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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Guest Ragna_Rok

yeah, just wanted to post it... but seriously, now even the "Nexus is under maintenance, were sorry"-Screen is on strike and goes like "when you hired me, dork-1, you said id have to show up once every 3 months, now im doin doubleshifts all the time, i dont see my wife anymore, forgot the name of my kids, ITS ENOUGH! I QUIT!!"

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I just snapped to something Dark0ne said in his first video blog for Nexus.  Buried in the blather is a statement to the effect of 'I don't care, it's a mod.'  He was going on about the fuck-tard-super-duper-fake-hirez-retextures and other bullshit content 'modders' were uploading to Skyrim Nexus after the dumbasses figured out they could spend 10 minutes in PhotoShop or GIMP and be Nexus Famous.  He was HAPPY about it and it shows on his no-closet-can-hold-me ferret face when he gloats about the success of Nexus Skyrim.  'I don't care...It's My Little Pony'...etc.  Fast forward from 2011 to today and NOW he is posting that MODS and NOT site traffic burden his bandwidth.


To Dark0ne:

Okay, BITCH...instead of simpering like a nine year old little girl why not cull all of those bullshit mods?  They're sucking your bandwidth...or so you claim.  How about all of those 'under moderation review' mods?  You know...the ones that were parked years ago and ARE STILL FUCKING THERE?  If mods ARE THE PROBLEM then don't you think it's a good idea to ditch the ones people CAN'T EVEN FUCKING SEE?...etc...


Hehe.  Never mind.  Just keep doing what you're doing.  We all love you for it.  I want to have your baby.

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I visited that russian page and it's funny that the images it's doesn't take a fucking eternity to load, also they only have the four main bethesda games in modding community instead of a shitload of unmoddeable games to take unnecesary bandwith
For now i only saw mods for skyrim and torrents to download the game for the rest
anyway i guess the nexus staff will ban the entire russian country now XD

Again sorry my english

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@ corespore

I'm tempted to post there, but I’m biding my time.  If I'm going to get redneck dead-on-his-ass serious I'll  probably go all out and really hurt his feelings. He's a sissy and he went to a British public school so he's already used to his betters making him wear a dress.  I'll have to be a little more creative....and meaner than I already am...if that's possible...IS that possible?   :-/


Anyway, Nexus went down again today.  I thought all of that was history...Dark0ne SAID it was....


@ Smokemegadrive

You are doing well.  Your English is better than mine, but I'm from Texas so I have an excuse.   :P

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Guest Demiales

Ugh. i finally get blender running again, remesh the forsworn female helm like i wanted, made the UV and normals maps in gimp, fire up nifscope, and...........it doesn't even show up at all!!! now the model won't even show up in blender. I fix one F-ing problem and five more take its place; so far i got about 200 hours in trying to get into 3D modeling and a single blank page on blender to show for it.  :@ Now i know why 3D modelers for Skyrim never want to talk about how they got everything to work, it brings back too many painful memories. And yes i know this isn't the rant thread but i had to bitch about it somewhere and this is the first forum i stumbled into ...CURSE YOU BLENDER. 


blender and skyrim is like fire and water :P


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Guest Ragna_Rok


blender and skyrim is like fire and water :P



--> Wrong. but for armor you need to work in 2.49 with piffy and python scripts / addons installed. if you work on armor in 2.6 or another high version you get buttraped by the skinning. it works fine, once you got the hang of it.


Ugh. i finally get blender running again, remesh the forsworn female helm like i wanted, made the UV and normals maps in gimp, fire up nifscope, and...........it doesn't even show up at all!!! now the model won't even show up in blender. I fix one F-ing problem and five more take its place; so far i got about 200 hours in trying to get into 3D modeling and a single blank page on blender to show for it.  :@ Now i know why 3D modelers for Skyrim never want to talk about how they got everything to work, it brings back too many painful memories. And yes i know this isn't the rant thread but i had to bitch about it somewhere and this is the first forum i stumbled into ...CURSE YOU BLENDER. 


--> hang in there buddy. 8 days and i can assist in some troubleshooting, right now im facing real ugly statistic-exams and prefer not to start helping out, if id do so im sure id assist you for a couple of hours and then get my ass handed to me tomorrow by one of our funniest, but also most sophisticated professors... *hugs@weigand*


gimme some time, and if youre still stuck then i back you up to get that one on the road ;)



--- If youre up for sharing my nightmares, go to 19:40 of the video, stop it, play the song "Careless Whisper" from "George Michael", and let the video run in slow-mo :wub:

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I never try to judge people by how they look and sounds. I am certanly not god's gift to females (okay, I lied a little. I know some are yearning for me, stop PM me with your dirty suggestions!) but you can tell that Robin is a guy who really gets butthurt by just the tiny of things, just by looking at him.


All those bans and retarded decisions all makes sense now. Poor guy.


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Guest Ragna_Rok

 you can tell that Robin is a guy who really gets butthurt by just the tiny of things, just by looking at him.


All those bans and retarded decisions all makes sense now. Poor guy.


wanted to like this one, reached daily quota again, so... feel "liked" :)


yep, and thats just what im thinking. hes one of those guys. first look confirms, ive been in enough irl shit myself to trust my instincts and figure out who is a diva by first look. diva, crybaby, pussy, jerk, whatever... pick your favorite.

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wanted to like this one, reached daily quota again, so... feel "liked" :)

yep, and thats just what im thinking. hes one of those guys. first look confirms, ive been in enough irl shit myself to trust my instincts and figure out who is a diva by first look. diva, crybaby, pussy, jerk, whatever... pick your favorite.



Yeah, I know what you mean. Insticts never lies.


Being unsecure is never fun. But what matters is how you handle it. Being an total @$$hole might work for some, but it also shows how pathectic these people are.


Granted, there is a reason why unsecure people gets hurt inside, (well, can only speak from my own experince ofc) and that is, most of the time someone says something, hitting a nerve, that in a way may be true, thus you get hurt.


But a person like Robin, who is the "boss" for the Nexus network, should and even must raise him himself above petty things like that.

But it's shows really well, that money can turn the most retarded d0rk into a fascist where his words are the law.

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Guest Ragna_Rok

this is a joke... that fucking piece of shit is down... again? still?? ... good news though: the "maintenance"-screen quit the strike... welcome back, screen :)


the awesome thingy is, i needed that screen for a later retexture of the "ragged clothes" ... now i got it :wub: YAY! :wub:


here, i share with you, your most favorite desktop background :)




ps: true words, headshot, true words.


edit: there was a small thing i still cut out from the jpg... updated it ;)

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Guest Ragna_Rok

LOL ... its getting better and better. when you have the maintenance screen, click on "about"... the maintenance screen shows up again. now, if you instead click on "contact", you get this awesome thing. you should check out the nice text they state there, especially the part about google and yahoo is very... informative :D



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this is a joke... that fucking piece of shit is down... again? still?? ... good news though: the "maintenance"-screen quit the strike... welcome back, screen :)


the awesome thingy is, i needed that screen for a later retexture of the "ragged clothes" ... now i got it :wub: YAY! :wub:


here, i share with you, your most favorite desktop background :)




ps: true words, headshot, true words.


edit: there was a small thing i still cut out from the jpg... updated it ;)


We have taken the files down to annoy loverslab members.. :P Is more like it,. :D

Btw it is only Skyrim witch is down. Fallout and even oblivon is still online. Witch i am playing more these days anyway.





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Guest Ragna_Rok

wait a second... "you can still log into the forums even if you havent validated your e-mail account" ..... ... ... ... :huh: ... .. .. .. .. .. a real sick human could use this information for grade A Nexus forum trolling..... cant wait to have holidays... :rolleyes:

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