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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Looks like the author of Unlimited Bookshelves is banned from Nexus too... jeez...

Can you direct me to the "hall of shame"? I can't believe what I just read.


No need.

Unlimited Bookshelves: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10891/?
Mod Author: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4011527/?


This is what he said...

Hi everyone, this is Da5id2701, deciding to resurface... Got a few things to address... First, the ban. I have no clue why I was banned. It may be due to the 'only one account' rule, because, as I recently discovered, I had this account before I made da5id2701 (this is an old username that I don't use anymore and I had forgotten that I made this account when Skyrim first came out). Anyway, it's strange that I used da5id2701 for several months without a problem. Regardless, my ban appeal, forum searching, and 2 emails to site admins (all over the course of several weeks) recieved absolutely no response or acknowledgement. So, unless I hear otherwise, I'll just assume that it's cool to use this account now and that there's no chance of recovering da5id2701. It's been a long time since I've been active with this mod, even considering the ban. I have the classic ADHD issue of focusing intently on a project for a short while and then losing all motivation/ability to finish it. Also, my life has gotten significantly busier in recent months, so I don't have as much time to spend anyway. However, I am still definitely interested in this mod and have more plans for it. So, I will try to find some time/motivation to continue work on it in the near(ish) future. Really can't promise much though. As an aside, if anyone who reads this and knows scripting well would like to contribute, I would be happy to share authorship now that I won't be working on it at nearly the rate I was at the beginning. In the meantime, anything new that happens will be at this mod's Steam Workshop page (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13661) since I can't edit the nexus page. I may re-post the mod under this account, but not until I've cleared up the ban a little better to avoid just getting banned again. (As far as I know, this post might get me banned again...) First thing I'll try to address when I get back to this is the issue with 1.7 breaking things. No idea off the top of my head what might have been changed, so it'll take some investigating... Interestingly, nobody on the workshop page has reported this issue... As for people having duplication issues, that's happened since the beginning with this mod. I know what's happening, but I don't know why, since I've designed it so it shouldn't happen. I'm afraid it will just keep happening sporadically unless/until I come up with a completely new way to handle the book placing and place/pick up detection. Until then, try the reset script or avoid objects that tend to duplicate. So to summarize that novel-length post: Got banned, not active for long time, will try to be more active soon(ish), but new stuff will only be on Steam Workshop for now. Anyone can always contact me at da5id2701@gmail.com In case this is the last I'm heard from on the nexus, thanks to everyone who's provided such great positive (and even negative) feedback and helped me make this! You're the reason I want to continue modding despite my lack of time and attention span!





Not surprised since its the nexus, but still very stupid. Thanks for the help.

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I also pm'd a Nexus mod about it as well, and he said this...

I couldn't find anything under either name. But the message is old - August of 2012. Neither name rings any bells for me.


If he now wants back, he needs to submit a unban request under the name he wants unbanned.

So if anyone knows him and wants to contact him and let him know, go for it.

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I also pm'd a Nexus mod about it as well, and he said this...

I couldn't find anything under either name. But the message is old - August of 2012. Neither name rings any bells for me.


If he now wants back, he needs to submit a unban request under the name he wants unbanned.

So if anyone knows him and wants to contact him and let him know, go for it.



How are you supposed to send a lift ban request from a banned account/username? :D Can you even do that?

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The trick is getting them to respond, not knowing how to go about finding or filling out an on-line form.  To them, no answer is an answer.  They gloat about it.  They think it's funny.  That is, if they even get the messages since Nexus has so many tech problems.

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Lets not forget the irony that downloading rarely ever works without an issue yet the banning feature work flawlessly. 

They probably have a few extra hamster wheels driving that part of the server.  As long as the chat and the ban hammer works who really cares about little things like download speeds?

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Nexus servers used to be much more reliable. Before I used to look for the top server (ordered in ascending amount of users), now I'm looking at the bottom ones because the top ones are usually broken.


Look at the servers towards the top that are not labeled with (NX) at the end of them.  In this case X is 2-14, I wonder what happened to the (N1) server.





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Nexus servers used to be much more reliable. Before I used to look for the top server (ordered in ascending amount of users), now I'm looking at the bottom ones because the top ones are usually broken.


I frequently use Salt Lake #4, as it seems to be more reliable than the ones on West Coast.

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Then I guess no one ever gets re-instated, then? I'm surprised there isn't more since most bannings are for piracy. It's also probably a reason that easily appeal-able by showing proof of purchase.

I can only confirm one single unban of a persons account. They were a very popular modder who got into an argument with one of the chat rooms moderators over an accusation of ripped content, they got banned from there and when the mod author began pulling their mods from nexus they "reviewed" the chat log and the mod in question and reinstated their account. Nevermind the fact that five people including myself confirmed it was custom meshed (i helped a little with the texturing), they got banned because they told the moderator they should do their homework before they opened their mouth, the accusation by the moderator of ripped content was bull and even the moderator knew it, but thats what happens when you hurt their feelings. They didn't even bother to apologize to the mod author for all the crap they put her through. After i saw all of this with my own eyes that was the last straw for me and it became 90% of the reason i left nexus. The ban was crap and they only unbanned her after they began losing accounts and not because they felt like they did anything wrong.

Even if you supply proof of purchase they will not unban an account, it's entirely up to the admin who banned you to reinstate your account and not what evidence you bring to the appeal.

EDIT: And if you steal something and decide to pay for it later because you like it it makes no less a thief.


Heh, the one who "made" (and I use that word loosely) the Draconic armor in Oblivion just ripped it directly from Linage 2, texture and all. I had the mesh and textures extracted myself and sent a mod proof with them side by side where it was really fucking obvious I was right and nothing was ever done about it.


Why did I care? Because my much better port, my Heavy Imperial Crusader (Human) got taken down for being ripped from L2, and then they do the same thing except with a shitty rip that didn't even include the jewel in the front of the panties... and they get online famous and a fuckload of videos made and front page and shit. God, that pissed me off.


Well shit, I still have it... I don't think more than a few people ever even saw it. I may as well post it here. I don't even care anymore.

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Guest Ragna_Rok

Seems they must of ran out of potatoes and have to restock you get the *This webpage is not available* a lot today.


you too, eh? lol ... yep, they simply suck :D


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