they are doing pisses people off. But as this is the internet, they don't have to fear repercussions. As questionable as they act on the net, I'm so very sure that they are almost invisible in real life. Blending in perfectly with the crowd.


This post. Right here.

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Guest Ragna_Rok


It's not only "losing shit", to quote you. I'm 100 % positively sure that if the staff over at the Nexus would treat people at least with a minimum of common decency, the users would be much more forgiving than they are now.


And when I read things like R. Scott happily taking a years membership money and shortly afterwards banning the user like it happened to Kendo2, I can't help but considering that massively offensive. If something like that happens R. Scott should at least refund him for the months he could not use the site any longer. Not to speak of all the other cases of indiscriminate banhammer swinging that makes an average guy just roll his / her eyes.


On the other hand I understand that you and others are annoyed by the Nexus bashing here, and so am I sometimes. But when I think for a while, bottom line is that they deserve it. Why the heck is it always up to the ones that had been wronged to keep silent? Not to speak of degrading semantics like "losing shit", "whining" and all that language that has no other function but to cause shame and disavow the motives of the ones that speak out their mind.


Nevertheless we here should not chain us to the Nexus by hating the staff. They won't change unless a critical mass of people turning their backs on them is reached.


And they know that what they are doing pisses people off. But as this is the internet, they don't have to fear repercussions. As questionable as they act on the net, I'm so very sure that they are almost invisible in real life. Blending in perfectly with the crowd.



lets face it buddy... if the webz would force admins and moderators to state their irl addys, a fuckload of sites wouldnt exist because those that cover their pussy- and asshole-attitude behind a screen would fear that theyd piss of the wrong guy... and the classic-joke of taking a crap in someones letter-box would be the least of their concerns :D


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A lot of you keep losing your shit over the servers on Nexus, but a little bit of patience has helped me get anything I needed off of Nexus.  And frankly, while everyone says LL is sooo much better than the community, well, LL's servers don't seem to be doing much better the past couple of days.

Yeah, that's okay if you're just doing the odd file here and there. It's not so fun when you're trying to fix a whole bunch of texture problems that involve some strictly ordered overwrites, or having to get hold of a list of mods a main mod requires before you can continue with your setting it up but one or two resolutely refuse to download. Or, horror of horrors, you're doing a complete reinstall of all your mods, you're fighting timeouts every last grim step of the way. 


The thing is, if all that was the exception then it's cool because Nexus provides the most comprehensive modding service I've ever personally seen, it's marvelous. But it's the rule and has been for so long that when I do get a smooth run I'm amazed.


Even that's not worthy of the absolute kicking Nexus gets here and other places, the real venom. That they've completely brought on themselves by acting like a hanging posse, treating the place like a totalitarian state, and their one strike, the wall of shame, and their seeming to publicly take pleasure in petty acts of spite. 


So people feel like giving Nexus a kicking once in a while. Pretty elementary stuff if you ask me. Wouldn't take much to rehabilitate itself, just a bit more good cop and a lot less bad. 

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That they've completely brought on themselves by acting like a hanging posse, treating the place like a totalitarian state, and their one strike, the wall of shame, and their seeming to publicly take pleasure in petty acts of spite.

Totally hits the nail.

The sad thing about the Nexus debacle is not only that people are pissed and that's it. The consequence of that is the point. The consequence is that modders take their mods off of the Nexus and won't upload new ones there (don't get me wrong - I did so myself). The mod users do not - for good reasons - post anything relevant on the site anymore. Communication gets shallow because you get kicked for basically nothing. And so community and mod quality go down the drain together, just because some very few people can't get their egos in line. Sure, still they have a large back catalogue of mods to rely upon, but that will diminish as time goes on. And it's not with a sense of malice that I say that. Basically I regret that very much. But I do understand people turning their back on the Nexus, this is out of question.


The Nexus has reached a size that lifts it from R. Scotts personal domain (in a non-IT sense) to a site of public relevance. He holds responsibility for the modding scene. OK, the legal point is that it still is his site and he can do whatever he likes, and that's what he refers to as soon as people criticize his aegis. But as always, the legal aspect does not cover ethics. That's the crux: ethics always include situative consideration and choice. Laws are rules to be applied. The law doesn't give you the social skills you need to deal with millions of people. In fact, such a mass of users makes it all anonymous, and the vicious circle is perfect.


Though I believe that the Nexus started as an ambitous project for the sake of the matter of modding and gaming, it is sad to see that it is always the same: Power corrupts minds. Monopolies corrupt minds. And all of that foils the once noble cause.

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Guest Omega1084

They have a download cap but only for individuals and not for servers which is rather idiotic.

They should've put caps on the servers first.

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Guest Omega1084

As far as I can tell each individual can only download 5 things at a time.

Servers on the other hand have no caps. They can be trying to support 100 downloads at a time or just two.
Either way, you could get lucky and start downloading from a server that only one other person is downloading from and still take six hours for 200mb.

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And down it goes again.. :P




WE'LL BE BACK SOON SO PLEASE BE PATIENT! Frequently asked questions

Q) What do you class as "maintenance"?

A) Anything that requires us to take down the sites in order to perform an operation for the benefit of the sites. We use maintenance mode most often when our database cluster has been knocked out of sync or has become uncontrollably overloaded. By putting the site in to maintenance mode it gives the database cluster time to catch up; in maintenance mode it typically only takes 5 minutes to get things back in to order when, left to its own devices, it might have taken hours.

Q) Why do you perform "maintenance" at the worst possible time?

A) Often because we have to, and because 5 minutes of maintenance mode is better than 3 hours of down-time without maintenance mode.

Q) When will the site be back up?

A) As soon as possible! You do not need to contact us telling us the site is down. We know, because we're the ones who put it down!

Q) This problem has been happening for days/weeks/months/years/decades now, when are you going to fix it?

A) Believe us, we know. All our time and effort is going in to fixing it. You're annoyed, we're annoyed. We're all annoyed. If you'd actually like to know the reasons behind it all, what's going on and what we're doing to try and fix the issue then your best source of information is the site news. Robin writes regularly and extensively on what's going.




Here comes the potato scam..

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If I recall correctly, if you make endorsements that fat bastard wants you to do, he claims the site will speed up your downloads.

It's complete bull. I once had a lifetime membership and my DL speeds were actually slower. Those "premium" servers are actually slower than the standard ones and there are fewer to choose from as well.

Since i closed my paid account and became a leech instead my DL speeds have been faster with fewer last connections. I'd like to say it's kinda funny but honestly.....it's really not. 



Which is why there is the word claim. Because that's the bait he's offering to the other kiddies, the promises and the sweet lies.


BTW, do as the Ahzirr Traajijazeri says:



6. "Ahzirr Traajijazeri": "We Justly Take By Force"

Let us not forget our purpose. We are thieves and thugs, smugglers and saboteurs. If we cannot take a farm, we burn it to the ground. If the Imperials garrisoned in a glorious ancient stronghold, beloved by our ancestors, will not yield, we tear the structure apart. If the only way to rescue the land from the Leyawiin misappropriation is to make it uninhabitable by all, so be it.
We want our life and our home back as it was twenty years ago, but if that is not realistic, then we will accept a different simple, pragmatic goal. Revenge. With a smile.


Those last four words we translate them into action.

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Well at least their downloads don't come with viruses.  I highly recommend some malware bytes to anyone who is new to this website.

Pfffft pleeeeease. 


Speaking of Viruses I actually got one from the nexus bout a year ago, sucked big time. Was called Nexus.exe 


silly huh. 

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Well at least their downloads don't come with viruses.  I highly recommend some malware bytes to anyone who is new to this website.


From the look of things you got it fully backwards. Darkone even admitted he did not know what to do about it. But apparently there was some user able to infect the nexus by doing that he was able to steal users id and password and was uploading viruses that infected even more users who downloaded the mods uploaded by this hidden users.


Then darky accused mod Organizer author of the virus and some other users even though it was his own incompetent to fully protect the nexus that caused this outbreak in the first place.


Nexus was never a safe place that is why everyone advices to use noscript and add block when viewing nexus.

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Guest Omega1084


Well at least their downloads don't come with viruses.  I highly recommend some malware bytes to anyone who is new to this website.


From the look of things you got it fully backwards. Darkone even admitted he did not know what to do about it. But apparently there was some user able to infect the nexus by doing that he was able to steal users id and password and was uploading viruses that infected even more users who downloaded the mods uploaded by this hidden users.


Then darky accused mod Organizer author of the virus and some other users even though it was his own incompetent to fully protect the nexus that caused this outbreak in the first place.


Nexus was never a safe place that is why everyone advices to use noscript and add block when viewing nexus.


The only site I don't use AdBlockPlus is here because the ads are small and, shit, even if they weren't I enjoy this site a lot n.n

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