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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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I can't wait for when Dark0ne posts something explaining this whole thing (since he recently posted about how this wouldn't be happening anymore as they had apparently stabilized everything already). "We thought it'd be fun to shoot paintballs at the servers", followed by a rush of comments to the effect of "We appreciate all the hard work you're doing".

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I hope he doesn't go down too quickly. anyone remember the old TESsource site before it became tesnexus ?? allot of mods got lost.

If he pulls the plug then bye bye mods.


I don't really see this site taking that much traffic at this point, maybe in the future,the moment all those users comes here then it will quickly crumble.


It is better to keep those users there. before more of those trolls come here.


Hey your mod suck kind of response. :P

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Guest Ragna_Rok


He's repeating himself like like a broken record. And am I reading this incorrectly, or he just admitted that the site has been progressively going down the toilet since FO3?


i love those screenshots. more hilarious than a funny movie, sadder than the saddest drama, as qualified for running this website as the three stooges are to fly a spaceshuttle, as gentle as tom from tom and jerry when it comes to good reactions.... you gotta love this guy.


since i still suffer from exam-phase, im gonna celebrate his continuing miserable management and unexcusable incompetence with my new special avatar... i herewith declare the next two weeks to my personal "Dork-1-week"




*changes avatar*


edit: DONE :)


to stay true to the role im gonna go to the big board of fun's banning game 2 and bann the fuck out of everyone and everything :D


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Guest Ragna_Rok

yeah, im pretty sure i need a new account over there... on the other hand, it was totally worth it.... i love high calibers :D


uh.... which of course doesnt mean it was me, it was total conincidence that i was there to make a screen from that one minute after it was posted. *cough* ... uhm... pure luck, you know ;)



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Guest Ragna_Rok

guess its time for another goodie for my beloved sanctuary over here... playable AND craftable "hrothmunds axe" coming soon (20 - 30 minutes) ... its another 2 k views in about 2 - 3 weeks for my favorite skyrim-mod-site (of course its more on long sight). craftable version hasnt been done yet as far as i know.


... was on my list anway... FORWARD! TO BATTLE! FOR HONOR! FOR GLORY! FOR MALACATH! FOR ORSINIUM! FOR LOVERSLAB! FOR BEING ABLE TO FAP TO RISING DOWNLOADS! (lets be honest about the last one, dear modding brothers-in-arms :D )



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Guest Ragna_Rok

I get the feeling Skyrim had a lot of things that were supposed to be in the game but Bes either didn't finish them for some reason (most likely out of laziness) or it was removed for some reason (they couldn't get it to work).


nope, they were scratched. no one can tell me that me as a moderate gear modder can do in 10 minutes what they couldnt, especially since theyre the one with much more xp. same counts for the dragonshout used in falskaar, this one was already in the regular skyrim bsa, just not used.


anyhow, were getting off topic.


im gonna watch out what happens to bigdaddy and post it when he gets wasted. though the comment was absolutely within nexus tos. besides that nearly no conversation at all... if poor daddy gets it, its a simple "dontcha dare talking back at us"-ban.

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Guest Ragna_Rok


..oh..thanks for the shock your new avatar game me... Just the thought Dork0ne dragged his ass over here...I've almost fell from my chair laughing.. :lol:




Same here.  I was like...WTF?   :dodgy:






for those that didnt get the news yet, im celebrating "Dork-1-Week" ... so happy dork-1-week everybody :) ... join the fun, change your avatar for 2 weeks to the one from the nexus admin / moderator that annoys you most :)

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