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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Guest Ragna_Rok

but it was used for the site... only a crackhead can fuck up a page like that :D


ps: party-time! (and time for bed when im done) ... im just uploading my mod number 30 here :) YAY! :)

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Read the RedHarlequin post and that sophist cunt Dark0ne's response.  He justified and misdirected just like always and asked for 'proof'.  Yeah, go ahead and provide him with quotes and links and see what happens.  Insta-ban.  "Oh, you can PROVE I'm a panties-in-a-twist little bitch and I'm full of shit?...You're BANNED."  Happened to me and it happens to anyone who actually bothers to take him up on his offer of 'proof'.  There is no dealing with that dude.  He's the wenig Führer of the Nexus Vaterland.  If he wants to swish around and pontificate then by all means let him.  He's not stupid or a fool, he's a BITCH.  The people who follow him blindly and swallow his pablum are the stupid ones and fools.

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Guest Ragna_Rok

Read the RedHarlequin post and that sophist cunt Dark0ne's response.  He justified and misdirected just like always and asked for 'proof'.  Yeah, go ahead and provide him with quotes and links and see what happens.  Insta-ban.  "Oh, you can PROVE I'm a panties-in-a-twist little bitch and I'm full of shit?...You're BANNED."  Happened to me and it happens to anyone who actually bothers to take him up on his offer of 'proof'.  There is no dealing with that dude.  He's the wenig Führer of the Nexus Vaterland.  If he wants to swish around and pontificate then by all means let him.  He's not stupid or a fool, he's a BITCH.  The people who follow him blindly and swallow his pablum are the stupid ones and fools.


could you gimme the link please? im trying to upload a file at the moment and it doesnt work... kinda... would like to read it :) EDIT: DONE... thx sheep :)


(ps: "wenig" doesnt make sense there, it means "less"... greetings from germany :D ... in case you mean little in an insulting way it would be "mickrige")


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Guest corespore

When dorkone starts crying i'll offer a hug where i can take advantage of the situation to rub my hillbilly junk against his hip and traumatize him for life




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Guest Ragna_Rok



Now where is my trophy / award? :rolleyes:



ps: strange ... neither bigdaddy nor harlequin are banned or striked... well, that means another post from good ol daddy guaranteed tonight :ph34r:


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Guest corespore

If you checkout his latest "state of the union" addresses he posts front page of his website the criticism has gotten so bad they can't edit them out fast enough. Dorkone bit off more than anybody could chew this time. You guys haven't got the boot (yet) because he has a few million pisses off customers at this moment. He may be infamous for making smartasses comments as he bans people but he can only do it so fast, and with half the customer base tossing feces at him it's going to take a while before his sarcasm and ban hammer can catch up with his mistakes. On the plus side you have some extra time to toss mud in his face before you get your walking papers.  :lol:

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Guest Ragna_Rok

yay! more time for tossing crap at dork-1's face!! .. AWESOME!!


ps: scythe + hrothmund = rovhul's cross ;)




*sneak-ninja-advertisement-ftw* :ph34r:

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Guest Ragna_Rok

sometimes a fast brutal fatality is quite funny...




and concerning benny, we got a figure of speech here. "the jackass always states himself first" ... yep.... where HE, and a couple of others...

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Guest Ragna_Rok

*yoink!* ... how could i miss that one? *quotes*


Happily and thankfully a week after I wrote my 2,600 word End of Year review/essay we managed to stabilize our new server setup and run through some quick but efficient code updates that have enabled us to run the sites almost down-time free over the past week. No database desyncs, no maintenance windows, just a few times where we've taken the pages down for a few minutes to perform code updates. Paint me f'ing happy on that. And vindicated in my own eyes. No doubt we've still got work to do, but the important thing is that things are way better now. */quote*


down time free over the past week... hm. last time i checked nexus was down for 2 full days from that last week. maintenance windows? nope, they didnt show up, actually NOTHING showed up :D ... how can someone running a site be such a fucking amateure. i mean, he needs 2600 words? ... lemme give it a shot...


END OF YEAR ESSAY (the original edition)

Sorry, our servers were down more than they were available. After all i was so busy being an asshole that i just clicked around on my crack-breaks and maybe messed stuff up. I dont know jack shit about server-maintenance. Our fixes of the NMM were great, except the DDOS-Thingy, the trouble that users had when the nmm shred their game to pieces, and some other flaws, but thats not my problem. We banned 100.000 people, so our moderators are very effective and top notch. Leechers are assholes, if you have adblock running you can go fuck yourself.

If you dont pay money and let me and my staff treat you like shit you can suck my dick. If you find the small bastard.


--> 122 words... FLAWLESS VICTORY!



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Guest Ragna_Rok

quite frankly i dont know... now give my awesome post some likes! ... it was hard to come up with this story, its hard to pretend you dont have a brain to sound like dork-one ;)


cheers ;)

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Guest corespore

quite frankly i dont know... now give my awesome post some likes! ... it was hard to come up with this story, its hard to pretend you dont have a brain to sound like dork-one ;)


cheers ;)

Intervention time. Ragna....you have a like addiction, its OK, were here to help. (holds up paper cutout of human body) now just point to where nexus touched you and we can start the healing.

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Guest Ragna_Rok

well, to be honest, you caught me :D


you know about "Farkas" and "Vilkas"? both mean wolf. one is lithuanian (or however that language is called in english)... im not the first one using tricks on my names ;)

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Guest Ragna_Rok

Aww, your post is edited. Well, maybe for the best. :D  Because the Danish language.... Thats pure blasphemy.

I can't understand a word they say.


Norwegian language, thats totally different. I understand that with ease, but Danish, no way.


you were to slow... but another fellow from here explained it in my support topic. claims it would mean that in most scandinavian languages... i got no clue, i used bing and translated from german to danish ;)

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Aww, your post is edited. Well, maybe for the best. :D  Because the Danish language.... Thats pure blasphemy.

I can't understand a word they say.


Norwegian language, thats totally different. I understand that with ease, but Danish, no way.


you were to slow... but another fellow from here explained it in my support topic. claims it would mean that in most scandinavian languages... i got no clue, i used bing and translated from german to danish ;)



lol, my plan got busted. Ohh well, another time then :lol:


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