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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Guest Ragna_Rok

This is the error message I get when I try to create an account.


well, i got no clue how this is possible... just wanted to point you to a dude that used to release on nexus... before he got banned. me :D


links in signature, all stuff completely independent, doesnt require anything that isnt in my mod-file.


are you sure you didnt get bannhammered there? ... hm. this really looks like an ipban. anyone ever had that?


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Ok so you've got me totally confused, because why would my ip be banned if I've never been to their site before that time?  I'm sorry, I've never modded or done anything wrong on any site before, the only sites I've been on prior to trying to get on Nexus were ones for Eq2 guild sites or long time ago of WoW..so I'm confused.


Start a new E-mail account and try again with that new E-mail. If that doesn't work try again and use a proxy.

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Ok well I'm a total noob surrounding most of this..but I googled Skyrim Nexus..then clicked that..then up at the top it says "log in" and has the option to create an account.  Wasn't sure of any other way to try to create an account.

And thus your adventures with Nexus begins...nothing like a first impression.  Best of luck to you.  :)

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To push his "zero tolerance to trolls" campaign even further Dork0one should put a "permaban yourself" button on top of every nexus site that would randomly change places with the "images" and "files" buttons.


Reason for the ban: fate.



Ok so you've got me totally confused, because why would my ip be banned if I've never been to their site before that time?  I'm sorry, I've never modded or done anything wrong on any site before, the only sites I've been on prior to trying to get on Nexus were ones for Eq2 guild sites or long time ago of WoW..so I'm confused.


You must find your minority report.

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Guest corespore


No wonder modders are leaving there.

Really? Any big names that already packed their stuff and gone to parts unknown?


I doubt many modders are going to leave there any time soon. Most are all too aware of how things are there but they continue to support the site. Not to any great loss either, i feel much better knowing the ones who can't deal with criticism are bunched together there and not spreading about. As for the good modders there (and there are many) they will either suck it up as usual or be driven off (banned) if they have any issues. Same crap different day as the saying goes. I'm just happy to be here and have a place at LL where i can associate with people i like.

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No wonder modders are leaving there.

Really? Any big names that already packed their stuff and gone to parts unknown?


Oh...I don't know...maybe..Montana Blue Skies, Ominimotus, JoeltheMadMole, AlienSlof, Kikaimegami, Sickleyield, Earache42, kiwi82mx, Divinex, Lucharie, 2pac4eva7, Earache42, ME...etc.  Recognize any names?
They are all people who left Nexus either by their own accord or were banned after butting heads with high-and-mighty Nexus staff members.  NONE OF THEM were banned for theft or uploading illegal content.  I know these modders and they left because of the way the Nexus staff deals with people.   Some of them simply chose to walk away quietly.  Others let their feelings be known and were banned for it.  And guess what?  All of those people are still modding, either on smaller forums like this one or for their personal sites or blogspots.
To say or think that Nexus is 'the-one-and-only' is why Dark0ne and his pack of stooges act the way they do.  If every member on that site who thought 'Dude, FUCK YOU!' actually posted that the staff would have to go on banning binge.  Dark0ne and most of his liberal-twink crew cannot deal with someone telling them they are full of shit when they ARE.  I'd love to see how they deal with people in real life.  They're probably a pack of pussies.  Pretty evident by how they treat people and the ever-present condescending attitudes they have.
EDIT:  I forgot chucksteel too, but I have no idea why he abandoned Nexus since I'm not friends with him, but he is at VGU and TTW now, NOT NEXUS.
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This is the error message I get when I try to create an account.



Ok so you've got me totally confused, because why would my ip be banned if I've never been to their site before that time?  I'm sorry, I've never modded or done anything wrong on any site before, the only sites I've been on prior to trying to get on Nexus were ones for Eq2 guild sites or long time ago of WoW..so I'm confused.


Now it seems that they are preemptively banning future members...

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Ok so you've got me totally confused, because why would my ip be banned if I've never been to their site before that time?  I'm sorry, I've never modded or done anything wrong on any site before, the only sites I've been on prior to trying to get on Nexus were ones for Eq2 guild sites or long time ago of WoW..so I'm confused.


Now it seems that they are preemptively banning future members

fucking shocker. XD

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They maybe reading this site and no wonder you guys are actively insulting them. so if you use a  username from here and go there and use the same user name they already know who you are even if you use proxie they can still track you. hell it looks like NSA all over. :P

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Guest Ragna_Rok



No wonder modders are leaving there.

Really? Any big names that already packed their stuff and gone to parts unknown?


Oh...I don't know...maybe..Montana Blue Skies, Ominimotus, JoeltheMadMole, AlienSlof, Kikaimegami, Sickleyield, Earache42, kiwi82mx, Divinex, Lucharie, 2pac4eva7, Earache42, ME...etc.  Recognize any names?
They are all people who left Nexus either by their own accord or were banned after butting heads with high-and-mighty Nexus staff members.  NONE OF THEM were banned for theft or uploading illegal content.  I know these modders and they left because of the way the Nexus staff deals with people.   Some of them simply chose to walk away quietly.  Others let their feelings be known and were banned for it.  And guess what?  All of those people are still modding, either on smaller forums like this one or for their personal sites or blogspots.
To say or think that Nexus is 'the-one-and-only' is why Dark0ne and his pack of stooges act the way they do.  If every member on that site who thought 'Dude, FUCK YOU!' actually posted that the staff would have to go on banning binge.  Dark0ne and most of his liberal-twink crew cannot deal with someone telling them they are full of shit when they ARE.  I'd love to see how they deal with people in real life.  They're probably a pack of pussies.  Pretty evident by how they treat people and the ever-present condescending attitudes they have.
EDIT:  I forgot chucksteel too, but I have no idea why he abandoned Nexus since I'm not friends with him, but he is at VGU and TTW now, NOT NEXUS.




"Big names" and you forgot the "Brutal Orcish Master Blacksmith"? Shame on you! :lol:


All hail "tmfkac"! ( = the modder formerly known as chicky540)


All hail "Ragna_Rok"!! :blush: 



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No wonder modders are leaving there.

Really? Any big names that already packed their stuff and gone to parts unknown?


Oh...I don't know...maybe..Montana Blue Skies, Ominimotus, JoeltheMadMole, AlienSlof, Kikaimegami, Sickleyield, Earache42, kiwi82mx, Divinex, Lucharie, 2pac4eva7, Earache42, ME...etc.  Recognize any names?
They are all people who left Nexus either by their own accord or were banned after butting heads with high-and-mighty Nexus staff members.  NONE OF THEM were banned for theft or uploading illegal content.  I know these modders and they left because of the way the Nexus staff deals with people.   Some of them simply chose to walk away quietly.  Others let their feelings be known and were banned for it.  And guess what?  All of those people are still modding, either on smaller forums like this one or for their personal sites or blogspots.
To say or think that Nexus is 'the-one-and-only' is why Dark0ne and his pack of stooges act the way they do.  If every member on that site who thought 'Dude, FUCK YOU!' actually posted that the staff would have to go on banning binge.  Dark0ne and most of his liberal-twink crew cannot deal with someone telling them they are full of shit when they ARE.  I'd love to see how they deal with people in real life.  They're probably a pack of pussies.  Pretty evident by how they treat people and the ever-present condescending attitudes they have.
EDIT:  I forgot chucksteel too, but I have no idea why he abandoned Nexus since I'm not friends with him, but he is at VGU and TTW now, NOT NEXUS.



I'm pretty sure Slof quit because the user base berated her until she did. I distinctly remember her being just as bad as the other moderators.

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