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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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I'm pretty sure Slof quit because the user base berated her until she did. I distinctly remember her being just as bad as the other moderators.

Yeah, I remember that.  She eventually popped a fuse and stop being a moderator and then her former staff mates and Dark0ne turned on her like a school of sharks after she dared to question them about screenshot content in the open forums.  After that she deleted all of her mods and quit Nexus and Dark0ne (true to his panties-in-twist reputation) lashed out at her publicly.


Dark0ne might actually get his head and his ass wired together someday and iron out the tech issues on Nexus.  Two things he'll never fix are fuck-tard staff members and his own shitty attitude.

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you guys are clearly out of the loop, are we even talking about the same Alien Sloffs with her own site ?? She left because she was always creating male stuff, and people where attacking her for it. callin her stuff gay and so on.




She doesn't even have any worthwhile mods outside of morrowind. The entire affair is hilarious, I'm pretty sure the only way she ended up with them in the first place was her over inflated sense of self importance.


Now your being  a troll she has made the best horse compilation there is for oblivion even for skyrim now.


Also lovers with pk here is even using her penis mesh , she still makes great stuff if you look for them.



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Now your being  a troll she has made the best horse compilation there is for oblivion even for skyrim now.


Also lovers with pk here is even using her penis mesh , she still makes great stuff if you look for them.

How is one a troll for stating their opinion? Calm your nexus. 


Affairs with AS were always hilarious; it seemed as if she almost enjoyed acting offended as it gave her a pretext to remove the mods and watch people beg her to bring them back. She was the very definition of a drama queen and AFAIK she removed all of her stuff at least twice, though that was long ago and I doubt it had anything to do with her leaving the nexus staff.


As for her mods, they catered to female/gay audience and as such were quite good.





No wonder modders are leaving there.

Really? Any big names that already packed their stuff and gone to parts unknown?


Oh...I don't know...maybe..Montana Blue Skies, Ominimotus, JoeltheMadMole, AlienSlof, Kikaimegami, Sickleyield, Earache42, kiwi82mx, Divinex, Lucharie, 2pac4eva7, Earache42, ME...etc.  Recognize any names?

I was never a big name but some of you may remember a mod or two of mine - I re-uploaded them at my tumblr recently.

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No wonder modders are leaving there.

Really? Any big names that already packed their stuff and gone to parts unknown?


Oh...I don't know...maybe..Montana Blue Skies, Ominimotus, JoeltheMadMole, AlienSlof, Kikaimegami, Sickleyield, Earache42, kiwi82mx, Divinex, Lucharie, 2pac4eva7, Earache42, ME...etc.  Recognize any names?

I was never a big name but some of you may remember a mod or two of mine - I re-uploaded them at my tumblr recently.


Wait... YOU are Necroscope? Damn... I was searching for some of your stuff not so long ago.  :lol: ..love your Lady Death outfit for Oblivion


@Kendo: I sure know Earache, Slof, 2pac, you and Luchaire(..though I had no idea he/she left). Also REZ comes to mind (DC Subway, REZ's Hell for Fallout 3) ..funny...you also made Lady Death stuff for F3/NV..love that too  :D

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How is one a troll for stating their opinion? Calm your nexus. 




I would just like to point you towards your own signature line. ;) Not ALL opinions are valid, just as you've pointed out.


I'm not saying anything here about any particular member or opinion either. Just pointing out some sweet irony. :D Oh, and I've been using your fixed faces in Fallout.


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There's no irony here at all; simply stating an opinion is neither valid nor invalid, it's just an act. Now I don't agree with him/her and don't consider the opinion valid (because there was an audience for AS mods), but being called a troll just because you consider a mod not worthwhile is not what my sig is all about. Trolls are people who kick and bite just to stick with their standpoint despite being introduced to facts - as for now it's not the case here.




Wait... YOU are Necroscope? 



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No wonder modders are leaving there.

Really? Any big names that already packed their stuff and gone to parts unknown?


Oh...I don't know...maybe..Montana Blue Skies, Ominimotus, JoeltheMadMole, AlienSlof, Kikaimegami, Sickleyield, Earache42, kiwi82mx, Divinex, Lucharie, 2pac4eva7, Earache42, ME...etc.  Recognize any names?
They are all people who left Nexus either by their own accord or were banned after butting heads with high-and-mighty Nexus staff members.  NONE OF THEM were banned for theft or uploading illegal content.  I know these modders and they left because of the way the Nexus staff deals with people.   Some of them simply chose to walk away quietly.  Others let their feelings be known and were banned for it.  And guess what?  All of those people are still modding, either on smaller forums like this one or for their personal sites or blogspots.
To say or think that Nexus is 'the-one-and-only' is why Dark0ne and his pack of stooges act the way they do.  If every member on that site who thought 'Dude, FUCK YOU!' actually posted that the staff would have to go on banning binge.  Dark0ne and most of his liberal-twink crew cannot deal with someone telling them they are full of shit when they ARE.  I'd love to see how they deal with people in real life.  They're probably a pack of pussies.  Pretty evident by how they treat people and the ever-present condescending attitudes they have.
EDIT:  I forgot chucksteel too, but I have no idea why he abandoned Nexus since I'm not friends with him, but he is at VGU and TTW now, NOT NEXUS.



Add VectorPlexus, the creator of SOS to that.

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Indeed, the author of SOS [shlongs of Skyrim] got most of that shit too on nexus. I still don't get it why most authors just don't disable reply section on there mod download page. At least this will keep this at bay.


And if anyone wants to add constructive criticism they can just open a new topic on the forum so the mod author won't be bothered by it. The mod author can then decide if they want to read that topic rather then being forced to read it when viewing his download section. I think will work much better.

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Premium account for faster and resumable and multiple download. Lol.


Pay to win.


Pay to lick Dark0ne's boots. I experience a lot of problems when downloading from the Nexus, especially when downloading via NMM. It seems like that mod manager never gets finished despite being updated once a week which stuff that no one can recognize. I usually try different mirrors instead but I would never pay a since penny to that uptight staff. I'd rather put my money on LL if I had some to spare.


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Indeed, the author of SOS [shlongs of Skyrim] got most of that shit too on nexus. I still don't get it why most authors just don't disable reply section on there mod download page. At least this will keep this at bay.

Because they want to receive good comments expressing cheers and appreciation? Unfortunately, odds are there's lots of fellas out there in the dark who just can't wait to tell you what a pathetic excuse of a human being you are and how shitty and embarrassing your submission is. Why? Because this is the Internet. By crawling inside and pulling your stuff back you only render a troll successful and upset the people who liked your mod. When I was an active member of the Nexus it was not a rarity for me to deal with trolls: shitposters, requesters or people too dumb to read one sentence from the description, even if it was bold and red, in order to get the mod to work. And so what? I would just ignore them or laugh at their shit.


The problem with the nexus is that they try to create a safe environment for people who can't deal with criticism yet in the same they expand and gather so many random posters that's impossible to filter all the shit floating around. As a result, they ban a lot of decent folks in the process while modders who are about to get butthurt and pack their toys get butthurt anyway.

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That is why i placed this part:



And if anyone wants to add constructive criticism they can just open a new topic on the forum so the mod author won't be bothered by it. The mod author can then decide if they want to read that topic rather then being forced to read it when viewing his download section. I think will work much better.


If the modder don't read all the abusive posts then no harm done since he could have just not read the topic. But i get your point, right now it is better to just leave it the way it is. There is always an ignore function in any forum, so if you get abusive posts you can just ignore the user and still no harm done at least he won't be able to spam your pm anymore either.

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well, its just omegared99 returns from his break, that some realityfags are bitchin about boobplates and male armor scale


jzues man, now we need a mod that makes skyrim look like Christopher Nolan's Bhatmaynverse, where there's no magic, dragons and Daedric lords



at least for now omega is ignoring

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meh, if those potatoes are located on that large island north of France then they are bound to be soggy. Lemons would probably make better servers anyway.


That website has, to me, become nothing but a waste of time lately. I'll check for new mods from time to time, but more often than not, it's just variations on the same theme.

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Looks like the author of Unlimited Bookshelves is banned from Nexus too... jeez...


Can you direct me to the "hall of shame"? I can't believe what I just read.


No need.


Unlimited Bookshelves: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10891/?

Mod Author: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4011527/?




This is what he said...


Hi everyone, this is Da5id2701, deciding to resurface... Got a few things to address... First, the ban. I have no clue why I was banned. It may be due to the 'only one account' rule, because, as I recently discovered, I had this account before I made da5id2701 (this is an old username that I don't use anymore and I had forgotten that I made this account when Skyrim first came out). Anyway, it's strange that I used da5id2701 for several months without a problem. Regardless, my ban appeal, forum searching, and 2 emails to site admins (all over the course of several weeks) recieved absolutely no response or acknowledgement. So, unless I hear otherwise, I'll just assume that it's cool to use this account now and that there's no chance of recovering da5id2701. It's been a long time since I've been active with this mod, even considering the ban. I have the classic ADHD issue of focusing intently on a project for a short while and then losing all motivation/ability to finish it. Also, my life has gotten significantly busier in recent months, so I don't have as much time to spend anyway. However, I am still definitely interested in this mod and have more plans for it. So, I will try to find some time/motivation to continue work on it in the near(ish) future. Really can't promise much though. As an aside, if anyone who reads this and knows scripting well would like to contribute, I would be happy to share authorship now that I won't be working on it at nearly the rate I was at the beginning. In the meantime, anything new that happens will be at this mod's Steam Workshop page (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13661) since I can't edit the nexus page. I may re-post the mod under this account, but not until I've cleared up the ban a little better to avoid just getting banned again. (As far as I know, this post might get me banned again...) First thing I'll try to address when I get back to this is the issue with 1.7 breaking things. No idea off the top of my head what might have been changed, so it'll take some investigating... Interestingly, nobody on the workshop page has reported this issue... As for people having duplication issues, that's happened since the beginning with this mod. I know what's happening, but I don't know why, since I've designed it so it shouldn't happen. I'm afraid it will just keep happening sporadically unless/until I come up with a completely new way to handle the book placing and place/pick up detection. Until then, try the reset script or avoid objects that tend to duplicate. So to summarize that novel-length post: Got banned, not active for long time, will try to be more active soon(ish), but new stuff will only be on Steam Workshop for now. Anyone can always contact me at da5id2701@gmail.com In case this is the last I'm heard from on the nexus, thanks to everyone who's provided such great positive (and even negative) feedback and helped me make this! You're the reason I want to continue modding despite my lack of time and attention span!

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Which moron pegged him, anyway? They should've checked track history before slapping locks on accounts, but then they do lock or invalidate user accounts by request.


@Da5id2701: if you're reading this, try other mod communities to host your mods.

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