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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Note that making a new account from a popular proxy server may be unsuccessful as they had some detector the last time I checked that required such accounts to be activated by mods. Also, you may have troubles logging to the forums.


The thing to do is: make an account from a little less obvious proxy, send posts through the comments section.


I have like 5 dummy accounts on the nexus that I once used with TOR to argue with myself for a test and remained undetected.

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youre welcome ;)


is it just me, or are the support forums on nexus pretty much dead? ... i mean, tons of folks asking for help, and then either no reply, noone helps, whatever... the community really is fed up i think... ... ... LOL! Muwahahaaaa! :D

The support at nexus was never that good to begin with. When I first started trying to mod I asked questions there and never got any answers. It wasn't till I joined LL that I started getting real answers to my questions.



That was my experience as well. Now I realize they were even pretty simple questions to answer so it should've been easy to get a response. The sense of "community" on the Nexus is nonexiistent.


I used to be a moderator on another forum (a large archery forum ;) ) and the community there is very, very strong with an absolutely massive membership. Answers are had in minutes, sometimes in seconds. And honestly I've found LL to be pretty close in terms of getting answers and find it to be even a bit more friendly (it's smaller and tighter).

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Guest Ragna_Rok


Corespore's avatar is hilarious 

RagnaRok made me do it. His idea of picking our "favorite" nexus moderators avi pics and cloning it was just to damn good to pass up. 

EDIT: speaking of ya Ragna i found your second home in TES alliance..now i have two sites to annoy you from  :ph34r:





well, its not really my second home, theres not enough traffic for my taste, after all i once in a while like a nice round of narcistic fapping to numbers of downloads and views :rolleyes:


i recently updated some stuff there because of my third home on dark creations, i try to help their "beyond skyrim" projects out with gear, and after pointing them to the source of brutal berserk goodness (my mods here) i was told that a couple of youngsters also work on the project that arent old enough to become member here.

i went the gentle diplomatic way and simply updated / uploaded a couple of mods from me over on tesalliance so that also they can take a look. not all though, its quite a shitload of work once youre juggling with dozens of mods. fun fact: about half of the team working on their "highrock" area (aka orsinium) is german, im guess im gonna go for some custom weapons for their project once i got holidays.


and dont forget: RagnaRok made me do it. His idea of picking our "favorite" nexus moderators avi pics and cloning it was just to damn good to pass up. -----> "Dork-1-Week" ends in 9 days, then my exams are over... tbh it creeps the fuck out of me more than anyone else to see that incompetent bastards avatar everytime i do stuff here... *misses his coyote*


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Guest Ragna_Rok

what a dick... wouldnt it have been sufficient enough to say "banned after request"? they MUST be jacking off to this.... most awesome on that one: after moving here his "title" makes a lot more sense ... "Faithful Kobold Companion" ... theres no way to crack a joke about this guy, he made the best already himself :D




ps: harlequinn and bigdaddy still on the move :D

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Guest Ragna_Rok

i dont think so... those fucknuggets are too stupid to check that, their list of banned members must reach about a million now... at least mine is safe (all 3 to be precise) :D

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Hahaha, they applied a sneaky forum ban on me to prevent further replies, but I can still post:

I called that!  I knew he would do it!

Read the RedHarlequin post and that sophist cunt Dark0ne's response.  He justified and misdirected just like always and asked for 'proof'.  Yeah, go ahead and provide him with quotes and links and see what happens.  Insta-ban.  "Oh, you can PROVE I'm a panties-in-a-twist little bitch and I'm full of shit?...You're BANNED."  Happened to me and it happens to anyone who actually bothers to take him up on his offer of 'proof'.  There is no dealing with that dude.  He's the wenig Führer of the Nexus Vaterland.  If he wants to swish around and pontificate then by all means let him.  He's not stupid or a fool, he's a BITCH.  The people who follow him blindly and swallow his pablum are the stupid ones and fools.

It never fails.   ;)

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Guest Ragna_Rok

He finally yield and hid the post from the public eye demanding of me to unveil my identity. What a super idiot. Screenshots saved for future generations.


really? oh fuck... *sigh* ... crap, now i have instead to watch a movie tonight :dodgy:

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Guest Ragna_Rok

ooookay. so, id be careful. i didnt find anything bad, yet... BUT ... first, of all, theres only about a dozen mods there, seems the site went of only a couple of days ago. second, they also have a torrent for the game on their site linked... which is most likely a "modified" cracked one, and with that i mean "pirated + free virus" ... for fucks sake, dont touch that one!


what i personally find awesome: NOW THAT WILL PISS OF DORK-1 MUCH MORE THAN I COULDVE DONE WITH A THOUSAND POSTS! ... guess i will the link let slip on the nexus a couple of times. pure accident, of course ;)

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Guest Ragna_Rok

the files i got from there were simple copies. scored from nexus (one from a german site, maybe also on nexus, i dont know). no changes made, i went as far as to check every single file, compared checksum, scanned, deepscanned... nothing. as clean as it can be. i wont touch the skyrim-game though, i really dont trust that one, and have the game on my shelf behind me anyway...

basically someone tries to make a fast buck. and pretty sure with that offensive marketing (simply copying nexus with a "ru" in the logo... cheeky :D) hes gonna kick the dork-1 in the nutz in the next weeks. i cant believe that insanitysorrow gave his permission for the reupload, its a pain in the ass to track down copycats in russia i think.


robin hood is gonna enjoy this one :D


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Guest Ragna_Rok

hm. i could try to post a link on nexus from one of my files here and ask some bullshit question like "could someone please help me, the file doesnt work" ... or crap like that... *wonders*

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Guest Ragna_Rok

hm. i erased a couple of screenshots, either i erased the addy alredy (have a little buggy sql tonight) or it was removed, doesnt matter much... good guess speedy :D

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Guest Ragna_Rok

my guess is that this tactic is used for attention. the shitstorm this fellow causes is predestined to have the dork-1 act in the exactly wrong way. its like when you tell a kid "dont drink beer" ... theyre gonna go for the beer. attention among the gamers guaranteed. russians dont care much about copyrights in the internet if i remember right, means, even if hed use the same logo and dorkydork would have registered it that would take months, if legally anything would work at all.


if the guy gets into trouble hed just have to change minor things, the longer it stays like that the higher the damage done to dorkone. the fact that bben in a post even cracked a dumbass joke about wishing the russian much fun with setting up 20 servers and organizing the bandwith shows that at least that old fart has no clue what this is supposedly about.


i for myself wish him good luck :D

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