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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Guest Omega1084

It's true. It's easy to complain when we have no idea what all that ad revenue is being used for by D0rky.

It certainly isn't stability, or server maintenance, or anything remotely fuckin' useful!

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Guest endgameaddiction



maybe I should of made the letters tiny.. You know like the contracts they trick you into signing and trying to get you to avoid all the small written letters at the bottom.

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you know, i read this thread everyday, but not one poster can say anything about how to run a successful website, (if you have, you would be ashal), or dorkone as we say. I love this site, but we bitch about the nexus too damn much. Maybe we need to focus on LL and not the nexus, we sound like a jealous little brother.



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you know, i read this thread everyday, but not one poster can say anything about how to run a successful website, (if you have, you would be ashal), or dorkone as we say. I love this site, but we bitch about the nexus too damn much. Maybe we need to focus on LL and not the nexus, we sound like a jealous little brother.


Order a dedicated server and let your web host handle the technical details. Been doing it for the past 8 years.

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Guest endgameaddiction

I don't know how to run a website. But I sure can be a much better moderator than most of them. Dark0ne just wants to keep everything zest clean for the media reviews. He wants to put Nexus on the spot light. He's trying to hard to be a perfectionist. I don't care if his servers crumble. I'm aware that the situation at hand must be complicated, but why would a site so big as Nexus not be remotely observed if it's grown so big to expand the number of creativity by allowing more and more games into the sanctuary of nexus? I would think that stability plays more of a role than continuing to flux your servers around and bring more people over into an unstable database. Honestly, my concern really isn't him. Why? He hides in his dark corner and only makes public text speeches when he feels like sugar coating the problems with his excuses. The moderators are what give Nexus a bad name. That draws back to Dark0ne either way. He's the CEO he's the man in charge. He directs what's going on. If he just turns his back and gives free permission for the moderators to figure out the solution that is what I call poor management. It's easy to sit above everyone else and not know what's going on. That's not the case. he knows, yet he continues to allow this. For what? I have no clue. I can tell from personal experiences that he is not one you can sit and talk about problems. He puts himself higher than he should. Sure, I understand the guys got things to do. I know anyone on his level does not have enoug htime in the world to answer everyone's concerns. We whip out the lash because he allows this kind of energy to go on over there.


Why do I continue to text about this? I dunno. I can tell you that I don't hate the Nexus. I don't carry such anger like that. I feel pitty. I think it's just become a regular conversation. I don't let it produce any negativity in my life. I make frequernt stops just to read people's stories and slap some of that waste of time. I'll be honest, I would like Nexus to continue to be successful, but with different staff members. It's so power driven to the point of pubicly posting people's bans is a way to show their testosterone. That's not a way to manage a web site. Simply because it intimidates new comers and majority of the people to either zip it and stay in line or it's off with your head. Public Execution. They might aswell create animated characters being put into iron maidens and have everyone watch them get the thumbs down.


This thread has become a place where people have felt cheated by Nexus to come and let it out. We the dwellers have welcomed and embraced our new borns a place where they don't have to feel crippled. Rules are placed, but there is still morale. While certain things are not acceptable, we as adults are aware of the actions we do. It's like you can't make one mistake at Nexus. You will be publicly told in front of everyone "you've been naughty, it's time out for you".


Just look at your warning. I can't see it. I shouldn't be able to. It's not my concern. Only you and the staff.

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Endgame basically covered it.  For my part, I want to see Nexus tank.  Dark0ne is a troll, plain and simple.  He taunts, he teases, he intimidates and when he lands in the fire he suddenly wants to play by the rules.  That's a troll...a bully.  And like all bullies he's a coward.


I've seen the 'jealous little brother' analogy used here before.  What exactly does ANYONE have to be jealous of?  All of Dark0ne's moral shortcomings?  His lies, the mom-and-pop blame game he alway plays?  Or is it his fundamental inability to take responsibility for ANYTHING? Or maybe we are jealous of how fucked up his staff is or how broken the Nexus 'community' mind-set is BECAUSE of him and his staff.  There is NOTHING to be 'jealous' of.


Nexus is a podium for Dark0ne and his staff to bully and humiliate from.  They gloat.  They like it, but something they DO NOT like is this thread or the banned thread here.  They are powerless and all they can do is fume and scream at their monitors when they slither in here to read it (yeah, they read it).  Would this thread really exist if the Nexus servers worked as Dark0ne claims they do?  Would the banned thread here get the attention it does if what was said there wasn't true?  These threads don't exist because of some one-off disgruntled ex-Nexus member crying about Nexus injustice.  They are vehicles to expose and discuss how Nexus and Dark0ne REALLY ARE.  And I think they do a fine job of it.


Most of the nexus staff have accounts here, just like they did at VGU.  I'm glad they do, because I can do this...HEY FUCK YOU!..and there is jack-shit they can do about it.

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Nexus has improved lately as far as accessability goes. That's cool.


But the moderation still sucks! THAT is the big problem. When you have a community that can't be a community mainly because they're afraid of being banned for next to nothing then it's hardly what you could call a "community" at all. I am a moderator on one of the biggest forums on all the interwebz (in the top 100). I also don't treat people like crap and neither do any of the other mods. The rules are quite strict there, maybe more strict than at the Nexus, but how you treat people matters more than rules.

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Show me the link and let me be the judge of my own opinion. I somehow don't believe you can have more strict rules than nexus and be a less of an asshole moderation team.




Just Google "archery forum" and pick the biggest one available, probably the top in the list actually. ;)


See for yourself. No bad language, no adult photos and it's generally a family-friendly site. And you won't get outright banned for a small slip up, but instead receive infraction points that lead to eventual bans. You could just get infraction points, get a 24 hour ban, be banned for a week or maybe even for a month. Get too many instances you can be permabanned.


The rules are strict. Very strict. You could get a 2 week ban for calling someone a "child" (I've seen it happen). But the rules there also prevent moderators from running amok and going on power trips. That's the kind of change needed at the Nexus.

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Show me the link and let me be the judge of my own opinion. I somehow don't believe you can have more strict rules than nexus and be a less of an asshole moderation team.




Just Google "archery forum" and pick the biggest one available, probably the top in the list actually. ;)


See for yourself. No bad language, no adult photos and it's generally a family-friendly site. And you won't get outright banned for a small slip up, but instead receive infraction points that lead to eventual bans. You could just get infraction points, get a 24 hour ban, be banned for a week or maybe even for a month. Get too many instances you can be permabanned.


The rules are strict. Very strict. You could get a 2 week ban for calling someone a "child" (I've seen it happen). But the rules there also prevent moderators from running amok and going on power trips. That's the kind of change needed at the Nexus.



What you described is not my kind of forum. Mods wanna be internet cops make internet worse place.

Once I registered on TWD forum and noticed 'bout every message I posted got edited by a mod for shitty reasons or arbitrary made up rules e.g. quoting someone on the same page of the thread not allowed. I left outright.

LL is perfect. I never got problems from the moderation team.


People on forums want to relax and not to be constrained by the someone's arbitrary made-up rules. After all discussion forums are another form of the entertainment.

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What you described is not my kind of forum. Mods wanna be internet cops make internet worse place.

Once I registered on TWD forum and noticed 'bout every message I posted got edited by a mod for shitty reasons or arbitrary made up rules e.g. quoting someone on the same page of the thread not allowed. I left outright.

LL is perfect. I never got problems from the moderation team.


People on forums want to relax and not to be constrained by the someone's arbitrary made-up rules. After all discussion forums are another form of the entertainment.

And I agree with you. I like LL for the same reason.


My point was that on AT, for example, the moderation team has rules they also have to go by. They can't just outright ban you forever for something trivial. That's what the Nexus needs to get their egomaniacs in check. Something like that doesn't seem necessary on LL since the membership is pretty good at self-moderating and the mods here aren't insane. :lol: Plus LL doesn't get as much action as AT or Nexus and this is a nearly all adult membership, too.

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People on forums want to relax and not to be constrained by the someone's arbitrary made-up rules. After all discussion forums are another form of the entertainment.

That's true. On the other hand, I'd finally like to see people behave in a way that there is only very little moderator intervention needed (no, I'm not Nexus staff). For example - and really just as an example - a simple goodbye thread where a forum member just states his retirement from modding and wants to withdraw peacefully from online communities that suddenly turns into a flame war is a sign that there is a problem with what people call "common courtesy". And that does not mean being superficially polite and get into flip mode as soon as someone says something you don't like.


Some people - and I'm not referring to someone special, it's just an observation I made during years of being on the net - should remember how they behave in real life. It's a fact that there are many loudmouths out there who in real life are overly conformist and in some cases plain cowards, which they need to compensate by being online Charles Bronson. That's one side.


Another side is the moderation, which should let people engange in discussion, permitting topics that are serious and that may lead to dissent and arguments, because arguments are OK, if they don't escalate to a level where they become a flame war. Apart from that, moderators should develop a sensitivity for trolls who want to destroy or disturb a community that they don't like for some reason.


The forum I was a moderator for was a german forum about real people with real problems such as homelessness, unemployment, poverty, sickness, precarious jobs and general "edge of society" folk that often lacked what we may perceive as "decent behaviour" but were good fellas. They wouldn't smile at you all the time, because false politeness is expendable, but they surely could be counted on when needed.


People could and would discuss anything, especially political views. Of course there were the usual trolls barging into the forum with a newly registered account that tried to undermine the discussion by plain provocation and insult, which were easy to handle - ban. And by insult I mean something like "Unemployed people should be gassed" or so. Not trivial crap that is considered an insult over at the Nexus.


And there were people that were slowly going desperate and that required more personal intervention. You often see people that are literally covered in problems gradually and very slowly losing their mental stability and as a consequence becoming more and more unpleasant over weeks or even months. The admin of the site often contacted people personally if they allowed him. He then was trying to get some backgroung information about what's going on. That often led to face to face meetings or communication via phone where things could be talked about and misconceptions could be eliminated. In some cases help could be given.


Banning people that have been "good" community members in the past was never done easily. It required a long and sometimes exhausting discussion. The admin and owner of the site lives about 200 km from where I live, and we often met together with other moderators at his place to discuss problems of that kind.


The above mentioned example is of course too much to handle for big modding communities. But moderators should never be enabled nor given the feeling that they are entitled to just press a ban button at their very own initiative and will. Sorry to say so, but the net is full of ego cripples, narcissistic dumbasses and people who find it entertaining to kick downwards, and that goes for both sides. What is happening over at the Nexus is appalling, but a common symptom of a staff that has lost control. So they decided on a zero tolerance policy which does not take into account that after every ban there is a human being that may be pissed.


You just can't indiscriminately gather some people and let them do moderator jobs. That job requires much more than just having a PC and internet access.

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ok, I stand corrected, after endgame's and K2's post, I see your point. Its not the nexus itself, its the abuse of power from the staff and over expansion of he nexus. You guys put up some valid points. I checked out the ban page on the nexus forums, they seem to wear them like a badge of office. Point made.


(puts bag over face, hides in corner)

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ok, I stand corrected, after endgame's and K2's post, I see your point. Its not the nexus itself, its the abuse of power from the staff and over expansion of he nexus. You guys put up some valid points. I checked out the ban page on the nexus forums, they seem to wear them like a badge of office. Point made.


(puts bag over face, hides in corner)

Get that bag off, mister, and help us bash those Nexus mods right now! :lol:

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For example - and really just as an example - a simple goodbye thread where a forum member just states his retirement from modding and wants to withdraw peacefully from online communities that suddenly turns into a flame war is a sign that there is a problem with what people call "common courtesy". And that does not mean being superficially polite and get into flip mode as soon as someone says something you don't like.


It wouldn't happen if that self-righteous law-and-order HS-bashing no-face cretin didn't barge in.

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Guest endgameaddiction

And once again the servers over there are acting up really bad... Can't wait to read what his next excuse about this one...

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And once again the servers over there are acting up really bad... Can't wait to read what his next excuse about this one...


These guys look like total n00bs in network management ! At least that's what they keep showing us... or maybe they just don't have enough stuff/staff/money to be efficient !

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Guest Omega1084


I went back to using it after that update.

I'm not smart/patient enough to use MO


That's not true. You're smart enough to use a PC so you got all it takes to run MO. You're on your own in the patience department.

What version of the update did they go with the always offline mode?

I haven't kept up.

It was fairly recent though.

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They don't have enough money? PFFF HAHA~

Ahh.. good one.


Yeah, sometimes I'm funny !


Btw, if anyone knows how much money they have please share with us ! I'm thinking about making a crappy site with a lot of stuff and servers down half of the time but before doing it I'd like to know how much would people pay me for that !

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