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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Well it seems even very gentle positive criticism is no longer tolerated on Nexus. I decided to go against my own better judgement and offer some constructive feedback, told him I liked his work and it was good to see him/her takin on Victoria's Heels, but thought his "sexy" walk was just very slightly straying into Asimo robot negotiating stairs territory when viewed from the side. I then said I was looking forward to future updates.


My post has mysteriously disappeard. So I took back my endorsement. I don't feel better though...fucker ;)

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Guest Ragna_Rok

its kinda a real funny game in a sick kinda way... jeez, its like playing chess with a retard... :D




ps: @b3ast1e --> you shouldnt be surprised about that ;)

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I was just looking through the banned lists. it seems a fair amount of them are banning anyone who either openly states they have pirated a game or their words suggest that they have.


What I find funny is that they are so keen to perma ban anyone suspected of being a pirate. However, I have to ask Myself one question in the end. How many people who use the internet hasn't pirated something at least once in their life? It could have been a game, a movie, a CD, TV series, fuck even a book.


I'm willing to bet everyone of them at Nexus has at one point or another which brings up another question. How can they enforce such a rule so strictly when there is a 99.999999999% chance they are as guilty of pirating as anyone else?

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Guest Ragna_Rok

junko? ---> >>CLICK<<


its like when the police asks you "did you cheat on your tax declaration" ... the only correct answer is "No. Of course not."

... its just another reason to fap off to their personal bodycounts.

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Guest Ragna_Rok

youre welcome ;)


is it just me, or are the support forums on nexus pretty much dead? ... i mean, tons of folks asking for help, and then either no reply, noone helps, whatever... the community really is fed up i think... ... ... LOL! Muwahahaaaa! :D

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youre welcome ;)


is it just me, or are the support forums on nexus pretty much dead? ... i mean, tons of folks asking for help, and then either no reply, noone helps, whatever... the community really is fed up i think... ... ... LOL! Muwahahaaaa! :D

The support at nexus was never that good to begin with. When I first started trying to mod I asked questions there and never got any answers. It wasn't till I joined LL that I started getting real answers to my questions.

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Oh lord...that gif made me spit coffee on my lap..... :o <------my face. I'm at a loss as to why dorkone hasn't pulled out the ban hammer, perhaps he has grown up?

"Looks out the window"


Sky blue instead of purple. check

Birds flying through the air instead of pigs. check

Hell still hot instead of being frozen over........I'll get back to you on this one in about 40 or 50 years. :P


Long story short not likely they just haven't pissed him off to that point yet.

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youre welcome ;)


is it just me, or are the support forums on nexus pretty much dead? ... i mean, tons of folks asking for help, and then either no reply, noone helps, whatever... the community really is fed up i think... ... ... LOL! Muwahahaaaa! :D

The support at nexus was never that good to begin with. When I first started trying to mod I asked questions there and never got any answers. It wasn't till I joined LL that I started getting real answers to my questions.


I had the exact same experience. I got nothing but condesending remarks from vertran modders at nexus and when i came here it was a completely different community, being part of the LL community is a good thing.


The nexus would have you believe that LL and its members are evil no good people while those at the nexus are all saints but after spending a year with LL I find it's actually the reverse.

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The nexus would have you believe that LL and its members are evil no good people while those at the nexus are all saints but after spending a year with LL I find it's actually the reverse.

When I had the Official Type3 Release for New Vegas up at Nexus I was always providing support.  No matter how stupid the post or rude the poster they always got help...not that I was ever nice about it if they were asking something already covered in the instructions or simply a dick.  I provided so much support that people were coming to my mod page to get that fugly BOG rip-off trash to work...and then they would go and endorse BOG (bog = toilet, btw) and NOT endorse the real Type3 I provided.  And they rarely even said so much as thank you.
Funny that LL is portrayed as 'evil' yet the the likes of BlackBlossom and her mod-thieving and hack-job modding ways are loved at Nexus.  Not surprising, since LHammonds, Bben and Budda are all mod hi-jackers too.  I don't see the LL staff throwing their weight around and bullying members with posts the way the Nexus staff does either.  So, who is more 'evil'?
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One part of me wants to head over to Nexus and tell the D0rk to stop fingering hes own brown eye and start treating the modders/community he has left with respect and also the so called "leechers" that he so nice call everyone with an adblock that without them. Nexus wouldn't be what they are today. But he would prolly smell his own finger and get high on the odour and assault me with a hammer. Not big a loss for me, but I can't take the risk that he might ban the whole country.

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Guest Ragna_Rok


TOR would like to have a word with you.



well, i didnt like that one alarm after the other showed up while i just made up a noob-manual-mod-installation-guide for skyrim... but that link is worth a fortune. sadly im a student and thus bankrupt, but you get a like and a couple of karma points ;)


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