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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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I say this all the time, but why the fuck hasn't someone made a liable alternative yet? I mean, enough is enough, I am so sick of this shitty site, I don't think I have actually been this angry at a website in quite sometime. It's so unfortunate that 80% of the decent mods are on this fucking hellhole. I just wish someone who had a big following on YouTube or something convinced everyone to convert to some new source that doesn't crash, then slowly we could start converting the topics over. 


Maybe then, Nexus will get their shit together, I almost feel like we need to stand up against Nexus, and try to get everyone off it so that they see that we have had enough, and that they need to get their shit together, and yes, I know, I am sounding entitled as fuck, but I don't care because I have had enough. 

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I say this all the time, but why the fuck hasn't someone made a liable alternative yet? I mean, enough is enough, I am so sick of this shitty site, I don't think I have actually been this angry at a website in quite sometime. It's so unfortunate that 80% of the decent mods are on this fucking hellhole. I just wish someone who had a big following on YouTube or something convinced everyone to convert to some new source that doesn't crash, then slowly we could start converting the topics over. 


Maybe then, Nexus will get their shit together, I almost feel like we need to stand up against Nexus, and try to get everyone off it so that they see that we have had enough, and that they need to get their shit together, and yes, I know, I am sounding entitled as fuck, but I don't care because I have had enough. 



I decided take a crack at it. Just bought an ipb board license and I'm uploading it to a server right this moment.

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Guest Ragna_Rok


I say this all the time, but why the fuck hasn't someone made a liable alternative yet? I mean, enough is enough, I am so sick of this shitty site, I don't think I have actually been this angry at a website in quite sometime. It's so unfortunate that 80% of the decent mods are on this fucking hellhole. I just wish someone who had a big following on YouTube or something convinced everyone to convert to some new source that doesn't crash, then slowly we could start converting the topics over. 


Maybe then, Nexus will get their shit together, I almost feel like we need to stand up against Nexus, and try to get everyone off it so that they see that we have had enough, and that they need to get their shit together, and yes, I know, I am sounding entitled as fuck, but I don't care because I have had enough. 



I decided take a crack at it. Just bought an ipb board license and I'm uploading it to a server right this moment.



 ... you dont happen to be that nexusmods.ru fellow???


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Guest Ragna_Rok


I used to have a lifetime membership and it NEVER worked correctly. Now that i no longer have that premium account things DL for me about ten times faster. Basically they wrapped sweet potato skins around a giant turd and told all the paid customers to take a big bite, and i did, to the tune of 80 bucks :s  



awesome skyrim-mod idea... a new cooking recipe, the "nexus premium menu" ... ingredients required: a potato and a turd.... effects: stamina -100 per second for 5 minutes :D


... you can also buy the "nexus premium menu" at your local fence, for 80 septims ;)

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I say this all the time, but why the fuck hasn't someone made a liable alternative yet? I mean, enough is enough, I am so sick of this shitty site, I don't think I have actually been this angry at a website in quite sometime. It's so unfortunate that 80% of the decent mods are on this fucking hellhole. I just wish someone who had a big following on YouTube or something convinced everyone to convert to some new source that doesn't crash, then slowly we could start converting the topics over. 


Maybe then, Nexus will get their shit together, I almost feel like we need to stand up against Nexus, and try to get everyone off it so that they see that we have had enough, and that they need to get their shit together, and yes, I know, I am sounding entitled as fuck, but I don't care because I have had enough. 



I decided take a crack at it. Just bought an ipb board license and I'm uploading it to a server right this moment.



 ... you dont happen to be that nexusmods.ru fellow???




Nope. Don't understand a bit of Russian. :lol:

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Q) What do you class as "maintenance"?

A) Anything that requires us to take down the sites in order to perform an operation for the benefit of the sites. We use maintenance mode most often when our database cluster has been knocked out of sync or has become uncontrollably overloaded. By putting the site in to maintenance mode it gives the database cluster time to catch up; in maintenance mode it typically only takes 5 minutes to get things back in to order when, left to its own devices, it might have taken hours.

Q) Why do you perform "maintenance" at the worst possible time?

A) Often because we have to, and because 5 minutes of maintenance mode is better than 3 hours of down-time without maintenance mode.

Q) When will the site be back up?

A) As soon as possible! You do not need to contact us telling us the site is down. We know, because we're the ones who put it down!

Q) This problem has been happening for days/weeks/months/years/decades now, when are you going to fix it?

A) Believe us, we know. All our time and effort is going in to fixing it. You're annoyed, we're annoyed. We're all annoyed. If you'd actually like to know the reasons behind it all, what's going on and what we're doing to try and fix the issue then your best source of information is the site news. Robin writes regularly and extensively on what's going.









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Guest Ragna_Rok

maybe it was the intention of reuploading my favorite mod "SALEM" aka "Welcome to Salem" there... the revenge of the bannhammered dude, like, filling it up with viruses, and now the nexus is shot down :D


seriously folks, really? down again? ... i was working on blades most of the day, so ive not been there today... then again... anyone surprised here? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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No really, the short intervals in which i see that message makes me think they just replaced the default "nexus server problem" bla bla page with "Hey we are currently having a 30 seconds maintenance, you're seeing this because we pretend to work on this website".



I hit F5 = maintenance


I hit F5 3 seconds afterwards again = nexus works


F5 again = maintenance



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Guest Ragna_Rok

maybe every second time you hit F5 you nuke their servers? ... do you have... THE .. keyboard? the one that has might over death and life? ... over service and maintenance? ... robin's electricity bills?

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Guest Ragna_Rok

:lol: :lol: :lol: ... cmon, corespore, your bullshitting me, right? ... ANOTHER nmm update? ... the last one fucked up the servers for months, not mentioning the ddos-story... even throbbin-robin cant be that fucking stupid... uhm ... or can he? :s


btw, anyone ever noticed that dorkone makes you pay for bullshit, steals your money... and his real name is "Robbin"? :exclamation:

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Guest Ragna_Rok

TAKE COVER FOLKS!!! ... you know the drill... that means another 3 - 4 months of regular downtimes, which basically means: hope you scored the bigger mods already, everything over 10 mb will most likely be interrupted for "the forseeable future" :D

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After using Nexus for a few weeks (before I found a calmer better home here) I started downloading manually and adding from file. Not quite as effective as manual installation but it does mean I can use the one feature of NMM that I like "Nuke My Mods". Makes for a simpler life when trying out stuff and given that I am a lazy bugger makes me feel a little more in control (read as a little less out of control) as the few times I attempted to install manually I borked it up completely

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I still have version 0.44.2 of the NMM I no longer update it nor will I ever use the NMM bug download option. I can't login with it but who gives a shit I only use it for installing and nothing more. Maybe if he sticks enough shit into it the thing will finally get tired of smelling like shit and finally die and make room for better shit. Could even go back and download a really old version where it doesn't have a shit ton of worthless bells and whistles and it probably would work better then the new updated ones.

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I nuked NMM from orbit 6 months ago. It's the only way to be sure.


And on top of the other complaints, it's the worst mod manager for any game that I have ever seen. Manual installation is preferable in my book.

I use NMM to install massive mods sometimes, I most always Manual now though, since NMM and Nexus are ass...

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 And of course when i contacted admins at nexus about fixing the issue i got told there was no issue, i was making it all up, and warned i would be banned if i posted anything on the forums or chat about it.

That's when I would have posted their threat publicly on their own fucking forum.  FUCK Darkone, his husband, his house plants and his vintage Barry Manilow record collection.  But hey, I accused them privately of bullying people and was banned and called an outright liar for it...even though their own words typed on their own forum state otherwise.  Meh.   :sleepy:


I wish Nexus would tank.  Make Dark0ne get a real job and have to deal with people in RL.  There isn't a ban hammer in the real world so I doubt he or any of his slovenly crew could cope.  Could you imagine Linspuppy's fat ass waddling around a WalMart somewhere?  "Hey baby, that blue vest looks fine on you.  You look like a smurf...who ate another smurf."  Real life is probably getting revenge on all of them anyway.  God doesn't like ugly, but he does have a sense of humor.  Maybe if Dark0ne was living his life right his stupid forum would work, people wouldn't ddos his bitch ass, and he could live a peaceful on-line life like a regular human being...(This is the point where I burst out laughing).

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Guest corespore

Anyone notice that dwemer ghost is packing around one of Ragnas axes  :lol:

And i couldn't stop laughing at the unicorn....honestly who really wants a unicorn...or a unicorn arvak mod  :ph34r: LAME :ph34r: nobody look at my arvak horse replacer. 




ironically i had this replacer for a while before MMOX made fun of it. 

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